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Updated: 10 hours 54 min ago

Andrew Cater: Debian release weekend - Bullseye and Bookworm 20240831

13 hours 31 min ago

A double length Debian release
means the Release Team don't get much peace
What with last minute breaks
And the time that it takes
Treat them with respect today, please

The media teams on the hook
As we follow our normal play book
With laptops all primed
The images are timed
Once we're told we'll start taking our look

This is the last time for 11
And for Bookworm, it's just 12.7
Give us time for each test
As we all do our best
With our ThinkPads - I see at least seven :)

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russ Allbery: Review: The Shepherd's Crown

20 hours 24 min ago

Review: The Shepherd's Crown, by Terry Pratchett

Series: Discworld #41 Publisher: Harper Copyright: 2015 Printing: 2016 ISBN: 0-06-242998-1 Format: Trade paperback Pages: 276

The Shepherd's Crown is the 41st and final Discworld novel and the 5th and final Tiffany Aching novel. You should not start here.

There is a pretty major character event in the second chapter of this book. I'm not going to say directly what it is, but you will likely be able to guess from the rest of the review. If you're particularly adverse to spoilers, you may want to skip reading this until you've read the book.

Tiffany Aching is extremely busy. Witches are responsible for all the little tasks that fall between the cracks, and there are a lot of cracks. The better she gets at her job, the more of the job there seems to be.

"Well," said Tiffany, "there's too much to be done and not enough people to do it."

The smile that the kelda gave her was a strange one. The little woman said, "Do ye let them try? Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time."

And that's before an earth-shattering change in the world of witches, one that leaves Tiffany shuttling between Lancre and the Chalk trying to be too many things to too many people. Plus the kelda is worried some deeper trouble is brewing. And then Tiffany gets an exiled elven queen who has never understood the worth of other people dumped on her, and has to figure out what to do with her.

The starting idea is great. I continue to be impressed with how well Pratchett handles Tiffany's coming-of-age story. Finding one's place in the world isn't one lesson or event; it's layers of them, with each new growth in responsibility uncovering new things to learn that are often quite different from the previous problems. Tiffany has worked through child problems, adolescent problems, and new adulthood problems. Now she's on a course towards burnout, which is exactly the kind of problem Tiffany would have given her personality.

Even better, the writing at the start of The Shepherd's Crown is tight and controlled and sounds like Pratchett, which was a relief after the mess of Raising Steam. The contrast is so sharp that I found myself wondering if parts of this book had been written earlier, or if Pratchett found a new writing or editing method. The characters all sound like themselves, and although some of the turns of phrase are not quite as sharp as in earlier books, they're at least at the level of Snuff.

Unfortunately, it doesn't last. There are some great moments and some good quotes, but the writing starts to slip at about the two-thirds point, the sentences began to meander, the characters start repeating the name of the person they're talking to, and the narration becomes increasingly strained. It felt like Pratchett knew the emotional tone he wanted to evoke but couldn't find a subtle way to express it, so the story and the characters start to bludgeon the reader with Grand Statements. It's never as bad as Raising Steam, but it doesn't slip smoothly off the page to rewrite your brain the way that Pratchett could at his best.

What makes this worse is that the plot is not very interesting. I wanted to read a book about Tiffany understanding burnout, asking for help, and possibly also about mental load and how difficult delegation is. There is some movement in that direction: she takes on some apprentices, although we don't see as much of her interactions with them as I'd like, and there's an intriguing new male character who wants to be a witch. I wish Pratchett had been able to give Geoffrey his own book. He and his goat were the best part of the story, but it felt rushed and I think he would have had more impact if the reader got to see him develop his skills over time the way that we did with Tiffany.

But, alas, all of that is side story to the main plot, which is about elves.

As you may know from previous reviews, I do not get along with Pratchett's conception of elves. I find them boring and too obviously evil, and have since Lords and Ladies. Villains have never been one of Pratchett's strengths, and I think his elves are my least favorite. One of the goals of this book is to try to make them less one-note by having Tiffany try to teach one of them empathy, but I didn't find any of the queen's story arc convincing. If Pratchett had pulled those threads together with something more subtle, emotional, and subversive, I think it could have worked, but instead we got another battle royale, and Lords and Ladies did that better.

"Granny never said as she was better than others. She just got on with it and showed 'em and people worked it out for themselves."

And so we come to the end. I wish I could say that the quality held up through the whole series, and it nearly did, but alas it fell apart a bit at the end. Raising Steam I would skip entirely. The Shepherd's Crown is not that bad, but it's minor Pratchett that's worth reading mainly because it's the send-off (and there are a lot of reasons within the story to think Pratchett knew that when writing it). There are a few great lines, some catharsis, and a pretty solid ending for Tiffany, but it's probably not a book that I'll re-read.

Content warning: major character death.

Special thanks to Emmet Asher-Perrin, whose re-read of all of Discworld got me to pick the series up again and finally commit to reading all of it. I'm very glad I did.

Rating: 6 out of 10

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Dirk Eddelbuettel: pkgKitten 0.2.4 on CRAN: Updates

Fri, 2024-08-30 15:25

A shiny new release 0.2.4 of pkgKitten arrived on CRAN earlier, and has also been been uploaded to Debian. pkgKitten makes it simple to create new R packages via a simple function invocation. A wrapper kitten.r exists in the littler package to make it even easier.

This release contains several improvements to the (optional) setup of the (wonderful) tinytest package, now supports the (now mandatory) ‘Authors@R’ and polished a few aspect around the package repository and continuous integrations.

The set of changes follows.

Changes in version 0.2.4 (2024-08-30)
  • The .Rbuildignore stanza now includes .github

  • The support of and usage illustrations of tinytest are much enhanced (Paul Hudor in #18 adressing #19 and #20)

  • The .gitignore file now includes C++ related files

  • Improvements and polish to badges and continuous integration

  • The DESCRIPTION file now contains an Authors@R entry

More details about the package are at the pkgKitten webpage, the pkgKitten docs site, and the pkgKitten GitHub repo.

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Steve McIntyre: Party like it's 2024

Fri, 2024-08-30 13:24

It (was) that time of year again - last weekend we hosted a bunch of nice people at our place in Cambridge for the annual Debian UK OMGWTFBBQ!

Lots of friends, lots of good food and drink. Of course lots of geeky discussions about Debian, networking, random computer languages and... screws? And of course some card games to keep us laughing into each night!

Many thanks to a number of awesome friendly people for again sponsoring the important refreshments for the weekend. It's hungry/thirsty work celebrating like this!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Sahil Dhiman: Debconf24 Busan

Fri, 2024-08-30 12:23

DebConf24 was held in Busan, South Korea, from July 28th to August 4th 2024 and preceded by DebCamp from July 21st to July 27th. This was my second IRL DebConf (DC) and fourth one in total. I started in Debian with a DebConf, so its always an occassion when one happens.

This year again, I worked in fundraising team, working to raise funds from International sponsors. We did manage to raise good enough funding, albeit less than budgeted. Though, the local Korean team was able to connect and gather many Governmental sponsors, which was quite surprising for me.

I wasn’t seriously considering attending DebConf until I discussed this with Nilesh. More or less his efforts helped push me through the whole process. Thanks Nilesh for this. In March, I got my passport and started preparing documents for South Korean visa. It did require quite a lot of paper work but seeing South Koreas’s fresh passport visa rejection rate, I had doubts about visa acceptance. The visa finally got approved, which could be attributed to great documentation and help from DebConf visa team. This was also my first trip outside India, and this being to DebConf made many thing easy. Most stuff were documentated on DebConf website and wiki. Asking some query got immediate responses from someone in the DebConf channels.

We then booked a direct flight from Delhi, reaching Seoul in the morning. With good directions from Sourab TK who had reached Seoul a few hours earlier, we quickly got Korean Won, local SIM and T Money card (transportation card) and headed towards Seoul by AREX, airport metro. We spent the next two days exploring Seoul, which is huge. It probably has the highest number of skyscrappers I have ever seen. The city has good mix modern and ancient culture. We explored various plaes in Seoul including Gyeongbokgung Palace, Statue of King Sejong, Bukchon Hanok village, N Seoul Tower and various food markets which were amazing.

A Street in Seoul

Next, we to headed to Busan for DebConf using KTX (Korean high speed rail). (Fun fact, slogan for City of Busan is “Busan is Good”.) South Korea has good network of frequently running high speed trains. We had pre-booked our tickets because despite the frequency, trains were sold out most of the times. KTX ride was quite smooth, despite travelling at 300 Kmph at times through Korean countryside and long mountain tunnels.

PKNU Entrance

The venue was for DebConf was Pukyong National University (PKNU), Daeyeon Campus. PKNU had two campuses in the Busan and some folks ended up in wrong campus too. With good help and guidance from front desk, we got our dormitery rooms assigned. Dorms here were quite different ie:

  • Rooms had heated floors. It seems to snow in Busan.
  • Each area was had card based access. There was a seperate card for laundry too.
  • Rooms had announcement systems right inside the room, though we couldn’t decipher any announcement as all of them were in Korean.
  • Each room was provided with a dedicated access point and own SSID inside the room.
View from Dorm Room

Settling in was easy and we started meeting familiar folks after almost an year. The long conversations started again. Everyone was excited for DebConf.

Like everytime, first day was full of action (and chaos). Meet and greet, voluneteers checkin, video team running around and fixing stuff and things working (or not). There were some interesting talks and sponsors stalls . After day one, things more or less settled down. I again volunteered for video team stuff and helped in camera operations and talk directions which is always fun. As the tradition applies, saw few talks live on stream too sitting in the dorm room during the conf, which is always fun, when too tired to get ready and go out.

From Talk Director's chair

DebConf takes care of food needs for vegan/vegetration folks well, of which I’m one. I got to try different food items which was quite an experience. Tried using chopsticks again which didn’t work, which I later figured that handling metal ones were more difficult. We had late night ramens and wooden chopsticks worked perfectly. One of the days, we even went out to an Indian resturarent to have some desi aloo paratha, paneer dishes, samosas and chai (milk tea). I wasn’t particularyly craving desi food but wasn’t able to get something according to my taste so went there.

As usual Bits from DPL talk was packed

For daytrip, I went to Ulsan. San means mountains in Korean. Ulsan is a port city with many industries including Hyundai car factory, petrochemical industry, paint industry, ship building etc. We saw bamboo forest, Ulsan tower (quite a view towards Ulsan port), whale village, Ulsan Onggi Museum and the sea (which was beautiful).

The beautiful sea
View from Ulsan Bridge Observatory

Amongst the sponsors, I was most interested in our network sponsors folks who were National research and education networks (NREN) here. We had two network sponsors, KOREN and KREONET, thanks to efforts by local team. Initially it was discussed that they’ll provide 20G uplink each, so 40G in total, which was whopping but by the time the closing talk happened, we got to know we had 200G uplink to the Internet. This was massive update to last year where we had 1G main and 100M backup link. 200G wasn’t what is required but it was massive capacity and IIRC from the talk, we peaked at around 500M in usage but it’s always fun have astronomical amount of bandwidth for bragging rights ;)

Various mascots in attendence
Video and Network stats. Screengrab from closing ceremony

Now lets talk about things I found interesting about South Korea in general:

  • Convience stores were everywhere, one could see same brand stores less than kilometer apart. We had even had two of them (GS25(s)), a road cross away too. These places were well stocked with almost everything even alcohol.
  • There were wide footpaths and pedestrian friendly policies.
  • Public transport and intra modal transfer is convient and easy to figure. Each metro station connects to multiple nearby buildings through underground walkways and one never had to go out in the sun (in hot and humid weather). Also Seoul and Busan metro networks were massive. Same T money card worked for buses (almost hop on, tap and hop off at your destination), metros and even cabs.
  • South Korea pays special attention to maintaining their historical and cultural buildings. These venues had informational brochures in Korea, English, Japanese and Chinese.
  • We got constant stream of “Public safety alerts” on our phones. Some phones even read them aloud for heatwaves and rains warnings, all in Korean.
  • Trash was segrated at source everywhere.
  • Public, high speed WIFI was omni-present in malls, public transport, airport etc. In metro, each coach had access points from all three telecom providers (SK Telecom, KT and LG U+) which also had almost similar voice and data plans.
  • Police personals were quite helpful despite the language issue.
  • Not many folks here are comfortable in English but one can always make use of various mobile translation apps.
  • Cards are accepted everywhere and there’re too many of these cards ;)
  • Food situation was bit difficult for me as a vegetration. We always have vegan/veg food in DebConf but outside, this whole concept doesn’t seem to exist here.
  • I couldn’t find any public speedtest servers inside Korea. All my servers were located either Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and even in United States. On the very last day, I got a speedtest servers in Seoul, inside SK Telecom.
Grand Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul
Starfield Library, Seoul

If one has to get the whole DebConf experience, it’s better to attend DebCamp as well because that’s when you can sit and interact with everyone better. As DebConf starts, everyone gets busy in various talks and events and things take a pace. DebConf days literally fly. This year, attending DebConf in person was a different experience. Attending DebConf without any organisational work/stress so was better and I was able to understand working of different Debian team and workflows better while also identified a few where I would like to join and help. A general conclusion was that almost almost all Debian team needs more folks to help out. So if someone want to join, they can probably reach out to team and they would be able to onboard new folks. Though this would require some patience. Kudos to the Korean team who were able to pull of this event under this tight timeline and thanks for all the hospitality.

DebConf23 Group Photo. Click to enlarge.
Credits - Aigars Mahinovs

This whole experience expanded my world view. There’s so much to see and explore and understand. Looking forward to DebConf25 in Brest, France.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russ Allbery: Review: Thornhedge

Thu, 2024-08-29 23:28

Review: Thornhedge, by T. Kingfisher

Publisher: Tor Copyright: 2023 ISBN: 1-250-24410-2 Format: Kindle Pages: 116

Thornhedge is a fantasy novella by T. Kingfisher, the pen name that Ursula Vernon uses for her adult writing. It won the 2024 Hugo Award for best novella. No matter how much my brain wants to misspell the title, it is a story about a hedge, not a Neolithic earthwork.

The fairy was the greenish-tan color of mushroom stems and her skin bruised blue-black, like mushroom flesh. She had a broad, frog-like face and waterweed hair. She was neither beautiful nor made of malice, as many of the Fair Folk are said to be.

There is a princess asleep in a tower, surrounded by a wall of thorns. Toadling's job is to keep anyone from foolishly breaking in. At first, it was a constant struggle and all that she could manage, but with time, the flood of princes slowed to a trickle. A road was built and abandoned. People fled. There was a plague. With any luck, the tower was finally forgotten.

Then a knight shows up. Not a very rich knight, nor a very successful knight. Just a polite and very persistent knight who wants to get into the tower that Toadling does not want him to get into.

As you might have guessed, this is a Sleeping Beauty retelling. As you may have also guessed from the author, or from the cover text that says "not all curses should be broken," this version is a bit different. How and why it departs from the original is a surprise that slowly unfolds over the course of the story, in parallel to a delicate, cautious, and delightfully kind-hearted conversation between the knight and the fairy.

If you have read a T. Kingfisher story before, particularly one of her fractured fairy tales, you know what to expect. Toadling is one of her typical well-meaning, earnest, slightly awkward protagonists who is just trying to do the right thing in a confusing world full of problems and dangers. She's constantly overwhelmed and yet she keeps going, because what else is there to do. Like a lot of Kingfisher's writing, it's a story about quiet courage from someone who doesn't consider herself courageous. One of the twists this time is that the knight is a character from a similar vein: doggedly unwilling to leave any problem alone, but equally determined to try to be kind. The two of them together make for a story with a gentle and rather melancholy tone.

We do, eventually, learn the whole backstory of the tower, the wall of thorns, and Toadling. There is a god, a rather memorable one, who is frustratingly cryptic in the way that gods are. There are monsters who are more loving than most humans. There are humans who turn out to be surprisingly decent when it matters. And, like most of Kingfisher's writing, there is a constant awareness of how complicated the world is, how full it is of people who are just trying to get through each day, and how heavy of burdens people can shoulder when they don't see another way.

This story pulled me right in. It is not horror, although there are a few odd bits like there always are in Kingfisher stories. Your largest risk as a reader is that it might make you cry if stories about earnest people doing their best in overwhelming situations hit you that way. My primary complaint is that there was nowhere near enough ending for me. After everything I learned about the characters, I wanted to spend some time with them outside of the bounds of the story. Kingfisher points the reader in a direction and then leaves the rest to your imagination, and I can see why she chose that story construction, but I wanted more catharsis than I got.

That complaint aside, this is quintessential T. Kingfisher, and I am unsurprised that it won a Hugo. If you've read any of her other fractured fairy tales, or the 2023 Hugo winner for best novel, you know the sort of stories she tells, and you probably know whether you will like this. I am one of the people who like this.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Steve McIntyre: A birthday gift to remember!

Thu, 2024-08-29 20:46

Warning: If you're not into meat, you might want to skip the rest of this...

This year, I turned 50. Wow. Lots of friends and family turned up to help me celebrate, with a BBQ (of course!). I was very grateful for a lovely set of gifts from those awesome people, and I have a number of driving experiences to book in the next year or so. I'm going to have so much fun driving silly cars on and off road!

However, the most surprising gift was something totally different - a full-day course of hands-on pork butchery. I was utterly bemused - I've never considered doing anything like this at all, and I'd certainly never talked to friends about like it either. I was shocked, but in a good way!

So, two weekends back Jo and I went over to Empire Farm in Somerset. We stayed nearby so we could be ready on-site early on Sunday morning, and then we joined three other people doing the course. Jo was there to observe, i.e. to watch and take (lots of!) pictures.

I can genuinely say that this was the most fun surprise gift I've ever received! David Coldman, the master butcher working with us, has been in the industry for many years. He was an excellent teacher, showing us everything we needed to know and being very patient with us when we needed it. It was great to hear his philosophy too - he only uses the very best locally-sourced meat and focuses on quality over quantity. He showed us all the different cuts of pork that a butcher will make, and we were encouraged to take everything home - no waste here!

At the beginning of the day, we each started with half a pig. Over the next several hours, we steadily worked our way through a series of cuts with knife and saw, making the remaining pig smaller and smaller as we went.

We finished the day with three sets of meat. First, a stack of vacuum-packed joints, chops and steaks ready for cooking and eating at home. Second: a box of off-cuts that we minced and made into sausages at the end of the day. Finally: a bag of skin and bones. Our friend's dog got some of the bones, and Jo turned a lot of the skin into crackling that we shared with friends at the OMGWTFBBQ the next weekend.

This was an amazing day. Massive thanks to my good friend Chris Walker for suggesting this gift. As I told David on the day: this was the most fun surprise gift I've ever received. Good hands-on teaching in a new craft is an incredible thing to experience, and I can't recommend this course highly enough.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope): diffoscope 277 released

Thu, 2024-08-29 20:00

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 277. This version includes the following changes:

[ Sergei Trofimovich ] * Don't crash when attempting to hashing symlinks with targets that point to a directory.

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Jonathan Carter: Orphaning bcachefs-tools in Debian

Thu, 2024-08-29 09:04

Around a decade ago, I was happy to learn about bcache – a Linux block cache system that implements tiered storage (like a pool of hard disks with SSDs for cache) on Linux. At that stage, ZFS on Linux was nowhere close to where it is today, so any progress on gaining more ZFS features in general Linux systems was very welcome. These days we care a bit less about tiered storage, since any cost benefit in using anything else than nvme tends to quickly evaporate compared to time you eventually lose on it.

In 2015, it was announced that bcache would grow into its own filesystem. This was particularly exciting and it caused quite a buzz in the Linux community, because it brought along with it more features that compare with ZFS (and also btrfs), including built-in compression, built-in encryption, check-summing and RAID implementations.

Unlike ZFS, it didn’t have a dkms module, so if you wanted to test bcachefs back then, you’d have to pull the entire upstream bcachefs kernel source tree and compile it. Not ideal, but for a promise of a new, shiny, full-featured filesystem, it was worth it.

In 2019, it seemed that the time has come for bcachefs to be merged into Linux, so I thought that it’s about time we have the userspace tools (bcachefs-tools) packaged in Debian. Even if the Debian kernel wouldn’t have it yet by the time the bullseye (Debian 11) release happened, it might still have been useful for a future backported kernel or users who roll their own.

By total coincidence, the first git snapshot that I got into Debian (version 0.1+git20190829.aa2a42b) was committed exactly 5 years ago today.

It was quite easy to package it, since it was written in C and shipped with a makefile that just worked, and it made it past NEW into unstable in 19 January 2020, just as I was about to head off to FOSDEM as the pandemic started, but that’s of course a whole other story.

Fast-forwarding towards the end of 2023, version 1.2 shipped with some utilities written in Rust, this caused a little delay, since I wasn’t at all familiar with Rust packaging yet, so I shipped an update that didn’t yet include those utilities, and saw this as an opportunity to learn more about how the Rust eco-system worked and Rust in Debian.

So, back in April the Rust dependencies for bcachefs-tools in Debian didn’t at all match the build requirements. I got some help from the Rust team who says that the common practice is to relax the dependencies of Rust software so that it builds in Debian. So errno, which needed the exact version 0.2, was relaxed so that it could build with version 0.4 in Debian, udev 0.7 was relaxed for 0.8 in Debian, memoffset from 0.8.5 to 0.6.5, paste from 1.0.11 to 1.08 and bindgen from 0.69.9 to 0.66.

I found this a bit disturbing, but it seems that some Rust people have lots of confidence that if something builds, it will run fine. And at least it did build, and the resulting binaries did work, although I’m personally still not very comfortable or confident about this approach (perhaps that might change as I learn more about Rust).

With that in mind, at this point you may wonder how any distribution could sanely package this. The problem is that they can’t. Fedora and other distributions with stable releases take a similar approach to what we’ve done in Debian, while distributions with much more relaxed policies (like Arch) include all the dependencies as they are vendored upstream.

As it stands now, bcachefs-tools is impossible to maintain in Debian stable. While my primary concerns when packaging, are for Debian unstable and the next stable release, I also keep in mind people who have to support these packages long after I stopped caring about them (like Freexian who does LTS support for Debian or Canonical who has long-term Ubuntu support, and probably other organisations that I’ve never even heard of yet). And of course, if bcachfs-tools don’t have any usable stable releases, it doesn’t have any LTS releases either, so anyone who needs to support bcachefs-tools long-term has to carry the support burden on their own, and if they bundle it’s dependencies, then those as well.

I’ll admit that I don’t have any solution for fixing this. I suppose if I were upstream I might look into the possibility of at least supporting a larger range of recent dependencies (usually easy enough if you don’t hop onto the newest features right away) so that distributions with stable releases only need to concern themselves with providing some minimum recent versions, but even if that could work, the upstream author is 100% against any solution other than vendoring all its dependencies with the utility and insisting that it must only be built using these bundled dependencies. I’ve made 6 uploads for this package so far this year, but still I constantly get complaints that it’s out of date and that it’s ancient. If a piece of software is considered so old that it’s useless by the time it’s been published for two or three months, then there’s no way it can survive even a usual stable release cycle, nevermind any kind of long-term support.

With this in mind (not even considering some hostile emails that I recently received from the upstream developer or his public rants on lkml and reddit), I decided to remove bcachefs-tools from Debian completely. Although after discussing this with another DD, I was convinced to orphan it instead, which I have now done. I made an upload to experimental so that it’s still available if someone wants to work on it (without having to go through NEW again), it’s been removed from unstable so that it doesn’t migrate to testing, and the ancient (especially by bcachefs-tools standards) versions that are in stable and oldstable will be removed too, since they are very likely to cause damage with any recent kernel versions that support bcachefs.

And so, my adventure with bcachefs-tools comes to an end. I’d advise that if you consider using bcachefs for any kind of production use in the near future, you first consider how supportable it is long-term, and whether there’s really anyone at all that is succeeding in providing stable support for it.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Michael Ablassmeier: proxmox backup S3 proxy

Wed, 2024-08-28 20:00

A few weeks ago Tiziano Bacocco started a small project to implement a (golang) proxy that allows to store proxmox backups on S3 compatible storage: pmoxs3backuproxy, a feature which the current backup server does not have.

I wanted to have a look at the Proxmox Backup Server implementation for a while, so i jumped on the wagon and helped with adding most of the API endpoints required to seamlessly use it as drop-in replacement in PVE.

The current version can be configured as storage backend in PVE. You can then schedule your backups to the S3 storage likewise.

It now supports both the Fixed index format required to create virtual machine backups and the Dynamic index format, used by the regular proxmox-backup-client for file and container backups. (full and incremental)

The other endpoints like adding notes, removing or protecting backups, mounting images using the PVE frontend (or proxmox-backup-client) work too. It comes with a garbage collector that does prune the backup storage if snapshots expire and runs integrity checks on the data.

You can also configure it as so called “remote” storage in the Proxmox Backup server itself and pull back complete buckets using “proxmox-backup-manager pull”, if your local datastore crashes.

I think it will become more interesting if future proxmox versions will allow to push backups to other stores, too.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 2024 em Belém e Poços de Caldas - Brasil

Wed, 2024-08-28 07:00

por Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)

Listamos abaixo os links para os relatos e notícias do Debian Day 2024 realizado em Belém e Poços de Caldas:

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russ Allbery: Review: Dark Horse

Mon, 2024-08-26 22:22

Review: Dark Horse, by Michelle Diener

Series: Class 5 #1 Publisher: Eclipse Copyright: June 2015 ISBN: 0-9924559-3-6 Format: Kindle Pages: 366

Dark Horse is a science fiction romance novel, the first of a five book series as of this writing. It is self-published, although it is sufficiently well-edited and packaged that I had to do some searching to confirm that.

Rose was abducted by aliens. The Tecrans picked her up along with a selection of Earth animals, kept her in a cell in their starship, and experimented on her. As the book opens, she has managed to make her escape with the aid of an AI named Sazo who was also imprisoned on the Tecran ship. Sazo dealt with the Tecrans, dropped the ship in the middle of Grih territory, and then got Rose and most of the animals on shuttles to a nearby planet.

Dav Jallan is the commander of the ship the Grih sent to investigate the unexplained appearance of a Class 5 Tecran warship in the middle of their territory. The Grih and the Tecran, along with three other species, are members of the United Council, which means in theory they're all at peace. With the Tecran, that theory is often strained. Dav is not going to turn down one of their highly-advanced Class 5 warships delivered to him on a silver platter. There is only the matter of the unexpected cargo, the first orange dots (indicating unknown life forms) that most of the Grih have ever seen.

There is a romance. That romance did not work for me. I thought it was highly unprofessional on Dav's part and a bit too obviously constructed on the author's part. It also leans on the subgenre convention that aliens can be remarkably physically similar and sexually compatible, which always causes problems for my suspension of disbelief even though I know it's no less plausible than faster-than-light travel.

Despite that, I had so much fun with this book! It was absolutely delightful and weirdly grabby in a way that caught me by surprise. I was skimming some parts of it to write this review and found myself re-reading multiple pages before I dragged myself back on task.

I think the most charming part of this book is that the United Council has a law called the Sentient Beings Agreement that makes what the Tecran were doing extremely illegal, and the Grih and the other non-Tecran aliens take this very seriously and with a refreshing lack of cynicism. Rose has a typical human reaction to ending up in a place where she doesn't know the rules and isn't entirely an expected guest. She almost reflexively smoothes over miscommunications and tensions, trying to adapt to their expectations. And then, repeatedly, the Grih realize how much work she's doing to adapt to them, feel enraged at the Tecran and upset that they didn't understand or properly explain something, and find some way to make Rose feel more comfortable. It's surprisingly soothing and comforting to read.

It occurred to me in several places that Dark Horse could be read as a wish-fulfillment fantasy of what life as a woman could be like if men took their fair share of the mental load. (This concept is usually applied to housework, but I think it generalizes to other social and communication contexts.) I suspect this was not an accident.

There is a lot of wish fulfillment in this book. The Grih are very human-like but hunky, which is convenient for the romance subplot. They struggle to sing, value music exceptionally highly, and consider Rose's speaking voice beautifully musical. Her typical human habit of singing to herself is a source of immediate and almost overwhelming fascination. The supplies Rose takes from the Tecran ship when she flees just happen to be absurdly expensive scented shampoo and equally expensive luxury adaptable clothing. The world she lands on, and the Grih ship, are low-gravity compared to Earth, so Rose is unusually strong for her size. Grih military camouflage has no effect on her human vision. The book is set up to make Rose special.

If that type of wish fulfillment is going to grate, wait on this book until you're more in the mood for it. But I like wish fulfillment books when they're done well. Part of why I like to read is to imagine a better world. And Rose isn't doted on; despite their hospitality, she's constantly underestimated by the Grih. Even with their deep belief in the Sentient Beings Agreement, the they find it hard to believe that an unknown sentient, even an advanced sentient, is really their equal. Their concern at the start is somewhat patronizing, so watching Rose constantly surprise them delighted the part of my brain that likes both competence porn and deserved reversals, even though the competence here is often due to accidents of biology. It helps that Diener tells the story in alternating perspectives, so the reader first watches Rose do something practical and straightforward from her perspective and then gets to enjoy the profound surprise and chagrin of the aliens.

There is a plot beneath this first contact story, and beyond the political problem of figuring out what to do with Rose and the Tecran. Sazo, Rose's AI friend, does not want the Grih to know he exists. He has a history that Rose does not know about and may not be entirely safe. As the political situation with the Tecran escalates, Sazo is pursuing goals of his own, and Rose has a firm opinion about where her loyalties should lie. The resolution is nothing ground-breaking as far as SF goes, but I thought it was satisfyingly tense and complex. Dark Horse leaves obvious room for a sequel, but it comes to a satisfying conclusion.

The writing is serviceable, particularly once you get into the story. I would not call it great, and it's not going to win any literary awards, but it didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the story.

This is not the sort of book that will make anyone's award list, but it is easily in the top five of books I had the most fun reading this year. Maybe save it for when you're looking for something light and wholesome and don't mind some rather obvious tropes, but if you're in the mood for imagining people who take laws seriously and sincerely try to help other people, I found this an utterly delightful way to pass the time. I immediately bought the sequel. Recommended.

Followed by Dark Deeds.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Thomas Lange: Custom Live Media, also for Newer Hardware

Sun, 2024-08-25 09:52

At this years Debian conference in South Korea I've presented1 the new feature of the FAIme web service. You can now build your own Debian live media/ISO.

The web interface provides various settings, for e.g. adding a user name and its password, selecting the Debian release (stable or testing), the desktop environment and the language. Additionally you can add your own list of packages, that will be installed into the live environment. It's possible to define a custom script that gets executed during the boot process. For remote access to the live system, you can easily sepcify a github, gitlab or salsa account, whose public ssh key will be used for passwordless root access. If your hardware needs special grub settings, you may also add those. I'm thinking about adding an autologin checkbox, so the live media could be used for a kiosk system.

And finally newer hardware is supported with the help of the backports kernel for the Debian stable release (aka bookworm). This combination is not available from the official Debian live images or the netinst media because the later has some complicated dependencies which are not that easy to resolve2. At DebConf24 I've talked to Alper who has some ideas3 how to improve the Debian installer environment which then may support a backports kernel.

The FAI web service for live ISO is available at

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  2. ↩

  3. ↩

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Kalyani Kenekar: Join Us: Contribute to Open Source as Marathi speaking person!

Sat, 2024-08-24 14:30

GNOME is one of the most widely used free and open-source desktop environments!

Your native language is Marathi and you are using GNOME as your desktop environment? Then me as the coordinator for the Marathi translation team in GNOME is excited to invite you to become part of the team who is working on translating the GNOME Desktop into Marathi!

By this and contributing to the translation of GNOME into Marathi you would be a member of an important project and you can help to make it more accessible to Marathi speakers worldwide and help also to keep our language alive in the open source world.

Why Should You Contribute?
  • Promote Your Language

    By translating GNOME into Marathi, you help to preserve and promote our beautiful language in the digital world.

  • Learn and Grow

    Contributing to open-source projects like GNOME is a great way to improve your language and technical skills, network with like-minded individuals, and gain recognition in the global open-source community.

  • Give Back to the Community

    This is an opportunity to contribute to a project that has a significant impact on users around the world. Your work will enable Marathi speakers to use technology in their native language.

Who Can Contribute?

You don’t need to be a professional translator to join us! If you are fluent in Marathi and have a basic understanding of English, your contributions will be invaluable. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone passionate about your language, your help is needed and really appreciated!

How To Start Translating?

Once you’re familiar with the tools, you can easily begin translating. We have a list of untranslated strings waiting for your contribution!

How To Join The Team?

Follow these steps to join the Marathi translation team for GNOME and start contributing:

  • Step 1: Visit our GNOME Translation Team Page.
  • Step 2: If you’re a new user, click on the “Create Account” option to sign up.
  • Step 3: Once you’ve created your account, log in with your credentials.
  • Step 4: After logging in, click the “Join” button to become a translator for the Marathi team.
  • Step 5: You’ll now see a list of different modules that need translation. Choose one of the files that interests you and download it to your computer.
  • Step 6: Translate the content locally on your computer. Once you’re done, return to the website, click “Browse,” and submit your translated file.
Get Familiar with the Additional Tools Varnam

If you’re not used to typing in Marathi, you can still contribute using the Varnam website, a free and open-source tool that converts English text into Marathi. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Step 1: Visit the Varnam website.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Try Now” button on the website.
  • Step 3: In the language selection menu, choose “Marathi” as your desired language.
  • Step 4: Now you can start typing in English, and Varnam will automatically convert your text into Marathi. If you need more guidance, there’s a help window available on the site that you can explore for additional support.
Need Help Or You Have Questions?

If you have any doubts or need further assistance how you get started with translating GNOME into Marathi, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you on every step of the way!

You can connect with me directly at Whether you need technical support, guidance on using the tools, or just want to discuss the project, feel free to get in touch.

Let’s work together to make GNOME accessible to Marathi speakers around the world. Your contributions are always invaluable, and I look forward to welcoming you to our team!

Thank you for your interest and support!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppEigen on CRAN: Micro Maintenance

Sat, 2024-08-24 08:37

A new maintenance release of RcppEigen is now on CRAN, and will go to Debian shortly as usual. Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. RcppEigen is used by 460 other CRAN packages, and has been downloaded 31.9 million times just off the mirrors of CRAN keeping logs for counting.

The recent change switing to Authors@R (now that CRAN mandates it) contained in dual typo in ORCID tags, this releases fixes it.

The complete NEWS file entry follows.

Changes in RcppEigen version (2024-08-23)
  • Correct two typos in the ORCID tag

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russell Coker: Wifi 6E Mesh

Sat, 2024-08-24 03:56

I am looking into getting a Wifi mesh network. The aim is to use it for providing access to devices through my home especially for devices on the congested 2.4GHz frequency. Ideally I want 6GHz Wifi6E for the communication between mesh nodes as well as for talking to the few devices that are new enough to support it (I like buying cheap second hand devices). 2.5Gbit ethernet connections on all mesh nodes would be good too.

Wifi 7 is semi-released, you can buy devices even though the specs aren’t entirely finalised. I expect that next year when Wifi 7 devices are more common the second hand prices of Wifi 6E will drop. Currently Wifi 6E devices are somewhat expensive.

One major problem at the moment is “cloud configuration”. Here is a 41 page forum thread of TP-Link customers asking in vain for non-cloud configuration [1]. The problems with cloud configuration are that it doesn’t allow configuration without Internet access (so no fixing things when internet breaks and no use for a private network without Internet), it relies on a proprietary phone app (so a problem with your phone breaks everything), and it adds a dependency on an unpaid service that TP-Link might decide to turn off at some future time. The TP -Link Deco X55 AX3000 looks like a good set of devices, it currently costs $328 for a set of three Wifi 6 (not 6E) devices is a good deal, pity that the poor software options let it down.

TP-Link also seems to be scanning web traffic and sending the analysis to an external site [2], it seems to be operating as malware. The TP-Link software seems to be most accurately described as malware.

There is the OpenWrt project for open firmware on Wifi APs which is a great project [3] but it doesn’t seem to support any Wifi 6 mesh systems yet. If most Wifi hardware requires malware for operation it seems that running a VPN over Wifi is the way to go. A hostile party being able to sniff your home network is much worse than a hostile party sniffing public Internet traffic.

The Google Nest mesh devices have good specs and price, $359 for a three node Wifi 6E mesh that has 2.5Gbit ethernet. But they can only be configured with a Google app for Android or iOS and require a Gmail account. Giving Google the ability to shut down all my stuff by deleting my gmail account is not acceptable. Also Google is well known for cancelling services [4]. A mitigating factor is that there should be enough of those devices sold to make them a good target for an OpenWRT port.

As an aside it looks like the TailScale mesh VPN system could be a solution to the security issues related to malware on Wifi APs problem [5]. There is also HeadScale which is the fully open source variant of that [6]. Even when the vendor isn’t overtly hostile they can make mistakes so encryption is good.

Kogan is selling an own-brand Wifi 6 mesh network package that comes with 1/2/3 devices for $70/$120/$140. It doesn’t do Wifi 6E but supports the better encoding methods of Wifi 6 over Wifi 5 and will be good for bridging a LAN in one part of a house to a Wifi 2.4GHz or Ethernet connected device in another part. They also support up to 7 nodes so you could buy two of the 3 device packages and run one network with 2 and another with 4. The pricing is very competitive and they support web based administration!

I’ve just ordered the $140 pack from Kogan. If it doesn’t do what I want then I can find someone else who will be happy with whatever functionality it gives and $140 is an amount I can risk without concern. If it works well then I might upgrade to Wifi 6E or Wifi 7 next year and deploy the Wifi 6 one for a relative.

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Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russell Coker: Is Secure Boot Worth Using?

Fri, 2024-08-23 23:45

With news like this one cited by Bruce Schneier [1] people are asking whether it’s worth using Secure Boot.

Regarding the specific news article, this is always a risk with distributed public key encryption systems. Lose control of one private key and attackers can do bad things. That doesn’t make it bad it just makes it less valuable. If you want to setup a system for a government agency, bank, or other high value target then it’s quite reasonable to expect an adversary to purchase systems of the same make and model to verify that their attacks will work. If you want to make your home PC a little harder to attack then you can expect that the likely adversaries won’t bother with such things. You don’t need security to be perfect, making a particular attack slightly more difficult than other potential attacks gives a large part of the benefit.

The purpose of Secure Boot is to verify the boot loader with a public key signature and then have the boot loader verify the kernel. Microsoft signs the “shim” that is used by each Linux distribution to load GRUB (or another boot loader). So when I configure a Debian system with Secure Boot enabled that doesn’t stop anyone from booting Ubuntu. From the signatures on the boot loader etc there is no difference from my Debian installation and a rescue image from Debian, Ubuntu, or another distribution booted by a hostile party to do things against my interests. The difference between the legitimate OS image and malware is a matter of who boots it and the reason for booting it.

It is possible to deconfigure Microsoft keys from UEFI to only boot from your own key, this document describes what is necessary to do that [2]. Basically if you boot without using any “option ROMs” (which among other things means the ROM from your video card) then you can disable the MS keys.

If it’s impossible to disable the MS keys that doesn’t make it impossible to gain a benefit from the Secure Boot process. You can use a block device decryption process that involves a signature of the kernel and the BIOS being used as part of the decryption for the device. So if a system is booted with the wrong kernel and the user doesn’t recognise it then they will find that they can’t unlock the device with the password. I think it’s possible on some systems to run the Secure Boot functionality in a non-enforcing mode such that it will use a bootloader without a valid signature but still use the hash for TPM calculations, that appears impossible on my Thinkpad Yoga Gen3 which only has enabled and disabled as options but should work on Dell laptops which have an option to run Secure Boot in permissive mode.

I believe that the way of the future is to use something like EFIStub [3] to create unified kernel images with a signed kernel, initrd, and command-line parameters in a single bundle which can be loaded directly by the UEFI BIOS. From the perspective of a distribution developer it’s good to have many people using the current standard functionality of shim and GRUB for EFI as a step towards that goal.

CloudFlare has a good blog post about Linux kernel hardening [4]. In that post they cover the benefits of a full secure boot setup (which is difficult at the current time) and the way that secure boot enables the lockdown module for kernel integrity. When Secure Boot is detected by the kernel it automatically enables lockdown=integrity functionality (see this blog post for an explanation of lockdown [5]). It is possible to enable this by putting “lockdown=integrity” on the kernel command line or “lockdown=confidentiality” if you want even more protection, but it happens by default with Secure Boot. Secure Boot is something you can set to get a selection of security features enabled and get a known minimum level of integrity even if the signatures aren’t used for anything useful, restricting a system to only boot kernels from MS, Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, etc is not useful.

For most users I think that Secure Boot is a small increase in security but testing it on a large number of systems allows increasing the overall security of operating systems which benefits the world. Also I think that having features like EFIStub usable for a large portion of the users (possibly the majority of users) is something that can be expected to happen in the lifetime of hardware being purchased now. So ensuring that Secure Boot works with GRUB now will facilitate using EFIStub etc in future years.

The Secure Boot page on the Debian wiki is worth reading, and also worth updating for people who want to contribute [6].

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  2. Question about a “Secure Filesystem” I have just been asked for advice about “secure filesystem”...
  3. Designing a Secure Linux System The Threat Bruce Schneier’s blog post about the Mariposa Botnet...
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Thomas Goirand: Packaging Home Assistant

Thu, 2024-08-22 18:20

During Debconf, Edward Betts and myself started packaging Home Assistant for Debian. It consists of hundreds of Python packages. So far, we counted at least 675 packages. That’s a lot, though most packages are just libraries to talk with some IoT devices and some APIs. It’s fairly easy to create a new package: it takes me about 15 to 20 minutes, probably half that time to Edward. And it’s a lot of fun. So far in one month of time, we managed to package about 1 third of the list (probably 200+ Python packages already). Once we’ve done all the dependencies, we may start to have fun with the core of the application! At the current speed, hopefully we’ll be done before the end of the year. Edward and myself have swear to make at least one package a day, which I’ve been doing so far, and Edward did a way more… We also received contributions from Silton0506, Tianyu, piotr, EiPi Fun, sourabhtk37, and Count-Dracula, as per the very bottom of the TODO list in the wiki (see link below).

If you have a bit of free time, we’d love to have more contributors. Here’s were to get the needed information:

We created a team in Salsa:

Our TODO list:

Our DDPO Q/A page:

Feel free to join us on IRC: #debian-homeassistant

Discussing with a lot of people about it, I realized that A LOT of DDs are actually using Home Assistant. Wouldn’t you like it better if it was just a “apt install” away ? Any DD can simply take a package in the wiki, open an ITP, upload it’s debianized source on Salsa, and upload to the Debian archive. Most are very easy simple packages to make.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Jonathan McDowell: Thoughts on Advent of Code + Rust

Thu, 2024-08-22 13:48

Diego wrote about his dislike for Advent of Code and that reminded me I hadn’t written up my experience from 2023. Mostly because, spoiler, I never actually completed it and always intended to do so and then write it up. I think it’s time to accept I’m not going to do that, and write down some thoughts before I forget all of them. These are somewhat vague, given the time that’s elapsed, but I think still relevant. You might also find Roger’s problem write up interesting.

I’ve tried AoC a couple of times before; I think I had a very brief attempt back in 2021, and I got 4 days in for 2022. For Advent of Code 2023 I tried much harder to actually complete the challenges, and got most of the way there. I didn’t allow myself to move on to the next day until fully completing the previous day, and didn’t end up doing the second half of December 24th, or any of December 25th.


First I want to talk about Rust, which is the language I chose to use for the problems. I’ve dabbled a little in it, but I’d like more familiarity with the basic language, and some programming problems seemed like a good way to get that. It’s a language I want to like; I’ve spent a lot of my career writing C, do more in Go these days, and generally think Rust promises a low level, run-time light environment like C but with the rough edges taken off.

I set myself the challenge of using just bare Rust; no external crates, no use of cargo. I was accused of playing on hard mode by doing this, but it really wasn’t the intention - I figured that I should be able to do what I needed without recourse to anything outside the core language, and didn’t want what seemed like the extra complexity of dealing with cargo.

That caused problems, however. I’m used to by-default generic error handling in Go through the error type, but Rust seems to have much more tightly typed errors. I was pointed at anyhow as the right way to do this in Rust. I still find this surprising; I ended up using unwrap() a lot when I think with more generic error handling I could have used ?.

The other thing I discovered is that by default rustc is heavy on the debug output. I got significantly better results on some of the solutions with rustc -O -C target-cpu=native I probably shouldn’t be surprised by this, but worth noting.

Rust, to me, has a syntax only a C++ programmer could love. I am not a C++ programmer. Coming from C I found Go to be a nice, simple syntax to learn. Rust has not been the same. There’s a lot more punctuation, and it’s not always clear to me what it’s doing. This applies more when reading other people’s code than when writing it myself, obviously, but I see a lot of Rust code that could give Perl a run for its money in terms of looking like line noise.

The borrow checker didn’t bug me too much, but did add overhead to my thinking. The Rust compiler is generally very good at outputting helpful error messages when the programmer is an idiot. I ended up having to use a RefCell for one solution, and using .iter() for loops rather than explicit iterators (why, why is this different?). I also kept forgetting to explicitly mark variables as mutable when declaring them.

Things I liked? There’s a rich set of first class data types. Look, I’m a C programmer, I’m easily pleased. You give me some sort of hash array and I’ll be happy. Rust manages that, tuples, strings, all the standard bits any modern language can provide. The whole impl thing for adding methods to structures I like as a way of providing some abstraction, though I think Go has a nicer syntax for it. The compiler, as mentioned, is great at spitting out useful errors for the most part. Also although I wasn’t using external crates for AoC I do appreciate there’s a decent ecosystem there now (though that brings up another gripe: rust seems to still be a fairly fast moving target, to the extent I can no longer rely on the compiler in Debian stable to be able to compile random projects I find).

Advent of Code

Let’s talk about the advent of code bit now. Hopefully it’s long enough since it came out that this won’t be spoilers for anyone, but if you haven’t attempted the 2023 AoC and might, you might want to stop reading here.

First, a refresher on the format for those who might not be aware of it. Problems are posted daily from December 1st until the 25th. Each is in 2 parts; the second part is not viewable until you have provided the correct answer for the first part. There’s a whole leaderboard thing going on, but the puzzle opens at midnight UTC-5 so generally by the time I wake up and have time to look the problem has been solved many times over; no chance of getting listed.

Credit to AoC creator, Eric Wastl, for writing up the set of problems in an entertaining fashion. I quite enjoyed seeing how the puzzle would be phrased each day, and the whole thing obviously brings a lot of joy to folk I know.

I always start AoC thinking it’ll be a fun set of puzzles to solve. Then something happens and I miss a day or two, and all of a sudden I’ve a bunch of catching up to do and it’s all a bit more of a chore. I hit that at some points this time, but made a concerted effort to try and power through it.

That perseverance was required up front, because I found the second part of Day 1 to be ill specified, and had to iterate a few times to actually calculate the desired solution (IIRC, issues about whether sevenone at the end of a line ended up as 7 or 1 really tripped me up). I don’t recall any other problems that bit me as hard on the specification as this one, but it happening up front was unfortunate.

The short example input doesn’t always help with this either; either it’s not enough to be able to extrapolate patterns, or it doesn’t show all the variations you need to account for (that aren’t fully specified in the text), or in a few cases it turned out I needed to understand the shape of the actual data to produce a solution that could actually complete in a reasonable time.

Which brings me to another matter, sometimes brute force doesn’t actually work. This is fine, but the second part of the day’s problem can change the approach you’d take. So sometimes I got lucky in the way I handled the first half, and doing the second half was a simple 5 minute tweak, and sometimes I had to entirely change the way I was storing data.

You might claim that if I was a better programmer I’d have always produced a first half solution that was amenable to extension for the second half. First, I dispute that; I think there are always situations where the problem domain can change in enough directions that you can’t handle all of them without a lot of effort. Secondly, I didn’t find AoC an environment that encouraged me to optimise for generic solutions. Maybe some of the puzzles in isolation would allow for that, but a month of daily problems to solve while still engaging in regular life meant I hacked things up, took short cuts based on the knowledge I had of the input data, etc, etc.

Overall I can see the appeal, but the sheer quantity and the fact I write code as part of my day job just made it feel too much like a chore, rather than a fun mental exercise. I did wonder how they’d look as a set of interview puzzles (obviously a subset, rather than all of them), but I’m not sure how you’d actually use them for that - I wouldn’t want anyone to have to solve them in a live interview.

So, in case it’s not obvious, I’m not planning to engage in AoC again this yet. But I’m continuing to persevere with Rust (though most of my work stuff is thankfully still Go).

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 2024 em Natal/RN - Brasil

Thu, 2024-08-22 09:00

por Allythy

O Debian Day é um evento anual que celebra o aniversário do Debian, uma das distribuições GNU/Linux mais importante do Software Livre, criada em 16 de Agosto de 1993, por Ian Murdock.

No último sábado (17/08/2024) no Sebrae-RN comemoramos os 31 anos Debian em Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte. A celebração, foi organizada pela PotiLivre(Comunidade Potiguar de Software Livre), destacou os 31 anos de história do Debian. O evento contou com algumas palestras e muitas discussões sobre Software Livre. Tivemos 70 inscrições, 40 estiverem presentes.

O Debian Day em Natal foi uma ocasião para celebrar a trajetória do Debian e reforçar a importância do Software Livre.


Agradecemos imensamente a Isaque Barbosa Martins, Eduardo de Souza Paixão, Fernando Guisso,que palestraram nessa edição! Obrigado por compartilhar tanto conhecimento com a comunidade. Esperamos ver vocês novamente em futuros encontros!

09:00 - 09:40 - Conhecendo projeto Debian - Allytthy e Clara Nobre 09:40 - 10:20 - Proxmox e Homelab: Como Transformei um Mini PC em um Servidor de Respeito) - Fernando Guisso 10:20 - 10:40 Intervalo 10:40 - 11:20 - Analisando a aplicação de algoritmos criptográficos em pacotes de redes - Isaque Barbosa Martins 11:20 - 12:00 - Introdução a escalação de privilégio em sistemas GNU/Linux - Eduardo de Souza Paixão

Link dos slides do Debian Day


Um grande obrigado também a todos os participantes, nós fazemos isso por vocês! Esperamos que tenham aprendido, se divertido e feito novas conexões entre a comunidade

Essa edição do Debina Day Natal foi organizada por: Allythy, Clara Nobre, Gabriel Damazio e Marcel Ribeiro.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
