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Bits from Debian: Looking for the artwork for Trixie the next Debian release

Fri, 2024-06-21 06:00

Each release of Debian has a shiny new theme, which is visible on the boot screen, the login screen and, most prominently, on the desktop wallpaper. Debian plans to release Trixie, the next release, next year. As ever, we need your help in creating its theme! You have the opportunity to design a theme that will inspire thousands of people while working in their Debian systems.

For the most up to date details, please refer to the wiki.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Juliette Taka Belin for doing the Emerald theme for bookworm.

The deadlines for submissions is: 2024-09-19

The artwork is usually picked based on which themes look the most:

  • ''Debian'': admittedly not the most defined concept, since everyone has their own take on what Debian means to them.
  • ''plausible to integrate without patching core software'': as much as we love some of the insanely hot looking themes, some would require heavy GTK+ theming and patching GDM/GNOME.
  • ''clean / well designed'': without becoming something that gets annoying to look at a year down the road. Examples of good themes include Joy, Lines, Softwaves and futurePrototype.

If you'd like more information or details, please post to the Debian Desktop mailing list.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Bits from Debian: Recherche d'un thème pour Trixie, la prochaine version de Debian

Fri, 2024-06-21 06:00

Chaque édition de Debian bénéficie d'un nouveau thème brillant visible sur l'écran d'amorçage, l'écran de connexion et, de la façon la plus évidente, sur le fond d'écran. Debian prévoit de publier Trixie, sa prochaine version, durant l'année à venir. Et, comme toujours, nous avons besoin de vous pour créer son thème ! Vous avez l'occasion de concevoir un thème qui inspirera des milliers de personnes quand ils travaillent sur leur machine Debian.

Pour disposer des détails les plus récents, veuillez vous référer à la page du wiki.

Nous voudrions profiter de cette occasion pour remercier Juliette Taka Belin pour avoir créé le thème Emerald pour Bookworm.

La date limite pour les propositions est le 19 septembre 2024.

Le thème est habituellement choisi en se basant sur ce qui paraît le plus :

  • « Debian » : il est vrai que ce n'est pas le concept le mieux défini, dans la mesure où chacun a son sentiment sur ce que représente Debian pour eux ;
  • « possible à intégrer sans corriger le logiciel de base » : autant nous aimons les thèmes follement excitants, certains nécessiteraient un gros travail d'adaptation des thèmes GTK+ et la correction de GDM/GNOME ;
  • « clair et bien conçu » : sans être quelque chose qui devient ennuyeux à regarder au bout d'un an. Parmi les bons thèmes, on peut citer Joy, Lines, Softwaves et futurePrototype.

Si vous souhaitez disposer plus d'informations, veuillez utiliser la liste de diffusion Debian Desktop.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Bits from Debian: Looking for the artwork for Trixie the next Debian release

Fri, 2024-06-21 06:00

Each release of Debian has a shiny new theme, which is visible on the boot screen, the login screen and, most prominently, on the desktop wallpaper. Debian plans to next release, Trixie, next year. As ever, we need your help in creating its theme! You have the opportunity to design a theme that will inspire thousands of people while working in their Debian systems.

For the most up to date details, please refer to the wiki.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Juliette Taka Belin for doing the Emerald theme for bookworm.

The deadlines for submissions is: 2024-09-19

The artwork is usually picked based on which themes look the most:

  • ''Debian'': admittedly not the most defined concept, since everyone has their own take on what Debian means to them.
  • ''plausible to integrate without patching core software'': as much as we love some of the insanely hot looking themes, some would require heavy GTK+ theming and patching GDM/GNOME.
  • ''clean / well designed'': without becoming something that gets annoying to look at a year down the road. Examples of good themes include Joy, Lines, Softwaves and futurePrototype.

If you'd like more information or details, please post to the Debian Desktop mailing list.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Gunnar Wolf: A new RISC-V toy... requiring almost no tinkering

Fri, 2024-06-21 01:59

Shortly before coming back from Argentina, I got news of a very interesting set of little machines, the MilkV Duo. The specs looked really interesting and fun to play with, particularly those of the “bigger” model, Milk-V DUO S Some of the highlights:

  • The SG2000 SoC is a Dual-architecture beast. A hardware switch controls whether the CPU is an ARM or a RISC-V.
    • Not only that: It has a second (albeit lesser) RISC-V core that can run independently. They mention this computer can run simultaneously Linux and FreeRTOS!
  • 512MB RAM
  • Sweet form factor (4.2×4.2cm)
  • Peeking around their Web site, it is one of the most open and well documented computers in their hardware range.

Naturally, for close to only US$12 (plus shipping) for the configuration I wanted… I bought one, and got it delivered in early May. The little box sat on my desk for close to six weeks until I had time to start tinkering with it…

I must say I am surprised. Not only the little bugger delivers what it promises, but it is way more mature than what I expected: It can be used right away without much tinkering with! I mean, I have played with it for less than an hour by now, and I’ve even managed to get (almost) regular Debian working.

Milk-V distributes a simple, 58.9MB compressed Linux image, based on Buildroot, a simple Linux image generator mostly used for embedded applications, as well as its source tree. I thought that would be a good starting point to work on setting up a minimal Debian filesystem, as I did with the CuBox-i4Pro ten years ago, and maybe even to grow towards a more official solution, akin to what we currently have for the Raspberry Pi family

…Until I discovered what looks like a friendly and very active online community of Milk-V users! I haven’t yet engaged in it, but I stumbled across a thread announcing the availability of Debian images for the Milk-V family.

And yes, it feels like a very normal Debian system. /etc/apt/sources.list does point to a third-party repository, but it’s for only four packages, all related to pinmux controlfor CVITEK chips. It does feel like a completely normal Debian system! It is not as snappy and fast to load as Buildroot, but given Debian’s generality, that’s completely as expected. Even the wireless network, one of the usual pain points, works just out of the box! The Debian images can be built or downloaded from this Git repository.

In case you wonder how is this system booting or what hardware it detects, I captured two boot logs:

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

C.J. Collier: Signed NVIDIA drivers on Google Cloud Dataproc 2.2

Thu, 2024-06-20 11:38

Hello folks,

I’ve been working this year on better integrating NVIDIA hardware with the Google Cloud Dataproc product (Hadoop on Google Cloud) running the default cluster node image. We have an open bug[1] in the initialization-actions repo regarding creation failures upon enabling secure boot. This is because with secure boot, kernel driver code has its signature verified before insmod places the symbols into kernel memory. The verification process involves reading trust root certificates from EFI variables, and validating that the signatures on the kernel driver either a) were made directly by one of the certificates in the boot sector or b) were made by certificates which chain up to one of them.

This means that Dataproc disk images must have a certificate installed into them. My work on the internals will likely start producing images which have certificates from Google in them. In the meantime, however, our users are left without a mechanism to have both secure boot enabled and install out-of-tree kernel modules such as the NVIDIA GPU drivers. To that end, I’ve got PR #83[2] open with the GoogleCloudDataproc/custom-images github repository. This PR introduces a new argument to the custom image creation script, `–trusted-cert`, the argument of which is the path to a DER-encoded certificate to be included in the certificate database in the EFI variables of the disk’s boot sector.

I’ve written up the instructions on creating a custom image with a trusted certificate here:

Here is a set of commands that can be used to create a general purpose GCE disk image with the certificate inserted into EFI.

wget '' bash cacert_der=tls/db.der # The Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011 ms_uefi_ca="tls/MicCorUEFCA2011_2011-06-27.crt" test -f "${ms_uefi_ca}" || \ curl -L -o ${ms_uefi_ca} '' JSON="$(gcloud compute images --project debian-cloud list --format json)" SRC_IMAGE_NAME="$(echo ${JSON} | jq -r '.[] | .name' | grep -i ^debian-12-bookworm-v)" NEW_IMAGE_NAME="debian12-with-db-key-list-${USER}-$(date +%F)" SRC_DISK_ZONE="${ZONE}" gcloud -q compute images create "${NEW_IMAGE_NAME}" \ --source-disk "${SRC_IMAGE_NAME}" \ --source-disk-zone "${SRC_DISK_ZONE}" \ --signature-database-file="${cacert_der},${ms_uefi_ca}" \

I’d love to hear your feedback!


Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Daniel Lange: Fixing esptool read_flash above 2MB on some cheap ESP32 boards

Thu, 2024-06-20 10:00

esptool, the Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility, tends to dislike cheap Flash chips attached to the various incarnations of the ESP32 chip family. And it seems to dislike them even more when running esptool on Linux than on other OSs.

The common error mode is seeing it break at the 2MB barrier when trying to dump (esptool read_flash) a 4MB flash configuration.

esptool -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 921600 read_flash 0 0x400000 flash_dump.bin

will fail with v4.7.0 Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 Connecting.... Detecting chip type... ESP32 Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision v3.1) Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None Crystal is 40MHz [..] Detected flash size: 4MB [..] 2097152 (50 %) A fatal error occurred: Failed to read flash block (result was 01090000: CRC or checksum was invalid)

typically at the 2MB barrier.

I found the solution in a rather unrelated esptool Github issue:

Create an esptool.cfg file in the project directory (from where you will run esptool):

timeout = 30
max_timeout = 240
erase_write_timeout_per_mb = 40
mem_end_rom_timeout = 0.2
serial_write_timeout = 10

The timeout = 30 is the setting that fixed reading flash memory via esptool read_flash for me.

When your esptool.cfg is read, esptool will tell you so in its second line of output:

$ esptool flash_id v4.7.0 Loaded custom configuration from /home/dl/[..]/Embedded_dev/ESP-32_Wemos/esptool.cfg Found 1 serial ports Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 Connecting...... [..]

Thank you Radim Karnis and wibbit from the Github issue linked above.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Dirk Eddelbuettel: nanotime 0.3.8 on CRAN: More Maintenance

Wed, 2024-06-19 14:47

Leonardo and I are happy to annunce that a new version 0.3.8 of our nanotime package arrived on CRAN today. It is the first release in over 1 1/2 years. nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package (as well as the RcppDate package for additional C++ operations) and offers efficient high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting up to nanosecond resolution, using the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. Initially implemented using the S3 system, it has benefitted greatly from a rigorous refactoring by Leonardo who not only rejigged nanotime internals in S4 but also added new S4 types for periods, intervals and durations.

This release responds to a number of enhancements including a new paramter accurate for POSIXct to nanotime conversions, a vector date converter, a switch to double return value when durations objects are dividded – as well as a small battery of CRAN requests for changes and updates. This started with a move away from the now ‘non-API’ function SET_S4_OBJECT which has been replaced by use of Rf_asS4. We also no longer need a custom compiler flag on Windows (where for some reasons nobody understands or remembers, bitfields are not packed) to small enhancements of manual page formatting and last-but-not-least avoidance of some new UBSAN warnings. The NEWS snippet has the full details.

Changes in version 0.3.8 (2024-06-19)
  • Time format documentation now has a reference to RcppCCTZ

  • The package no longer sets a default C++ compilation standard of C++11 (Dirk initially in #114, and later switched to C++17)

  • New accurate parameter for conversion from POSIXct to nanotime (Davor Josipovic and Leonardo in #116 closing #115)

  • The as.Date() function is now vectorized and can take a TZ argument (Leonardo and Dirk in #119 closing #118)

  • Use of internal function SET_S4_OBJECT has been replaced by API function Rf_asS4 (Leonardo in #121 closing #120)

  • An nanoduration / nanoduration expression now returns a double (Leonardo in #122 closing #117)

  • Bitfield calculations no longer require an Windows-only compiler switch (Leonardo in #124)

  • A simple manual page format nag involving has been addressed (Dirk in #126 fixing #125)

  • An set of tests tickling an UBSAN issue via Rcpp code no longer run unless CI is set (Dirk in #127 fixing #123)

Thanks to my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report for this release. More details and examples are at the nanotime page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository – and all documentation is provided at the nanotime documentation site.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Sahil Dhiman: First Iteration of My Free Software Mirror

Tue, 2024-06-18 23:35

As I’m gearing towards setting up a Free Software download mirror in India, it occurred to me that I haven’t chronicled the work and motivation behind setting up the original mirror in the first place. Also, seems like it would be good to document stuff here for seeing the progression, as the mirror is going multi-country now. Right now my existing mirror i.e.,, which was, hosted in Germany serves traffic for Termux, NomadBSD, Blender, BlendOS and GIMP. For a while in between, I hosted OSMC project mirror as well.

To explain what is a Free Software download mirror thing is first, I’ll quote myself from work blog -

As most Free Software doesn’t have commercial backing and require heavy downloads, the concept of software download mirrors helps take the traffic load off of the primary server, leading to geographical redundancy, higher availability and faster download in general.

So whenever someone wants to download a particular (mirrored) software and click download, upstream redirects the download to one of the mirror server which is geographical (or in other parameters) nearby to the user, leading to faster downloads and load sharing amongst all mirrors.

Since the time I got into Linux and servers, I always wanted to help the community somehow, and mirroring seemed to be the most obvious thing. India seems to be a country which has traditionally seen less number of public download mirrors. IITB, TiFR, and some of the public institutions used to host them for popular Linux and Free Softwares, but they seem to be diminishing these days.

In the last months of 2021, I started using Termux and saw that it had only a few mirrors (back then). I tried getting a high capacity, high bandwidth in budget was hard in India in 2021-22. So after much deliberation I decided to go where it’s available and chose a German hosting provider with the thought helping where possible and adding India node which conditions are favorable here (thankfully that happened, and India node is live too now.). Termux required only 29 GB of storage, so went ahead and started mirroring it. I raised this issue in Termux’s GitHub repository in January 2022. This blog post chronicles the start of the mirror.

Termux has high request counts from a mirror point of view. Each Termux client, usually check each mirror in selected group for availability before randomly selecting one for download (only other case is when client has explicitly selected a single mirror using termux-repo-change). The mirror stared getting thousands of requests daily, but only a small percentage would actually get my mirror in selection, so download traffic was lower. Similar thing happened with OSMC too (which I started mirroring later).

With this start, I started exploring various project that would be benefit from additional mirrors. Public information from Academic Computer Club in Umeå’s mirror and Freedif’s mirror stats helped to figure out storage and bandwidth requirements for potential projects.

Later, I migrated to a different provider for better speeds and added LibreSpeed test on the mirror server. Those were fun times. Between OSMC, Termux and LibreSpeed, I was getting almost 1.2 millions hits/day on the server at its peak, crossing for the first time a TB/day traffic number.

Next came Blender, which took the longest time to set up, around 9–10 months. Blender had a push-trigger requirement for rsync from upstream that took quite some back and forth. It now contributes the most amount of traffic on my mirror. On release days, mirror does more than 3 TB/day and normal days, it hovers around 2 TB/day. Gimp is the latest addition to the mirror.

At one time, the mirror traffic touched 4.97 TB/day. That’s when I decided on dropping LibreSpeed server to solely focus on mirroring for now, keeping the bandwidth allotment for serving downloads for now.

The mirror project selection grew organically. I used to reach out many projects discussing the need of for additional mirrors. Some projects outright denied mirroring request as Germany already has good academic mirrors boosting 20-25 Gbits/s speeds from FTP era, which seems fair. Finding the niche was essential to only add softwares, which truly required additional capacity. There were months when nothing much would happen with the mirror, rsync would continue to update the mirror while nginx would keep on serving the traffic. Nowadays, the mirror pushes around 70 TB/month. I occasionally check logs, vnstat, add new security stuff here and there and pay the bills. The mirror now saturates the Gigabit link sometimes and goes beyond that, peaking around 1.42 Gbits/s (the hosting provider seems to be upping their game). The plan is to upgrade the link to better speeds.

Yearly traffic stats (through `vnstat -y`)

On the way, learned quite a few things like -

  • IPv6 and exposing rsync module due to OSMC requirement.
  • Implementing user with restricted access to only trigger rsync, basically make rsync pull trigger based due to Blender.
  • Iterating over right client response size for LibreSpeed test project.
  • Mistakenly identifying torrent traffic for BlendOS as DDoS and blocking it for quite a few months. BlendOS added loads of hits for torrent traffic, making my mirror also serve as web seed. Web seeds in conjunction with normal seeds surely is a good combination for serving downloads as it combines best of both world, general availability of web seed/mirror and benefit of traditional seeds to maximize download speeds at user end.
  • Handling abusive traffic (a lot of it to be frank) and how to handle it. The approach is more of a whack a mole right now, which I want to improve and automate.
  • Most of the traffic on non-Linux/BSDs operating system serving mirrors (like mine) is for people on Windows and Mac asking for EXEs and DMGs. Mostly because package repositories carry software distribution load for Linux/BSDs OS and partly because the number of Windows/Mac users are quite high compared to other OSs.
  • Load balancing through DNS and HTTP redirection (which I would implement in my India mirror now) to better maximize available resources.

GeoIP Map of Clients from Yesterday's Access Logs. Click to enlarge
Generated from

Fun fact, Academic Computer Club in Umeå which runs (one of the prominent Debian, Ubuntu etc.) mirror, now has 200 Gbits/s uplink to the internet through SUNET.

In hindsight, the stats look amazing, hundreds of TBs of traffic served from the mirror. That does show that there’s still quite an appetite for public mirrors in time of commercially “donated” CDNs and GitHub. The world could have done with one less mirror, but it saved some time, lessened the burden for others, while providing redundancy and traffic localization with one additional mirror. And it’s fun for someone like me who’s into infrastructure that powers the Internet. Now, I’ll try focusing and expanding the India mirror, which in itself started pushing almost half a TB/day. Long live Free Software and public download mirrors.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
