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I. Stamelos, Teaching Software Engineering with Free/Libre Open Source Projects, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 72 - 90, 2009.
K. Crowston, Wei, K., Li, Q., and Howison, J., Core and periphery in Free/Libre and Open Source software team communications, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences-Volume 06, 2006.
K. Stewart and Gosain, S., An exploratory study of ideology and trust in open source development groups, International Conference on Information Systems 2001. 2001.PDF icon stewartGosain2001.pdf (125.63 KB)
K. Crowston, Annabi, H., Howison, J., and Masango, C., Towards a Portfolio of FLOSS project Success Measures, in Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering, 2004.PDF icon crowston04towards.pdf (306.18 KB)
C. Bird, Gourley, A., Devanbu, P., Swaminathan, A., and Hsu, G., Open Borders? Immigration in Open Source Projects, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software RepositoriesFourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 6 - 6.PDF icon 28300006.pdf (280.4 KB)
D. M. German, A study of the contributors of PostgreSQL, in Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2006, pp. 163–164.PDF icon 163AStudyOf.pdf (179.07 KB)
L. Voinea and Telea, A., Mining software repositories with CVSgrab, in Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2006, pp. 167–168.PDF icon 167MiningSoftware.pdf (182.83 KB)
P. Giuri, Rullani, F., and Torrisi, S., Explaining leadership in virtual teams: The case of open source software, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 20, pp. 305 - 315, 2008.
N. I. C. O. L. A. S. DUCHENEAUT, Socialization in an Open Source Software Community: A Socio-Technical Analysis, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 14, pp. 323-368, 2005.
B. Vasilescu, Posnett, D., Ray, B., van den Brand, M. G. J., Serebrenik, A., Devanbu, P., and Filkov, V., Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams, Proceedings of the 2015 ACM CHI. 2015.PDF icon chi15.pdf (192.31 KB)
team size
G. B. Newby, Greenberg, J., and Jones, P., Open source software development and Lotka's Law: Bibliometric patterns in programming, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 54, pp. 169-178, 2003.
W. Oh and Jeon, S., Membership dynamics and network stability in the open-source community: the ising perspective, International Conference on Information Systems 2004. 2004.PDF icon OhJeon.pdf (167.16 KB)
K. Stewart and Gosain, S., An exploratory study of ideology and trust in open source development groups, International Conference on Information Systems 2001. 2001.PDF icon stewartGosain2001.pdf (125.63 KB)
A. Mockus, Fielding, R., and Herbsleb, J., A Case Study of Open Source Software Development: The Apache Server, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), 2000.PDF icon mockusapache.pdf (252.28 KB)
K. Stewart and Gosain, S., The Impact of Ideology on Effectiveness in Open Source Software Development Teams, MIS Quarterly, vol. 30, pp. 291-314, 2006.PDF icon stewartgosain2.pdf (426.39 KB)
K. Crowston, Annabi, H., Howison, J., and Masango, C., Towards a Portfolio of FLOSS project Success Measures, in Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering, 2004.PDF icon crowston04towards.pdf (306.18 KB)
Y. A. Au, Carpenter, D., Chen, X., and Clark, J. G., Virtual organizational learning in open source software development projects, Information & Management, vol. 46, pp. 9 - 15, 2009.
K. Crowston and Howison, J., Hierarchy and centralization in Free and Open Source Software team communications, Knowledge, Technology & Policy, vol. 18, pp. 65–85, 2006.PDF icon CrowstonHierarchyAndCentralization.pdf (566.38 KB)
B. Xu, Jones, D. R., and Shao, B., Volunteers' involvement in online community based software development, Information & Management, vol. 46, pp. 151 - 158, 2009.
K. Crowston, Howison, J., and Annabi, H., Information systems success in Free and Open Source Software development: Theory and measures, Software Process–Improvement and Practice, vol. 11, pp. 123–148, 2006.PDF icon CrowstonHowisonAnnabi2006.pdf (1.1 MB)
K. Stewart and Gosain, S., An exploratory study of ideology and trust in open source development groups, International Conference on Information Systems 2001. 2001.PDF icon stewartGosain2001.pdf (125.63 KB)
S. Minto and Murphy, G. C., Recommending Emergent Teams, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 5 - 5.PDF icon 28300005.pdf (263.85 KB)
P. Weissgerber, Pohl, M., and Burch, M., Visual Data Mining in Software Archives to Detect How Developers Work Together, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software RepositoriesFourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 9 - 9.PDF icon 28300009.pdf (856.23 KB)
