Inner Source--Adopting Open Source Development Practices within Organizations: A Tutorial

TitleInner Source--Adopting Open Source Development Practices within Organizations: A Tutorial
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsStol, K-J, Fitzgerald, B
Secondary TitleIEEE Software
Pagination1 - 1
Date Published07/2015
ISSN Number0740-7459

Inner source, the adoption and tailoring of Open Source development practices inside organizations, is a topic of increasing interest. While Inner Source offers a number of benefits, in our experience many practitioners are unclear as to what Inner Source is, and what steps to take towards adoption. In this article we present a tutorial in which we outline nine key factors, pertaining to product, process and organization, which we have found to be important in working with organizations who are interested in Inner Source. This paper illustrates these nine factors with three inner source initiatives that we have studied.

Short TitleIEEE Softw.
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