
The Drop Times: How AI Enhances Drupal: Smarter and More User-Friendly Websites

Planet Drupal - Mon, 2024-07-01 05:21

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly become a cornerstone of technological innovation. But why is it needed, and how exactly is it changing our lives? To start, imagine a world where machines can predict what you want before you even ask for it. That's the promise of AI, and it's no longer a distant dream.

AI is reshaping industries by automating routine tasks, providing insights through data analysis, and enhancing user experiences with personalization. For instance, in healthcare, AI algorithms can analyze medical records to predict patient outcomes and suggest treatments, drastically improving care quality. In finance, AI-driven systems can detect fraudulent activities in real-time, safeguarding our money and financial data.

Moreover, AI impacts our daily lives more subtly. Think of how Netflix suggests shows you love or how Alexa can answer your questions and control your smart home. These AI-driven features are making life easier and more enjoyable.

Now, let’s introduce AI to Drupal, a powerful content management system (CMS) known for its flexibility and robust features. Integrating AI with Drupal opens new possibilities for web development, making websites smarter and more user-friendly. AI can analyze users' likes and tailor website content to their interests. This means two people visiting the same site might see different content based on their preferences, making their experience more engaging.

Customer support is another area where AI shines. AI chatbots on Drupal sites can answer questions instantly, providing support without making users wait. These chatbots learn from each interaction and improve over time.

AI can also help predict what users will do next. By analyzing user data, AI provides insights into trends and behaviours, helping site administrators make better decisions about content and marketing strategies.

AI is excitingly changing technology, making our lives easier and more efficient. When combined with Drupal, AI takes website development to the next level. From personalizing content and improving search to automating tasks and enhancing customer support, AI makes Drupal sites smarter and more responsive. As AI continues to evolve, it will bring even more improvements, making online experiences better for everyone.

Now, let's delve into the latest Drupal-related news stories and articles covered by The Drop Times:

Check out the article by Alka Elizabeth and Kazima Abbas, sub-editors at The Drop Times, on Drupal Developer Day Burgas. They share insights from the organizers Valery Lourie, Maria Totova-Cholakova, and Hristo Chonov, representing Drupal Bulgaria, as well as speakers Frederik Wouters and Klaus Purer. This year’s event gathered community members to discuss innovative sessions and projects, showcasing how this event is contributing to the future of Drupal.

Additionally, explore the transformative vision behind Drupal Starshot through the insights of Gábor Hojtsy and Pamela Barone with Alka Elizabeth. This ambitious initiative addresses Drupal's past criticisms by enhancing user experience and accessibility with innovative UI improvements and pre-packaged feature sets. Delve into the potential and challenges of Starshot and understand how the leadership team is steering Drupal towards a more user-friendly future.

In his article at The Drop Times, Jay Callicott explores the significance of understanding exponential growth, the transformative power of AI in development, and the critical role of prompt engineering. By harnessing AI tools like the DrupalAI modules, developers can innovate with unprecedented speed and efficiency, navigating the accelerating pace of change in the digital landscape.

Daniel Cothran and Nia Kathoni have introduced a new Drupal module, Views CSV Source, designed to streamline the process of displaying CSV data within Drupal sites. Released on March 5, 2024, and updated on June 25, 2024, this module addresses a common need among Drupal users: the ability to easily display spreadsheet data on a web page without the labour-intensive process of populating a database table. Read more about it here.

Hector Ignacio Iribarne has announced the upcoming Broward Drupal Meetup, scheduled for Wednesday, July 10, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM ET. Organized by Ofer Shaal, Jay Epstein, and Hector Iribarne, this user group meeting will take place online via Zoom. The meetup will focus on discussing Drupal Starshot.

The upcoming Network of European Drupal Associations (NEDA) meeting is scheduled for July 16, 2024, from 2:30 to 4:00 PM (Central European Time—Brussels). This virtual gathering aims to connect members of the Drupal community and local Drupal associations across Europe and beyond. The primary focus is sharing experiences, exploring ways to support each other with knowledge and resources, and discussing common challenges and solutions local associations face.

Don't miss Drupaladas #4 event, "PHPStan in your Projects," scheduled for June 28, 2024, at 12:30 p.m. CEST. This virtual meetup, hosted by Jose Luis Bellido Rojas, will be conducted through a Slack huddle in the #drupal-es channel and features a detailed exploration of PHPStan integration in Drupal projects, led by Alvaro J. Hurtado Villegas.

Drupal Camp Asheville 2024, scheduled for July 12-14, 2024, is just around the corner, with only two and a half weeks left until the event kicks off. As attendees arrive, organizers have arranged a special Thursday night baseball game on the evening of July 11 at the historic McCormick Field.

DrupalJam, held on June 12, 2024, at Fabrique Utrecht, brought together the Drupal community for a day of insightful talks and networking. For those who missed this anniversary edition, the event's highlights are now available on the DrupalJam YouTube channel. The channel has uploaded Dries Buytaert's keynote speech and various insightful sessions for viewers to enjoy. It also features an after-movie capturing the event's atmosphere and memorable moments.

Looking ahead, Drupal Gutenberg v4.0, set for release in August 2024, will feature a major UI refactor specifically tailored for Drupal, moving away from WordPress components. It will introduce single-field editing and make the editor entity agnostic, allowing for editing various content types. The update will also integrate with the Drupal Starshot initiative, enhancing the overall Drupal editing experience.

CKEditor recently announced the release of five new plugins for Drupal users, coinciding with the launch of Drupal 10.3. These updates include the CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack 1.1.0 and CKEditor 5 Premium Features 1.2.9, featuring essential technical fixes and new functionalities to enhance content creation.

We acknowledge that there are more stories to share. However, due to selection constraints, we must pause further exploration for now.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Kazima Abbas
Sub-editor, The Drop Times 

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russell Coker: Links June 2024

Planet Debian - Mon, 2024-07-01 05:20

Modos Labs have released the design of an e-ink display connected by USB-C [1]. They have provided a lot of background information on e-ink displays which isn’t available elsewhere. Excellent work!

Informative article about a company giving renters insecure locks while facilitating collusion to raise rents [2].

Insightful video by JimmyTheGiant about the destruction of housing estates in the UK [3]. I wonder how much of this was deliberate by the Tories.

Insightful video by Modern Vintage Gamer about the way Nintendo is destroying history by preventing people playing old games [4].

Interesting video by Louis Rossmann about the low quality of products and reviews on Amazon [5]. We all know about Enshittification, but it seems that Amazon is getting to the stage of being unusable for some products.

Amusing video by Folding Ideas about Decentraland an attampt at a blockchain based second life type thing which failed as you expect blockchain things to fail [6]. The top comment is a transcription of the actions of the speaker’s pet cat. ;)

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Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Niels Thykier: Debian packaging with style black

Planet Debian - Mon, 2024-07-01 04:15

When I started working on the language server for debputy, one of several reasons was about automatic applying a formatting style. Such that you would not have to remember to manually reformat the file.

One of the problems with supporting automatic formatting is that no one agrees on the "one true style". To make this concrete, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues did the numbers of which wrap-and-sort option that are most common in https://bugs.debian.org/895570#46. Unsurprising, we end up with 14-15 different styles with various degrees of popularity. To make matters worse, wrap-and-sort does not provide a way to declare "this package uses options -sat".

So that begged the question, how would debputy know which style it should use when it was going to reformat file. After a couple of false-starts, Christian Hofstaedtler mentioned that we could just have a field in debian/control for supporting a "per-package" setting in responds to my concern about adding a new "per-package" config file.

At first, I was not happy with it, because how would you specify all of these options in a field (in a decent manner)? But then I realized that one I do not want all these styles and that I could start simpler. The Python code formatter black is quite successful despite not having a lot of personalized style options. In fact, black makes a statement out of not allowing a lot of different styles.

Combing that, the result was X-Style: black (to be added to the Source stanza of debian/control), which every possible reference to the black tool for how styling would work. Namely, you outsource the style management to the tool (debputy) and then start using your focus on something else than discussing styles.

As with black, this packaging formatting style is going to be opinionated and it will evolve over time. At the starting point, it is similar to wrap-and-sort -sat for the deb822 files (debputy does not reformat other files at the moment). But as mentioned, it will likely evolve and possible diverge from wrap-and-sort over time.

The choice of the starting point was based on the numbers posted by Johannes #895570. It was not my personal favorite but it seemed to have a majority and is also close to the one suggested by salsa pipeline maintainers. The delta being -kb which I had originally but removed in 0.1.34 at request of Otto Kekäläinen after reviewing the numbers from Johannes one more time.

To facilitate this new change, I uploaded debputy/0.1.30 (a while back) to Debian unstable with the following changes:

  • Support for the X-Style: black header.
  • When a style is defined, the debputy lsp server command will now automatically reformat deb822 files on save (if the editor supports it) or on explicit "reformat file" request from the editor (usually indirectly from the user).
  • New subcommand debputy reformat command that will reformat the files, when a style is defined.
  • A new pre-commit hook repo to run debputy lint and debputy reformat. These hooks are available from https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debputy-pre-commit-hooks version v0.1 and can be used with the pre-commit tool (from the package of same name).

The obvious omission is a salsa-pipeline feature for this. Otto has put that on to his personal todo list and I am looking forward to that.

Beyond black

Another thing I dislike about our existing style tooling is that if you run wrap-and-sort without any arguments, you have a higher probability of "trashing" the style of the current package than getting the desired result. Part of this is because wrap-and-sort's defaults are out of sync with the usage (which is basically what https://bugs.debian.org/895570 is about).

But I see another problem. The wrap-and-sort tool explicitly defined options to tweak the style but provided maintainers no way to record their preference in any machine readable way. The net result is that we have tons of diverging styles and that you (as a user of wrap-and-sort) have to manually tell wrap-and-sort which style you want every time you run the tool.

In my opinion that is not playing to the strengths of neither human nor machine. Rather, it is playing to the weaknesses of the human if anything at all.

But the salsa-CI pipeline people also ran into this issue and decided to work around this deficiency. To use wrap-and-sort in the salsa-CI pipeline, you have to set a variable to activate the job and another variable with the actual options you want.

The salsa-CI pipeline is quite machine readable and wrap-and-sort is widely used. I had debputy reformat also check for the salsa-CI variables as a fallback. This fallback also works for the editor mode (debputy lsp server), so you might not even have to run debputy reformat. :)

This was a deliberate trade-off. While I do not want all us to have all these options, I also want Debian packaging to be less painful and have fewer paper cuts. Having debputy go extra lengths to meet wrap-and-sort users where they are came out as the better solution for me.

A nice side-effect of this trade-off is that debputy reformat now a good tool for drive-by contributors. You can safely run debputy reformat on any package and either it will apply the styling or it will back out and inform you that no obvious style was detected. In the latter case, you would have to fallback to manually deducing the style and applying it.

Differences to wrap-and-sort

The debputy reformat has some limitations or known differences to wrap-and-sort. Notably, debputy reformat (nor debputy lsp server) will not invoke wrap-and-sort. Instead, debputy has its own reformatting engine that provides similar features.

One reason for not running wrap-and-sort is that I want debputy reformat to match the style that debputy lsp server will give you. That way, you get consistent style across all debputy commands.

Another reason is that it is important to me that reformatting is safe and does not change semantics. This leads to two regrettable known differences to the wrap-and-sort behavior due to safety in addition to one scope limitation in debputy:

  1. debputy will ignore requests to sort the stanzas when the "keep first" option is disabled (-b --no-keep-first). This combination is unsafe reformatting. I feel it was a mistake for wrap-and-sort to ever allow this but at least it is no longer the default (-b is now -bk by default). This will be less of a problem in debhelper-compat 15, since the concept of "main package" will disappear and all multi-binary source packages will be required to use debian/package.install rather than debian/install.
  2. debputy will not reorder the contents of debhelper packaging files such as debian/install. This is also an (theoretical) unsafe thing to do. While the average package will not experience issues with this, there are rare corner cases where the re-ordering can affect the end result. I happen to know this, because I ran into issues when trying to optimize dh_install in a way that assumed the order did not matter. Stuff broke and there is now special-case code in dh_install to back out of that optimization when that happens.
  3. debputy has a limited list of wrap-and-sort options it understands. Some options may cause debputy to back out and disable reformatting entirely with a remark that it cannot apply that style. If you run into a case of this, feel free to file a feature request to support it. I will not promise to support everything, but if it is safe and trivially doable with the engine already, then I probably will.

As stated, where debputy cannot implement the wrap-and-sort styles fully, then it will currently implement a subset that is safe if that can be identified or back out entirely of the formatting when it cannot. In all cases, debputy will not break the formatting if it is correct. It may just fail at correcting one aspect of the wrap-and-sort style if you happen to get it wrong.

It is also important to remember that the prerequisite for debputy applying any wrap-and-sort style is that you have set the salsa-CI pipeline variables to trigger wrap-and-sort with the salsa-CI pipeline. So there is still a CI check before the merge that will run the wrap-and-sort in its full glory that provides the final safety net for you.

Just give me a style

In conclusion, if you, like me, are more interested in getting a consistent style rather than discussing what that style should be, now you can get that with X-Style: black. You can also have your custom wrap-and-sort style be picked up automatically for drive-by contributors.

$ apt satisfy 'dh-debputy (>= 0.1.30), python3-lsprotocol' # Add ``X-Style: black`` to ``debian/control`` for "just give me a style" # # OR, if there is a specific ``wrap-and-sort`` style for you then set # SALSA_CI_DISABLE_WRAP_AND_SORT=no plus set relevant options in # SALSA_CI_WRAP_AND_SORT_ARGS in debian/salsa-ci.yml (or .gitlab-ci.yml) $ debputy reformat

It is sadly not yet in the salsa-ci pipeline. Otto is looking into that and hopefully we will have it soon. :)

And if you find yourself often doing archive-wide contributions and is tired of having to reverse engineer package formatting styles, consider using debputy reformat or debputy lsp server. If you use debputy in this way, please consider providing feedback on what would help you.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Guido Günther: Free Software Activities June 2024

Planet Debian - Mon, 2024-07-01 04:01

A short status update of what happened on my side last month. Was able to test our Cellbroadcast bits, feedbackd became more flexible regarding LEDs, Phosh 0.40 is out, and some more.

  • Phosh 0.40.0
  • Fix testing custom quick setting plugins (MR)
  • Add icons for dark style toggles (thanks to Sam Hewitt for the help) (MR, MR)
  • 0.39.x backports (MR)
  • Set default sound-theme (MR)
  • Launch apps in transient scope (MR)
  • Allow to suspend from lock screen (MR)
  • Fix media player button style (MR)
  • Don't use plain .so for bindings lib (MR)
  • Fling gesture to open/close phosh's panels (MR)
  • Fix crash on output removal (MR)
  • Don't draw decorations when maximized (MR)
  • Allow to stack layer surfaces (MR was a bit older, polished up to land it) (MR)
  • Add hwdb support for Juno tablets (based on information by Giovanni Caligaris) (MR)
  • Support add generic BT AVRCP profile (with the help of Phil Hands) (MR)
  • Released 0.2.1
  • Use shared gmobile (MR)
  • Add sound theme (MR)
  • Add a major mode for systemd-hwdb files (MR)
  • Backport phog fix to work with phosh-osk-stub (MR)
  • Release git snapshot of phosh-wallpaper for NEW processing (MR)
  • Backport phosh fixes for 0.39.0 (MR)
  • Phoc: Install examples, they're useful for debugging (MR)
  • Make libpam-ccreds work with gcrypt 1.11:
  • Upload phosh release 0.40.0~rc1 and 0.40.0
  • phog: Add example for autologin (MR)
  • Update firefox-esr-mobile-config (thanks to Peter Mack for the input) (MR)
  • Tweak meta-phosh:
    • Add feedbackd-device-themes (MR)
    • Add jxl pixbuf loader (MR)
    • Make gstreamer-packagekit a recommends (MR)
ModemManager Feedbackd
  • Only apply Qualcom bits to lpg driver (MR)
  • Support arbitrary RGB values for multicolor LEDs (MR)
  • Allow to use camera flash LEDs as status LEDs (MR)
  • End too noisy feedback when switching profile levels (MR)
    • calls bugfix for this (MR)
    • Trigger this via vol- in Phosh when a call comes in (MR)
  • Packaging fixes (MR) , MR)
  • device-themes: Lower brightness of feedback events as the flash is too bright on OnePlus 6T (MR)
  • cli: Inform user when nothing was triggered (MR)
  • Released 0.4.0
  • Released 0.2.0
  • Robustify stream resume (MR)
  • build: Add summary (MR)
  • Handle missing sim better (MR)
  • Backports for 46 (MR)
  • Fix SIP crash (MR)
  • Allow to display a Matrix clients access token (MR)
  • libcmatrix: Add support handling push notification servers (MR)
  • Allow to add push notification servers (draft)) (MR)
  • Package docs (MR)
  • Add check for release consistency (MR)
    • mobile-settings: Use it in mobile settings (MR)
  • Fix use-after-free in stackable-box (MR)

If you want to support my work see donations.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Talk Python to Me: #468: Python Trends Episode 2024

Planet Python - Mon, 2024-07-01 04:00
I've gathered a group of Python experts who have been thinking deeply about where Python is going and who have lived through where it has been. This episode is all about near-term Python trends and things we each believe will be important to focus on as Python continues to grow. Our panelists are Jodie Burchell, Carol Willing, and Paul Everett.<br/> <br/> <strong>Episode sponsors</strong><br/> <br/> <a href='https://talkpython.fm/code-comments'>Code Comments</a><br> <a href='https://talkpython.fm/posit'>Posit</a><br> <a href='https://talkpython.fm/training'>Talk Python Courses</a><br/> <br/> <strong>Links from the show</strong><br/> <br/> <div><b>Shiny course at Talk Python</b>: <a href="https://talkpython.fm/shiny" target="_blank" rel="noopener">talkpython.fm/shiny</a><br/> <br/> <b>Jodie Burchell</b>: <a href="https://twitter.com/t_redactyl" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@t_redactyl</a><br/> <b>Carol on Mastodon</b>: <a href="https://hachyderm.io/@willingc" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@willingc@hachyderm.io</a><br/> <b>Paul Everitt</b>: <a href="https://twitter.com/paulweveritt" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@paulweveritt</a><br/> <b>Watch this episode on YouTube</b>: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7398lV5edDw" target="_blank" rel="noopener">youtube.com</a><br/> <b>Episode transcripts</b>: <a href="https://talkpython.fm/episodes/transcript/468/python-trends-episode-2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener">talkpython.fm</a><br/> <br/> <b>--- Stay in touch with us ---</b><br/> <b>Subscribe to us on YouTube</b>: <a href="https://talkpython.fm/youtube" target="_blank" rel="noopener">youtube.com</a><br/> <b>Follow Talk Python on Mastodon</b>: <a href="https://fosstodon.org/web/@talkpython" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>talkpython</a><br/> <b>Follow Michael on Mastodon</b>: <a href="https://fosstodon.org/web/@mkennedy" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i>mkennedy</a><br/></div>
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

eGenix.com: eGenix PyRun - One file Python Runtime 2.5.0 GA

Planet Python - Mon, 2024-07-01 04:00

eGenix PyRun is our open source, one file, no installation version of Python, making the distribution of a Python interpreter to run Python based scripts and applications to Unix based systems simple and efficient.

eGenix PyRun's executable only needs 4-6MB on disk, but still supports most Python applications and scripts.

Compared to a regular Python installation of typically 100MB on disk, eGenix PyRun is ideal for applications and scripts that need to be distributed to containers, VMs, clusters, client installations, customers or end-users.

It makes "installing" Python on a Unix based system as simple as copying a single file.

eGenix has been using eGenix PyRun as run-time for the Linux version of mxODBC Connect Server product since 2008 with great success and decided to make it available as a stand-alone open-source product.

We provide the source archive to build your own eGenix PyRun on Github, as well as a few binary distributions to get you started on Linux x86_64. In the future, we will set up automated builds for several other platforms.

Please see the product page for more details:

    >>> eGenix PyRun - One file Python Runtime


This major release of eGenix PyRun comes with the following enhancements:

Enhancements / Changes
  • Added support for Python 3.8 - 3.11
  • Removed support for Python 3.5-3.7
  • Modernized the directory setup and build
  • Changed the license to the Apache2 license
  • Extracted the code from our internal mono-repo to put on Github
  • Relaunched the project on Github
For a complete list of changes, please see the eGenix PyRun Changelog. Downloads

Please visit the eGenix PyRun product page for downloads, instructions on installation and documentation of the product.


Commercial support for this product is available directly from eGenix.com.

Please see the support section of our website for details.

More Information

For more information on eGenix PyRun, licensing and download instructions, please write to sales@egenix.com.

Enjoy !

Marc-Andre Lemburg, eGenix.com

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

EuroPython: How to Maximize Your Experience at EuroPython 2024 🐍✨

Planet Python - Mon, 2024-07-01 04:00

EuroPython 2024 is set to be an electrifying event for Python enthusiasts, taking place in the vibrant city of Prague from July 8th to 14th. Whether you&aposre a first-timer or a seasoned attendee, here are some tips to help you squeeze every bit of goodness out of the conference.

Plan Your Schedule in Advance &#x1F5D3;️

Review the EuroPython schedule to spot sessions, workshops, and events that spark your interest. The week is loaded with activities: Monday and Tuesday are for tutorials and free workshops (C API Summit, HumbleData, DjangoGirls and WASM Summit); Wednesday to Friday are full of keynotes and talks, social events, PyLadies events and panel discussions. Finally, the weekend is reserved for the Open Source Sprints.

Mix and match your experience by attending a variety of sessions! From technical talks and tutorials to keynote speeches, there&aposs a smorgasbord of content for all levels. We have talks for beginners and advanced Pythonistas including tracks like Python internals, LLMs, Ethics & Philosophy, Web Technologies, Education & Community, DevOps, and so much more.

Pro tip: Keynote speakers always drop some serious knowledge bombs &#x1F609;Engage in Workshops & Summits &#x1F6E0;️

Dive into workshops for a hands-on learning adventure. Whether you&aposre a newbie learning to build websites with Django Girls or exploring data science with HumbleData, there&aposs something for everyone. Discuss the state of the C API at the C API Summit or get the latest on WebAssembly at the WASM Summit.

Some of these events have limited slots, while others are first-come, first-served. Make sure to register on the website https://ep2024.europython.eu/programme and arrive early on the day of the event!

Network Actively &#x1F91D;

Sessions are packed with information, but they might not cover your particular problem. Don&apost hesitate to ask the speakers about anything they didn&apost cover. Make sure to use Discord to reach out if you cannot find them in the corridors.

All participants should join our Discord server as this is the main communication platform during the conference. The link invite will be sent via email on the following days.

Take advantage of breaks to mingle and tap into the wealth of knowledge around you. And don&apost forget the Pac-Man rule: always leave a spot open so others can easily join the conversation.

Engage in the Hallway & Harness the power of networking!

Chat with fellow attendees, speakers, and sponsors during breaks, social events, and open spaces. Networking can lead to new collaborations, job opportunities, and friendships within the Python community. Here are some tips to help you start a conversation

  • Look for lanyards with the "speaker" tag and ask them about their topic.
  • Approach someone with a simple "Hi, what do you think of the event so far?" or "What sessions have you found interesting?"
  • Pay attention to the stickers on people&aposs badges indicating their preferred level of contact: "no contact," "happy to hug," or "handshake only." Always respect these preferences.

Remember it&aposs normal to feel shy, many people do, but the Python community is known for being extra nice :) Don&apost miss out on the chance to connect with others, this is the perfect place to try and reach out.

Visit the Sponsors Hall &#x1F6CD;️

Stroll through the Sponsor&aposs Hall to check out the latest products and services from exhibitors. It&aposs swag central and a goldmine for discovering new tools and technologies to boost your Python projects. A lot of our sponsors are also actively hiring in case you are on the lookout.

If you are attending remotely, Sponsors will have channels where you can chat and find out more. Remember to also keep an eye on the Virtual Swag and Job board on our website for extra gifts.

Attend Social Events &#x1F389;

Don&apost miss the social events like the PyLadies lunch and Social Event, Prague Boat Trip, Speakers’ Dinner, and the big Social Event where you are invited to bring your board games and instruments!

These events are perfect for connecting & sharing ideas with like-minded individuals in a relaxed setting. Plus, they are a whole lot of fun! &#x1F389;

Take Care of Yourself &#x1F9D8;

Conferences are a marathon, not a sprint. Stay hydrated, eat well, and get plenty of rest. We will help by serving light lunches, snacks and coffee during the breaks throughout the day. Take breaks to recharge and keep your energy levels high.

Feeling overwhelmed? We have a Quiet Room and a low-stimulation room at the venue so you can wind down.

Explore Prague &#x1F3F0;

Seize the chance to explore the enchanting city of Prague. Dive into the local culture, savour the cuisine, and visit the landmarks. The Prague Congress Centre is conveniently located, making it easy to venture out.

Our volunteers wrote a page with tips and things to do: https://ep2024.europython.eu/explore

We hope it helps you and your companions to have a great time in Prague &#x1F603;

Share Your Experience &#x1F4E2;

After the conference, share your newfound wisdom with your community. Write a blog post, give a presentation, or organize a meetup to spread the knowledge. It reinforces what you&aposve learned and helps those who couldn&apost attend.

Make sure to tag us on socials @EuroPython or use #EuroPython2024. We will be reposting the coolest community posts during the event!


EuroPython 2024 promises to be an enriching experience brimming with learning, networking, and fun. By planning ahead, engaging actively, and taking care of yourself, you&aposll make the most of this incredible event.

See you in Prague! &#x1F31F;

For more details, visit the EuroPython 2024 official website.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Golems GABB: Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Drupal

Planet Drupal - Mon, 2024-07-01 02:59
Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Drupal Editor Mon, 07/01/2024 - 09:59

Dries Buytaert once predicted that AI bots would provide factual information and communicate with emotions and personality, offering more human-like interactions than websites.
Artificial intelligence technologies have recently begun to be actively used in various fields, including web development. But what exactly? Implementing AI into your Drupal-based website opens up vast opportunities to improve your business's efficiency, significantly improve your customers' service quality, and much more. In this article, you will learn how to achieve success by using AI and Machine Learning in Drupal.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Abhijith PA: A lazy local file sharing setup

Planet Debian - Mon, 2024-07-01 02:42

At home, I have both a laptop and a *desktop PC. Most of my essential things, such as emails, repositories, password managers, contacts, and calendars are synced between the two devices. However, when I need to share some documents and I am lazy enough to go pick a flash drive, my only option is to push them to the Internet and download them on the other system, which is sitting at 20~ meters away. Typically, I do this either through email attachments or a matrix client.

Occasionally, I think about setting up a network storage solution at home. But then I ask myself do I really need one.

In my home network, I already have a Raspberry Pi running as my Wi-Fi router, doing DNS level ad blocking with Dnsmasq and DNS over TLS with stubby. Rpi has a 16GB memory card. I can mount RPi remote directory to both machines.

I use pcmanfm as my file manager. It has the ability (like every other file managers) to mount remote storage over ssh. But one annoying thing is that whenever I open the mount directory, by default it shows the root file system of the remote device even when I explicitly mentioned the path.

Then I discovered sshfs. I wrote the following script, which mount remote directory and open that in pcmanfm.

#!/bin/bash LOCMOUNT="/home/user/Public" sshfs raspberrypi:Public $LOCMOUNT pcmanfm $MOUNT

I haven’t enabled any encryption for the memory until now since other than some logs RPi wasn’t writing anything to it. I set up fscrypt on Rpi storage now. And ta-da, a lazy person’s local sharing solution.

*Desktop - Well, technically it’s an old laptop with a broken keyboard and trackpad, connected to a monitor, keyboard and mouse. I don’t feel keeping it on a shelf.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russ Allbery: Review: Snuff

Planet Debian - Sun, 2024-06-30 23:50

Review: Snuff, by Terry Pratchett

Series: Discworld #39 Publisher: Harper Copyright: October 2011 Printing: January 2013 ISBN: 0-06-221886-7 Format: Mass market Pages: 470

Snuff is the 39th Discworld novel and the 8th (and last) Watch novel. This is not a good place to start reading.

Sam Vines has been talked, cajoled, and coerced into taking a vacation. Since he is now the Duke of Ankh, he has a country estate that he's never visited. Lady Sybil is insistent on remedying this, as is Vetinari. Both of them may have ulterior motives. They may also be colluding.

It does not take long for Vimes to realize that something is amiss in the countryside. It's not that the servants are uncomfortable with him talking to them, the senior servants are annoyed that he talks to the wrong servants, and the maids turn to face the wall at the sight of him. Those are just the strange customs of the aristocracy, for which he has little understanding and even less patience. There's something else going on. The nobility is wary, the town blacksmith is angry about something more than disliking the nobles, and the bartender doesn't want to get involved. Vimes smells something suspicious.

When he's framed for a murder, the suspicions seem justified.

It takes some time before the reader learns what the local nobility are squirming about, so I won't spoil it. What I will say is that Snuff is Pratchett hammering away at one of his favorite targets: prejudice, cruelty, and treating people like things. Vimes, with his uncompromising morality, is one of the first to realize the depth of the problem. It takes most of the rest longer to come around, even Sybil. It's both painful, and painfully accurate, to contemplate how often recognition of other people's worth only comes once they do something that you recognize as valuable.

This is one of the better-plotted Discworld novels. Vimes starts out with nothing but suspicions and stubbornness, and manages to turn Snuff into a mystery novel through dogged persistence. The story is one continuous plot arc with the normal Pratchett color (Young Sam's obsession with types of poo, for example) but without extended digressions. It also has considerably better villains than most Pratchett novels: layers of foot soldiers and plotters, each of which have to be dealt with in a suitable way. Even the concluding action sequences worked for me, which is not always a given in Discworld.

The problem, unfortunately, is that the writing is getting a bit wobbly. Pratchett died of early-onset Alzheimer's in 2015, four years after this book was first published, and this is the first novel where I can see some early effects. It mostly shows up in the dialogue: it's just a bit flabby and a bit repetitive, and the characters, particularly towards the end of the book, start repeating the name of the person they're talking to every other line. Once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it, and it was annoying enough to rob a bit of enjoyment from the end of the book.

That aside, though, this was a solid Discworld novel. Vimes testing his moral certainty against the world and forcing it into a more ethical shape is always rewarding, and here he takes more risks, with better justification, than in most of the Watch novels. We also find out that Vimes has a legacy from the events of Thud!, which has interesting implications that I wish Pratchett had more time to explore.

I think the best part of this book is how it models the process of social change through archetypes: the campaigner who knew the right choice early on, the person who formed their opinion the first time they saw injustice, the person who gets there through a more explicit moral code, the ones who have to be pushed by someone who was a bit faster, the ones who have to be convinced but then work to convince others, and of course the person who is willing to take on the unfair and far-too-heavy burden of being exceptional enough that they can be used as a tool to force other people to acknowledge them as a person. And, since this is Discworld, Vetinari is lurking in the scenery pulling strings, balancing threats, navigating politics, and giving Vimes just enough leeway to try to change the world without abusing his power. I love that the amount of leeway Vimes gets depends on how egregious the offense is, and Vetinari calibrates this quite carefully without ever saying so openly.

Recommended, and as much as I don't want to see this series end, this is not a bad entry for the Watch novels to end on.

Followed in publication order by Raising Steam.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Week 5 recap

Planet KDE - Sun, 2024-06-30 23:05
Trying to do a vector approach which most other programs with the pixel-perfect algorithm uses. So currently we have a vector strokeCoordinate initiated in kistoolfreehand because that's where strokes gets initiated, doStroke, and endStroke are. The ...
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Morpht: To PDF or not to PDF? Government sites in Australia

Planet Drupal - Sun, 2024-06-30 23:04
A review of the pros and cons of moving towards or away from publishing PDFs on government sites in Australia.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Initial work on Keychain

Planet KDE - Sun, 2024-06-30 20:00

A month ago, I started working on a new application to manage your passwords in Plasma. And while still at a PoC status, this weekend, it finally started to look like something almost usable, so it sounded like a good occassion to write a small blog post about it.

The current name is “Keychain” or “Plasma Keychain” but this is subject to change and suggestions are more than welcome.

My end goal is to provide a more future proof replacement to the ageing KWallet application. From a technical point of view, this is a fork of the internal of KeepassXC with a Kirigami GUI completely written from scratch. This means it uses the standardized Keepass format to store the passwords in the database which is implemented by many applications including on other platforms like Android and iOS (see the list of Keepass port). And while not yet exposed in the GUI, basing the work on top of KeepassXC enables a lot of interesting features not available in KWallet, like Yubikey and PassKey support, password sharing, export and import for various other password database formats, TOTP support and browser integration…

While also providing vital features for the desktop integration like the Freedesktop Secret Service protocol what we also have in KWallet.

Here are some screenshots of the current state.

This is the main view where viewing, adding, editing and removing entries already work.

Main View

This is the database generator page which unfortunately doesn’t work yet.

Database generator

And this is the UI to open an existing database.

Database generator

As you can see there is still a lot of work required, so if people are interested to help or to take a look at the current progress, the code is on KDE’s gitlab instance.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Mario Hernandez: Components variations in Storybook

Planet Drupal - Sun, 2024-06-30 19:56

One great way to extend your catalog of components is by creating components variations. Variations, in the context of component-driven development, refers to displaying your content in different ways. Variations of a component reduce the need of building new components as well as duplicate code.

In Storybook, variations are known as Stories. In this post I will be using variations and stories interchangeably.

The image below shows how different card stories or variations, can display the same content in many ways.

Fig. 1: Example of multiple variations of a Card component.

Principles of building components

Sometimes when building a new component, we can't anticipage how the website will evolve with time and therefore we build components the best way possible at the time of building them. As time goes by and requirements change, we realize that we could have done things differently had we known about the requirements changes. Variations of a component give you a chance to alter how something was built without having to change your entire environment of content architecture.

Some time ago I wrote about principles for building components. Rather than repeating myself, take a quick look at the article and comeback when you are done. You will find those principles not only apply to building new components, but also to building variations of components.

Building component variations in Storybook

In Storybook, all variations of a component are referred to as "Stories", hence the name Storybook. A story captures the rendered state of a UI component. Developers write multiple stories per component that describe all the “interesting” states/variations a component can support. Here's a visual that describes the official naming and hierarchy Storybook uses.

Fig. 2: Storybook's official naming convention and hierarchy.

The Card component

First off, I am going with the assumption that you already know how Storybook stories are created and that you have a Storybook instance running. If that's not the case, follow these instructions to get your Storybook environment up and running. You will need NodeJS 20+ and NVM installed on your system to follow along.

Next, let's look at the Card variations we will be creating in this post.

Fig. 3: Example of the different card variations we will build in this post.

The image above shows the Card stories or variations we will build. From top-left to right:

  • Default or Stacked
  • Light CTA
  • Small
  • No image
  • Horizontal

In the interest of time, I have a repo that already includes the base of the Card component so you can focus only on building the variations.

  1. Clone the repo which already contains a project to work with and the Card component.

    If you already have a working Storybook environment, copy the components directory (src/components), from the newly cloned repo, into your project.
  2. Switch to the variations branch by running git checkout variations

  3. Run the project as instructed in the README in the repo

Methods for creating stories

In this tutorial, we will use two methods for creating variations in Storybook:

  1. Doing all the work directly in card.stories.jsx to change fields values or hide/show fields, depending on the story requirements.
  2. Using additional *.yml files to assist with the same fields updates above.

We will be using the first method above for all stories except the Card horizontal. The original Card component was built with Twig, but for the variations we will be working exclusively in card.stories.jsx. The current version of the card story looks like this:

import parse from 'html-react-parser'; import card from './card.twig'; import data from './card.yml'; import './card.css'; const component = { title: 'Molecules/Card', render: (args) => parse(card(args)), }; export const Card = { name: 'Card stacked', args: { ...data }, }; export default component;

Let me explain the snippet above as this is the foundation for all the variations we will be creating.

  • First we do a series of imports to collect all the pieces needed to build components and stories:

    • import parse: This is a react plugin which allows us to parse the HTML in our stories into React code Storybook can understand.
    • import card: It imports all the code and logic inside our component's twig template.
    • import data: Pulls in all the data from the component's .yml file so we can use it as React args.
    • import './card.css': Imports all CSS styles so Storybook can displayed the styled components and stories. Inside card.css, we already have styles for each of the stories we will be building.
  • Next, we set a new configuration object called component, which will serve as the default instance of the card component. This is an arbitrary name and can be anything that makes sense to you.
    Inside the component object we have two properties: title and render.

    • The title property's value determines the location and name of the component within Storybook's hierarchy. In this example the Card component will be located under the Molecules folder. See Fig.2 above for details about the hierarchy.
    • The render property is what handles the rendering of the component by using the card and data objects we imported earlier, and combined together (Twig and YML), they render the full component.
  • Next, we create our first story by defining a new configuration object called Card, in which we pass a name (Card stacked), for the story and the data variable as args.

  • Finally, we export the component object as default, which is a React requirement.

If Storybook is running, you should see the new variation which will display the Card stacked. If you need to run Storybook for the first time, in your command line navigate to the storybook directory and run these commands:

IMPORTANT: You need NodeJS 20+ and NVM installed in your system. nvm install npm install npm run build npm run storybook

If all goes well, Storybook should be running showing the Card stacked story under the Molecules folder.

Preview of Card stacked

Fig. 4: Example of the Card stacked from which other variations will originate.

Card with light CTA
  • Inside card.stories.jsx, and directly after the closing of the Card object (around line 17), add the following object to create a new story:
export const CardLightCta = { ...Card, name: 'Card light CTA', args: { ...data, cta: { modifier: 'button--light', text: 'Try it now', url: 'https://mariohernandez.io', } }, };

Let's go over the snippet above:

  • We start by creating and exporting a new object called CardLightCta. This is a new story. This name is arbitrary but it should be unique for each story.
  • Next, we pass the default Card story (...Card), as a spread operator, so the new story inherits all attributes from the original card.
  • The name property allows for each story to have a unique name which will appear directly under the component name in Storybook's sidebar (see Fig. 2 at the top for details).
  • Finally, we open the args object where we will update some of the fields to achieve the desired variation:
    • We pass the ...data object as a spread operator to individually update the fields that need updating.
    • Since the only difference between this variation and the original card is that the CTA is light, we need to define the cta object and provide each of its properties with the appropriate values:
      • First as a modifier class we pass button--light. This is a predefined modifier class which will turn the CTA white.
      • Next, we type the text that will become the CTA's label, Try it now.
      • And finally, we pass a URL to the CTA.
Preview of Card with light CTA

Fig. 5: Example of a Card component with a light CTA.

Card small

This next story or variation is the small version of the card. The difference between this card and the original one is that this one has no CTA, and its size is ...well, small 🙂

Same as before, add the following snippet to card.stories.jsx directly after the closing of the card with light CTA story:

export const CardSmall = { ...Card, name: 'Card small', args: { ...data, modifier: 'card--small', cta: '', }, };

This story is very similar to the previous one from the updates needed point of view. As you can see, the only thing we are doing is passing card--small as a modifier class to the entire component, and since we don't need a button or CTA, we are defining the cta object but its value is empty which will suppress it from printing on the page. If you notice in card.twig, we use a conditional that checks if the cta object exists, otherwise don't print any of the markup starting with the footer tag.

Preview of small card

Fig. 6: Example of a small card.

Card with no image
  • You know the drill, inside card.stories.jsx, directly after the closing of the previous story, add the following snippet:
export const CardNoImage = { ...Card, name: 'Card no image', args: { ...data, modifier: 'card--no-image', image: '', }, };

Even more similar to the previous story, this variation only varies from the original story as follows:

  • We are passing a modifier class to the component, card--no-image.
  • Since we want no image, we define the image object but leave its value empty.
Preview of card without image

Fig. 6: Example of a card without image.

Card horizontal

The final variation is the Card horizontal. For all previous variations we have done all the changes inside card.stories.jsx, but for this one, we will resource to using an alternative *.yml file. Why you may ask, well, this variation requires a bit more changes and making all those changes inside the stories.jsx file may look a little too busy and not as easy to read the code. That's pretty much the only reason for me to use this method, to keep the code in my stories clean and more readable.

You may have noticed in the project you cloned; inside the card directory we have a file called card-horizontal.yml. This file is almost identical to the original card.yml as far as the fields in it. The only difference is that some of the fields have unique content or no content at all. Let's look at the file before starting.

--- modifier: 'card--horizontal' image: <img src="/card-square.jpg" alt="Palm trees near city buildings" /> title: level: 2 modifier: 'card__title' text: 'Step outside to the outdoors' url: 'https://mariohernandez.io' teaser: 'With spring in full bloom, the weather could not be better to take a walk outside and enjoy the beauty of nature.' cta: ''

  • The modifier field has a specific CSS class we will pass: card--horizontal. This class will allow us to change the layout of the card to be in horizontal direction.
  • The image field uses a different image altogether. The image has been cropped in square aspect ratio for better fitting of this variation.
  • Finally, the cta field is empty, meaning we don't want to print a button on this variation.

Maybe I exaggerated when I said that this variation has too many changes, but my point is that in cases when your stories do require a lot of changes, using a different yml file may help you keep your stories.jsx file a lot neater and cleaner.

  • The first step is one we haven't done before. Inside card.stories.jsx somewhere around line 5 (after the last import in the file), add the following import:
import dataHorizontal from './card-horizontal.yml';

  • Next, the way we've done before, inside card.stories.jsx add the following object directly after the closing of the last story:
export const CardHorizontal = { ...Card, name: 'Card horizontal', args: { ...dataHorizontal, }, };

  • First we imported a new data file called card-horizontal.yml and assigned the object name of dataHorizontal. By doing this, any changes we make inside card-horizontal.yml will be reflected in Storybook.
  • Lastly, we repeat the same process as the previous variations but this time, inside the args object, we pass the new object we created in the previous step (...dataHorizontal), rather than ...data.
  • That's it. Our story file is nice and clean. Since we handled all the fields updates in card-horizontal.yml, the .jsx file is simply consuming its data to achieve the desired variations.
Preview of horizontal card

Fig. 6: Example of a card in horizontal layout.

Now that we have covered both methods for creating variations, know that neither method is better than the other. The decision to use one over the other boils down to personal preferences and sometimes which makes the most sense to simplify the process.

End result

At the end of this process, your card.stories.jsx should look like this:

import parse from 'html-react-parser'; import card from './card.twig'; import data from './card.yml'; import dataHorizontal from './card-horizontal.yml'; import './card.css'; const component = { title: 'Molecules/Card', render: (args) => parse(card(args)), }; export const Card = { name: 'Card stacked', args: { ...data }, }; export const CardLightCta = { ...Card, name: 'Card light CTA', args: { ...data, cta: { modifier: 'button--light', text: 'Try it now', url: 'https://mariohernandez.io', } }, }; export const CardSmall = { ...Card, name: 'Card small', args: { ...data, modifier: 'card--small', cta: '', }, }; export const CardNoImage = { ...Card, name: 'Card no image', args: { ...data, modifier: 'card--no-image', image: '', }, }; export const CardHorizontal = { ...Card, name: 'Card horizontal', args: { ...dataHorizontal, }, }; export default component;

In closing

This only touches the surface of creating stories, but it is refreshing to know that no matter how complex your components may be, when it comes to having Storybook parse them, the React code in your stories is very minimum. Certainly, there are exceptions, but as I complete the migration of our large Drupal project with many components, some of which are pretty large and complex, we still were surprised how little React code was required of us to write because all the heavy lifting is being done by Storybook, with its contrib extensions, as well as Twig itself.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

poke @ Savannah: GNU poke 4.2 released

GNU Planet! - Sun, 2024-06-30 17:03

I am happy to announce a new release of GNU poke, version 4.2.

This is a bugfix release in the 4.x series.

See the file NEWS in the distribution tarball for a list of issues
fixed in this release.

The tarball poke-4.2.tar.gz is now available at

    > GNU poke (http://www.jemarch.net/poke) is an interactive, extensible
    > editor for binary data.  Not limited to editing basic entities such
    > as bits and bytes, it provides a full-fledged procedural,
    > interactive programming language designed to describe data
    > structures and to operate on them.

Thanks to the people who contributed with code and/or documentation to
this release.

Happy poking!

Mohammad-Reza Nabipoor

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

TestDriven.io: Reusable Components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind CSS - Part 1

Planet Python - Sun, 2024-06-30 15:42
This tutorial looks at how to build client-side UI components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Joachim Breitner: Do surprises get larger?

Planet Debian - Sun, 2024-06-30 09:28
The setup

Imagine you are living on a riverbank. Every now and then, the river swells and you have high water. The first few times this may come as a surprise, but soon you learn that such floods are a recurring occurrence at that river, and you make suitable preparation. Let’s say you feel well-prepared against any flood that is no higher than the highest one observed so far. The more floods you have seen, the higher that mark is, and the better prepared you are. But of course, eventually a higher flood will occur that surprises you.

Of course such new record floods are happening rarer and rarer as you have seen more of them. I was wondering though: By how much do the new records exceed the previous high mark? Does this excess decrease or increase over time?

A priori both could be. When the high mark is already rather high, maybe new record floods will just barley pass that mark? Or maybe, simply because new records are so rare events, when they do occur, they can be surprisingly bad?

This post is a leisurely mathematical investigating of this question, which of course isn’t restricted to high waters; it could be anything that produces a measurement repeatedly and (mostly) independently – weather events, sport results, dice rolls.

The answer of course depends on the distribution of results: How likely is each possible results.

Dice are simple

With dice rolls the answer is rather simple. Let our measurement be how often you can roll a die until it shows a 6. This simple game we can repeat many times, and keep track of our record. Let’s say the record happens to be 7 rolls. If in the next run we roll the die 7 times, and it still does not show a 6, then we know that we have broken the record, and every further roll increases by how much we beat the old record.

But note that how often we will now roll the die is completely independent of what happened before!

So for this game the answer is: The excess with which the record is broken is always the same.

Mathematically speaking this is because the distribution of “rolls until the die shows a 6” is memoryless. Such distributions are rather special, its essentially just the example we gave (a geometric distribution), or its continuous analogue (the exponential distributions, for example the time until a radioactive particle decays).

Mathematical formulation

With this out of the way, let us look at some other distributions, and for that, introduce some mathematical notations. Let X be a random variable with probability density function φ(x) and cumulative distribution function Φ(x), and a be the previous record. We are interested in the behavior of

Y(a) = X − a ∣ X > x

i.e. by how much X exceeds a under the condition that it did exceed a. How does Y change as a increases? In particular, how does the expected value of the excess e(a) = E(Y(a)) change?

Uniform distribution

If X is uniformly distributed between, say, 0 and 1, then a new record will appear uniformly distributed between a and 1, and as that range gets smaller, the excess must get smaller as well. More precisely,

e(a) = E(X − a ∣ X > a) = E(X ∣ X > a) − a = (1 − a)/2

This not very interesting linear line is plotted in blue in this diagram:

The expected record surpass for the uniform distribution

The orange line with the logarithmic scale on the right tries to convey how unlikely it is to surpass the record value a: it shows how many attempts we expect before the record is broken. This can be calculated by n(a) = 1/(1 − Φ(a)).

Normal distribution

For the normal distribution (with median 0 and standard derivation 1, to keep things simple), we can look up the expected value of the one-sided truncated normal distribution and obtain

e(a) = E(X ∣ X > a) − a = φ(a)/(1 − Φ(a)) − a

Now is this growing or shrinking? We can plot this an have a quick look:

The expected record surpass for the normal distribution

Indeed it is, too, a decreasing function!

(As a sanity check we can see that e(0) = √(2/π), which is the expected value of the half-normal distribution, as it should.)

Could it be any different?

This settles my question: It seems that each new surprisingly high water will tend to be less surprising than the previously – assuming high waters were uniformly or normally distributed, which is unlikely to be helpful.

This does raise the question, though, if there are probability distributions for which e(a) is be increasing?

I can try to construct one, and because it’s a bit easier, I’ll consider a discrete distribution on the positive natural numbers, and consider at g(0) = E(X) and g(1) = E(X − 1 ∣ X > 1). What does it take for g(1) > g(0)? Using E(X) = p + (1 − p)E(X ∣ X > 1) for p = P(X = 1) we find that in order to have g(1) > g(0), we need E(X) > 1/p.

This is plausible because we get equality when E(X) = 1/p, as it precisely the case for the geometric distribution. And it is also plausible that it helps if p is large (so that the next first record is likely just 1) and if, nevertheless, E(X) is large (so that if we do get an outcome other than 1, it’s much larger).

Starting with the geometric distribution, where P(X > n ∣ X ≥ n) = pn = p (the probability of again not rolling a six) is constant, it seems that these pn is increasing, we get the desired behavior. So let p1 < p2 < pn < … be an increasing sequence of probabilities, and define X so that P(X = n) = p1 ⋅ ⋯ ⋅ pn − 1 ⋅ (1 − pn) (imagine the die wears off and the more often you roll it, the less likely it shows a 6). Then for this variation of the game, every new record tends to exceed the previous more than previous records. As the p increase, we get a flatter long end in the probability distribution.

Gamma distribution

To get a nice plot, I’ll take the intuition from this and turn to continuous distributions. The Wikipedia page for the exponential distribution says it is a special case of the gamma distribution, which has an additional shape parameter α, and it seems that it could influence the shape of the distribution to be and make the probability distribution have a longer end. Let’s play around with β = 2 and α = 0.5, 1 and 1.5:

The expected record surpass for the gamma distribution
  • For α = 1 (dotted) this should just be the exponential distribution, and we see that e(a) is flat, as predicted earlier.

  • For larger α (dashed) the graph does not look much different from the one for the normal distribution – not a surprise, as for α → ∞, the gamma distribution turns into the normal distribution.

  • For smaller α (solid) we get the desired effect: e(a) is increasing. This means that new records tend to break records more impressively.

The orange line shows that this comes at a cost: for a given old record a, new records are harder to come by with smaller α.


As usual, it all depends on the distribution. Otherwise, not much, it’s late.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Sebastian Pölsterl: scikit-survival 0.23.0 released

Planet Python - Sun, 2024-06-30 07:36

I am pleased to announce the release of scikit-survival 0.23.0.

This release adds support for scikit-learn 1.4 and 1.5, which includes missing value support for RandomSurvivalForest. For more details on missing values support, see the section in the release announcement for 0.23.0.

Moreover, this release fixes critical bugs. When fitting SurvivalTree, the sample_weight is now correctly considered when computing the log-rank statistic for each split. This change also affects RandomSurvivalForest and ExtraSurvivalTrees which pass sample_weight to the individual trees in the ensemble. Therefore, the outputs produced by SurvivalTree, RandomSurvivalForest, and ExtraSurvivalTrees will differ from previous releases.

This release fixes a bug in ComponentwiseGradientBoostingSurvivalAnalysis and GradientBoostingSurvivalAnalysis when dropout is used. Previously, dropout was only applied starting with the third iteration, now dropout is applied in the second iteration too.

Finally, this release adds compatibility with numpy 2.0 and drops support for Python 3.8.


scikit-survival is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows and can be installed either

via pip:

pip install scikit-survival

or via conda

conda install -c conda-forge scikit-survival
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Python GUIs: PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5 and PySide2 Books -- updated for 2024! — Extended and updated with new examples, demos including Model View Controller architecture

Planet Python - Sun, 2024-06-30 02:00

Hello! Today I have released new digital updates to my PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2 and PySide6 book Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt.

This update brings all versions up to date with the latest developments in Qt, As well as corrections and additions to existing chapters, there are new sections dealing with form layouts, built-in dialogs and developing Qt applications using a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.

As always, if you've previously bought a copy of the book you get these updates for free! Just go to the downloads page and enter the email you used for the purchase.

You can buy the latest editions below --

If you bought the book elsewhere (in paperback or digital) you can register to get these updates too. Email your receipt to register@pythonguis.com


Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

KDE participates in OSPP 2024

Planet KDE - Sat, 2024-06-29 20:00
KDE participates in OSPP 2024

We are pleased to announce our participation in the Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP) 2024. KDE will mentor a project within this program. OSPP is largely organized by The Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Its goal is to encourage college students to engage in developing and maintaining open-source software.

This marks KDE Community's first year participate in OSPP, and we mentor a project.

Porting KDE Games to the Android Platform

KDE Games and educational games are integral parts of the KDE Gear suite. This year, under the guidance of Benson Muite, Hanyang Zhang will undertake work in this area. Hanyang Zhang will be responsible for porting one to two KDE Games to the Android platform.

Let's warmly welcome the new contributor and wish them a enjoyable summer within KDE!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
