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“Shaping Code”, 2002. shah.pdf (1.27 MB)
, “Conceptual Sociological Model for Open Source Software”, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001. kishida.pdf (44.57 KB)
, “Creating a Free, Dependable Software Engineering Environment for Building Java Applications”, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001. bittman.pdf (104.42 KB)
, “Distributed Knowledge and the Global Organization of Software Development”, 2001. kogut1.pdf (93.1 KB)
, “Free Software/Free Science”, 2001.
, “Introducing a “Street Fair” Open source Practice Within Project Based Software Engineering Courses”, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001. portkaiser.pdf (79.68 KB)
, “Economic Model for Impact of Open Source Software”, 2000. osseconomics.pdf (152.99 KB)
, “Open Source Software As Consumer Integration Into Production”, 2000. Jenny%20Kuan%20-%20Open%20Source%20Software%20As%20Integration%20into%20Production.pdf (1.58 MB)
, “Results From Software Engineering Research Into Open Source Development Projects Using Public Data”, Diskussionspapiere zum Tätigkeitsfeld Informationsverarbeitung und Informationswirtschaft, 22, 2000. koch-ossoftwareengineering.pdf (240.54 KB)
, “An Empirical Approach to Studying Software Evolution”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, vol. 25, 1999. EmpiricalApproachSwEvolution_SlaughterKemerer1999.pdf (465.04 KB)
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