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J. Lerner, The Simple Economics of Open Source, 2000.PDF icon Josh%20Lerner%20and%20Jean%20Triole%20-%20The%20Simple%20Economics%20of%20Open%20Source.pdf (287.15 KB)
C. Jensen, Simulating an Automated Approach to Discovery and Modeling of Open Source Software Development Processes, 2003.PDF icon jensenscacchi.pdf (472.44 KB)
P. Giuri, Ploner, M., Rullani, F., and Torrisi, S., Skills, Division of Labor and Performance in Collective Inventions. Evidence from the Open Source Software, 2006.PDF icon giuriplonerrullanitorrisi.pdf (452.63 KB)
P. V. Singh, The small-world effect: The influence of macro-level properties of developer collaboration networks on open-source project success, ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., vol. 20, pp. 6:1–6:27, 2010.
J. Howison, Inoue, K., and Crowston, K., Social dynamics of free and open source team communications, Proceedings of the IFIP 2nd International Conference on Open Source Software, Lake Como, Italy, 2006.
D. Stewart, Social Forces and Constraint in the Attainment of Community Status, 2004.PDF icon stewart1.pdf (842.26 KB)
Y. Long and Siau, K., Social network structures in open source software development teams, Journal of Database Management, vol. 18, pp. 25-40, 2007.
K. Crowston and Howison, J., The social structure of Free and Open Source Software development, First Monday, vol. 10, 2005.
N. I. C. O. L. A. S. DUCHENEAUT, Socialization in an Open Source Software Community: A Socio-Technical Analysis, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 14, pp. 323-368, 2005.
J. Reagle, Socialization in Open Technical Communities, 2003.HTML icon voluntary.html (80.71 KB)
F. Barcellini, Détienne, F., Burkhardt, J. - M., and Sack, W., A socio-cognitive analysis of online design discussions in an Open Source Software community, Interacting with Computers, vol. 20, pp. 141 - 165, 2008.
A. Johri, Sociomaterial bricolage: The creation of location-spanning work practices by global software developers, Information and Software Technology, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 955 - 968, 2011.
J. Davies, German, D., Godfrey, M., and Hindle, A., Software Bertillonage, Empirical Software Engineering, pp. 1-43, 2012.
M. Michlmayr, Software Process Maturity and the Success of Free Software Projects, 2005.PDF icon michlmayr1.pdf (211.07 KB)
C. Cowan, Software security for open-source systems, IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38 - 45, 2003.
G. Blanas, SOS-ware DEVILS[Strategic Open Software DEVelopment ILlnesseS], 2004.PDF icon blanas1.pdf (51.21 KB)
G. Blanas, SOS-ware [Strategic Open Software] Perspectives, 2004.PDF icon blanas2.pdf (37.81 KB)
J. Remillard, Source code review systems, Ieee Software, vol. 22, pp. 74-77, 2005.
S. Bajracharya, Ossher, J., and Lopes, C., Sourcerer: An infrastructure for large-scale collection and analysis of open-source code, Science of Computer Programming, vol. 79, pp. 241 - 259, 2014.
S. Shah, Sources and Patterns of Innovation in a Consumer Products Field: Innovations in Sporting Equipment, 2000.PDF icon shahsportspaper.pdf (137.08 KB)
P. Sentas, Angelis, L., and Stamelos, I., A statistical framework for analyzing the duration of software projects, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 13, pp. 147-184, 2008.
D. Stewart, Status Inertia:The Speed Imperative in the Attainment of Community Status - Paper published as Stewart, Daniel. 2005. "Social Status in an Open Source Community", American Sociological Review, 70:5., 2004.
F. Bolici, Howison, J., and Crowston, K., Stigmergic coordination in FLOSS development teams: Integrating explicit and implicit mechanisms, Cognitive Systems Research, 2015.PDF icon COGSYS-RS-(HHS)-(2015)-(3).pdf (218.8 KB)
G. Kuk, Strategic Interaction and Knowledge Sharing in the KDE Developer Mailing List, Management Science, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1031 - 1042, 2006.
L. Zhao, Deek, F. P., and McHugh, J. A., Strategies for Improving Open Source Software Usability, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 49 - 64, 2009.
