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M. P. Robillard, Coelho, W., and Murphy, G. C., How effective developers investigate source code: An exploratory study, Ieee Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 30, pp. 889-903, 2004.
D. Pagano and Maalej, W., How do open source communities blog?, Empirical Software Engineering, 2012.
N. Franke, How Communities Support Innovative Activities: As Exploration of Assistance and Sharing Among Innovative Users of Sporting Equipment, 2001.PDF icon frankeshah.pdf (190.77 KB)
E. von Hippel, Horizontal innovation networks- by and for users, 2002.PDF icon vonhippel3.pdf (370.42 KB)
D. Cubranic, Murphy, G. C., Singer, J., and Booth, K. S., Hipikat: a project memory for software development, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 446 - 465, 2005.
S. Williams van Rooij, Higher Education and FOSS for e-Learning, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 15 - 31, 2010.
T. Halloran and Scherlis, W., High Quality and Open Source Software Practices, Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002.PDF icon HalloranScherlis.pdf (39.29 KB)
K. Crowston and Howison, J., Hierarchy and centralization in Free and Open Source Software team communications, Knowledge, Technology & Policy, vol. 18, pp. 65–85, 2006.PDF icon CrowstonHierarchyAndCentralization.pdf (566.38 KB)
J. G. Caudill, Helping to Bridge the Digital Divide with Free Software and Services, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 13 - 27, 2010.
R. W. van de Joode and Egyedi, T. M., Handling variety: the tension between adaptability and interoperability of open source software, Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 28, pp. 109 - 121, 2005.
S. O'Mahony, Hacking Alone? The Effects of Online and Offline Participation on Open Source Community Leadership, 2004.PDF icon omahonyferraro2.pdf (82.64 KB)
E. G. Coleman and Golub, A., Hacker practice: Moral genres and the cultural articulation of liberalism, Anthropological Theory, vol. 8, p. 255, 2008.
T. Chance, The Hacker Ethic and Meaningful Work, 2005.PDF icon chance.pdf (164.16 KB)
S. O'Mahony, Guarding the Commons: How Community Managed Software Projects Protect Their Work, Research Policy, vol. 32, pp. 1179-1198, 2003.PDF icon rp-omahony.pdf (365.96 KB)
B. Reddy, Government Preferences for Promoting Open-Source Software: A Solution in Search of a Problem, 2002.
S. Syme, The Governance of Code: Open Land vs. UCITA Land, 2002.
G. Robles, Gonzalez-Barahona, J. M., and Ghosh, R. A., GlueTheos: Automating the Retrieval and Analysis of Data from Publicly Available Software Repositories, Proceedings of the 2004 international workshop on Mining software repositories - MSR '04, 2004.PDF icon robles-barahona-ghosh_gluetheos.pdf (66.83 KB)
S. Christley and Madey, G., Global and Temporal Analysis of Social Positions at SourceForge. net, Third International Conference on Open Source Systems, IFIP WG, vol. 2, 2007.
D. Zeitlyn, Gift economies in the development of open source software: Anthropological reflections, RP Special Issue, 2003.PDF icon rp-zeitlyn.pdf (144.01 KB)
J. West and Lakhani, K., Getting Clear About Communities in Open Innovation, Industry & Innovation, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 223 - 231, 2008.
J. M. Gonzalez-Barahona, Robles, G., Andradas-Izquierdo, R., and Ghosh, R. A., Geographic origin of libre software developers, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 20, pp. 356 - 363, 2008.
Y. -wei Lin, Gender issues in the FLOSS development, 2005.PDF icon lin3_gender.pdf (635.37 KB)
C. Kelty, Geeks, Social Imaginaries, and Recursive Publics, Cultural Anthropology, vol. 20, pp. 185-214, 2005.
D. Demazière, Horn, F., and Zune, M., The functioning of a free software community: entanglement of three regulation modes - control, autonomous, and distributed, Science Studies, 2007.PDF icon Science_Studies_02-2007-Demaziere_Horn_Zune.pdf (131.6 KB)
B. Luthiger Stoll, Fun and Software Development, 2005.PDF icon BLuthiger_Fun_SoftwareDevel_OSS2005.pdf (344.94 KB)
