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B. Vasilescu, Software Developers Are Humans, Too!, in Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work &\#38; Social Computing, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 97–100.
W. Scacchi, Software Development Practices in Open Software Development Communities: A Comparative Case Study, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001.PDF icon scacchi.pdf (33.51 KB)
M. J. Hawthorne and Perry, D. E., Software engineering education in the era of outsourcing, distributed development, and open source software: challenges and opportunities, in Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2005, pp. 643–644.
A. Capiluppi and Knowles, T., Software Engineering in Practice: Design and Architectures of FLOSS Systems, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 34 - 46.PDF icon Software Engineering in Practice (332.54 KB)
J. Asundi, Software Engineering Lessons from Open Source Projects, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001.PDF icon asundi.pdf (32.3 KB)
A. E. Hassan, Godfrey, M. W., and Holt, R. C., Software Engineering Research in the Bazaar, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001.PDF icon hassangodfreyholt.pdf (77.82 KB)
M. Tzouris, Software Freedom, Open Software and the Participant's Motivation - A Multidisciplinary Study. 2002.PDF icon tzouris.pdf (785.76 KB)
C. M. Jones and Twidale, M. B., Software Informatics?, Proceedings, iConference 2009. 2009.
T. T. E. Sen, Software Libre y abierto: comunidades y redes de producción digital de bienes comunes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México, 2012.PDF icon Tesis.pdf (2.32 MB)
T. A. Alspaugh, Scacchi, W., and Kawai, R., Software licenses, coverage, and subsumption, in 2012 Fifth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW)2012 Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW), Chicago, IL, USA, 2012, pp. 17 - 24.
T. Alspaugh, Asuncion, H. U., and Scacchi, W., Software Licenses, Open Source Components, and Open Architectures, Sixth Annual Acquisition Research Symposium. Monterey, CA, 2009.
G. Poo-Caamaño and German, D. M., Software Patents: A Replication Study, OpenSym 2015, the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration. 2015.PDF icon p104-poo-caamano.pdf (170.64 KB)
F. Rentocchini and De Prato, G., Software Patents and Open Source Software in the European Union: Evidences of a Trade-Off?, in OSS2006: Open Source Systems (IFIP 2.13), 2006, vol. 203/2006, pp. 349 - 351.PDF icon Software Patents and Open Source Software (170.43 KB)
R. J. Sandusky, Software Problem Management as Information Management in a F/OSS Development Community, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, pp. 44-49.
M. Michlmayr, Software Process Maturity and the Success of Free Software Projects, 2005.PDF icon michlmayr1.pdf (211.07 KB)
C. Cowan, Software security for open-source systems, IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38 - 45, 2003.
J. Frost, Some Economic & Legal Aspects of Open Source Software. 2005.PDF icon frost.pdf (228.58 KB)
M. den Besten and Dalle, J. - M., Something of a Potemkin Village? Acid2 and Mozilla’s Efforts to Comply with HTML4, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). Springer, pp. 320-324, 2011.
G. Blanas, SOS-ware DEVILS[Strategic Open Software DEVelopment ILlnesseS], 2004.PDF icon blanas1.pdf (51.21 KB)
G. Blanas, SOS-ware [Strategic Open Software] Perspectives, 2004.PDF icon blanas2.pdf (37.81 KB)
J. Remillard, Source code review systems, Ieee Software, vol. 22, pp. 74-77, 2005.
S. Bajracharya, Ossher, J., and Lopes, C., Sourcerer: An infrastructure for large-scale collection and analysis of open-source code, Science of Computer Programming, vol. 79, pp. 241 - 259, 2014.
J. Ossher, Bajracharya, S., Linstead, E., Baldi, P., and Lopes, C., SourcererDB: An aggregated repository of statically analyzed and cross-linked open source Java projects, in 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2009, pp. 183 - 186.
J. Ossher, Bajracharya, S., Linstead, E., Baldi, P., and Lopes, C., SourcererDB: An aggregated repository of statically analyzed and cross-linked open source Java projects, in 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2009, pp. 183 - 186.
S. Shah, Sources and Patterns of Innovation in a Consumer Products Field: Innovations in Sporting Equipment, 2000.PDF icon shahsportspaper.pdf (137.08 KB)
