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A. Capiluppi, Evidences in the evolution of OS projects through Changelog Analyses, Proceedings of the 3rd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, pp. 19-24, 2003.PDF icon capiluppi2003.pdf (191.01 KB)
I. - H. Hann, Roberts, J., Slaughter, S., and Fielding, R., Economic incentives for participating in open source software projects, The Twenty-Third International Conference on Information Systems. pp. 365–372, 2002.PDF icon hann.pdf (176.85 KB)
G. Robles, Gonzalez-Barahona, J. M., and Herraiz, I., Evolution of the core team of developers in libre software projects, in 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2009, pp. 167 - 170.PDF icon 167core-evolution.pdf (409.39 KB)
M. D'Ambros, Lanza, M., and Robbes, R., An extensive comparison of bug prediction approaches, in 2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010)2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, 2010, pp. 31 - 41.PDF icon 31dambrosLanzaRobbes31.pdf (408.78 KB)
O. Alonso, Devanbu, P. T., and Gertz, M., Expertise identification and visualization from CVS, in Proceedings of the 2008 international working conference on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 125–128.PDF icon p125-alonso.pdf (655.83 KB)
A. Lozano, Wermelinger, M., and Nuseibeh, B., Evaluating the Harmfulness of Cloning: A Change Based Experiment, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 18 - 18.
M. D'Ambros, Lanza, M., and Lungu, M., The evolution radar: visualizing integrated logical coupling information, in Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2006, pp. 26–32.PDF icon 26TheEvolutionRadar.pdf (844.91 KB)
S. Koch, Effort modeling and programmer participation in open source software projects, Information Economics and Policy (Empirical Issues in Open Source Software), vol. 20, pp. 345 - 355, 2008.PDF icon KochEffortModeling.pdf (124.67 KB)
S. McIntosh, Adams, B., and Hassan, A. E., The evolution of Java build systems, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4-5, pp. 578 - 608, 2012.
service learning
C. Liu, Enriching software engineering courses with service-learning projects and the open-source approach, in Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2005, pp. 613–614.
A. Capiluppi, Evidences in the evolution of OS projects through Changelog Analyses, Proceedings of the 3rd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, pp. 19-24, 2003.PDF icon capiluppi2003.pdf (191.01 KB)
A. Capiluppi, Evidences in the evolution of OS projects through Changelog Analyses, Proceedings of the 3rd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, pp. 19-24, 2003.PDF icon capiluppi2003.pdf (191.01 KB)
social connection
Y. Wu, Kropczynski, J., Shih, P. C., and Carroll, J. M., Exploring the Ecosystem of Software Developers on GitHub and Other Platforms, in Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work &\#38; Social Computing, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 265–268.
social network analysis
J. Wu and Goh, K. Y., Evaluating Longitudinal Success of Open Source Software Projects: A Social Network Perspective, 2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2009), pp. 1-10, 2009.PDF icon 09-02-12.pdf (342.24 KB)
software economics
J. J. Amor, Robles, G., and Gonzalez-Barahona, J. M., Effort Estimation by Characterizing Developer Activity, in Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Economics Driven Software Engineering Research, New York, NY, USA, 2006, pp. 3–6.
software engineering education
C. Liu, Enriching software engineering courses with service-learning projects and the open-source approach, in Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2005, pp. 613–614.
