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Journal Article
J. Henkel, The Jukebox Mode of Innovation: a Model of Commercial Open Source Development, 2004.PDF icon henkel.pdf (275.67 KB)
B. Alpern, Augart, S., Blackburn, S. M., Butrico, M., Cocchi, A., Cheng, P., Dolby, J., Fink, S., Grove, D., Hind, M., McKinley, K. S., Mergen, M., Moss, J. E. B., Ngo, T., Sarkar, V., and Trapp, M., The Jikes research virtual machine project: Building an open-source research community, Ibm Systems Journal, vol. 44, pp. 399-417, 2005.
F. Bellifemine, Caire, G., Poggi, A., and Rimassa, G., JADE: A software framework for developing multi-agent applications. Lessons learned, Information and Software Technology, vol. 50, pp. 10-21, 2008.
S. K. Sowe and Stamelos, I., Involving Software Engineering Students in Open Source Software Projects: Experiences from a Pilot Study, 2008.PDF icon bazaars_of_learning.pdf (340.22 KB)
C. Okoli and Oh, W., Investigating recognition-based performance in an open content community: A social capital perspective, Information & Management, vol. 44, pp. 240-252, 2007.
C. Rossi, Intrinsic motivations and profit-oriented firms in Open Source software. Do firms practise what they preach?, 2005.PDF icon rossi_motivations.pdf (190.66 KB)
J. Bitzer, Intrinsic Motivation in Open Source Software Development, 2004.PDF icon bitzerschrettlschroder.pdf (258.99 KB)
D. M. Berry, Internet Research: Privacy, Ethics and Alienation ? An Open Source Approach, 2004.PDF icon berry2.pdf (105 KB)
I. Tuomi, Internet Innovation and Open Source: Actors in the Network, 2000.PDF icon Ilkka%20Tuomi%20-%20Actors%20in%20the%20Network.pdf (110.32 KB)
A. Iqbal and Hausenblas, M., Interlinking Developer Identities within and across Open Source Projects: The Linked Data Approach, ISRN Software Engineering, vol. 201330692164, no. 42111–3, pp. 1 - 12, 2013.PDF icon 584731.pdf (2.7 MB)
T. Vadén, Intellectual Property, Open Source and Free Software, 2003.PDF icon vaden.pdf (16.87 KB)
T. Vadén, 'Intellectual Property' and Knowledge Creation in Disorganisations, 2006.PDF icon 14_Vaden_ELEA_3_3_web.pdf (64.57 KB)
O. Berger, Bac, C., and Hamet, B., Integration of libre software applications to create a collaborative work platform for researchers at GET, International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 1-16, 2006.
M. Squire, Integrating Projects from Multiple Open Source Code Forges, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 46 - 57, 2009.
J. Mateos Garcia and Steinmueller, W. E., The institutions of open source software: Examining the Debian community☆, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 333 - 344, 2008.PDF icon The_institutions_of_open_source_software-_IR.pdf (208.87 KB)
R. Garud, Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Sponsorship of Common Technological Standards: The Case of SUN Microsystems and Java, 2002.PDF icon sunjavagarud1.pdf (397.33 KB)
G. M. Kapitsaki, Tselikas, N. D., and Foukarakis, I. E., An insight into license tools for open source software systems, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 102, pp. 72 - 87, 2015.
K. Klincewicz, Innovativeness of open source software projects, 2005.PDF icon klincewicz.pdf (510.99 KB)
R. Pollock, Innovation, Imitation and Open Source, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 28 - 42, 2009.
J. Mateos Garcia, Innovating without Money: Linux and the Open Source Paradigm as an Alternative to Commercial Software Development, 2001.PDF icon mateos.pdf (402.25 KB)
K. - J. Stol and Fitzgerald, B., Inner Source--Adopting Open Source Development Practices within Organizations: A Tutorial, IEEE Software, pp. 1 - 1, 2015.
K. Crowston, Howison, J., and Annabi, H., Information systems success in Free and Open Source Software development: Theory and measures, Software Process–Improvement and Practice, vol. 11, pp. 123–148, 2006.PDF icon CrowstonHowisonAnnabi2006.pdf (1.1 MB)
G. Câmara and Fonseca, F., Information Policies and Open Source Software in Developing Countries, Journal of American Society of Information Science and Technology, vol. 58, pp. 121–132, 2007.PDF icon camara_fonseca_OSS_developing_countries.pdf (260.5 KB)
G. Câmara and Fonseca, F., Information Policies and Open Source Software in Developing Countries, 2007.PDF icon camara_fonseca_jasist_oss_submission_jan06.pdf (132.17 KB)
G. R. Vetter, "Infectious" Open Source Software: Spreading Incentives or Promoting Resistance?, 2005.PDF icon vetter2.pdf (717.01 KB)
