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Niels de Feyter: Watch Drupalcon Barcelona 2015 sessions on Youtube

Tue, 2024-06-25 01:04
More than 125+ sessions from last week's Drupalcon in Barcelona are on Youtube:

Posted by the Drupal Association.

Hope you can learn from it too!
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Niels de Feyter: Watch Drupalcon Barcelona 2015 sprinting on

Tue, 2024-06-25 01:04
One little Drupal community secret: the main-event of a DrupalCon might be sprinting... Right now (Saturday 26th Sep) the Drupal community is pushing hard on the first next-gen CMS that will have stable releases early 2016.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Niels de Feyter: Setup Entity Translation the right way

Tue, 2024-06-25 01:04
This article contains a detailed instruction on how to setup the Entity Translation module for Drupal 7 websites.
Entity Translation is part of Drupal 8 core and its approach is to translate fields instead of full nodes/entities.

Goal of this tutorial is to set up a multilingual website that can be navigated in multiple languages by visitors and to enable the content to be easily manageable by editors / cms administrators.
To get multilingual right, it’s critical that you configure your content-types and fields with care and precision and upfront, because if content is already in your database it is almost impossible to change these configurations.
So let's go.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Niels de Feyter: Why I use Display Suite, Entity Reference and Bootstrap

Tue, 2024-06-25 01:04
Recently I was building a Drupal site with Display Suite, Entity Reference and Bootstrap. In this blog I want to share why that combination and some tricks I used to get a great frontend and editor-UX.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #456 - DDEV Grows Up

Mon, 2024-06-24 12:00

Today we are talking about DDEV, The DDEV Community, and It’s Future Sustainability with guest Randy Fay and Andrew Berry. We’ll also cover DDEV Drupal Contrib as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:

  • What is DDEV
  • In March you posted the DDEV Project Plan for 2024, what is the contributor training initiative
  • DDEV has grown rapidly over the past few years, what do you attribute that to
  • You seem to be the face of DDEV, who else is involved
  • How is DDEV funded
  • What happens when you retire
  • Does the DDEV Foundation have employees
  • What is DDEV coded in
  • What is your favorite feature of DDEV
  • What is next
  • How can people get involved
Resources Guests

Andrew Berry - deviantintegral


Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Randy Fay - rfay

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted a local DDEV environment optimized for working on a Drupal contrib project? There’s a DDEV add-on for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Apr 2023 by Moshe Weitzman, a Drupal core maintainer, and according to his resume the first American to contribute to Drupal
    • Versions available: 1.0.0-rc8
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained
    • Test coverage
    • Documentation - Lengthy README
    • Number of open issues: 2 open issues, 1 of which is a bug
  • Module features and usage
    • The add-on adds two ddev commands to help during setup:
    • ddev poser creates a temporary composer.contrib.json, adding drupal/core-recommended as a dev dependency. It also runs composer install and yarn install so that all dependencies are available
    • The additional ddev symlink-project command adds symlinks from your project files to an expected path within the custom modules directory of the installed version of Drupal
    • Once it’s set up, you can easily run tests locally exactly the way they will be run in GitlabCI. It’s also even easier to apply any of the automatic fixes that are available, for example by running ddev phpcbf or ddev eslint with the –fix flag
    • You can also commit the generated .ddev directory inside your project, to make it easy for other contributors to use the same tools
    • I will note that after running ddev poser I got errors trying to use composer to add any other projects to the local environment, for example to use admin toolbar for manual testing
    • That said, this is another great example of how the set of Drupal developer tools is always improving, and also illustrates to the power of DDEV’s add-ons
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Momentum for Change

Mon, 2024-06-24 11:42

Dear Readers,

Marketing in the open-source community often grapples with a unique set of perceptions and challenges. Traditionally, the open-source ethos values transparency, community collaboration, and accessibility, sometimes viewing commercial activities with scepticism. However, effective marketing is not antithetical to open-source values; it can amplify the reach and impact of projects like Drupal. By embracing strategic marketing, open-source projects can attract a wider audience, ensuring their tools and innovations benefit more users and contributors. This expanded reach helps sustain the project's growth and ensures it remains competitive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

The importance of marketing for open-source projects like Drupal cannot be overstated. It is not merely about promoting a product but telling a compelling story that resonates with potential users and contributors. Shawn Perritt, the Brand and Creative Director of Acquia, who is leading the brand refresh, believes that every great idea should live at the intersection of creativity and commerce.

According to Suzanne Dergacheva, the lead of the Promote Drupal team, strategic rebranding and marketing efforts help to refresh Drupal’s image, making it more relatable and appealing. These efforts ensure that Drupal continues to attract diverse contributors who bring fresh perspectives and innovations. The right marketing strategies help articulate Drupal's value proposition, highlighting its robustness, flexibility, and vibrant community, driving adoption and engagement.

The recent Drupal brand refresh, discussed at the Drupal Branding Panel session at DrupalCon Portland 2024, exemplifies how marketing can reinvigorate an open-source project. The rebranding initiative introduces new design elements and a refreshed DrupalCon logo, better capturing the spirit of open source and Drupal’s innovative edge without losing its core values. This strategic rebranding is not just a visual update; it represents a concerted effort to position Drupal as a leading digital experience platform, ensuring its relevance and appeal in the market.

With that, let's move on to the important stories of last week.

Last week, Suzanne Dergacheva, co-founder and strategist at Evolving Web, also the lead of the Promote Drupal Initiative and a member of the Drupal Branding Panel, spoke with The DropTimes. In this interview, Suzanne discusses the ongoing Drupal rebranding efforts. She shares insights into the key factors that prompted the rebranding, the collaborative contributions from the community, and the challenges faced in a competitive landscape. Suzanne also highlights how the new branding strategy aligns with Drupal’s commitment to the open web and the significance of community feedback in shaping the final decisions. This conversation provides a comprehensive overview of the exciting changes underway for Drupal, complementing our earlier interview with Shawn Perritt, about the brand refresh.

Another highlight from last week is that Kazima Abbas, sub-editor of The DropTimes, had the chance to connect with Christina Lockhart, Digital Marketing Manager with the Drupal Association. The interview explores her role in promoting Drupal through digital marketing, her efforts to empower women in the tech community, and her initiatives to support women within the Drupal ecosystem. Christina also shares her insights on ensuring equal access to leadership roles and the potential impact of emerging trends like AI on Drupal's future.

The 20thDrupalJam was celebrated in Utrecht, the Netherlands, with over 330 participants in attendance. This year's event was especially festive, highlighted by a personal keynote from Dries Buytaert. The day featured a variety of engaging presentations, insightful workshops, and stimulating discussions and panels. Esmeralda Braad-Tijhoff shared the key highlights.

The Drupal AI Meetup debuted last week, marking the beginning of a series of quarterly meetups dedicated to exploring the intersection of Drupal and artificial intelligence. This new initiative aims to bring together enthusiasts and experts to delve into the dynamic fusion of these fields, writes Nico Grienauer, the event organiser.

Drupal 10.3 is available now! Drupal has announced the release of Drupal 10.3, the third and final feature release for Drupal 10. This update introduces several new features, including an experimental Navigation user interface, stable Workspaces functionality, and Single-Directory Components support, among others.

A significant development has emerged in the Drupal ecosystem with the announcement of a new AI Initiative module. Reported by Jamie Abrahams from FreelyGive and Marcus Johansson from OSK Berlin, this module aims to consolidate the best features of various AI modules into a comprehensive set of foundational tools for all AI applications in Drupal.

Last week, Drupal introduced a new community Frontend Bundler Initiative to address the lack of a standard method for installing JavaScript dependencies in Drupal. The initiative aims to create a unified approach to managing these dependencies, drawing on discussions and collaborations with key contributors like Lee Rowlands and Théodore Biadala. Additionally, Jürgen Haas announced the release of ECA 2.0.0 for Drupal 10.3 and 11, featuring significant improvements such as dynamic event subscriptions, 74 new plugins, and a comprehensive code clean-up. 

Aten Group is hosting a webinar titled "Migrate with Might: Tips and Tricks for Drupal's Migration Tools" on June 26, 2024, at 2 PM EDT. Joel Steidl, VP of Engineering at Aten, will lead the session. The webinar aims to explore Drupal's versatile migration system, which is instrumental in data integration tasks. The DropTimes has released a complete list of Drupal events for this week. Find the guide here.

In interesting news, Lauri Timmanee has joined the DrupalCamp Spain 2024 as the featured speaker. The event has also extended its deadline for papers until June 30, 2024, and has opened the call for training proposals. Also, Submissions for the 2024 Splash Awards Deutschland und Österreich, honouring outstanding Drupal projects in Germany and Austria, are now open until July 31.

PHPCamp 2024, held on June 8th, was a resounding success. The event stood out with its relaxed atmosphere, where knowledge-sharing, impromptu demos and collaborative problem-solving took centre stage. has partnered with ANNAI Inc. to bring its open-source Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to Japan. The company aims to empower local businesses with scalable, flexible application delivery and hosting solutions.

We acknowledge that there are more stories to share. However, due to selection constraints, we must pause further exploration for now.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Alka Elizabeth
Sub-editor, The DropTimes.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Consensus Enterprises: Drupal 10 on Aegir 3: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mon, 2024-06-24 09:00
TL;DR: Zero to Drupal 10 on Aegir 3 in About Fifteen Minutes For those in a hurry: Start with a fresh Ubuntu 22 VM. Clone this git repository and follow the instructions in the README file. Use the Aegir 3 site migration process to move your Drupal sites to your new setup. Happy migrating! For more detailed information, keep reading. Background: Tectonic Drift At Consensus Enterprises, we’re dedicated to helping organizations transition smoothly from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 on Aegir 3.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Web Wash: New Navigation Sidebar (Experimental) in Drupal 10.3

Mon, 2024-06-24 08:35

Drupal 10.3 introduces a new experimental navigation module, offering a modern alternative to the traditional toolbar.

Key features of the new navigation bar:

  • Located on the left side of the screen.
  • Automatically expands menus on hover.
  • Allows users to drill down through configuration pages.
  • Replaces the top toolbar on the home page.

To try it out:

  1. Ensure Drupal 10.3 is installed.
  2. Go to “Extend” and search for “navigation”.
  3. Install the “Navigation” module (not “Navigation top bar”).

The new navigation bar provides a fresh, modern look for Drupal sites. However, as an experimental module, it may contain bugs or undergo changes in future updates.

Those interested in exploring this new feature can install the navigation module and experience the updated interface firsthand.

What new Drupal 10.3 feature are you looking forward to?

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

LN Webworks: How To Create local Task Tabs Through A Custom Module

Mon, 2024-06-24 07:34

In Drupal, local tabs are an essential feature used to organize and display multiple configuration pages in a user-friendly manner.These tabs group related pages together, providing an intuitive and seamless navigation experience. 

By using local tabs, administrators and users can easily access different settings and configurations from a single interface without having to navigate through multiple pages. This functionality enhances the overall user experience, making it easier to manage and configure various aspects of a Drupal site efficiently. 

To create the Drupal Local tabs we can follow these steps:

Create A Module
  • First Create a module  For example “custom_module” 
  • After that define the File in your custom module directory 



  • In this file, you can define your module name,  version, and description 

  name: Custom Module
                    description: Custom Module
                     type: module
                     core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Golems GABB: Drupal 11 Modules Overview

Mon, 2024-06-24 06:49
Drupal 11 Modules Overview Editor Mon, 06/24/2024 - 15:36

Have you been thinking about making a serious improvement to the performance of your Drupal site? It is supposed that Drupal 11 will be released sometime this year. So, the upcoming version of Drupal promises many big moves on many grounds, including improving several core aspects of the CMS. Here's a brief overview of what’s new in Drupal 11:

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Drupal Gutenberg v4.0 to Introduce Major UI Refactor and Enhanced Editing Features

Mon, 2024-06-24 04:10
Drupal Gutenberg v4.0, set for release in August 2024, will feature a major UI refactor specifically tailored for Drupal, moving away from WordPress components. It will introduce single-field editing and make the editor entity agnostic, allowing for editing various content types. The update will also integrate with the Drupal Starshot initiative, enhancing the overall Drupal editing experience.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Morpht: Perfecting Search with Search API

Mon, 2024-06-24 00:39
Search is a core competency of most websites, however, so often it doesn’t perform the way users desire. It’s possible to get good results from Search API in Drupal with a rigorous approach and a bit of fine tuning.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Promet Source: [Study] U.S. Government CMS Preferences and Trends

Sat, 2024-06-22 01:47
Takeaway: Government CMS preferences vary dramatically by level and size: While smaller cities favor specialized proprietary solutions, larger entities and States prefer flexible open-source platforms or enterprise solutions. That's why it's important to pick a CMS that fits your government’s context and needs.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets My Drupal Core Contributions for week-ending June 21th, 2024

Fri, 2024-06-21 07:54

Here's what I've been working on for my Drupal contributions this week. Thanks to Code Enigma for sponsoring the time to work on these.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets A bash script to set up Drupal for local development using DDEV

Fri, 2024-06-21 05:45

Last week I wrote about how to set up Drupal for core contributing using DDEV. This week I decided to write a bash script so I wouldn't have to remember what I did, it would "just work".

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop is Always Moving: Drupal 10.3.0 is out! The third and final feature release of Drupal 10 ships with a new experimental Navigation UI, stable Workspaces and Single-Directory Components, simplified menu editing, taxonomy moderation, new recipe...

Thu, 2024-06-20 16:29

Drupal 10.3.0 is out! The third and final feature release of Drupal 10 ships with a new experimental Navigation UI, stable Workspaces and Single-Directory Components, simplified menu editing, taxonomy moderation, new recipe and access policy APIs and more.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Drupal blog: Drupal 10.3 is now available

Thu, 2024-06-20 16:00
New in Drupal 10.3

The third and final feature release of Drupal 10 ships with a new experimental Navigation user interface, stable Workspaces functionality, stable Single-Directory Components support, simplified menu editing, taxonomy moderation support, new recipe and access policy APIs, performance improvements and more.

New experimental Navigation module

The new Navigation module provides a redesigned collapsible, vertical navigation sidebar for the administrative user interface. Sub-menus open on a full height drawer that can accommodate deeper navigation levels. On smaller viewports, the toolbar is placed on top of the content, and opens with an overlay.

The Navigation module allows multiple types of customization, like adding new custom menus or changing the default Drupal logo provided. It also uses the Layout Builder module, so that site builders can easily add or reorder these menu blocks.

The Navigation module includes a new content creation and management menu, which allows quick access to content-related tasks to increase usability for content users.

Stable Workspaces module

The Workspaces module allows Drupal sites to have multiple work environments, enabling site owners to stage multiple content changes to be deployed to the live site all at once. It has long been available in Drupal core as an experimental module. Following the module's use in live projects, the remaining stable blocking issues have been resolved, so now it is available to all!

Workspaces are sets of content changes that are prepared and reviewed separately from the live site. This is a differentiating feature for Drupal that is important for many large organizations' websites. An organization might use Workspaces to ensure all relevant content goes live simultaneously for a new product launch, or with the outcomes of sporting or election events.

Stable Single-Directory Components

Single-Directory Components (SDCs) are Drupal core’s implementation of a user interface components system. Within SDC, all files necessary to render the user interface component are grouped together in a single directory. This includes Twig, YAML, and optional CSS and JavaScript. SDC support was added to Drupal core in 10.1 as an experimental module. The solution has been very well-received and is now part of the base system. No need to enable a module to use this feature.

Simplified content organization

Menu item editing is now simplified. Advanced options are displayed in a sidebar to help content editors focus on what is most important for the menu item. Taxonomy terms also now have both a dedicated user interface to edit earlier revisions and content moderation support.

New Recipes and Default Content APIs

Drupal recipes allow the automation of Drupal module installation and configuration. Drupal recipes are easy to share, and can be composed from other Drupal recipes. For example, Drupal 10.3 includes a Standard recipe providing the same functionality as the Standard install profile. It is a combination of 16 component recipes that can be reused in other recipes.

Recipes provide similar functionality to install profiles but are more flexible. With install profiles only one can be installed on a site. With recipes, multiple recipes can be applied after each other.

Install profiles/distributions Recipes Lock-in Not possible to uninstall (until Drupal 10.3) No lock-in Inheritance Cannot extend other profiles or distributions Can be based on other recipes Composability Cannot install multiple profiles or distributions Multiple recipes can be applied on the site and be the basis of another recipe

The recently announced Starshot Initiative will rely heavily on recipes to provide composable features.

The added APIs include Configuration Actions, Configuration Checkpoints and Default Content.

Additionally, it is now possible to install Drupal without an install profile, or to uninstall an install profile after Drupal is already set up.

More flexible access management with the new Access Policy API

The new Access Policy API supports the implementation of access management solutions that go beyond permissions and user roles. Other conditions and contexts may be taken into account, like whether the user used two-factor authentication, or whether they reached a rate limit of an activity. Drupal's existing permission- and role-based access control has been converted to the new API, and custom or contributed projects can add more access policies.

The future of Drupal 10

Drupal 10.3 is the final feature release of Drupal 10. Drupal 11 is scheduled to be released the week of July 29th. With that, Drupal 10 goes into long-term support. While more minor releases will be made available of Drupal 10, they will not contain new features, only functionality backported to support security and a smoother upgrade to Drupal 11. Drupal 10's future minor releases will be supported until mid- to late 2026, when Drupal 12 is released and Drupal 11 enters long-term support.

Core maintainer team updates

Cristina Chumillas (at Lullabot), Sally Young (also at Lullabot) and Théodore Biadala (at Très Bien Tech) were all promoted from provisional to full Drupal Core Frontend Framework Managers.

Alex Pott (at Acro Commerce and Thunder), Adam Globus-Hoenich (at Acquia) and Jim Birch (at Kanopi Studios) are the maintainers of the new Default Content and Recipes subsystems.

Andrei Mateescu (at Tag1 Consulting) is the maintainer of the newly stable Workspaces module.

Ivan Berdinsky (at Skilld) became a co-maintainer of the Umami demo.

Daniel Veza (at PreviousNext) is a new co-maintainer of Layout Builder.

Mateu Aguiló Bosch (at Lullabot) and Pierre Dureau are new co-maintainers of the Theme API, focusing on Single Directory Components.

Want to get involved?

If you are looking to make the leap from Drupal user to Drupal contributor, or you want to share resources with your team as part of their professional development, there are many opportunities to deepen your Drupal skill set and give back to the community. Check out the Drupal contributor guide, or join us at DrupalCon Barcelona and attend sessions, network, and enjoy mentorship for your first contributions.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets My LocalGov Drupal contributions for week-ending June 21th, 2024

Thu, 2024-06-20 13:00

Here's what I've been working on for my LocalGov Drupal contributions this week. Thanks to Big Blue Door for sponsoring the time to work on these.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

DrupalEasy: Visual Debugger module: a modern take on an old idea

Thu, 2024-06-20 08:07

If you've been a Drupal developer since before the time of modern Drupal (pre-Drupal 8,) then you probably remember the Theme Developer module. This module is/was used to figure out theme template usage and possible overrides in Drupal 7.

With modern Drupal, this same information is available directly in the HTML source code of a file when Twig development mode is enabled. 

The Visual Debugger module by Marcos Hollanda combines the best of the present with the best of the past to surface template information directly in the user interface without having to dig into the page's HTML. 


I will admit that before I installed the module, I was doubtful that I'd be interested in using it. Marcos had pinged me on Slack asking me to take a look at it, and I figured it would be a nice exercise for DrupalEasy Office Hours, which it was.

Much to my surprise though, I really like using it. 

Basic usage

There's not much to say about how to use this module - it works just like you'd expect. Use Composer to get the code, enable the module, then enable Twig development mode and you're done. By default it will appear on each non-admin page of your site, with a handy activate/deactivate icon. There's really not too much to say about its usage 😀.

Current status

The module is in alpha status with several planned features not yet implemented. What is implemented so far appears to be solid and useful. The basic functionality that I expected is there. Click on any section of the page, and the module will display the template file that is used to render that section as well as a list of possible template file override names. This is the same information that Twig developer mode displays in HTML comments.

Marcos let me know that other planned features include theme hook suggestions and displaying caching information; (similar to the Cache review module, perhaps?)

There are other challenges to overcome as well, including how to handle selecting overlapping elements. I did make one very minor suggestion to relocate the module's configuration page which Marcos quickly implemented 🤘🏼.

Who is this module for?

I would definitely put this module in the category of a developer tool for folks who are either new to Drupal theme development or people who prefer a UI instead of scrolling through raw HTML.

I plan on following the progress of this module closely, in hopes that it will be suitable to use during the next semester of Drupal Career Online, where we have a theming lesson that could definitely benefit from this module. 

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

1xINTERNET blog: 10 React use cases at 1xINTERNET

Thu, 2024-06-20 08:00

React is one of the primary technologies in our technology stack. This article explores our React use cases, outlining their purpose, technical aspects and implementation examples.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
