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S. K. Sowe, Samoladas, I., Stamelos, I., and Angelis, L., Are FLOSS developers committing to CVS/SVN as much as they are talking in mailing lists? Challenges for Integrating data from Multiple Repositories, in 3rd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2008), 2008, pp. 49-54.PDF icon 49-542008.pdf (797.4 KB)
D. Lorenzi and Rossi, C., Assessing Innovation in the Software Sector: Proprietary vs. FOSS Production Mode. Preliminary Evidence from the Italian Case, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 325 - 331.PDF icon Assessing Innovation in the Software Sector (223.66 KB)
Q. Li, Heckman, R., Allen, E., Crowston, K., Eseryel, U. Y., Howison, J., and Wiggins, A., Asynchronous Decision-Making in Distributed Teams, in Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2008, 2008, pp. 1–2.PDF icon CSCW2008FLOSSposter_sub.pdf (299.56 KB)PDF icon CSCW2008Poster11x17sub.pdf (202.73 KB)
Q. C. Taylor, Stevenson, J. E., Delorey, D. P., and Knutson, C. D., Author Entropy: A Metric for Characterization of Software Authorship Patterns, in 3rd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2008), 2008, pp. 42-47.PDF icon entropy2008.pdf (1.12 MB)
J. Hope, Biobazaar: The Open Source Revolution and Biotechnology. Harvard University Press, 2008.
J. Spacco and Williams, C. C., Branching and merging in the repository, in the 2008 international workshopProceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Mining software repositories - MSR '08, New York, New York, USA, 2008, pp. 19-22.PDF icon p19-williams.pdf (280.51 KB)
K. Crowston and Scozzi, B., Bug Fixing Practices within Free/Libre Open Source Software Development Teams, Journal of Database Management, vol. 19, pp. 1–30, 2008.PDF icon CrowstonScozziJDBM2008.pdf (547.43 KB)
R. T. Watson, Boudreau, M. C., York, P. T., Greiner, M. E., and Wynn, D., The business of open source, Communications of the ACM, vol. 51, pp. 41-46, 2008.
K. Ven and Mannaert, H., Challenges and strategies in the use of Open Source Software by Independent Software Vendors, Information and Software Technology, vol. 50, no. 9-10, pp. 991 - 1002, 2008.
J. Henkel, Champions of Revealing - The Role of Open Source Developers in Commercial Firms. 2008.PDF icon Henkel_Champions_of_revealing_2008-01.pdf (223.45 KB)
J. - M. Dalle, den Besten, M., and Masmoudi, H., Channeling Firefox Developers: Mom and Dad Aren’t Happy Yet, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 265 - 271.PDF icon Channeling Firefox Developers (155.8 KB)
G. R. Vetter, Claiming Copyleft in Open Source Software: What if the Free Software Foundation's General Public License (GPL) had been Patented?. 2008.PDF icon Vetter.ClaimingCopyleftInOSS-WhatIfGPLPatented.2008Mich.St_.L.Rev_.279.pdf (247.44 KB)
F. Fagerholm and Taina, J., Collecting data from distributed FOSS projects, in 3rd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2008), 2008, pp. 8-13.PDF icon fagerholm.pdf (536.38 KB)
J. Asundi, Carare, O., and Dogan, K., Competitive Implications of Software Open-Sourcing. 2008.
C. Jensen and Scacchi, W., Computer support for discovering oss processes, in 3rd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2008), 2008, pp. 31-33.PDF icon jensen2008.pdf (187.81 KB)
V. Singh and Twidale, M. B., The confusion of crowds: non-dyadic help interactions, in CSCW '08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 699–702.
A. Deshpande and Riehle, D., Continuous Integration in Open Source Software Development, in Fourth International Conference on Open Source Software, 2008.PDF icon oss-2008-continuous-integration-final.pdf (78.79 KB)
A. Deshpande and Riehle, D., Continuous Integration in Open Source Software Development, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 273 - 280.PDF icon Continous Integration (264.31 KB)
S. Drenner, Sen, S., and Terveen, L., Crafting the initial user experience to achieve community goals, in ACM Conference on recommender Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008.
J. Howison, Cross-repository data linking with RDF and OWL, in 3rd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2008), 2008, pp. 15-22.PDF icon howison2008.pdf (608.81 KB)
C. A. Conley, Design for quality: The case of Open Source Software Development, New York University, New York, NY, 2008.
P. Adams, Capiluppi, A., and de Groot, A., Detecting Agility of Open Source Projects Through Developer Engagement, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 333 - 341.PDF icon Detecting Agility of Open Source Projects (168.67 KB)
J. M. González-Barahona, Robles, G., and Herraiz, I., Determinism and evolution, in Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Mining software repositories - MSR '08, New York, New York, USA, 2008, pp. 1-9.PDF icon p1-herraiz.pdf (1.51 MB)
N. Jullien, Developing 'FLOSS' - A Market Driven Investment: First Evidence from a Francophone Companies Survey. 2008.PDF icon NJullien_firms_strategies_regarding_FLOSS_octobre.pdf (237.72 KB)PDF icon Jullien_4-2008.pdf (358.78 KB)
P. A. David and Rullani, F., Dynamics of innovation in an "open source" collaboration environment: lurking, laboring, and launching FLOSS projects on SourceForge, Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 647 - 710, 2008.
