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D. M. Nichols and Twidale, M. B., The Usability of Open Source Software, First Monday, vol. 8, no. 1, 2003.
N. Iivari, Hedberg, H., and Kirves, T., Usability in Company Open Source Software Context - Initial Findings from an Empirical Case Study, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 359 - 365.PDF icon Usability in Company Open Source (205.87 KB)
M. B. Twidale, Usability Discussions in Open Source Development, 2004.PDF icon twidalenichols.pdf (267.58 KB)
D. M. Nichols, Thomson, K., and Yeates, S. A., Usability and open-source software development, Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Human Interaction, pp. 49–54, 2001.PDF icon nichols.pdf (40.74 KB)
D. M. Nichols and Twidale, M. B., Usability and Open Source Software, Working Paper 02/10, Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, 2002.PDF icon nicholstwidale1.pdf (103.21 KB)
H. Orsila, Geldenhuys, J., Ruokonen, A., and Hammouda, I., Update Propagation Practices in Highly Reusable Open Source Components, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 159 - 170.PDF icon Update Propagation Practice (215.05 KB)
R. Coelho, Almeida, L., Gousios, G., and van Deursen, A., Unveiling Exception Handling Bug Hazards in Android based on GitHub and Google Code Issues, 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2015). 2015.PDF icon android-stacks.pdf (611.22 KB)
J. Howison, Unreliable Collaborators: Coordination in distributed volunteer teams, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, pp. 305-306.
B. Ray, Nagappan, M., Bird, C., Nagappan, N., and Zimmermann, T., The Uniqueness of Changes: Characteristics and Applications, 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2015). 2015.PDF icon MSR-TR-2014-149.pdf (1.02 MB)
A. Ihara, Fujibayashi, D., Suwa, H., Kula, R. G., and Matsumoto, K., Understanding When to Adopt a Library: A Case Study on ASF Projects, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 128-138, 2017.
J. Sheoran, Blincoe, K., Kalliamvakou, E., Damian, D., and Ell, J., Understanding "Watchers" on GitHub, in Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 336–339.
W. Scacchi, Understanding the Requirements for Developing Open Source Software Systems, IEE Proceedings Software, vol. 149, pp. 24-39, 2001.PDF icon Scacchi.pdf (33.51 KB)
Y. Liu, Stroulia, E., and Erdogmus, H., Understanding the Open-Source Software Development Process: a Case Study with CVSChecker, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, pp. 154-161.
S. Shah, Understanding the Nature of Participation & Coordination in Open and Gated Source Software Development Communities, 2003.PDF icon shah3.pdf (372.98 KB)
Z. S. Wubishet, Understanding the Nature and Production Model of Hybrid Free and Open Source Systems: The Case of Varnish, 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2009), pp. 1-11, 2009.PDF icon 07-07-02.pdf (249.39 KB)
J. A. Roberts, Hann, I. - H., and Slaughter, S. A., Understanding the Motivations, Participation, and Performance of Open Source Software Developers: A Longitudinal Study of the Apache Projects, Management Science, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 984 - 999, 2006.
M. Studer, Müller, B., and Ritschard, G., Understanding the KDE Social Structure through Mining of Email Archive, in 2nd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2007), 2007.PDF icon wopdasd_studer_et_all_full.pdf (254.67 KB)
A. Lee, Carver, J. C., and Bosu, A., Understanding the Impressions, Motivations, and Barriers of One Time Code Contributors to FLOSS Projects: A Survey, 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering. pp. 187-197, 2017.
R. K. Saha, Roy, C. K., Schneider, K. A., and Perry, D. E., Understanding the Evolution of Type-3 Clones: An Exploratory Study , 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. 2013.
S. S. da Amorim, McGregor, J. D., de Almeida, E. S., and von Chavez, C. F. G., Understanding the Effects of Practices on KDE Ecosystem Health, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 89-100, 2017.
W. Scacchi, Understanding the Development of Free E-Commerce/E-Business Software: A Resource-Based View, in Emerging Free and Open Source Software Practices, S. K. Sowe, Stamelos, I., and Samoladas, I., Eds. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing, 2007, pp. 170-190.
Y. Fang and Neufeld, D., Understanding Sustained Participation in Open Source Software Projects, J. Manage. Inf. Syst., vol. 25, pp. 9–50, 2009.
I. Neamtiu, Foster, J. S., and Hicks, M., Understanding source code evolution using abstract syntax tree matching, in Proceedings of the 2005 international workshop on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2005, pp. 2-6.PDF icon 2Understanding.pdf (274.57 KB)
W. Scacchi, Understanding Requirements for Open Source Software, in Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective, vol. 14, K. Lyytinen, Loucopoulos, P., Mylopoulos, J., and Robinson, W., Eds. Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 467-494.
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