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J. Thomson, Guerrriro, A., Trezentos, P., and Johnson, J., Package Upgrade Robustness: An Analysis for GNU/Linux Package Management Systems, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). Springer, pp. 299-306, 2011.
D. Riehle, Riemer, P., Kolassa, C., and Schmidt, M., PAID VS. VOLUNTEER WORK IN OPEN SOURCE, 47th International Hawai'i Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 3286-3295, 2014.
F. Bolici, de Laat, P., Ljungberg, J., Pontiggia, A., and Rossi Lamastra, C., Panel: Governance in Open Source Projects and Communities, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 370 - 370.PDF icon Panel Governnance (52.79 KB)
B. Lundell, Amundsen, M., Ghosh, R., Hardy, J. - L., and Sjöswärd, P. - O., Panel: Open Source in the Public Sector, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 368 - 369.PDF icon Panel Open Source (103.62 KB)
J. Feller, Lundell, B., Marttiin, P., Scacchi, W., and Schellingerhout, N., Panel: Opportunities and Risks for Open Source Software in Industry, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 413 - 414.PDF icon Panel Opportunities & Risks (142.74 KB)
C. Kelty, Papers from Anthropological Quarterly (Vol 77, No 3) - Social Thought and Commentary: Culture's Open Source, 2004.PDF icon aq_cultures_opensources.pdf (486.25 KB)
A. Schofield and Cooper, G., Participation in Free and Open Source Communities: An Empirical Study of Community Members’ Perceptions, in OSS2006: Open Source Systems (IFIP 2.13), 2006, pp. 221 - 231.PDF icon Participation in free and open source (875.3 KB)
F. Barcellini, Détienne, F., and Burkhardt, J. - M., Participation in online interaction spaces: Design-use mediation in an Open Source Software community, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 39, pp. 533 - 540, 2009.
D. M. Nichols, McKay, D., and Twidale, M. B., Participatory Usability: supporting proactive users, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction - New Zealand Chapter (CHINZ'03), pp. 63–68, 2003.PDF icon nicholsmckaytwidale.pdf (250.41 KB)
M. C. Jones, Floyd, I. R., and Twidale, M. B., Patchworks of Open-Source Software: High-Fidelity Low-cost Prototypes. , in The Handbook of Research on Open Source Software. , Idea Group, Inc., 2007, pp. 126-140.
B. Rossi, Russo, B., and Succi, G., Path dependent stochastic models to detect planned and actual technology use: A case study of OpenOffice, Information and Software Technology, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1209 - 1226, 2011.
J. Henkel, Patterns of Free Revealing ? Balancing Code Sharing and Protection in Commercial Open Source Development, 2004.PDF icon henkel2.pdf (104.07 KB)
J. F. Olson, Howison, J., and Carley, K., Paying attention to each other in visible work communities: Modeling bursty systems of multiple activity streams, in SocialCom/PASSAT(2010), 2010, pp. 276-281.PDF icon olson2010paying-attentio.pdf (691.9 KB)
H. Masmoudi, den Besten, M., de Loupy, C., and Dalle, J. - M., Peeling the Onion, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 284 - 297.PDF icon Peeling the Onion (674.51 KB)
L. Dahlander, Penguin in a new suit: A tale of how de novo entrants emerged to harness free and open source communities, 2007.PDF icon dahlander2007.pdf (29.81 KB)
L. Fleming, Penguins, Camels, and Other Birds of a Feather: Brokerage, Boundary Spanning, and Leadership in Open Innovation Communities, 2005.PDF icon flemingwaguespack.pdf (187.68 KB)
M. Terry, Kay, M., and Lafreniere, B., Perceptions and Practices of Usability in the Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) Community. David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 2009.
B. Lundell, Lings, B., and Lindqvist, E., Perceptions and Uptake of Open Source in Swedish Organisations, in OSS2006: Open Source Systems (IFIP 2.13), 2006, pp. 155 - 163.PDF icon Perceptions and Uptake of Open Source (468.45 KB)
B. Ozel, Jovanovic, U., Oba, B., and van Leeuwen, M., Perceptions on F/OSS Adoption, in OSS2007: Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation (IFIP 2.13), 2007, vol. 234/2007, pp. 319 - 324.PDF icon Perceptions on F OSS (168.92 KB)
I. Armuelles Voinov, Cedeño, A. C., Chung, J., and González, G., A Performance Analysis of Wireless Mesh Networks Implementations Based on Open Source Software, in Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies, vol. 427, L. Corral, Sillitti, A., Succi, G., Vlasenko, J., and Wasserman, A. I., Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 107-110.
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R. Krishnamurthy, Jacob, V., Radhakrishnan, S., and Dogan, K., Peripheral Developer Participation in Open Source Projects: An Empirical Analysis, ACM Trans. Manage. Inf. Syst., vol. 6, pp. 14:1–14:31, 2016.
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J. Davies, Zhang, H., Nussbaum, L., and German, D. M., Perspectives on bugs in the Debian bug tracking system, in 2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010)2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, 2010, pp. 86 - 89.PDF icon 86bugs-debian.pdf (481.84 KB)
