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Michael Ablassmeier: lvm thin send/recv

Mon, 2024-05-20 20:00

A few days ago i found this mail on the LKML that introduces support for userspace access to LVM thin provisioned metadata snapshots. I didn’t know this is possible.

Using the thin provisioning tools you can then export the metadata information for your LVM snapshots to track changed regions between them.

The workflow is pretty straight forward, yet not really documented:

  • Create a base snapshot for a volume on a thin provisioned LVM pool, this snapshot is used as reference for further incremental snapshots:
# lvcreate -ay -Ky --snapshot -n full_backup thingroup/vol1
  • Now copy some data to the volume and create another snapshot, additionally tell the kernel to create a metadata snapshot using dmsetup.
# dmsetup message /dev/mapper/thingroup-thinpool-tpool 0 reserve_metadata_snap # lvcreate -ay -Ky --snapshot -n inc_backup thingroup/vol1
  • Export an XML description of the differences between the snapshots using the thin_delta executable and release the snapshot:
# thin_delta -m --snap1 $(lvs --noheadings -o thin_id thingroup/full_backup) --snap2 $(lvs --noheadings -o thin_id thingroup/inc_backup) > delta_dump # dmsetup message /dev/mapper/thingroup-thinpool-tpool 0 release_metadata_snap
  • Parse the resulting XML file and read the blocks reported as “different” and “right only” from the created data snapshot.

This all has already been implemented by a nice utility called thin-send-recv, which based on this functionality allows to (incrementally) send LVM snapshots to remote systems just like zfs send or zfs recv.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russell Coker: Respect and Children

Mon, 2024-05-20 06:27

I attended the school Yarra Valley Grammer (then Yarra Valley Anglican School which I will refer to as “YV”) and completed year 12 in 1990. The school is currently in the news for a spreadsheet some boys made rating girls where “unrapeable” was one of the ratings. The school’s PR team are now making claims like “Respect for each other is in the DNA of this school”. I’d like to know when this DNA change allegedly occurred because respect definitely wasn’t in the school DNA in 1990! Before I go any further I have to note that if the school threatens legal action against me for this post it will be clear evidence that they don’t believe in respect. The actions of that school have wronged me, several of my friends, many people who aren’t friends but who I wish they hadn’t had to suffer and I hadn’t had to witness it, and presumably countless others that I didn’t witness. If they have any decency they would not consider legal action but I have learned that as an institution they have no decency so I have to note that they should read the Wikipedia page about the Streisand Effect [1] and keep it in mind before deciding on a course of action.

I think it is possible to create a school where most kids enjoy being there and enjoy learning, where hardly any students find it a negative experience and almost no-one finds it traumatic. But it is not possible to do that with the way schools tend to be run.

When I was at high school there was a general culture that minor sex crimes committed by boys against boys weren’t a problem, this probably applied to all high schools. Things like ripping a boy’s pants off (known as “dakking”) were considered a big joke. If you accept that ripping the pants off an unwilling boy is a good thing (as was the case when I was at school) then that leads to thinking that describing girls as “unrapeable” is acceptable. The Wikipedia page for “Pantsing” [2] has a reference for this issue being raised as a serious problem by the British Secretary of State for Education and Skills Alan Johnson in 2007. So this has continued to be a widespread problem around the world. Has YV become better than other schools in dealing with it or is Dakking and Wedgies as well accepted now as it was when I attended? There is talk about schools preparing kids for the workforce, but grabbing someone’s underpants without consent will result in instant dismissal from almost all employment. There should be more tolerance for making mistakes at school than at work, but they shouldn’t tolerate what would be serious crimes in other contexts. For work environments there have been significant changes to what is accepted, so it doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect that schools can have a similar change in culture.

One would hope that spending 6 years wondering who’s going to grab your underpants next would teach boys the importance of consent and some sympathy for victims of other forms of sexual assault. But that doesn’t seem to happen, apparently it’s often the opposite.

When I was young Autism wasn’t diagnosed for anyone who was capable of having a normal life. Teachers noticed that I wasn’t like other kids, some were nice, but some encouraged other boys to attack me as a form of corporal punishment by proxy – not a punishment for doing anything wrong (detentions were adequate for that) but for being different. The lesson kids will take from that sort of thing is that if you are in a position of power you can mistreat other people and get away with it. There was a girl in my year level at YV who would probably be diagnosed as Autistic by today’s standards, the way I witnessed her being treated was considerably worse than what was described in the recent news reports – but it is quite likely that worse things have been done recently which haven’t made the news yet. If this issue is declared to be over after 4 boys were expelled then I’ll count that as evidence of a cover-up. These things don’t happen in a vacuum, there’s a culture that permits and encourages it.

The word “respect” has different meanings, it can mean “treat a superior as the master” or “treat someone as a human being”. The phrase “if you treat me with respect I’ll treat you with respect” usually means “if you treat me as the boss then I’ll treat you as a human being”. The distinction is very important when discussing respect in schools. If teachers are considered the ultimate bosses whose behaviour can never be questioned then many boys won’t need much help from Andrew Tate in developing the belief that they should be the boss of girls in the same way. Do any schools have a process for having students review teachers? Does YV have an ombudsman to take reports of misbehaving teachers in the way that corporations typically have an ombudsman to take reports about bad managers? Any time you have people whose behaviour is beyond scrutiny or oversight you will inevitably have bad people apply for jobs, then bad things will happen and it will create a culture of bad behaviour. If teachers can treat kids badly then kids will treat other kids badly, and this generally ends with girls being treated badly by boys.

My experience at YV was that kids barely had the status of people. It seemed that the school operated more as a caretaker of the property of parents than as an organisation that cares for people. The current YV website has a Whistleblower policy [3] that has only one occurrence of the word “student” and that is about issues that endanger the health or safety of students. Students are the people most vulnerable to reprisal for complaining and not being listed as an “eligible whistleblower” shows their status. The web site also has a flowchart for complaints and grievances [4] which doesn’t describe any policy for a complaint to be initiated by a student. One would hope that parents would advocate for their children but that often isn’t the case. When discussing the possibility of boys being bullied at school with parents I’ve had them say things like “my son wouldn’t be so weak that he would be bullied”, no boy will tell his parents about being bullied if that’s their attitude! I imagine that there are similar but different issues of parents victim-blaming when their daughter is bullied (presumably substituting immoral for weak) but don’t have direct knowledge of the topic. The experience of many kids is being disrespected by their parents, the school system, and often siblings too. A school can’t solve all the world’s problems but can ideally be a refuge for kids who have problems at home.

When I was at school the culture in the country and the school was homophobic. One teacher when discussing issues such as how students could tell him if they had psychological problems and no-one else to talk to said some things like “the Village People make really good music” which was the only time any teacher said anything like “It’s OK to be gay” (the Village People were the gayest pop group at the time). A lot of the bullying at school had a sexual component to it. In addition to the wedgies and dakking (which while not happening often was something you had to constantly be aware of) I routinely avoided PE classes where a shower was necessary because of a thug who hung around by the showers and looked hungrily at my penis, I don’t know if he had a particular liking to mine or if he stared at everyone that way. Flashing and perving was quite common in change rooms. Presumably as such boy-boy sexual misbehaviour was so accepted that led to boys mistreating girls.

I currently work for a company that is active in telling it’s employees about the possibility of free psychological assistance. Any employee can phone a psychologist to discuss problems (whether or not they are work related) free of charge and without their manager or colleagues knowing. The company is billed and is only given a breakdown of the number of people who used the service and roughly what the issue was (work stress, family, friends, grief, etc). When something noteworthy happens employees are given reminders about this such as “if you need help after seeing a homeless man try to steal a laptop from the office then feel free to call the assistance program”. Do schools offer something similar? With the school fees paid to a school like YV they should be able to afford plenty of psychologist time. Every day I was at YV I saw something considerably worse than laptop theft, most days something was done to me.

The problems with schools are part of larger problems with society. About half of the adults in Australia still support the Liberal party in spite of their support of Christian Porter, Cardinal Pell, and Bruce Lehrmann. It’s not logical to expect such parents to discourage their sons from mistreating girls or to encourage their daughters to complain when they are mistreated. The Anglican church has recently changed it’s policy to suggesting that victims of sexual abuse can contact the police instead of or in addition to the church, previously they had encouraged victims to only contact the church which facilitated cover-ups. One would hope that schools associated with the Anglican church have also changed their practices towards such things.

I approve of the “respect is in our DNA” concept, it’s like Google’s former slogan of “Don’t be evil” which is something that they can be bound to.

Here’s a list of questions that could be asked of schools (not just YV but all schools) by journalists when reporting on such things:

  1. Do you have a policy of not trying to silence past students who have been treated badly?
  2. Do you take all sexual assaults seriously including wedgies and dakking?
  3. Do you take all violence at school seriously? Even if there’s no blood? Even if the victim says they don’t want to make an issue of it?
  4. What are your procedures to deal with misbehaviour from teachers? Do the students all know how to file complaints? Do they know that they can file a complaint if they aren’t the victim?
  5. Does the school have policies against homophobia and transphobia and are they enforced?
  6. Does the school offer free psychological assistance to students and staff who need it? NB This only applies to private schools like YV that have huge amounts of money, public schools can’t afford that.
  7. Are serious incidents investigated by people who are independent of the school and who don’t have a vested interest in keeping things quiet?
  8. Do you encourage students to seek external help from organisations like the ones on the resources list of the Grace Tame Foundation [5]? Having your own list of recommended external organisations would be good too.
Counter Arguments

I’ve had practice debating such things, here’s some responses to common counter arguments.

  • Teachers are nice people how dare you criticise them. Teachers like any other large group of people includes good and bad people. The issue is how well the good people are supported in doing good things, how much effort is spent on tracking down and removing the bad people, and how much effort is spent training people to be the best version of themselves. Also my father worked as a teacher so I really don’t think that all teachers are bad.
  • Teachers are overworked and underpaid and you shouldn’t criticise them. When a school has 25 students in a class whose parents each pay $30,000 per annum the school can afford to pay as much as is necessary. Arguments about teachers being overworked and underpaid are a criticism of the organisation of private school and of government priorities for public schools not a counter argument to criticisms of the way schools operate.
  • When I went to school no bad things happened. Did you go to YV? If not then your experience isn’t relevant to this post.
  • I was a prefect at YV and didn’t see any bad things, if you saw bad things you should have reported it to me. I was not aware of any prefect who had a history of opposing bullying in previous years, I can think of some who had a history of encouraging it. Prefects were selected on the basis of supporting the system so anyone who would be expected to try to change things would have been rejected.
  • Children will make false and frivolous claims so we should ignore most of what they say, therefore complaints should only come from parents. Children have considerably less ability to lie than adults and the senior teachers are much better at detecting lies than most people. Sorting out accurate claims from false ones shouldn’t be difficult but if you reject all criticism as false claims then you will definitely miss reports of bad things and allow problems to continue.
  • I had a hard time at school and I turned out fine. If having bad things done to you doesn’t make you want to protect others from the same things then you didn’t turn out fine at all.
  • Kids need to toughen up to survive the real world. The “real world” that I live in doesn’t involve much violence at all, even having someone raise their voice at work is uncommon. Of the situations where being “tough” due to my experience at YV has been useful almost all of them involve me choosing to help someone I don’t know in a dangerous situation while other men pretend that they didn’t even notice it. The real solution is to create a world with less violence and a large part of that involves improving schools.

I don’t think that YV is necessarily worse than other schools, although I’m sure that representatives of other private schools are now working to assure parents of students and prospective students that they are.

I don’t think that all the people who were employed as teachers there when I attended were bad people, some of them were nice people who were competent teachers. But a few good people can’t turn around a bad system. I will note that when I attended all the sports teachers were decent people, it was the only department I could say such things about. But sports involves situations that can lead to a bad result, issues started at other times and places can lead to violence or harassment in PE classes regardless of how good the teachers are.

Teachers who know that there are problems need to be able to raise issues with the administration. When a teacher quits teaching to join the clergy and another teacher describes it as “a loss for the clergy but a gain for YV” it raises the question of why the bad teacher in question couldn’t have been encouraged to leave earlier.

A significant portion of the population will do whatever is permitted. If you say “no teacher would ever bully a student so we don’t need to look out for that” then some teacher will do exactly that.

I hope that this will lead to changes both in YV and in other schools. But if they declare this issue as resolved after expelling 4 students then something similar or worse will happen again. At least now students know that when this sort of thing happens they can send evidence to journalists to get some action.

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  3. Porn For Children James Purser writes about the current plans for Internet filtering...
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Debian Brasil: MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 - um breve relato

Mon, 2024-05-20 05:00

De 27 a 30 de abril de 2024 foi realizada a MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 no Campus Pampulha da UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Belo Horizonte - MG.

Esta foi a quinta vez que uma MiniDebConf (como um evento presencial exclusivo sobre Debian) aconteceu no Brasil. As edições anteriores foram em Curitiba (2016, 2017, e 2018), e em Brasília 2023. Tivemos outras edições de MiniDebConfs realizadas dentro de eventos de Software Livre como o FISL e a Latinoware, e outros eventos online. Veja o nosso histórico de eventos.

Paralelamente à MiniDebConf, no dia 27 (sábado) aconteceu o FLISOL - Festival Latino-americano de Instalação de Software Livre, maior evento da América Latina de divulgação de Software Livre realizado desde o ano de 2005 simultaneamente em várias cidades.

A MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 foi um sucesso (assim como as edições anteriores) graças à participação de todos(as), independentemente do nível de conhecimento sobre o Debian. Valorizamos a presença tanto dos(as) usuários(as) iniciantes que estão se familiarizando com o sistema quanto dos(as) desenvolvedores(as) oficiais do projeto. O espírito de acolhimento e colaboração esteve presente em todos os momentos.

Números da edição 2024

Durante os quatro dias de evento aconteceram diversas atividades para todos os níveis de usuários(as) e colaboradores(as) do projeto Debian. A programação oficial foi composta de:

  • 06 salas em paralelo no sábado;
  • 02 auditórios em paralelo na segunda e terça-feira;
  • 30 palestras/BoFs de todos os níveis;
  • 05 oficinas para atividades do tipo mão na massa;
  • 09 lightning talks sobre temas diversos;
  • 01 performance Live Eletronics com Software Livre;
  • Install fest para instalar Debian nos notebook dos(as) participantes;
  • BSP (Bug Squashing Party - Festa de Caça à Bugs);
  • Uploads de pacotes novos ou atualizados.

Os números finais da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 mostram que tivemos um recorde de participantes.

  • Total de pessoas inscritas: 399
  • Total de pessoas presentes: 224

Dos 224 participantes, 15 eram contribuidores(as) oficiais brasileiros sendo 10 DDs (Debian Developers) e 05 (Debian Maintainers), além de diversos(as) contribuidores(as) não oficiais.

A organização foi realizada por 14 pessoas que começaram a trabalhar ainda no final de 2023, entre elas o Loïc Cerf do Departamento de Computação que viabilizou o evento na UFMG, e 37 voluntários(as) que ajudaram durante o evento.

Como a MiniDebConf foi realizado nas instalações da UFMG, tivemos a ajuda de mais de 10 funcionários da Universidade.

Veja a lista com os nomes das pessoas que ajudaram de alguma forma na realização da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024.

A diferença entre o número de pessoas inscritas e o número de pessoas presentes provavelmente se explica pelo fato de não haver cobrança de inscrição, então se a pessoa desistir de ir ao evento ela não terá prejuízo financeiro.

A edição 2024 da MiniDebconf Belo Horizonte foi realmente grandiosa e mostra o resultado dos constantes esforços realizados ao longo dos últimos anos para atrair mais colaboradores(as) para a comunidade Debian no Brasil. A cada edição os números só aumentam, com mais participantes, mais atividades, mais salas, e mais patrocinadores/apoiadores.


A programação da MiniDebConf foi intensa e diversificada. Nos dias 27, 29 e 30 (sábado, segunda e terça-feira) tivemos palestras, debates, oficinas e muitas atividades práticas.

Já no dia 28 (domingo), ocorreu o Day Trip, um dia dedicado a passeios pela cidade. Pela manhã saímos do hotel e fomos, em um ônibus fretado, para o Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte. O pessoal aproveitou para comprar várias coisas como queijos, doces, cachaças e lembrancinhas, além de experimentar algumas comidas locais.

Depois de 2 horas de passeio pelo Mercado, voltamos para o ônibus e pegamos a estrada para almoçarmos em um restaurante de comida típica mineira.

Com todos bem alimentados, voltamos para Belo Horizonte para visitarmos o principal ponto turístico da cidade: a Lagoa da Pampulha e a Capela São Francisco de Assis, mais conhecida como Igrejinha da Pampulha.

Voltamos para o hotel e o dia terminou no hacker space que montamos na sala de eventos para o pessoal conversar, empacotar, e comer umas pizzas.

Financiamento coletivo

Pela terceira vez fizemos uma campanha de financiamento coletivo e foi incrível como as pessoas contribuíram! A meta inicial era arrecadar o valor equivalente a uma cota ouro de R$ 3.000,00. Ao atingirmos essa meta, definimos uma nova, equivalente a uma cota ouro + uma cota prata (R$ 5.000,00). E novamente atingimos essa meta. Então propusermos como meta final o valor de uma cota ouro + prata + bronze, que seria equivalente a R$ 6.000,00. O resultado foi que arrecadamos R$ 6.706,79 com a ajuda de mais de 100 pessoas!

Muito obrigado as pessoas que contribuíram com qualquer valor. Como forma de agradecimento, listamos os nomes das pessoas que doaram.

Bolsas de alimentação, hospedagem e/ou passagens para participantes

Cada edição da MiniDebConf trouxe alguma inovação, ou algum benefício diferente para os(a) participantes. Na edição deste ano em Belo Horizonte, assim como acontece nas DebConfs, oferecemos bolsas de alimentação, hospedagem e/ou passagens para ajudar aquelas pessoas que gostariam de vir para o evento mas que precisariam de algum tipo de ajuda.

No formulário de inscrição, colocamos a opção para a pessoa solicitar bolsa de alimentação, hospedagem e/ou passagens, mas para isso, ela deveria se identificar como contribuidor(a) (oficial ou não oficial) do Debian e escrever uma justificativa para o pedido.

Número de pessoas beneficiadas:

  • Alimentação: 69
  • Hospedagem: 20
  • Passagens: 18

A bolsa de alimentação forneceu almoço e jantar todos os dias. Os almoços incluíram pessoas que moram em Belo Horizonte e região. Já o jantares foram pagos para os(as) participantes que também receberam a bolsa de hospedagem e/ou passagens. A hospedagem foi realizada no Hotel BH Jaraguá. E as passagens incluíram de avião ou de ônibus, ou combustível (para quem veio de carro ou moto).

Boa parte do dinheiro para custear as bolsas vieram do Projeto Debian, principalmente para as passagens. Enviamos um orçamento o então líder do Debian Jonathan Carter, e ele prontamente aprovou o nosso pedido.

Além deste orçamento do evento, o líder também aprovou os pedidos individuais enviados por alguns DDs que preferiram solicitar diretamente para ele.

A experiência de oferecer as bolsas foi realmente muito boa porque permitiu a vinda de várias pessoas de outras cidades.

Fotos e vídeos

Você pode assistir as gravações das palestras nos links abaixo:

E ver as fotos feitas por vários(as) colaboradores(as) nos links abaixo:


Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos(as) os(as) participantes, organizadores(as), voluntários(as), patrocinadores(as) e apoiadores(as) que contribuíram para o sucesso da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024.





Apoiadores Organização
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Steinar H. Gunderson: Perfy perf

Sat, 2024-05-18 17:00

I don't like slow software. So I use profilers to make software faster. What I like even less, is slow profilers! And perf is sometimes slow for completely unavoidable reasons; to resolve source line information (needed primarily for figuring out inlining, at least in the default settings), you need to go ask libbfd. But libbfd comes from binutils, and binutils is GPLv3. And perf is part of the Linux kernel, which famously is GPLv2. So if you build perf against libbfd, the result is… nondistributable. Distros cannot ship them. Not Spiderman pointing at Spiderman, but Stallman pointing at Stallman. perf has to resort to calling out to addr2line over a pipe, which sometimes works well and sometimes… well, not. A couple of years ago, I suggested an improvement here that got me a small amount of attention, but it still isn't a really reliable way to do things.

But over the last 20 years, some other group has been busy making compilers and linkers and disassemblers and low-level binary stuff. And they were pretty careful to make their stuff GPLv2-compatible. So I give you… perf using libllvm for source line lookup (and disassembling).

Hoping for a constructive review process and that I can reach the 6.11 merge window :-)

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russell Coker: Kogan 5120*2160 40″ Monitor

Sat, 2024-05-18 00:24

I’ve just got a new Kogan 5120*2160 40″ curved monitor. It cost $599 including shipping etc which is much cheaper than the Dell monitor with similar specs selling for about $2500. For monitors with better than 4K resolution (by which I don’t mean 5K*1440) this is the cheapest option. The nearest competitors are the 27″ monitors that do 5120*2880 from Apple and some companies copying Apple’s specs. While 5120*2880 is a significantly better resolution than what I got it’s probably not going to help me at 27″ size.

I’ve had a Dell 32″ 4K monitor since the 1st of July 2022 [1]. It is a really good monitor and I had no complaints at all about it. It was clearer than the Samsung 27″ 4K monitor I used before it and I’m not sure how much of that is due to better display technology (the Samsung was from 2017) and how much was due to larger size. But larger size was definitely a significant factor.

I briefly owned a Phillips 43″ 4K monitor [2] and determined that a 43″ flat screen was definitely too big. At the time I thought that about 35″ would have been ideal but after a couple of years using a flat 32″ screen I think that 32″ is about the upper limit for a flat screen. This is the first curved monitor I’ve used but I’m already thinking that maybe 40″ is too big for a 21:9 aspect ratio even with a curved screen. Maybe if it was 4:4 or even 16:9 that would be ok. Otherwise the ideal for a curved screen for me would be something between about 36″ and 38″. Also 43″ is awkward to move around my desk. But this is still quite close to ideal.

The first system I tested this on was a work laptop, a Dell Latitude 7400 2in1. On the Dell dock that did 4K resolution and on a HDMI cable it did 1440p which was a disappointment as that laptop has talked to many 4K monitors at native resolution on the HDMI port with the same cable. This isn’t an impossible problem, as I work in the IT department I can just go through all the laptops in the store room until I find one that supports it. But the 2in1 is a very nice laptop, so I might even just keep using it in 4K resolution when WFH. The laptop in question is deemed an “executive” laptop so I have to wait another 2 years for the executives to get new laptops before I can get a newer 2in1.

On my regular desktop I had the problem of the display going off for a few seconds every minute or so and also occasionally giving a white flicker. That was using 5120*2160 with a DisplayPort switch as described in the blog post about the Dell 32″ monitor. When I ran it in 4K resolution with the DisplayPort switch from my desktop it was fine. I then used the DisplayPort cable that came with the monitor directly connecting the video card to the display and it was fine at 5120*2160 with 75Hz.

The monitor has the joystick thing that seems to have become some sort of standard for controlling modern monitors. It’s annoying that pressing it in powers it off. I think there should be a separate button for that. Also the UI in general made me wonder if one of the vendors of expensive monitors had paid whoever designed it to make the UI suck.

The monitor had a single dead pixel in the center of the screen about 1/4 the way down from the top when I started writing this post. Now it’s gone away which is a concern as I don’t know which pixels might have problems next or if the number of stuck pixels will increase. Also it would be good if there was a “dark mode” for the WordPress editor. I use dark mode wherever possible so I didn’t notice the dead pixel for several hours until I started writing this blog post.

I watched a movie on Netflix and it took the entire screen area, I don’t know if they are storing movies in 64:27 ratio or if the clipped the top and bottom, it was probably clipped but still looked OK. The monitor has different screen modes which make it look different, I can’t see much benefit to the different modes. The “standard” mode is what I usually use and it’s brighter and the “movie” mode seems OK for the one movie I’ve watched so far.

In other news BenQ has just announced a 3840*2560 28″ monitor specifically designed for programming [3]. This is the first time I’ve heard of a monitor with 3:2 ratio with modern resolution, we still aren’t at the 4:3 type ratio that we were used to when 640*480 was high resolution but it’s a definite step in the right direction. It’s also the only time I recall ever seeing a monitor advertised as being designed for programming. In the 80s there were home computers advertised as being computers for kids to program, but at that time it was either TV sets for monitors or monitors sold with computers. It was only after the IBM PC compatible market took off that having a choice of different monitors for one computer was a thing. In recent years monitors advertised as being for office use (meaning bright and expensive) have become common as are monitors designed for gamer use (meaning high refresh rate). But BenQ seems to be the first to advertise a monitor for the purpose of programming. They have a “desktop partition” feature (which could be software or hardware – the article doesn’t make it clear) to give some of the benefits of a tiled window manager to people who use OSs that don’t support such things. The BenQ monitor is a bit small for my taste, I don’t know if my vision is good enough to take advantage of 3840*2560 in a 28″ monitor nowadays. I think at least 32″ would be better. Google seems to be really into buying good monitors for their programmers, if every Google programmer got one of those BenQ monitors then that would be enough sales to make it worth-while for them.

I had hoped that we would have 6K monitors become affordable this year and 8K become less expensive than most cars. Maybe that won’t happen and we will instead have a wider range of products like the ultra wide monitor I just bought and the BenQ programmer’s monitor. If so I don’t think that will be a bad result.

Now the question is whether I can use this monitor for 2 years before finding something else that makes me want to upgrade. I can afford to spend the equivalent of a bit under $1/day on monitor upgrades.

Related posts:

  1. Dell 32″ 4K Monitor and DisplayPort Switch After determining that the Philips 43″ monitor was too large...
  2. Philips 438P1 43″ 4K Monitor I have just returned a Philips 438P1 43″ 4K Monitor...
  3. cheap big TFT monitor I just received the latest Dell advert, they are offering...
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

James Morrison: Goodbye Firefox

Fri, 2024-05-17 20:09

 I've been on Chromebooks for a while.  However, since I had to recently try a Mac, I figured it was time to give Firefox a try again.  After two weeks of trying, I've given up.  At least for myself, I figured I'd write down the reasons I've given up.


  • There is no way from the tab context menu to move a tab between windows.  I typically try to keep no more than 3 windows open at a time.  Ideally one, but maybe a second.  Without the ability to through the context menu to move a tab, I need a very large screen (not a laptop screen) to move tabs between windows.
  • I couldn't find a way to take a URL and turn it into a custom search.  This really is a critical feature as it allows me to use short names to access specific searches.  E.g. search code (cs), show a calendar (c), etc.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Debian Brasil: MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 - um breve relato

Fri, 2024-05-17 16:15

De 27 a 30 de abril de 2024 foi realizada a MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 no Campus Pampulha da UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Belo Horizonte - MG.

Esta foi a quinta vez que uma MiniDebConf (como um evento presencial exclusivo sobre Debian) aconteceu no Brasil. As edições anteriores foram em Curitiba (2016, 2017, e 2018), e em Brasília 2023. Tivemos outras edições de MiniDebConfs realizadas dentro de eventos de Software Livre como o FISL e a Latinoware, e outros eventos online. Veja o nosso histórico de eventos.

Paralelamente à MiniDebConf, no dia 27 (sábado) aconteceu o FLISOL - Festival Latino-americano de Instalação de Software Livre, maior evento da América Latina de divulgação de Software Livre realizado desde o ano de 2005 simultaneamente em várias cidades.

A MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 foi um sucesso (assim como as edições anteriores) graças à participação de todos(as), independentemente do nível de conhecimento sobre o Debian. Valorizamos a presença tanto dos(as) usuários(as) iniciantes que estão se familiarizando com o sistema quanto dos(as) desenvolvedores(as) oficiais do projeto. O espírito de acolhimento e colaboração esteve presente em todos os momentos.

Números da edição 2024

Durante os quatro dias de evento aconteceram diversas atividades para todos os níveis de usuários(as) e colaboradores(as) do projeto Debian. A programação oficial foi composta de:

  • 06 salas em paralelo no sábado;
  • 02 auditórios em paralelo na segunda e terça-feira;
  • 30 palestras/BoFs de todos os níveis;
  • 05 oficinas para atividades do tipo mão na massa;
  • 09 lightning talks sobre temas diversos;
  • 01 performance Live Eletronics com Software Livre;
  • Install fest para instalar Debian nos notebook dos(as) participantes;
  • BSP (Bug Squashing Party - Festa de Caça à Bugs);
  • Uploads de pacotes novos ou atualizados.

Os números finais da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 monstram que tivemos um recorde!

  • Total de pessoas inscritas: 399
  • Total de pessoas presentes: 224

Dos 224 participantes, 15 eram contribuidores(as) oficiais brasileiros sendo 10 DDs (Debian Developers) e 05 (Debian Maintainers), além de diversos(as) contribuidores(as) não oficiais.

A organização foi realizada por 14 pessoas que começaram a trabalhar ainda no final de 2023, entre elas o Loïc Cerf do Departamento de Computação que viabilizou o evento na UFMG, e 37 voluntários(as) que ajudaram durante o evento.

Como a MiniDebConf foi realizado nas instalações da UFMG, tivemos a ajuda de mais de 10 funcionários da Universidade.

Veja a lista com os nomes das pessoas que ajudaram de alguma forma na realização da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024.

A diferença entre o número de pessoas inscritas e o número de pessoas presentes provavelmente se explica pelo fato de não haver cobrança de inscrição, então se a pessoa desistir de ir ao evento ela não terá prejuízo financeiro.

A edição 2024 da MiniDebconf Curitiba foi realmente grandiosa e mostra o resultado dos constantes esforços realizados ao longo dos últimos anos para atrair mais colaboradores(as) para a comunidade Debian no Brasil. A cada edição os números só aumentam, com mais participantes, mais atividades, mais salas, e mais patrocinadores/apoiadores.


A programação da MiniDebConf foi intensa e diversificada. Nos dias 27, 29 e 30 (sábado, segunda e terça-feira) tivemos palestras, debates, oficinas e muitas atividades práticas. Já no dia 28 (domingo), ocorreu o Day Trip, um dia dedicado a passeios pela cidade. Pela manhã saímos do hotel e fomos, em um ônibus fretado, para o Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte. O pessoal aproveitou para comprar várias coisas como queijos, doces, e lembrancinhas, além de experimentar algumas comidas locais.

Depois de 2 horas de passeio pelo Mercado, voltamos para o ônibus e pegamos a estrada para almoçarmos em um restaurante de comida típica mineira.

Com todos bem alimentados, voltamos para Belo Horizonte para visitarmos o principal ponto turístico da cidade: a Lagoa da Pampulha e a Capela São Francisco de Assis, mais conhecida como Igrejinha da Pampulha.

Voltamos para o hotel e o dia terminou no hacker space que montamos na sala de eventos para o pessoal conversar, empacotar, e comer umas pizzas.

Bolsas para participantes

em breve

Financiamento coletivo

Pela segunda vez, fizemos uma vaquinha e conseguimos recursos para pagar algumas coisas (café da manhã, local, imprensa, crachá, cordões). A meta do crowdfunding era de R$ 3.000,00 e conseguimos R$ 3.940,00, recebemos de 62 doadores do Brasil e de outros países.

Cada participante recebeu: crachá, cordão personalizado, flyer com dicas "como contribuir com o Projeto Debian" e flyers de nossos patrocinadores.

Fotos e vídeos

Você pode assistir as gravações das palestras nos links abaixo:

E ver as fotos feitas por vários(as) colaboradores(as) nos links abaixo:


Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos(as) os(as) participantes, organizadores(as), voluntários(as), patrocinadores(as) e apoiadores(as) que contribuíram para o sucesso da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024.





Apoiadores Organização
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope): diffoscope 267 released

Thu, 2024-05-16 20:00

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 267. This version includes the following changes:

[ Chris Lamb ] * Include "xz --verbose --verbose" (ie. double --verbose) output, not just the single --verbose. (Closes: #1069329) * Only include "xz --list" output if the xz has no other differences.

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

John Goerzen: Review of Reputable, Functional, and Secure Email Service

Thu, 2024-05-16 13:42

I last reviewed email services in 2019. That review focused a lot of attention on privacy. At the time, I selected as my provider, and have been using them for these 5 years since. However, both their service and their support have gone significantly downhill since, so it is time for me to look at other options.

Here I am focusing strongly on email. Some of the providers mentioned here provide other services (IM, video calls, groupware, etc.), and to the extent they do, I am ignoring them.

What Matters in 2024

I want to start off by acknowledging that what you need in email probably depends on your circumstances and the country in which you live. For me, I begin by naming that the largest threat most of us face isn’t from state actors but from criminals: hackers, ransomware gangs, etc. It is important to take as many steps as possible to secure one’s account against that. Privacy and security are both part of the mix. I still value privacy but I am acknowledging, as Migadu does, that “Email as we know it and encryption are incompatible.” Although some of these services strongly protect parts of the conversation, the reality is that most people will be emailing people using plain old email services which don’t. For stronger security, something like Signal would be needed. (I wrote about Signal in 2021 also.)

Interestingly, OpenPGP support seems to be something of a standard feature in the providers I reviewed by this point. All or almost all of them provide integration with browser-based encryption as well as server-side encryption if you prefer that.

Although can automatically PGP-encrypt every message that arrives in plaintext, for general use, this is unwieldy; there isn’t good tooling for searching mailboxes where every message is encrypted, etc. So I never enabled that feature at Mailbox. I still value security and privacy, but a pragmatic approach addresses the most pressing threats first.

My criteria

The basic requirements for an email service include:

  1. Ability to use my own domains
  2. Strong privacy policy
  3. Ability for me to use my own IMAP and SMTP clients on both desktop and mobile
  4. It must be extremely reliable
  5. It must not be free
  6. It must have excellent support for those rare occasions when it is needed
  7. Support for basic aliases

Why do I say it must not be free? Because if someone is providing a service with the quality I’m talking about here, and not charging for it, it implies something is fishy: either they are unscrupulous, are financially unstable, or the product is something else like ads. I am not aware of any provider that matches the other criteria with a free account anyhow. These providers range from about $30 to $90 per year, so cheaper than a Netflix subscription.

Immediately, this rules out several options:

  • Proton doesn’t let me use my own clients on mobile (their bridge is desktop-only)
  • Tuta also doesn’t let me use my own clients
  • Posteo doesn’t let me use my own domain
  • lacks a strong privacy policy, and its policy has numerous causes for concern (for instance, “If you repeatedly send email to invalid/unroutable recipients, they may be published on our GitHub”)

I will have a bit more to say about a couple of these providers below.

There are some additional criteria that are strongly desired but not absolutely required:

  1. Ability to set individual access passwords for every device/app
  2. Support for two-factor authentication (2FA/TFA/TOTP) for web-based access
  3. Support for basics in filtering: ability to filter on envelope recipient (so if I get BCC’d, I can still filter), and ability to execute more than one action on filter match (eg, deliver to two folders, or deliver to a folder and forward to someone else)

IMAP and SMTP don’t really support 2FA, so by setting individual passwords for every device, you can at least limit the blast radius and cut off a specific device if something is (or might be) compromised.

The candidates

I considered these providers: Startmail, Mailfence, Runbox, Fastmail, Kolab,, and Migadu. I’ll review each, and highlight the pricing of the plan I would most likely use.

I set up trials with each of these (except, with which I already had a paid account). It so happend that I had actual questions for support for each one, which gave me an opportunity to see how support responded. I did not fabricate questions, and would not have contacted support if I didn’t have real ones. (This means that I asked different questions of each provider, because they were the REAL questions I had.) I’ll jump to the spoiler right now: I eventually chose Migadu, with Fastmail and Mailfence as close seconds.

I looked for providers myself, and also solicited recommendations in a Mastodon thread.

I begin with Mailbox, as it was my top choice in 2019 and the incumbent.

Until this year, I had been quite happy with it. I had cause to reach their support less than once a year on average, and each time they replied the same day or next day. Now, however, they are failing on reliability and on support.

Their spam filter has become overly aggressive. It has blocked quite a bit of legitimate mail. When contacting their support about a prior issue earlier this year, they initially took 4 days to reply, and then 6 days to reply after that. Ouch. They had me disable some spam settings.

It didn’t really help. I continue to lose mail. I don’t know how much, because they block a lot of it before it even hits the spam folder. One of my friends texted to say mail was dropping. I raised a new ticket with mailbox, which took them 5 days to reply to. Their reply was unhelpful. “As the Internet is not a static system, unforeseen events can always occur.” Well yes, that’s true, and I get it, false positives exist with email. But this was from an ISP’s mail system with an address that had been established for years, and it was part of a larger pattern of rejecting quite a bit of legit mail. And every interaction with them recently hasn’t resulted in them actually doing anything to resolve anything. It’s just a paragraph or two of reply that does nothing and helps nothing.

When I complained that it took 5 days to reply, they said “We have not been able to reply sooner as we are currently experiencing a high volume of customer enquiries.” Even though their SLA for my account is a not-great “48 business hour” turnaround, they still missed it and their reason is “we’re busy.” I finally asked what RBL had caught the blocked email, since when I checked, the sender wasn’t on any RBL. Mailbox’s reply: they only keep their logs for 7 days, so next time I contact them within 7 days. Which, of course, I DID; it was them that kept delaying. Ugh! It’s like they’ve become a cable company.

Even worse is how they have been blocking mail from GrapheneOS’s discussion form. See their thread about it. In short, Graphene’s mail server has a clean reputation and Mailbox has no problem with it. But because one of Graphene’s IPv6 webservers has an IPv6 allocation of a size Mailbox doesn’t like, they drop mail. It’s ridiculous, and Mailbox was dismissive of this well-known and well-regarded Open Source project. So if the likes of GrapheneOS can’t get good faith effort to deliver their mail, what chance does an individual like me have?

I’m sorry, but I’m literally paying you to deliver email for me and provide good support. If you can’t do either of those, you don’t get to push that problem down onto me. Hire appropriate staff.

On the technical side, they support aliases, my own clients, and have a reasonable privacy policy. Their 2FA support exists for the web interface (though weirdly not the support site), though it is somewhat weird. They do not support app passwords.

A somewhat unique feature is the domain. If you try to receive mail at that address, will block it unless it uses TLS. Same for sending. This isn’t E2EE, but it does at least require things not be in plaintext for the last hop to Mailbox.

Verdict: not recommended due to poor reliability and support.

Mailbox.Org summary:

  • Website:
  • Reliability: iffy due to over-aggressive spam filtering
  • Support: Poor; takes 4-6 days for a reply and replies are unhelpful
  • Individual access passwords: No
  • 2FA: Yes, but with a PIN instead of a password as the other factor
  • Filtering: Full SIEVE feature set and GUI editor
  • Spam settings: greylisting on/off, reject some/all spam, etc. But they’re insufficient to address Mailbox’s overzealousness, which support says I cannot workaround within the interface.
  • Server storage location: Germany
  • Plan as reviewed: standard [pricing link]
    • Cost per year: EUR 30 (about $33)
    • Mail storage included: 10GB
    • Limits on send/receive volume: none
    • Aliases: 50 on your domain name, 25 on
    • Additional mailboxes: Available; each one at the same fee as the primary mailbox

I really wanted to like Startmail. Its “vault” is an interesting idea and should contribute to the security and privacy of an account. They clearly care about privacy.

It falls down in filtering. They have no way to filter on envelope recipient (BCC or similar). Their support confirmed this to me and that’s a showstopper.

Startmail support was also as slow as Mailbox, taking 5 days to respond to me.

Two showstoppers right there.

Verdict: Not recommended due to slow support responsiveness and weak filtering.

Startmail summary:

  • Website:
  • Reliability: Seems to be fine
  • Support: Mediocre; Took 5 days for a reply, but the reply was helpful
  • Individual app access passwords: Yes
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Filtering: Poor; cannot filter on envelope recipient, and can’t build filters with multiple actions
  • Spam settings: None
  • Server storage location: The Netherlands
  • Plan as reviewed: Custom domain (trial was Personal), [pricing link]
    • Cost per year: $70
    • Mail storage included: 20GB
    • Limits on send/receive volume: none
    • Aliases: unlimited, with lots of features: can set expiration, etc.
    • Additional mailboxes: not available

Kolab Now is mainly positioned as a full groupware service, but they do have a email-only option which I investigated. There isn’t much documentation about it compared to other providers, and also not much in the way of settings. You can turn greylisting on or off. And…. that’s it.

It has a full suite of filtering options. They set an X-Envelope-To header which you can use with the arbitrary header match to do the right thing even for BCC situations. Filters can have multiple conditions and multiple actions. It is SIEVE-based and you can download your SIEVE definitions.

If you enable 2FA, you disable IMAP and SMTP; not great.

Verdict: Not an impressive enough email featureset to justify going with it.

Kolab Now summary:

  • Website:
  • Reliability: Seems to be fine
  • Support: Fine responsiveness (next day)
  • Invidiaul app passwords: no
  • 2FA: Yes, but if you enable it, they disable IMAP and SMTP
  • Filtering: Excellent
  • Spam settings: Only greylisting on/off
  • Server storage location: Switzerland; they have lots of details on their setup
  • Plan as reviewed: “Just email” [pricing link]
    • Cost per year: CHF 60, about $66
    • Mail storage included: 5GB
    • Limitations on send/receive volume: None
    • Aliases: Yes. Not sure if there are limits.
    • Additional mailboxes: Yes if you set up a group account. “Flexible pricing based on user count” is not documented anywhere I could find.

Mailfence is another option, somewhat similar to Startmail but without the unique vault. I had some questions about filters, and support was quite responsive, responding in a couple of hours.

Some of their copy on their website is a bit misleading, but support clarified when I asked them. They do not offer encryption at rest (like most of the entries here).

Mailfence’s filtering system is the kind I’d like to see. It allows multiple conditions and multiple actions for each rule, and has some unique actions as well (notify by SMS or XMPP). Support says that “Recipients” matches envelope recipients. However, one ommission is that I can’t match on arbitrary headers; only the canned list of headers they provide.

They have only two spam settings:

  • spam filter on/off
  • whitelist

Given some recent complaints about their spam filter being overly aggressive, I find this lack of control somewhat concerning. (However, I discount complaints about people begging for more features in free accounts; free won’t provide the kind of service I’m looking for with any provider.) There are generally just very few settings for email as well.

Verdict: Response and helpful support, filtering has the right structure but lacks arbitrary header match. Could be a good option.

Mailfence summary:

  • Website:
  • Reliability: Seems to be fine
  • Support: Excellent responsiveness and helpful replies (after some initial confusion about my question of greylisting)
  • Individual app access passwords: No. You can set a per-service password (eg, an IMAP password), but those will be shared with all devices speaking that protocol.
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Filtering: Good; only misses the ability to filter on arbitrary headers
  • Spam settings: Very few
  • Server storage location: Belgium
  • Plan as reviewed: Entry [pricing link]
    • Cost per year: $42
    • Mail storage included: 10GB, with a maximum of 50,000 messages
    • Limits on send/receive volume: none
    • Aliases: 50. Aliases can’t be deleted once created (there may be an exeption to this for aliases on your own domain rather than
    • Additional mailboxes: Their page on this is a bit confusing, and the pricing page lacks the information promised. It looks like you can pay the same $42/year for additional mailboxes, with a limit of up to 2 additional paid mailboxes and 2 additional free mailboxes tied to the account.

This one came recommended in a Mastodon thread. I had some questions about it, and support response was fantastic – I heard from two people that were co-founders of the company! Even within hours, on a weekend. Incredible! This kind of response was only surpassed by Migadu.

I initially wrote to Runbox with questions about the incoming and outgoing message limits, which I hadn’t seen elsewhere, as well as the bandwidth limit. They said the bandwidth limit is no longer enforced on paid accounts. The incoming and outgoing limits are enforced, and all email (even spam) counts towards the limit. Notably the outgoing limit is per recipient, so if you send 10 messages to your 50-recipient family group, that’s the limit. However, they also indicated a willingness to reset the limit if something happens. Unfortunately, hitting the limit results in a hard bounce (SMTP 5xx) rather than a temporary failure (SMTP 4xx) so it can result in lost mail. This means I’d be worried about some attack or other weirdness causing me to lose mail.

Their filter is a pain point. Here are the challenges:

  • You can’t directly match on a BCC recipient. Support advised to use a “headers” match, which will search for something anywhere in the headers. This works and is probably “good enough” since this data is in the Received: headers, but it is a little more imprecise.
  • They only have a “contains”, not an “equals” operator. So, for instance, a pattern searching for “” would also match “”. Support advised to put the email address in angle brackets to avoid this. That will work… mostly. Angle brackets aren’t always required in headers.
  • There is no way to have multiple actions on the filter (there is just no way to file an incoming message into two folders). This was the ultimate showstopper for me.

Support advised they are planning to upgrade the filter system in the future, but these are the limitations today.

Verdict: A good option if you don’t need much from the filtering system. Lots of privacy emphasis.

Runbox summary:

  • Website:
  • Reliability: Seems to be fine, except returning 5xx codes if per-day limits are exceeded
  • Support: Excellent responsiveness and replies from founders
  • Individual app passwords: Yes
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Filtering: Poor
  • Spam settings: Very few
  • Server storage location: Norway
  • Plan as reviewed: Mini [pricing link]
    • Cost per year: $35
    • Mail storage included: 10GB
    • Limited on send/receive volume: Receive 5000 messages/day, Send 500 recipients/day
    • Aliases: 100 on; unlimited on your own domain
    • Additional mailboxes: $15/yr each, also with 10GB non-shared storage per mailbox

Fastmail came recommended to me by a friend I’ve known for decades.

Here’s the thing about Fastmail, compared to all the services listed above: It all just works. Everything. Filtering, spam prevention, it is all there, all feature-complete, and all just does the right thing as you’d hope. Their filtering system has a canned dropdown for “To/Cc/Bcc”, it supports multiple conditions and multiple actions, and just does the right thing. (Delivering to multiple folders is a little cumbersome but possible.) It has a particularly strong feature set around administering multiple accounts, including things like whether users can prevent admins from reading their mail.

The not-so-great part of the picture is around privacy. Fastmail is based in Australia, where the government has extensive power around spying on data, even to the point of forcing companies to add wiretap capabilities. Fastmail’s privacy policy states user data may be hold in Australia, USA, India, and Netherlands. By default, they share data with unidentified “spam companies”, though you can disable this in settings. On the other hand, they do make a good effort towards privacy.

I contacted support with some questions and got back a helpful response in three hours. However, one of the questions was about in which countries my particular data would be stored, and the support response said they would have to get back to me on that. It’s been several days and no word back.

Verdict: A featureful option that “just works”, with a lot of features for managing family accounts and the like, but lacking in the privacy area.

Fastmail summary:

  • Website:
  • Reliability: Seems to be fine
  • Support: Good response time on most questions; dropped the ball on one tha trequired research
  • Individual app access passwords: Yes
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Filtering: Excellent
  • Spam settings: Can set filter aggressiveness, decide whether to share spam data with “spam-fighting companies”, configure how to handle backscatter spam, and evaluate the personal learning filter.
  • Server storage locations: Australia, USA, India, and The Netherlands. Legal jurisdiction is Australia.
  • Plan as reviewed: Individual [pricing link]
    • Cost per year: $60
    • Mail storage included: 50GB
    • Limits on send/receive volume: 300/hour
    • Aliases: Unlimited from what I can see
    • Additional mailboxes: No; requires a different plan for that

Migadu was a service I’d never heard of, but came recommended to me on Mastodon.

I listed Migadu last because it is a class of its own compared to all the other options. Every other service is basically a webmail interface with a few extra settings tacked on.

Migadu has a full-featured email admin console in addition. By that I mean you can:

  • View usage graphs (incoming, outgoing, storage) over time
  • Manage DNS (if you want Migadu to run your nameservers)
  • Manage multiple domains, and cross-domain relationships with mailboxes
  • View a limited set of logs
  • Configure accounts, reset their passwords if needed/authorized, etc.
  • Configure email address rewrite rules with wildcards and so forth

Basically, if you were the sort of person that ran your own mail servers back in the day, here is Migadu giving you most of that functionality. Effectively you have a web interface to do all the useful stuff, and they handle the boring and annoying bits. This is a really attractive model.

Migadu support has been fantastic. They are quick to respond, and went above and beyond. I pointed out that their X-Envelope-To header, which is needed for filtering by BCC, wasn’t being added on emails I sent myself. They replied 5 hours later indicating they had added the feature to add X-Envelope-To even for internal mails! Wow! I am impressed.

With Migadu, you buy a pool of resources: storage space and incoming/outgoing traffic. What you do within that pool is up to you. You can set up users (“mailboxes”), aliases, domains, whatever you like. It all just shares the pool. You can restrict users further so that an individual user has access to only a subset of the pool resources.

I was initially concerned about Migadu’s daily send/receive message count limits, but in visiting with support and reading the documentation, what really comes out is that Migadu is a service with a personal touch. Hitting the incoming traffic limit will cause a SMTP temporary fail (4xx) response so you won’t lose legit mail – and support will work with you if it’s a problem for legit uses. In other words, restrictions are “soft” and they are interpreted reasonably.

One interesting thing about Migadu is that they do not offer accounts under their domain. That is, you MUST bring your own domain. That’s pretty easy and cheap, of course. It also puts you in a position of power, because it is easy to migrate email from one provider to another if you own the domain.

Filtering is done via SIEVE. There is a GUI editor which lets you accomplish most things, though it has an odd blind spot where you can’t file a message into multiple folders. However, you can edit a SIEVE ruleset directly and you get the full SIEVE featureset, which is extensive (and does support filing a message into multiple folders). I note that the SIEVE :envelope match doesn’t work, but Migadu adds an X-Envelope-To header which is just as good.

I particularly love a company that tells you all the reasons you might not want to use them. Migadu’s pro/con list is an honest drawbacks list (of course, their homepage highlights all the features!).

Verdict: Fantastically powerful, excellent support, and good privacy. I chose this one.

Migadu summary:

  • Website:
  • Reliability: Excellent
  • Support: Fantastic. Good response times and they added a feature (or fixed a bug?) a few hours after I requested it.
  • Individual access passwords: Yes. Create “identities” to support them.
  • 2FA: Yes, on both the admin interface and the webmail interface
  • Filtering: Excellent, based on SIEVE. GUI editor doesn’t support multiple actions when filing into a folder, but full SIEVE functionality is exposed.
  • Spam settings:
    • On the domain level, filter aggressiveness, Greylisting on/off, black and white lists
    • On the mailbox level, filter aggressiveness, black and whitelists, action to take with spam; compatible with filters.
  • Server storage location: France; legal jurisdiction Switzerland
  • Plan as reviewed: mini [pricing link]
    • Cost per year: $90
    • Mail storage included: 30GB (“soft” quota)
    • Limits on send/receive volume: 1000 messgaes in/day, 100 messages out/day (“soft” quotas)
    • Aliases: Unlimited on an unlimited number of domains
    • Additional mailboxes: Unlimited and free; uses pooled quotas, but individual quotas can be set

Here are a few others that I didn’t think worthy of getting a trial:

  • mxroute was recommended by several. Lots of concerning things in their policy, such as:
    • if you repeatedly send mail to unroutable recipients, they may publish the addresses on Github
    • they will terminate your account if they think you are “rude” or want to contest a charge
    • they reserve the right to cancel your service at any time for any (or no) reason.
  • Proton keeps coming up, and I will not consider it so long as I am locked into their client on mobile.
  • Skiff comes up sometimes, but they were acquired by Norton.
  • Disroot comes up; this discussion highlights a number of reasons why I avoid them. Their Terms of Service (ToS) is inconsistent with a general-purpose email account (I guess for targeting nonprofits and activists, that could make sense). Particularly laughable is that they claim to be friends of Open Source, but then would take down your account if you upload “copyrighted” material. News flash: in order for an Open Source license to be meaningful, the underlying work is copyrighted. It is perfectly legal to upload copyrighted material when you wrote it or have the license to do so!

There are a lot of good options for email hosting today, and in particular I appreciate the excellent personal support from companies like Migadu and Runbox. Support small businesses!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Evgeni Golov: Using HPONCFG on CentOS Stream 9 with OpenSSL 3.2

Wed, 2024-05-15 05:14

Today I've updated an HPE ProLiant DL325 G10 from CentOS Stream 8 to CentOS Stream 9 (details on that to follow) and realized that hponcfg was broken afterwards.

As I do not have a support contract with HPE, I couldn't just yell at them in private, so I am doing this in public now ;-)

# hponcfg HPE Lights-Out Online Configuration utility Version 5.6.0 Date 11/30/2020 (c) 2005,2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP Error: Unable to locate SSL library. Install latest SSL library to use HPONCFG.

Welp, what the heck?

But wait, 5.6.0 from 2020 looks old, let's update this first!

hponcfg is part of the "Management Component Pack" (at least if you're not running RHEL or SLES where you get it via the "Service Pack for ProLiant" which requires a support contract) and can be downloaded from the Software Delivery Repository.

The Software Delivery Repository tells you to configure it in /etc/yum.repos.d/mcp.repo as

[mcp] name=Management Component Pack baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/GPG-KEY-mcp

gpgcheck=0? Suuure! Plain HTTP? Suuure!

But it gets better! When you look at (you have to substitute dist with your distribution!) you'll see that there is no 9 folder and thus no packages for CentOS (Stream) 9. There are however folders for Oracle, Rocky and Alma. Phew. Let's take one of these!

[mcp] name=Management Component Pack baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=

dnf upgrade hponcfg updates it to hponcfg-6.0.0-0.x86_64 and:

# hponcfg HPE Lights-Out Online Configuration utility Version 6.0.0 Date 10/30/2022 (c) 2005,2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP Error: Unable to locate SSL library. Install latest SSL library to use HPONCFG.


ldd doesn't show hponcfg being linked to libssl, do they dlopen() at runtime and fucked something up? ltrace to the rescue!

# ltrace hponcfg … popen("strings /bin/openssl | grep 'Ope"..., "r") = 0x621700 fgets("OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024\n", 256, 0x621700) = 0x7ffd870e2e10 strstr("OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024\n", "OpenSSL 3.0") = nil …


They run strings /bin/openssl |grep 'OpenSSL' and compare the result with "OpenSSL 3.0"?!

Sure, OpenSSL 3.2 in EL9 is rather fresh and didn't hit RHEL/Oracle/Alma/Rocky yet, but surely there are better ways to check for a compatible version of OpenSSL than THIS?!

Anyway, I am not going to downgrade my OpenSSL. Neither will I patch it to pretend to be 3.0.

But I can patch the hponcfg binary!

# vim /sbin/hponcfg <go to line 146> <replace 3.0 with 3.2> :x

Yes, I used vim. Yes, it works. No, I won't guarantee this won't kill a kitten somewhere.

# ./hponcfg HPE Lights-Out Online Configuration utility Version 6.0.0 Date 10/30/2022 (c) 2005,2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP Firmware Revision = 2.44 Device type = iLO 5 Driver name = hpilo USAGE: hponcfg -? hponcfg -h hponcfg -m minFw hponcfg -r [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password] hponcfg -b [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password] hponcfg [-a] -w filename [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password] hponcfg -g [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password] hponcfg -f filename [-l filename] [-s namevaluepair] [-v] [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password] hponcfg -i [-l filename] [-s namevaluepair] [-v] [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password] -h, --help Display this message -? Display this message -r, --reset Reset the Management Processor to factory defaults -b, --reboot Reboot Management Processor without changing any setting -f, --file Get/Set Management Processor configuration from "filename" -i, --input Get/Set Management Processor configuration from the XML input received through the standard input stream. -w, --writeconfig Write the Management Processor configuration to "filename" -a, --all Capture complete Management Processor configuration to the file. This should be used along with '-w' option -l, --log Log replies to "filename" -v, --xmlverbose Display all the responses from Management Processor -s, --substitute Substitute variables present in input config file with values specified in "namevaluepairs" -g, --get_hostinfo Get the Host information -m, --minfwlevel Minimum firmware level -u, --username iLO Username -p, --password iLO Password

For comparison, here is the diff --text output:

# diff -u --text /sbin/hponcfg ./hponcfg --- /sbin/hponcfg 2022-08-02 01:07:55.000000000 +0000 +++ ./hponcfg 2024-05-15 09:06:54.373121233 +0000 @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ helpget_hostinforesetwriteconfigallfileinputlogminfwlevelxmlverbosesubstitutetimeoutdbgverbosityrebootusernamepasswordlibpath%Ah*Ag7Ar=AwIAaMAfRAiXAl\AmgAvrAs}At�Ad�Ab�Au�Ap�Azhgrbaw:f:il:m:vs:t:d:z:u:p:tmpXMLinputFile%2d.xmlw+Error: Syntax Error - Invalid options present. =O@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@�M@�M@aQ@�M@aQ@�N@�M@�N@�P@aQ@aQ@�M@�M@aQ@aQ@LN@aQ@�M@�O@�M@�M@�M@�M@aQ@aQ@�M@<!----><LOGINUSER_LOGINPASSWORD<LOGIN USER_LOGIN="%s" PASSWORD="%s"ERROR: LOGIN tag is missing. >ERROR: LOGIN end tag is missing. -strings | grep 'OpenSSL 1' | grep 'OpenSSL 3'OpenSSL 1.0OpenSSL 1.1OpenSSL 3.0which openssl 2>&1/usr/bin/opensslOpenSSL location - %s +strings | grep 'OpenSSL 1' | grep 'OpenSSL 3'OpenSSL 1.0OpenSSL 1.1OpenSSL 3.2which openssl 2>&1/usr/bin/opensslOpenSSL location - %s Current version %s No response from command.

Pretty sure it won't apply like this with patch, but you get the idea.

And yes, double-giggles for the fact that the error message says "Install latest SSL library to use HPONCFG" and the issues is because I have the latest SSL library installed…

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RApiSerialize 0.1.3 on CRAN: Skipping XDR

Tue, 2024-05-14 19:28

A new bug fix release 0.1.3 of RApiSerialize got onto CRAN earlier today. This is the first release in well over a year, and permits the skip the XDR serialization format which is needed when transfering between big- and little-endian machines. But it comes at a certain run-time cost one can avoid on the (much more common) little-endian machines. This is a new option, and the old behavior is the default. Those who want to can now skip the step.

The RApiSerialize package is used by both my RcppRedis as well as by Travers excellent qs package. We also addressed the recent nag by the CRAN concerning ‘NO_REMAP’.

Changes in version 0.1.3 (2024-05-13)
  • Add an xdr argument to disable XDR for an approx. threefold speed increase (Travers Ching and Dirk in #6)

  • Use R_NO_REMAP and Rf_* prefix for API calls

  • Minor continuous integration updates

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to previous release. More details are at the RApiSerialize page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repositoryrapiserializerepo.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Evgeni Golov: Using Packit to build RPMs for projects that depend on or vendor your code

Tue, 2024-05-14 16:12

I am a huge fan of Packit as it allows us to provide RPMs to our users and testers directly from a pull-request, thus massively tightening the feedback loop and involving people who otherwise might not be able to apply the changes (for whatever reason) and "quickly test" something out. It's also a great way to validate that a change actually builds in a production environment, where no unnecessary development and test dependencies are installed.

You can also run tests of the built packages on Testing Farm and automate pushing releases into Fedora/CentOS Stream, but this is neither a (plain) Packit advertisement post, nor is that functionality that I can talk about with a certain level of experience.

Adam recently asked why we don't have Packit builds for our our Puppet modules and my first answer was: "well, puppet-* doesn't produce a thing we ship directly, so nobody dared to do it".

My second answer was that I had blogged how to test a Puppet module PR with Packit, but I totally agree that the process was a tad cumbersome and could be improved.

Now some madman did it and we all get to hear his story! ;-)

What is the problem anyway?

The Foreman Installer is a bit of Ruby code1 that provides a CLI to puppet apply based on a set of Puppet modules. As the Puppet modules can also be used outside the installer and have their own lifecycle, they live in separate git repositories and their releases get uploaded to the Puppet Forge. Users however do not want to (and should not have to) install the modules themselves.

So we have to ship the modules inside the foreman-installer package. Packaging 25 modules for two packaging systems (we support Enterprise Linux and Debian/Ubuntu) seems like a lot of work. Especially if you consider that the main foreman-installer package would need to be rebuilt after each module change as it contains generated files based on the modules which are too expensive to generate at runtime.

So we can ship the modules inside the foreman-installer source release, thus vendoring those modules into the installer release.

To do so we use librarian-puppet with a Puppetfile and either a Puppetfile.lock for stable releases or by letting librarian-puppet fetch latest for nightly snapshots.

This works beautifully for changes that land in the development and release branches of our repositories - regardless if it's foreman-installer.git or any of the puppet-*.git ones. It also works nicely for pull-requests against foreman-installer.git.

But because the puppet-* repositories do not map to packages, we assumed it wouldn't work well for pull-requests against those.

How can we solve this?

Well, the "obvious" solution is to build the foreman-installer package via Packit also for pull-requests against the puppet-* repositories. However, as usual, the devil is in the details.

Packit by default clones the repository of the pull-request and tries to create a source tarball from that using git archive. As this might be too simple for many projects, one can define a custom create-archive action that runs after the pull-request has been cloned and produces the tarball instead. We already use that in the Packit configuration for foreman-installer to run the pkg:generate_source rake target which executes librarian-puppet for us.

But now the pull-request is against one of the Puppet modules, so Packit will clone that, not the installer.

We gotta clone foreman-installer on our own. And then point librarian-puppet at the pull-request. Fun.

Cloning is relatively simple, call git clone -- sorry Packit/Copr infrastructure.

But the Puppet module pull-request? One can use :git => '' in the Puppetfile to fetch a git repository. In fact, that's what we already do for our nightly snapshots. It also supports :ref => 'some_branch_or_tag_name', if the remote HEAD is not what you want.

My brain first went "I know this! GitHub has this magic refs/pull/1/head and refs/pull/1/merge refs you can checkout to get the contents of the pull-request without bothering to add a remote for the source of the pull-request". Well, this requires to know the ID of the pull-request and Packit does not expose that in the environment variables available during create-archive.

Wait, but we already have a checkout. Can we just say :git => '../.git'? Cloning a .git folder is totally possible after all.

[Librarian] --> fatal: repository '../.git' does not exist Could not checkout ../.git: fatal: repository '../.git' does not exist

Seems librarian disagrees. Damn. (Yes, I checked, the path exists.)

💡 does it maybe just not like relative paths?! Yepp, using an absolute path absolutely works!

For some reason it ends up checking out the default HEAD of the "real" (GitHub) remote, not of ../. Luckily this can be fixed by explicitly passing :ref => 'origin/HEAD', which resolves to the branch Packit created for the pull-request.

Now we just need to put all of that together and remember to execute all commands from inside the foreman-installer checkout as that is where all our vendoring recipes etc live.

Putting it all together

Let's look at the diff between the packit.yaml for foreman-installer and the one I've proposed for puppet-pulpcore:

--- a/foreman-installer/.packit.yaml 2024-05-14 21:45:26.545260798 +0200 +++ b/puppet-pulpcore/.packit.yaml 2024-05-14 21:44:47.834162418 +0200 @@ -18,13 +18,15 @@ actions: post-upstream-clone: - "wget -O foreman-installer.spec" + - "git clone" + - "sed -i '/theforeman.pulpcore/ s@:git.*@:git => \"#{__dir__}/../.git\", :ref => \"origin/HEAD\"@' foreman-installer/Puppetfile" get-current-version: - - "sed 's/-develop//' VERSION" + - "sed 's/-develop//' foreman-installer/VERSION" create-archive: - - bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle - - bundle config set --local without development:test - - bundle install - - bundle exec rake pkg:generate_source + - bash -c "cd foreman-installer && bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle" + - bash -c "cd foreman-installer && bundle config set --local without development:test" + - bash -c "cd foreman-installer && bundle install" + - bash -c "cd foreman-installer && bundle exec rake pkg:generate_source"
  1. It clones foreman-installer (in post-upstream-clone, as that felt more natural after some thinking)
  2. It adjusts the Puppetfile to use #{__dir__}/../.git as the Git repository, abusing the fact that a Puppetfile is really just a Ruby script (sorry Ben!) and knows the __dir__ it lives in
  3. It fetches the version from the foreman-installer checkout, so it's sort-of reasonable
  4. It performs all building inside the foreman-installer checkout
Can this be used in other scenarios?

I hope so! Vendoring is not unheard of. And testing your "consumers" (dependents? naming is hard) is good style anyway!

  1. three Ruby modules in a trench coat, so to say 

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Julian Andres Klode: The new APT 3.0 solver

Tue, 2024-05-14 07:26

APT 2.9.3 introduces the first iteration of the new solver codenamed solver3, and now available with the –solver 3.0 option. The new solver works fundamentally different from the old one.

How does it work?

Solver3 is a fully backtracking dependency solving algorithm that defers choices to as late as possible. It starts with an empty set of packages, then adds the manually installed packages, and then installs packages automatically as necessary to satisfy the dependencies.

Deferring the choices is implemented multiple ways:

First, all install requests recursively mark dependencies with a single solution for install, and any packages that are being rejected due to conflicts or user requests will cause their reverse dependencies to be transitively marked as rejected, provided their or group cannot be solved by a different package.

Second, any dependency with more than one choice is pushed to a priority queue that is ordered by the number of possible solutions, such that we resolve a|b before a|b|c.

Not just by the number of solutions, though. One important point to note is that optional dependencies, that is, Recommends, are always sorting after mandatory dependencies. Do note on that: Recommended packages do not “nest” in backtracking - dependencies of a Recommended package themselves are not optional, so they will have to be resolved before the next Recommended package is seen in the queue.

Another important step in deferring choices is extracting the common dependencies of a package across its version and then installing them before we even decide which of its versions we want to install - one of the dependencies might cycle back to a specific version after all.

Decisions about package levels are recorded at a certain decision level, if we reach a conflict we backtrack to the previous decision level, mark the decision we made (install X) in the inverse (DO NOT INSTALL X), reset all the state all decisions made at the higher level, and restore any dependencies that are no longer resolved to the work queue.

Comparison to SAT solver design.

If you have studied SAT solver design, you’ll find that essentially this is a DPLL solver without pure literal elimination. A pure literal eliminitation phase would not work for a package manager: First negative pure literals (packages that everything conflicts with) do not exist, and positive pure literals (packages nothing conflicts with) we do not want to mark for install - we want to install as little as possible (well subject, to policy).

As part of the solving phase, we also construct an implication graph, albeit a partial one: The first package installing another package is marked as the reason (A -> B), the same thing for conflicts (not A -> not B).

Once we have added the ability to have multiple parents in the implication graph, it stands to reason that we can also implement the much more advanced method of conflict-driven clause learning; where we do not jump back to the previous decision level but exactly to the decision level that caused the conflict. This would massively speed up backtracking.

What changes can you expect in behavior?

The most striking difference to the classic APT solver is that solver3 always keeps manually installed packages around, it never offers to remove them. We will relax that in a future iteration so that it can replace packages with new ones, that is, if your package is no longer available in the repository (obsolete), but there is one that Conflicts+Replaces+Provides it, solver3 will be allowed to install that and remove the other.

Implementing that policy is rather trivial: We just need to queue obsolete | replacement as a dependency to solve, rather than mark the obsolete package for install.

Another critical difference is the change in the autoremove behavior: The new solver currently only knows the strongest dependency chain to each package, and hence it will not keep around any packages that are only reachable via weaker chains. A common example is when gcc-<version> packages accumulate on your system over the years. They all have Provides: c-compiler and the libtool Depends: gcc | c-compiler is enough to keep them around.

New features

The new option --no-strict-pinning instructs the solver to consider all versions of a package and not just the candidate version. For example, you could use apt install foo=2.0 --no-strict-pinning to install version 2.0 of foo and upgrade - or downgrade - packages as needed to satisfy foo=2.0 dependencies. This mostly comes in handy in use cases involving Debian experimental or the Ubuntu proposed pockets, where you want to install a package from there, but try to satisfy from the normal release as much as possible.

The implication graph building allows us to implement an apt why command, that while not as nicely detailed as aptitude, at least tells you the exact reason why a package is installed. It will only show the strongest dependency chain at first of course, since that is what we record.

What is left to do?

At the moment, error information is not stored across backtracking in any way, but we generally will want to show you the first conflict we reach as it is the most natural one; or all conflicts. Currently you get the last conflict which may not be particularly useful.

Likewise, errors currently are just rendered as implication graphs of the form [not] A -> [not] B -> ..., and we need to put in some work to present those nicely.

The test suite is not passing yet, I haven’t really started working on it. A challenge is that most packages in the test suite are manually installed as they are mocked, and the solver now doesn’t remove those.

We plan to implement the replacement logic such that foo can be replaced by foo2 Conflicts/Replaces/Provides foo without needing to be automatically installed.

Improving the backtracking to be non-chronological conflict-driven clause learning would vastly enhance our backtracking performance. Not that it seems to be an issue right now in my limited testing (mostly noble 64-bit-time_t upgrades). A lot of that complexity you have normally is not there because the manually installed packages and resulting unit propagation (single-solution Depends/Reverse-Depends for Conflicts) already ground us fairly far in what changes we can actually make.

Once all the stuff has landed, we need to start rolling it out and gather feedback. On Ubuntu I’d like automated feedback on regressions (running solver3 in parallel, checking if result is worse and then submitting an error to the error tracker), on Debian this could just be a role email address to send solver dumps to.

At the same time, we can also incrementally start rolling this out. Like phased updates in Ubuntu, we can also roll out the new solver as the default to 10%, 20%, 50% of users before going to the full 100%. This will allow us to capture regressions early and fix them.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Taavi Väänänen: Wikimedia Hackathon Tallinn 2024

Mon, 2024-05-13 20:00

This year's Wikimedia Hackathon was held in early May in Tallinn, Estonia. Like last year, it was a great opportunity to both see people I work with regularly, including people in my own team that I had not seen in person before, and to work with and help people that I have had very limited interactions with before.

Image by Olari Pilnik is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

I presented a session about Puppet (slides), the configuration management tool used on Wikimedia infrastructure (and some other projects I've been involved on) which I think went quite well. I also organized (read: picked a spot for in the schedule) the cuteness meetup.

In addition to the sessions, the main focus of the event was, of course, hacking. As usual, I didn't make any major plans beforehand, and instead ended up working on several smaller projects as they popped up.

Here is a list of things I can remember working on:

  • I fixed several small issues in LibUp that makes it pass on more MediaWiki repositories (including core.git). James and I also migrated the LibUp configuration to GitLab.
  • I finished up an MR to grunt-banana-checker to add support for automatically fixing some common issues that were causing LibUp failures and to fix some minor bugs.
  • I worked with Piotr to get some of my patches to the OATHAuth and WebAuthn MediaWiki extensions merged. This is a part of my project to add support for more than one two-factor authentication device at a time that I was also working on during the Wikimania 2023 hackathon. Next up on this project is writing some UI code.
  • I fixed Wikimedia Gerrit twice after it had some issues that needed SRE intervention.
  • I sent a patch to Wikimedia's Phabricator/Phorge fork to add a new fox token. This ended up being deployed on Sunday and I got to showcase this during the hackathon showcase.
  • Reedy and I implemented support for foxes in WikiLove. I also wrote a bot to spam foxes to Sammy's talk pages on the beta cluster.1 (This also involved a fun side quest to get a working thumbnail for the fox image we used to show up on Beta since the thumbnailing there is broken.)
  • I removed some deprecated code from core to earn the MediaWiki track T-shirt. I also reviewed a bunch of patches by others trying to earn that T-shirt.2
  • I found and reported some bugs relating to Parsoid read views on Commons.
  • I processed some Toolforge account approval requests and Cloud VPS project requests. I also helped some people debug some Cloud VPS issues.
  • I helped Bryan debug and fix an issue with HTTP/1.1 streams through the Toolforge front proxy.
  • I made some queries on the Wiki Replicas accidentally very slow and then fixed them to be fast again on the next day.
  • Got a 100% helpful, harmless, useful, etc. patch merged to something. I will provide no more details on this one.

Finally, a conversation I had at the hackathon resulted in me nominating Novem Linguae for mediawiki/* +2 access a few days after the hackathon.

I had a great time, and the ferry trip to Tallinn was much nicer than the very early flight I had last year. I can't wait to see you all again :-)

Disclosure: I am currently a Wikimedia Foundation contractor, and the Foundation did pay for my travel to Tallinn. This is my personal blog and these are my own opinions.

  1. Since backporting this change felt too risky to do on the weekend, and also I have a feeling I'd get in troble if I ran an unapproved bot that edited on random wikis on our production wiki farm. ↩︎

  2. Anyone who got 5 or more patches to core.git merged during the Hackathon got a cool MediaWiki T-shirt. ↩︎

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Freexian Collaborators: Monthly report about Debian Long Term Support, April 2024 (by Roberto C. Sánchez)

Mon, 2024-05-13 20:00

Like each month, have a look at the work funded by Freexian’s Debian LTS offering.

Debian LTS contributors

In April, 19 contributors have been paid to work on Debian LTS, their reports are available:

  • Abhijith PA did 0.5h (out of 0.0h assigned and 14.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 13.5h to the next month.
  • Adrian Bunk did 35.75h (out of 17.25h assigned and 40.5h from previous period), thus carrying over 22.0h to the next month.
  • Bastien Roucariès did 25.0h (out of 25.0h assigned).
  • Ben Hutchings did 24.0h (out of 9.0h assigned and 15.0h from previous period).
  • Chris Lamb did 18.0h (out of 18.0h assigned).
  • Daniel Leidert did 10.0h (out of 10.0h assigned).
  • Emilio Pozuelo Monfort did 46.0h (out of 12.0h assigned and 34.0h from previous period).
  • Guilhem Moulin did 14.75h (out of 20.0h assigned), thus carrying over 5.25h to the next month.
  • Lee Garrett did 51.25h (out of 0.0h assigned and 60.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 8.75h to the next month.
  • Markus Koschany did 40.0h (out of 40.0h assigned).
  • Ola Lundqvist did 22.5h (out of 19.5h assigned and 4.5h from previous period), thus carrying over 1.5h to the next month.
  • Roberto C. Sánchez did 11.0h (out of 9.25h assigned and 2.75h from previous period), thus carrying over 1.0h to the next month.
  • Santiago Ruano Rincón did 20.0h (out of 20.0h assigned).
  • Sean Whitton did 9.5h (out of 4.5h assigned and 5.5h from previous period), thus carrying over 0.5h to the next month.
  • Stefano Rivera did 1.5h (out of 0.0h assigned and 10.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 8.5h to the next month.
  • Sylvain Beucler did 12.5h (out of 22.75h assigned and 35.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 45.25h to the next month.
  • Thorsten Alteholz did 14.0h (out of 14.0h assigned).
  • Tobias Frost did 10.0h (out of 12.0h assigned), thus carrying over 2.0h to the next month.
  • Utkarsh Gupta did 3.25h (out of 28.5h assigned and 29.25h from previous period), thus carrying over 54.5h to the next month.
Evolution of the situation

In April, we have released 28 DLAs.

During the month of April, there was one particularly notable security update made in LTS. Guilhem Moulin prepared DLA-3782-1 for util-linux (part of the set of base packages and containing a number of important system utilities) in order to address a possible information disclosure vulnerability.

Additionally, several contributors prepared updates for oldstable (bullseye), stable (bookworm), and unstable (sid), including:

  • ruby-rack: prepared for oldstable, stable, and unstable by Adrian Bunk
  • wpa: prepared for oldstable, stable, and unstable by Bastien Roucariès
  • zookeeper: prepared for stable by Bastien Roucariès
  • libjson-smart: prepared for unstable by Bastien Roucariès
  • ansible: prepared for stable and unstable, including autopkgtest fixes to increase future supportability, by Lee Garrett
  • wordpress: prepared for oldstable and stable by Markus Koschany
  • emacs and org-mode: prepared for oldstable and stable by Sean Whitton
  • qtbase-opensource-src: prepared for oldstable and stable by Thorsten Alteholz
  • libjwt: prepared for oldstable by Thorsten Alteholz
  • libmicrohttpd: prepared for oldstable by Thorsten Alteholz

These fixes were in addition to corresponding updates in LTS.

Another item to highlight in this month’s report is an update to the distro-info-data database by Stefano Rivera. This update ensures that Debian buster systems have the latest available information concerning the end-of-life dates and other related information for all releases of Debian and Ubuntu.

As announced on the debian-lts-announce mailing list, it is worth to point out that we are getting close to the end of support of Debian 10 as LTS. After June 30th, no new security updates will be made available on

However, Freexian and its team of paid Debian contributors will continue to maintain Debian 10 going forward for the customers of the Extended LTS offer. If you still have Debian 10 servers to keep secure, it’s time to subscribe!

Thanks to our sponsors

Sponsors that joined recently are in bold.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Matthew Palmer: "Is This Project Still Maintained?"

Mon, 2024-05-13 20:00

If you wander around a lot of open source repositories on the likes of GitHub, you’ll invariably stumble over repos that have an issue (or more than one!) with a title like the above. Sometimes sitting open and unloved, often with a comment or two from the maintainer and a bunch of “I’ll help out!” followups that never seemed to pan out. Very rarely, you’ll find one that has been closed, with a happy ending.

These issues always fascinate me, because they say a lot about what it means to “maintain” an open source project, the nature of succession (particularly in a post-Jia Tan world), and the expectations of users and the impedence mismatch between maintainers, contributors, and users. I’ve also recently been thinking about pre-empting this sort of issue, and opening my own issue that answers the question before it’s even asked.

Why These Issues Are Created

As both a producer and consumer of open source software, I completely understand the reasons someone might want to know whether a project is abandoned. It’s comforting to be able to believe that there’s someone “on the other end of the line”, and that if you have a problem, you can ask for help with a non-zero chance of someone answering you. There’s also a better chance that, if the maintainer is still interested in the software, that compatibility issues and at least show-stopper bugs might get fixed for you.

But often there’s more at play. There is a delusion that “maintained” open source software comes with entitlements – an expectation that your questions, bug reports, and feature requests will be attended to in some fashion.

This comes about, I think, in part because there are a lot of open source projects that are energetically supported, where generous volunteers do answer questions, fix reported bugs, and implement things that they don’t personally need, but which random Internet strangers ask for. If you’ve had that kind of user experience, it’s not surprising that you might start to expect it from all open source projects.

Of course, these wonders of cooperative collaboration are the exception, rather than the rule. In many (most?) cases, there is little practical difference between most projects that are “maintained” and those that are formally declared “unmaintained”. The contributors (or, most often, contributor – singular) are unlikely to have the time or inclination to respond to your questions in a timely and effective manner. If you find a problem with the software, you’re going to be paddling your own canoe, even if the maintainer swears that they’re still “maintaining” it.

A Thought Appears

With this in mind, I’ve been considering how to get ahead of the problem and answer the question for the software projects I’ve put out in the world. Nothing I’ve built has anything like what you’d call a “community”; most have never seen an external PR, or even an issue. The last commit date on them might be years ago.

By most measures, almost all of my repos look “unmaintained”. Yet, they don’t feel unmaintained to me. I’m still using the code, sometimes as often as every day, and if something broke for me, I’d fix it. Anyone who needs the functionality I’ve developed can use the code, and be pretty confident that it’ll do what it says in the README.

I’m considering creating an issue in all my repos, titled “Is This Project Still Maintained?”, pinning it to the issues list, and pasting in something I’m starting to think of as “The Open Source Maintainer’s Manifesto”.

It goes something like this:

Is This Project Still Maintained?

Yes. Maybe. Actually, perhaps no. Well, really, it depends on what you mean by “maintained”.

I wrote the software in this repo for my own benefit – to solve the problems I had, when I had them. While I could have kept the software to myself, I instead released it publicly, under the terms of an open licence, with the hope that it might be useful to others, but with no guarantees of any kind. Thanks to the generosity of others, it costs me literally nothing for you to use, modify, and redistribute this project, so have at it!

OK, Whatever. What About Maintenance?

In one sense, this software is “maintained”, and always will be. I fix the bugs that annoy me, I upgrade dependencies when not doing so causes me problems, and I add features that I need. To the degree that any on-going development is happening, it’s because I want that development to happen.

However, if “maintained” to you means responses to questions, bug fixes, upgrades, or new features, you may be somewhat disappointed. That’s not “maintenance”, that’s “support”, and if you expect support, you’ll probably want to have a “support contract”, where we come to an agreement where you pay me money, and I help you with the things you need help with.

That Doesn’t Sound Fair!

If it makes you feel better, there are several things you are entitled to:

  1. The ability to use, study, modify, and redistribute the contents of this repository, under the terms stated in the applicable licence(s).

  2. That any interactions you may have with myself, other contributors, and anyone else in this project’s spaces will be in line with the published Code of Conduct, and any transgressions of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with appropriately.

  3. … actually, that’s it.

Things that you are not entitled to include an answer to your question, a fix for your bug, an implementation of your feature request, or a merge (or even review) of your pull request. Sometimes I may respond, either immediately or at some time long afterwards. You may luck out, and I’ll think “hmm, yeah, that’s an interesting thing” and I’ll work on it, but if I do that in any particular instance, it does not create an entitlement that I will continue to do so, or that I will ever do so again in the future.

But… I’ve Found a Huge and Terrible Bug!

You have my full and complete sympathy. It’s reasonable to assume that I haven’t come across the same bug, or at least that it doesn’t bother me, otherwise I’d have fixed it for myself.

Feel free to report it, if only to warn other people that there is a huge bug they might need to avoid (possibly by not using the software at all). Well-written bug reports are great contributions, and I appreciate the effort you’ve put in, but the work that you’ve done on your bug report still doesn’t create any entitlement on me to fix it.

If you really want that bug fixed, the source is available, and the licence gives you the right to modify it as you see fit. I encourage you to dig in and fix the bug. If you don’t have the necessary skills to do so yourself, you can get someone else to fix it – everyone has the same entitlements to use, study, modify, and redistribute as you do.

You may also decide to pay me for a support contract, and get the bug fixed that way. That gets the bug fixed for everyone, and gives you the bonus warm fuzzies of contributing to the digital commons, which is always nice.

But… My PR is a Gift!

If you take the time and effort to make a PR, you’re doing good work and I commend you for it. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily merge it into this repository, or even work with you to get it into a state suitable for merging.

A PR is what is often called a “gift of work”. I’ll have to make sure that, at the very least, it doesn’t make anything actively worse. That includes introducing bugs, or causing maintenance headaches in the future (which includes my getting irrationally angry at indenting, because I’m like that). Properly reviewing a PR takes me at least as much time as it would take me to write it from scratch, in almost all cases.

So, if your PR languishes, it might not be that it’s bad, or that the project is (dum dum dummmm!) “unmaintained”, but just that I don’t accept this particular gift of work at this particular time.

Don’t forget that the terms of licence include permission to redistribute modified versions of the code I’ve released. If you think your PR is all that and a bag of potato chips, fork away! I won’t be offended if you decide to release a permanent fork of this software, as long as you comply with the terms of the licence(s) involved.

(Note that I do not undertake support contracts solely to review and merge PRs; that reeks a little too much of “pay to play” for my liking)

Gee, You Sound Like an Asshole

I prefer to think of myself as “forthright” and “plain-speaking”, but that brings to mind that third thing you’re entitled to: your opinion.

I’ve written this out because I feel like clarifying the reality we’re living in, in the hope that it prevents misunderstandings. If what I’ve written makes you not want to use the software I’ve written, that’s fine – you’ve probably avoided future disappointment.

Opinions Sought

What do you think? Too harsh? Too wishy-washy? Comment away!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Steinar H. Gunderson: Wikimedia jumps on the AI bandwagon

Sun, 2024-05-12 12:00

I've been resisting the Wikipedia ads about “we don't run ads, give us money“ for over a decade now (mostly since WMF already has tons of cash and use very little on it to actually improve Wikipedia), and now they are jumping on the AI/LLM hype. It does not help.

(Of course you should pick your charities yourself. I've donated to Signal Foundation in the past even though I think they could run things somewhat cheaper if they didn't insist on all-cloud, and is basically, for better or for worse, the collective memory of the Internet by now, at least unless they get bankrupted by the ongoing lawsuit from some overly silly book lending. Not to mention that in a day and age where there's a certain Eurovision-participating country and another banned-from-Eurovision country both causing tons of civilian suffering and casualities these days, perhaps there are non-tech charities that are also important.)

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Elana Hashman: I am very sick

Sun, 2024-05-12 10:00

I have not been able to walk since February 18, 2023.

When people ask me how I'm doing, this is the first thing that comes to mind. "Well, you know, the usual, but also I still can't walk," I think to myself.

If I dream at night, I often see myself walking or running. In conversation, if I talk about going somewhere, I'll imagine walking there. Even though it's been over a year, I remember walking to the bus, riding to see my friends, going out for brunch, cooking community dinners.

But these days, I can't manage going anywhere except by car, and I can't do the driving, and I can't dis/assemble and load my chair. When I'm resting in bed and follow a guided meditation, I might be asked to imagine walking up a staircase, step by step. Sometimes, I do. Other times, I imagine taking a little elevator in my chair, or wheeling up ramps.

I feel like there is little I can say that can express the extent of what this illness has taken from me, but it's worth trying. To an able-bodied person, seeing me in a power wheelchair is usually "enough." One of my acquaintances cried when they last saw me in person. But frankly, I love my wheelchair. I am not "wheelchair-bound"—I am bed-bound, and the wheelchair gets me out of bed. My chair hasn't taken anything from me.


In October of 2022, I was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Scientists and doctors don't really know what myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is. Diseases like it have been described for over 200 years.1 It primarily affects women between the ages of 10-39, and the primary symptom is "post-exertional malaise" or PEM: debilitating, disproportionate fatigue following activity, often delayed by 24-72 hours and not relieved by sleep. That fatigue has earned the illness the misleading name of "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" or CFS, as though we're all just very tired all the time. But tired people respond to exercise positively. People with ME/CFS do not.2

Given the dearth of research and complete lack of on-label treatments, you may think this illness is at least rare, but it is actually quite common: in the United States, an estimated 836k-2.5m people3 have ME/CFS. It is frequently misdiagnosed, and it is estimated that as many as 90% of cases are missed,4 due to mild or moderate symptoms that mimic other diseases. Furthermore, over half of Long COVID cases likely meet the diagnostic criteria for ME,5 so these numbers have increased greatly in recent years. That is, ME is at least as common as rheumatoid arthritis,6 another delightful illness I have. But while any doctor knows what rheumatoid arthritis is, not enough7 have heard of "myalgic encephalomylitis."

Despite a high frequency and disease burden, post-viral associated conditions (PASCs) such as ME have been neglected for medical funding for decades.8 Indeed, many people, including medical care workers, find it hard to believe that after the acute phase of illness, severe symptoms can persist. PASCs such as ME and Long COVID defy the typical narrative around common illnesses. I was always told that if I got sick, I should expect to rest for a bit, maybe take some medications, and a week or two later, I'd get better, right? But I never got better.

These are complex, multi-system diseases that do not neatly fit into the Western medical system's specializations. I have seen nearly every specialty because ME/CFS affects nearly every system of the body: cardiology, nephrology, pulmonology, neurology, opthalmology, and, many, many more. You'd think they'd hand out frequent flyer cards, or a medical passport with fun stamps, but nope. Just hundreds of pages of medical records. And when I don't fit neatly into one particular specialist's box, then I'm sent back to my primary care doctor to regroup while we try to troubleshoot my latest concerning symptoms. "Sorry, can't help you. Not my department."

With little available medical expertise, a lot of my disease management has been self-directed in partnership with primary care. I've read hundreds of articles, papers, publications, CME material normally reserved for doctors. It's truly out of necessity, and I'm certain I would be much worse off if I lacked the skills and connections to do this; there are so few ME/CFS experts in the US that there isn't one in my state or any adjacent state.9 So I've done a lot of my own work, much of it while barely being able to read. (A text-to-speech service is a real lifesaver.) To facilitate managing my illness, I've built a mental model of how my particular flavour of ME/CFS works based on the available research I've been able to read and how I respond to treatments. Here is my best attempt to explain it:

  • After a severe (non-COVID) infection, an ongoing interaction between my immune system and my metabolism have stopped my body from being able to do aerobic respiration.10
  • I don't know why or how, but my mitochondria don't work properly anymore.11
  • This means that if I use too much energy, my body isn't able to make enough energy to catch up, and I have severe symptoms over the next few days as my body tries to manage the consequences.
  • Those symptoms aren't limited to fatigue: I've developed flu-like symptoms and even fevers, limbs so heavy they felt paralyzed, tachycardia in response to even the slightest activity.

The best way I have learned to manage this is to prevent myself from doing activities where I will exceed that aerobic threshold by wearing a heartrate monitor,12 but the amount of activity that permits in my current state of health is laughably restrictive. Most days I'm unable to spend more than one to two hours out of bed.

Over time, this has meant worsening from a persistent feeling of tiredness all the time and difficulty commuting into an office or sitting at a desk, to being unable to sit at a desk for an entire workday even while working from home and avoiding physically intense chores or exercise without really understanding why, to being unable to leave my apartment for days at a time, and finally, being unable to stand for more than a minute or two or walk.

But it's not merely that I can't walk. Many folks in wheelchairs are able to live excellent lives with adaptive technology. The problem is that I am so fatigued, any activity can destroy my remaining quality of life. In my worst moments, I've been unable to read, move my arms or legs, or speak aloud. Every single one of my limbs burned, as though I had caught fire. Food sat in my stomach for hours, undigested, while my stomach seemingly lacked the energy to do its job. I currently rely on family and friends for full-time caretaking, plus a paid home health aide, as I am unable to prep meals, shower, or leave the house independently. This assistance has helped me slowly improve from my poorest levels of function.

While I am doing better than I was at my worst, I've had to give up essentially all of my hobbies with physical components. These include singing, cooking, baking, taking care of my houseplants, cross-stitching, painting, and so on. Doing any of these result in post-exertional malaise so I've had to stop; this reduction of activity to prevent worsening the illness is referred to as "pacing." I've also had to cut back essentially all of my volunteering and work in open source; I am only cleared by my doctor to work 15h/wk (from bed) as of writing.


CW: severe illness, death, and suicide (skip this section)

The difficulty of living with a chronic illness is that there's no light at the end of the tunnel. Some diseases have a clear treatment path: you take the medications, you complete the procedures, you hit all the milestones, and then you're done, perhaps with some long-term maintenance work. But with ME, there isn't really an end in sight. The median duration of illness reported in one 1997 study was over 6 years, with some patients reporting 20 years of symptoms.13 While a small number of patients spontaneously recover, and many improve, the vast majority of patients are unable to regain their baseline function.14

My greatest fear since losing the ability to walk is getting worse still. Because, while I already require assistance with nearly every activity of daily living, there is still room for decline. The prognosis for extremely ill patients is dismal, and many require feeding tubes and daily nursing care. This may lead to life-threatening malnutrition;15 a number of these extremely severe patients have died, either due to medical neglect or suicide.16 Extremely severe patients cannot tolerate light, sound, touch, or cognitive exertion,17 and often spend most of their time lying flat in a darkened room with ear muffs or an eye mask.18

This is all to say, my prognosis is not great.

But while I recognize that the odds aren't exactly in my favour, I am also damn stubborn. (A friend once cheerfully described me as "stubbornly optimistic!") I only get one shot at life, and I do not want to spend the entirety of it barely able to perceive what's going on around me. So while my prognosis is uncertain, there's lots of evidence that I can improve somewhat,19 and there's also lots of evidence that I can live 20+ years with this disease. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it also means I might have the gift of time—something that not all my friends with severe complex illnesses have had.

I feel like I owe it to myself to do the best I can to improve; to try to help others in a similar situation; and to enjoy the time that I have. I already feel like my life has been moving in slow motion for the past 4 years—there's no need to add more suffering. Finding joy, as much as I can, every day, is essential to keep up my strength for this marathon. Even if it takes 20 years to find a cure, I am convinced that the standard of care is going to improve. All the research and advocacy that's been happening over the past decade is plenty to feel hopeful about.20 Hope is a discipline,21 and I try to remind myself of this on the hardest days.


I'm not entirely sure why I decided to write this. Certainly, today is International ME/CFS Awareness Day, and I'm hoping this post will raise awareness in spaces that aren't often thinking about chronic illnesses. But I think there is also a part of me that wants to share, reach out in some way to the people I've lost contact with while I've been treading water, managing the day to day of my illness. I experience this profound sense of loss, especially when I think back to the life I had before. Everyone hits limitations in what they can do and accomplish, but there is so little I can do with the time and energy that I have. And yet, I understand even this precious little could still be less. So I pace myself.

Perhaps I can inspire you to take action on behalf of those of us too fatigued to do the advocacy we need and deserve. Should you donate to a charity or advocacy organization supporting ME/CFS research? In the US, there are many excellent organizations, such as ME Action, the Open Medicine Foundation, SolveME, the Bateman Horne Center, and the Workwell Foundation. I am also happy to match any donations through the end of May 2024 if you send me your receipts. But charitable giving only goes so far, and I think this problem deserves the backing of more powerful organizations.

Proportionate government funding and support is desperately needed. It's critical for us to push governments22 to provide the funding required for research that will make an impact on patients' lives now. Many organizers are running campaigns around the world, advocating for this investment. There is a natural partnership between ME advocacy and Long COVID advocacy, for example, and we have an opportunity to make a great difference to many people by pushing for research and resources inclusive of all PASCs. Some examples I'm aware of include:

But outside of collective organizing, there are a lot of sick individuals out there that need help, too. Please, don't forget about us. We need you to visit us, care for us, be our confidantes, show up as friends. There are a lot of people who are very sick out here and need your care.

I'm one of them.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Daniel Lange: htop and PCP have a new home at Hack Club

Sun, 2024-05-12 09:00

After the unfortunate and somewhat surprising shutdown of the Open Collective Foundation (OCF), htop and Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) have migrated to Hack Club.

Initially founded to improve STEM education, support high school computer science clubs and firmly founded in the hacker culture, Hack Club have created a US IRS approved 501(c)(3) charity that provides what Open Collective did/does1 and more at a flat 7% fee of the project income. Nathan Scott organized these moves with Paul Spitler. Many thanks!

We considered other options for the projects, e.g. Gentoo has moved to Software in the Public Interest (SPI) and I know SPI quite well as they were created initially to host Debian. But PCP moved from SPI to OCF in 2021. Open Collective has a European branch that seems independent of the dissolved US foundation. But all-in-all Hack Club seemed the best fit.

You can find the new fiscal sponsorship and donation landing pages at:

htop PCP
  1. Open Collective as in the fancy "manage your project donations and reimbursements" website still continues to run but the foundation of the same name that provided the actual fiscal sponsorship (i.e. managing the funds) got dissolved. It's ... complicated. 

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Freexian Collaborators: Debian Contributions: Salsa CI updates, OpenSSH option review, and more! (by Utkarsh Gupta)

Sat, 2024-05-11 20:00

Contributing to Debian is part of Freexian’s mission. This article covers the latest achievements of Freexian and their collaborators. All of this is made possible by organizations subscribing to our Long Term Support contracts and consulting services.

P.S. We’ve completed over a year of writing these blogs. If you have any suggestions on how to make them better or what you’d like us to cover, or any other opinions/reviews you might have, et al, please let us know by dropping an email to us. We’d be happy to hear your thoughts. :)

Salsa CI updates & GSoC candidacy, by Santiago Ruano Rincon

In the context of Google Summer of Code (GSoC), Santiago continued the mentoring work, following the applications of three of the candidates. This work started in March, but Aquila Macedo, Ahmed Siam and Piyush Raj continued in April to propose and review MRs. For example, Update CI pipeline to utilize specific blhc image per release and Remove references to buster-backports by Aquila, or the reviews the candidates made to Document the structure of the different components of the pipeline (see below).

Unfortunately, the Salsa CI project didn’t get any slot from the GSoC program in the end.

Along with the Salsa CI related work, Santiago improved the documentation of Salsa CI, to make it easier for newcomers (as the GSoC candidates) or people willing to fork the project to understand its internals. Documentation is an aspect where a lot of improvements can be made.

OpenSSH option review, by Colin Watson

In light of last month’s xz-utils backdoor, Colin did an extensive review of some of the choices in Debian’s OpenSSH packaging. Some work on this has already been done (removing uses of libsystemd and reducing tcp-wrappers linkage); the next step is likely to be to start work on the plan to split out GSS-API key exchange again.

Miscellaneous contributions
  • Utkarsh Gupta started to put together and kickstart the bursary team ahead of DebConf 24, to be held in Busan, South Korea.
  • Utkarsh Gupta reviewed some MRs and docs for the bursary team for the DC24 website.
  • Helmut Grohne sent patches for 19 cross build failures and submitted a gcc patch removing LIMITS_H_TEST upstream.
  • Helmut sent 8 bug reports with 3 patches related to the /usr-move.
  • Helmut diagnosed why /dev/stdout is not accessible in sbuild --mode=unshare.
  • Helmut diagnosed the time64-induced glibc FTBFS.
  • Helmut sent patches for fixing initramfs triggers on firmware removal.
  • Thorsten Alteholz uploaded foo2zjs and fixed two bugs, one related to /usr-merge. Likewise the upload of cups-filters (from the 1.x branch) fixed three bugs. In order to fix an RC bug in cpdb-backends-cups, which was updated to the 2.x branch, the new package libcupsfilters has been introduced. Last but not least an upload of hplip fixed one RC bug and an upload of gutenprint fixed two of them. All of these RC bugs were more or less related to the time_t transition.
  • Santiago continued to work in the DebConf organization tasks, including some for the DebConf 24 Content Team, and looking to build a local community for DebConf 25.
  • Stefano Rivera made a couple of uploads of dh-python to Debian, and a few other general package update uploads.
  • Stefano did some winding up of DebConf 23 finances, including closing bursary claims and recording the amounts spent on travel bursaries.
  • Stefano opened DebConf 24 registration, which always requires some last-minute work on the website.
  • Colin released man-db 2.12.1.
  • Colin fixed a regression in groff’s PDF output.
  • In the Python team, Colin fixed build/autopkgtest failures in seven packages, and updated ten packages to new upstream versions.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
