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“Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'00), Washington, DC, USA, 2000, p. 131–. godfrey00.pdf (215.75 KB)
, “Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'00), Washington, DC, USA, 2000, p. 131–. godfrey00.pdf (215.75 KB)
, “Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'00), Washington, DC, USA, 2000, p. 131–. godfrey00.pdf (215.75 KB)
, “Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'00), Washington, DC, USA, 2000, p. 131–. godfrey00.pdf (215.75 KB)
, “Code, Culture and Cash: The Fading Altruism of Open Source Development”, First Monday, vol. 6, 2001. Lancashire.pdf (3.22 MB)
, “An exploratory study of ideology and trust in open source development groups”, International Conference on Information Systems 2001. 2001. stewartGosain2001.pdf (125.63 KB)
, “An exploratory study of ideology and trust in open source development groups”, International Conference on Information Systems 2001. 2001. stewartGosain2001.pdf (125.63 KB)
, “Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001), New York, NY, USA, 2001, pp. 103–106. tu2001.pdf (596.11 KB)
, “Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001), New York, NY, USA, 2001, pp. 103–106. tu2001.pdf (596.11 KB)
, “Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001), New York, NY, USA, 2001, pp. 103–106. tu2001.pdf (596.11 KB)
, “Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001), New York, NY, USA, 2001, pp. 103–106. tu2001.pdf (596.11 KB)
, “Growth, evolution, and structural change in open source software”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001), New York, NY, USA, 2001, pp. 103–106. tu2001.pdf (596.11 KB)
, “Software Engineering Research in the Bazaar”, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001. hassangodfreyholt.pdf (77.82 KB)
, “Software Engineering Research in the Bazaar”, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001. hassangodfreyholt.pdf (77.82 KB)
, “Striking a balance between trust anti control in a virtual organization: a content analysis of open source software case studies”, Information Systems Journal, vol. 11, pp. 277-304, 2001.
, “Striking a balance between trust anti control in a virtual organization: a content analysis of open source software case studies”, Information Systems Journal, vol. 11, pp. 277-304, 2001.
, “Taxonomy of Open Source Software Development”, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001. nakakojiyamamoto.PDF (15.46 KB)
, “Analyzing cloning evolution in the Linux kernel”, Information and Software Technology, vol. 44, pp. 755-765, 2002. infsoft2002.pdf (280.22 KB)
, “Analyzing cloning evolution in the Linux kernel”, Information and Software Technology, vol. 44, pp. 755-765, 2002. infsoft2002.pdf (280.22 KB)
, “Analyzing cloning evolution in the Linux kernel”, Information and Software Technology, vol. 44, pp. 755-765, 2002. infsoft2002.pdf (280.22 KB)
, “Code quality analysis in open source software development”, Information Systems Journal, vol. 12, pp. 43–60, 2002.
, “De-Bugging open source software licensing”, University of Pittsburgh Law Review, vol. 64, pp. 75-103, 2002. debugopensource.pdf (208.3 KB)
, “An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing the Level of Vitality and Popularity of Open Source Projects”, in ICIS 2002. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems 2002, 2002, pp. 1-5.
, “An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing the Level of Vitality and Popularity of Open Source Projects”, in ICIS 2002. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems 2002, 2002, pp. 1-5.
, “High Quality and Open Source Software Practices”, Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. HalloranScherlis.pdf (39.29 KB)