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“A Case Study of Open Source Software Development: The Apache Server”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), 2000. mockusapache.pdf (252.28 KB)
, “A Case Study of Open Source Software Development: The Apache Server”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), 2000. mockusapache.pdf (252.28 KB)
, “Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001), New York, NY, USA, 2001, pp. 103–106. tu2001.pdf (596.11 KB)
, “Adopting OSS Methods by Adopting OSS Tools”, in Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. Robbins.pdf (171.73 KB)
, “Characterizing the OSS process”, in Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. CapiluppiLagoMorisio.pdf (171.28 KB)
, “The Economics of Open Source Software: A Survey of the Early Literature”, Review of Network Economics, vol. 1, 2002. schiff.pdf (176.59 KB)
, “High Quality and Open Source Software Practices”, Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. HalloranScherlis.pdf (39.29 KB)
, “High Quality and Open Source Software Practices”, Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. HalloranScherlis.pdf (39.29 KB)
, “High Quality and Open Source Software Practices”, Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. HalloranScherlis.pdf (39.29 KB)
, “Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, vol. 11, pp. 309-346, 2002. mockusFieldingHerbsleb2002.pdf (365.14 KB)
, “Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, vol. 11, pp. 309-346, 2002. mockusFieldingHerbsleb2002.pdf (365.14 KB)
, “Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, vol. 11, pp. 309-346, 2002. mockusFieldingHerbsleb2002.pdf (365.14 KB)
, “Automating the measurement of open source projects”, in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, 2003, pp. 63–67. germanMockus2003.pdf (214.63 KB)
, “Automating the measurement of open source projects”, in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, 2003, pp. 63–67. germanMockus2003.pdf (214.63 KB)
, “The availability of source code in relation to timely response to security vulnerabilities”, Computers & Security, vol. 22, pp. 707 - 724, 2003.
, “Beyond good and evil: why open source development for peer-to-peer networks does not necessarily equal to an open society is as imbalanced as copyright law and definitely is not going to make you a better person”, in European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2003), 2003. tsiavosHosein.pdf (40.92 KB)
, “Distributed Collective Practices and F/OSS Problem Management: Perspective and Methods”, in Conference on Cooperation, Innovation & Technology (CITE 2003), 2003.
, “Distributed Collective Practices and F/OSS Problem Management: Perspective and Methods”, in Conference on Cooperation, Innovation & Technology (CITE 2003), 2003.
, “Distributed Collective Practices and F/OSS Problem Management: Perspective and Methods”, in Conference on Cooperation, Innovation & Technology (CITE 2003), 2003.
, “Organizational learning in open-source software projects: an analysis of debugging data”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 485 - 493, 2003.
, “Bug driven bug finders”, in Proceedings of the 2004 international workshop on Mining software repositories - MSR '04, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2004, vol. 2004, pp. 70 - 74. 70BugDrivenBug.pdf (74.85 KB)
, “Bug driven bug finders”, in Proceedings of the 2004 international workshop on Mining software repositories - MSR '04, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2004, vol. 2004, pp. 70 - 74. 70BugDrivenBug.pdf (74.85 KB)
, “Coordination practices for bug fixing within FLOSS development teams”, in 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, 2004. CrowstonScozzi04coordination.pdf (326.87 KB)
, “Coordination practices for bug fixing within FLOSS development teams”, in 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, 2004. CrowstonScozzi04coordination.pdf (326.87 KB)
, “Coordination practices for bug fixing within FLOSS development teams”, in 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, 2004. CrowstonScozzi04coordination.pdf (326.87 KB)