FLOSS Project Planets

FSF Blogs: FSD meeting recap 2024-01-05

GNU Planet! - Fri, 2024-01-05 16:34
Check out the important work our volunteers accomplished at today's Free Software Directory (FSD) IRC meeting.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

FSD meeting recap 2024-01-05

FSF Blogs - Fri, 2024-01-05 16:34
Check out the important work our volunteers accomplished at today's Free Software Directory (FSD) IRC meeting.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Four Kitchens: Responsive image best practices for Drupal

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-01-05 16:32

Amanda Luker

Senior Frontend Engineer

As a Senior Frontend Engineer at Four Kitchens, Amanda is responsible for translating visual designs and applying them to Drupal sites.

January 1, 1970

Drupal provides a system for site administrators to add their own images and have them appear uniformly on the website. This system is called Image Styles. This tool can resize, crop, and scale images to fit any aspect ratio required by a design.

When creating responsive websites, a single image style for each image variation is insufficient. Each image, such as a hero image, a card image, a WYSIWYG image, or a banner image, requires multiple versions of one image. This ensures that the website delivers only what visitors need based on their screen size. For instance, a mobile user may only require a 320-pixel-wide image, while a large desktop user may want an 1,800-pixel-wide image (doubled for double-pixel density). For this reason, Drupal has Responsive Image Styles, which will group your images into a set of styles that will each show under different conditions.

Practical approach to convert images from design to Drupal
  • Determine your image’s aspect ratio. If you find that the images in the design are not in a common aspect ratio (like 1:1, 2:1, 4:3, or 16:9) or if they vary by a little bit, consider running the dimensions through a tool that will find the closest reasonable aspect ratio.
  • Determine the smallest and largest image sizes. For example, for a 16:9 aspect ratio, the smallest size might be 320 pixels x 180 pixels, while the largest could be 3,200 pixels x 1,800 pixels (doubled for high-density screens).
  • To generate all variations, you can use an AI tool to print images with 160-pixel increments between each size. 160 increments tend to hit a lot of common breakpoints. Here’s an example using GitHub CoPilot:

There are likely more ways to streamline this process with Copilot. I’ve also used ChatGPT to rewrite them using a prefix, making it easy to add them in Drupal like this:

If adding all of these steps seems like a lot of work, consider using the Easy Responsive Images module! This module can create image styles for you, allowing you to set your aspect ratios and the increment between each style.

Once you have all your styles in place, create your responsive image styles by following these steps:

  • Choose a name for your responsive image style based on its usage
  • Select the “responsive image” breakpoint group
  • Usually, I choose to select multiple image styles and use the sizes attribute. Use the sizes attribute to craft your “sizes.” For example:

(min-width:960px) 50vw, (min-width:1200px) 30vw, 100vw

In this example, choosing an image that is smaller than 960 pixels will best fit the full width of the viewport. At 960 pixels, the image will be selected to best fill half of the viewport width, and at 1,200 pixels, 30%. This approach is nimble and allows the browser to choose the most appropriate image for each case.

After setting the size rules, choose all of the image styles that you want the browser to be able to use. You don’t have to use them all. In some cases, you might have two responsive image styles that are pulling from the same aspect ratio image styles, but one uses all of them and the other uses a subset of them.

After adding your responsive image style, you need to map your Media View Mode:

  1. Go to https://[your-site.local]/admin/structure/display-modes/view/add/media
  2. Add the media view mode as a new Display for Images: https://[your-site.local]/admin/structure/media/manage/image/display
  3. Choose “Responsive image” as the Format and select your new responsive image style

Once you have set this up, you are ready to use the View Mode to display the image field for your entity.

In this example, all the images have the same breakpoint. There may be times when you need to have different aspect ratios at different breakpoints. In those cases, you may want to use your custom theme’s Breakpoint Group. This will allow you to manually select each image style on for each breakpoint (instead of letting Drupal choose it for you).

The post Responsive image best practices for Drupal appeared first on Four Kitchens.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Andy Wingo: scheme modules vs whole-program compilation: fight

GNU Planet! - Fri, 2024-01-05 15:43

In a recent dispatch, I explained the whole-program compilation strategy used in Whiffle and Hoot. Today’s note explores what a correct solution might look like.

being explicit

Consider a module that exports an increment-this-integer procedure. We’ll use syntax from the R6RS standard:

(library (inc) (export inc) (import (rnrs)) (define (inc n) (+ n 1)))

If we then have a program:

(import (rnrs) (inc)) (inc 42)

Then the meaning of this program is clear: it reduces to (+ 42 1), then to 43. Fine enough. But how do we get there? How does the compiler compose the program with the modules that it uses (transitively), to produce a single output?

In Whiffle (and Hoot), the answer is, sloppily. There is a standard prelude that initially has a number of bindings from the host compiler, Guile. One of these is +, exposed under the name %+, where the % in this case is just a warning to the reader that this is a weird primitive binding. Using this primitive, the prelude defines a wrapper:

... (define (+ x y) (%+ x y)) ...

At compilation-time, Guile’s compiler recognizes %+ as special, and therefore compiles the body of + as consisting of a primitive call (primcall), in this case to the addition primitive. The Whiffle (and Hoot, and native Guile) back-ends then avoid referencing an imported binding when compiling %+, and instead produce backend-specific code: %+ disappears. Most uses of the + wrapper get inlined so %+ ends up generating code all over the program.

The prelude is lexically splatted into the compilation unit via a pre-expansion phase, so you end up with something like:

(let () ; establish lexical binding contour ... (define (+ x y) (%+ x y)) ... (let () ; new nested contour (define (inc n) (+ n 1)) (inc 42)))

This program will probably optimize (via partial evaluation) to just 43. (What about let and define? Well. Perhaps we’ll get to that.)

But, again here I have taken a short-cut, which is about modules. Hoot and Whiffle don’t really do modules, yet anyway. I keep telling Spritely colleagues that it’s complicated, and rightfully they keep asking why, so this article gets into it.

is it really a big letrec?

Firstly you have to ask, what is the compilation unit anyway? I mean, given a set of modules A, B, C and so on, you could choose to compile them separately, relying on the dynamic linker to compose them at run-time, or all together, letting the compiler gnaw on them all at once. Or, just A and B, and so on. One good-enough answer to this problem is library-group form, which explicitly defines a set of topologically-sorted modules that should be compiled together. In our case, to treat the (inc) module together with our example program as one compilation unit, we would have:

(library-group ;; start with sequence of libraries ;; to include in compilation unit... (library (inc) ...) ;; then the tail is the program that ;; might use the libraries (import (rnrs) (inc)) (inc 42))

In this example, the (rnrs) base library is not part of the compilation unit. Presumably it will be linked in, either as a build step or dynamically at run-time. For Hoot we would want the whole prelude to be included, because we don’t want any run-time dependencies. Anyway hopefully this would expand out to something like the set of nested define forms inside nested let lexical contours.

And that was my instinct: somehow we are going to smash all these modules together into a big nested letrec, and the compiler will go to town. And this would work, for a “normal” programming language.

But with Scheme, there is a problem: macros. Scheme is a “programmable programming language” that allows users to extend its syntax as well as its semantics. R6RS defines a procedural syntax transformer (“macro”) facility, in which the user can define functions that run on code at compile-time (specifically, during syntax expansion). Scheme macros manage to compose lexical scope from the macro definition with the scope at the macro instantiation site, by annotating these expressions with source location and scope information, and making syntax transformers mostly preserve those annotations.

“Macros are great!”, you say: well yes, of course. But they are a problem too. Consider this incomplete library:

(library (ctinc) (import (rnrs) (inc)) (export ctinc) (define-syntax ctinc (lambda (stx) ...)) // ***

The idea is to define a version of inc, but at compile-time: a (ctinc 42) form should expand directly to 43, not a call to inc (or even +, or %+). We define syntax transformers with define-syntax instead of define. The right-hand-side of the definition ((lambda (stx) ...)) should be a procedure of one argument, which returns one value: so far so good. Or is it? How do we actually evaluate what (lambda (stx) ...) means? What should we fill in for ...? When evaluating the transformer value, what definitions are in scope? What does lambda even mean in this context?

Well... here we butt up against the phasing wars of the mid-2000s. R6RS defines a whole system to explicitly declare what bindings are available when, then carves out a huge exception to allow for so-called implicit phasing, in which the compiler figures it out on its own. In this example we imported (rnrs) for the default phase, and this is the module that defines lambda (and indeed define and define-syntax). The standard defines that (rnrs) makes its bindings available both at run-time and expansion-time (compilation-time), so lambda means what we expect that it does. Whew! Let’s just assume implicit phasing, going forward.

The operand to the syntax transformer is a syntax object: an expression annotated with source and scope information. To pick it apart, R6RS defines a pattern-matching helper, syntax-case. In our case ctinc is unary, so we can begin to flesh out the syntax transformer:

(library (ctinc) (import (rnrs) (inc)) (export ctinc) (define-syntax ctinc (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () ((ctinc n) (inc n)))))) // ***

But here there’s a detail, which is that when syntax-case destructures stx to its parts, those parts themselves are syntax objects which carry the scope and source location annotations. To strip those annotations, we call the syntax->datum procedure, exported by (rnrs).

(library (ctinc) (import (rnrs) (inc)) (export ctinc) (define-syntax ctinc (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () ((ctinc n) (inc (syntax->datum #'n)))))))

And with this, voilà our program:

(library-group (library (inc) ...) (library (ctinc) ...) (import (rnrs) (ctinc)) (ctinc 42))

This program should pre-expand to something like:

(let () (define (inc n) (+ n 1)) (let () (define-syntax ctinc (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () ((ctinc n) (inc (syntax->datum #'n)))))) (ctinc 42)))

And then expansion should transform (ctinc 42) to 43. However, our naïve pre-expansion is not good enough for this to be possible. If you ran this in Guile you would get an error:

Syntax error: unknown file:8:12: reference to identifier outside its scope in form inc

Which is to say, inc is not available as a value within the definition of ctinc. ctinc could residualize an expression that refers to inc, but it can’t use it to produce the output.

modules are not expressible with local lexical binding

This brings us to the heart of the issue: with procedural macros, modules impose a phasing discipline on the expansion process. Definitions from any given module must be available both at expand-time and at run-time. In our example, ctinc needs inc at expand-time, which is an early part of the compiler that is unrelated to any later partial evaluation by the optimizer. We can’t make inc available at expand-time just using let / letrec bindings.

This is an annoying result! What do other languages do? Well, mostly they aren’t programmable, in the sense that they don’t have macros. There are some ways to get programmability using e.g. eval in JavaScript, but these systems are not very amenable to “offline” analysis of the kind needed by an ahead-of-time compiler.

For those declarative languages with macros, Scheme included, I understand the state of the art is to expand module-by-module and then stitch together the results of expansion later, using a kind of link-time optimization. You visit a module’s definitions twice: once to evaluate them while expanding, resulting in live definitions that can be used by further syntax expanders, and once to residualize an abstract syntax tree, which will eventually be spliced into the compilation unit.

Note that in general the expansion-time and the residual definitions don’t need to be the same, and indeed during cross-compilation they are often different. If you are compiling with Guile as host and Hoot as target, you might implement cons one way in Guile and another way in Hoot, choosing between them with cond-expand.

lexical scope regained?

What is to be done? Glad you asked, Vladimir. But, I don’t really know. The compiler wants a big blob of letrec, but the expander wants a pearl-string of modules. Perhaps we try to satisfy them both? The library-group paper suggests that modules should be expanded one by one, then stitched into a letrec by AST transformations. It’s not that lexical scope is incompatible with modules and whole-program compilation; the problems arise when you add in macros. So by expanding first, in units of modules, we reduce high-level Scheme to a lower-level language without syntax transformers, but still on the level of letrec.

I was unreasonably pleased by the effectiveness of the “just splat in a prelude” approach, and I will miss it. I even pled for a kind of stop-gap fat-fingered solution to sloppily parse module forms and keep on splatting things together, but colleagues helpfully talked me away from the edge. So good-bye, sloppy: I repent my ways and will make amends, with 40 hail-maries and an alpha renaming thrice daily and more often if in moral distress. Further bulletins as events warrant. Until then, happy scheming!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Think Licensing to Ensure Responsible Use of AI Tools, Says Lyubomir Filipov

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-01-05 15:19
Explore the evolution of Lyubomir Filipov's career from his initial encounter with Drupal to his current role as a Group Architect at FFW Agency, delving into his strategies for team management, overcoming multilingual challenges, community involvement, and the intersection of artificial intelligence with the digital field. Filipov's diverse experiences reflect a multifaceted professional journey, offering insights into Drupal, community engagement, academic pursuits, and the future landscape of digital expertise.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

MidCamp - Midwest Drupal Camp: Get your session in now...

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-01-05 14:29
Get your session in now...


Don't Miss the Last Chance to Submit Your Idea

With over 40 sessions submitted to date, we have a couple of days left for you to get your ideas in for MidCamp 2024!

We’re open to talks for all levels of Drupal users, from beginner through advanced, as well as end users and business owners.

See our session tracks page for a full description of the kinds of talks we are looking for.  If you’re new to speaking, check out the recording of our Speaker Workshop for ideas.

Submit a session now!

Important Dates:

  • Proposal Deadline: January 7 (Sunday), 2024 at midnight CST
  • Tickets on sale: very soon!
  • Early-bird deadline and speakers announced:  February (all speakers are eligible for a free ticket, and anyone who submits a session that is not accepted will be eligible for early-bird pricing even after it closes)
  • MidCamp 2024: March 20-22

Sponsors Get Early, Privileged Access

Get early and privileged access to new talent and customers by sponsoring MidCamp. We have a variety of sponsorship packages available.

Starting at $600, sponsoring organizations can target their jobs to a select group of experienced Drupal talent, maximize exposure by sharing space with dozens of jobs instead of millions, and have three days of being face-to-face with applicants.

Our sponsorship packages are designed to showcase your organization as a supporter of the Drupal community and provide opportunities to:

  • grow your brand,
  • generate leads,
  • and recruit Drupal talent.

Check out the sponsorship packages here, we look forward to working with you to get your organization involved for 2024!

Stay In The Loop

Join the MidCamp Slack and come hang out with the community online. We will be making announcements there from time to time. We’re also on Twitter and Mastodon.

We can’t wait to see you soon! Don’t forget, cancel all those other plans and make MidCamp the only thing happening on your calendar from March 20-22, 2024.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

DinoTechno.com: Unlock the Power of Drupal 10: Discover its Key Features and Benefits

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-01-05 13:08
Drupal is an open-source content management system (CMS) that has gained significant popularity for its ability to power some of the most prominent and frequently visited websites globally. With a vast developer community of 1.4 million strong, contributing over 50,000 free modules, Drupal offers unparalleled flexibility and power, making it our preferred CMS choice for […]
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Golems GABB: How to Leverage Drupal's Layout Builder to Create Complex Pages

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-01-05 08:42
How to Leverage Drupal's Layout Builder to Create Complex Pages Editor Fri, 01/05/2024 - 15:42

Sometimes, creating a modern design with high functionality is problematic. Especially when it comes to large-scale and complex projects. There are various solutions to make the process of creating layouts easier and more convenient. One of the most influential and popular is Drupal Layout Builder.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

TechBeamers Python: Comparing Two Lists in Python

Planet Python - Fri, 2024-01-05 07:21

Comparing two lists is a common task in programming, and it becomes crucial when you need to find differences, and intersections, or validate data consistency. In this tutorial, we will explore various methods to compare two lists in Python. We’ll cover simple equality checks, membership testing, element-wise comparisons, and advanced techniques using built-in functions and […]

The post Comparing Two Lists in Python appeared first on TechBeamers.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: The Real Python Podcast – Episode #186: Exploring Python in Excel

Planet Python - Fri, 2024-01-05 07:00

Are you interested in using your Python skills within Excel? Would you like to share a data science project or visualization as a single Office file? This week on the show, we speak with Principal Architect John Lam and Sr. Cloud Developer Advocate Sarah Kaiser from Microsoft about Python in Excel.

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

PyCharm: New Low-Impact Monitoring API in Python 3.12

Planet Python - Fri, 2024-01-05 06:12
People love PyCharm’s debugger, and we work hard to make it both fast and easy to use. But what if it could be even faster and easier to use? Python 3.12 adds the new low-impact monitoring API described in PEP 669, enabling debuggers, profilers, and similar tools to run code at almost full speed. As […]
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
