Social network structures in open source software development teams

TitleSocial network structures in open source software development teams
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsLong, Y, Siau, K
Secondary TitleJournal of Database Management
Date PublishedApr-Jun
ISBN Number1063-8016
Accession NumberISI:000244332400003
Keywordsbug tracking, bugs, COMMUNITY, INNOVATION, longitudinal study, MODEL, open source, social, social network analysis, social networks, sourceforge, structure

Drawing on social network theories and previous studies, this research examines the dynamics of social network structures in open source software (OSS) teams. Three projects were selected from in terms of their similarities as well as their differences. Monthly data were extracted from the bug tracking systems in order to achieve a longitudinal view of the interaction pattern of each project. Social network analysis was used to generate the indices of social structure. The finding suggests that the interaction pattern of OSS projects evolves from a single hub at the beginning to a corel periphery model as the projects move forward.


"Three projects were selected from in terms of their similarities as well as their differences. Monthly data were extracted from the bug tracking systems in order to achieve a longitudinal view of the interaction pattern of each project. Social network analysis was used to generate the indices of social structure."

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