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TechBeamers Python: How Do You Filter a List in Python?

Wed, 2024-01-24 09:33

In this tutorial, we’ll explain different methods to filter a list in Python with the help of multiple examples. You’ll learn to use the Python filter() function, list comprehension, and also use Python for loop to select elements from the list. Filter a List in Python With the Help of Examples As we know there […]

The post How Do You Filter a List in Python? appeared first on TechBeamers.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: What Are Python Raw Strings?

Wed, 2024-01-24 09:00

If you’ve ever come across a standard string literal prefixed with either the lowercase letter r or the uppercase letter R, then you’ve encountered a Python raw string:

Python >>> r"This is a raw string" 'This is a raw string' Copied!

Although a raw string looks and behaves mostly the same as a normal string literal, there’s an important difference in how Python interprets some of its characters, which you’ll explore in this tutorial.

Notice that there’s nothing special about the resulting string object. Whether you declare your literal value using a prefix or not, you’ll always end up with a regular Python str object.

Other prefixes available at your fingertips, which you can use and sometimes even mix together in your Python string literals, include:

  • b: Bytes literal
  • f: Formatted string literal
  • u: Legacy Unicode string literal (PEP 414)

Out of those, you might be most familiar with f-strings, which let you evaluate expressions inside string literals. Raw strings aren’t as popular as f-strings, but they do have their own uses that can improve your code’s readability.

Creating a string of characters is often one of the first skills that you learn when studying a new programming language. The Python Basics book and learning path cover this topic right at the beginning. With Python, you can define string literals in your source code by delimiting the text with either single quotes (') or double quotes ("):

Python >>> david = 'She said "I love you" to me.' >>> alice = "Oh, that's wonderful to hear!" Copied!

Having such a choice can help you avoid a syntax error when your text includes one of those delimiting characters (' or "). For example, if you need to represent an apostrophe in a string, then you can enclose your text in double quotes. Alternatively, you can use multiline strings to mix both types of delimiters in the text.

You may use triple quotes (''' or """) to declare a multiline string literal that can accommodate a longer piece of text, such as an excerpt from the Zen of Python:

Python >>> poem = """ ... Beautiful is better than ugly. ... Explicit is better than implicit. ... Simple is better than complex. ... Complex is better than complicated. ... """ Copied!

Multiline string literals can optionally act as docstrings, a useful form of code documentation in Python. Docstrings can include bare-bones test cases known as doctests, as well.

Regardless of the delimiter type of your choice, you can always prepend a prefix to your string literal. Just make sure there’s no space between the prefix letters and the opening quote.

When you use the letter r as the prefix, you’ll turn the corresponding string literal into a raw string counterpart. So, what are Python raw strings exactly?

Free Bonus: Click here to download a cheatsheet that shows you the most useful Python escape character sequences.

Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge with our interactive “Python Raw Strings” quiz. Upon completion you will receive a score so you can track your learning progress over time:

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In Short: Python Raw Strings Ignore Escape Character Sequences

In some cases, defining a string through the raw string literal will produce precisely the same result as using the standard string literal in Python:

Python >>> r"I love you" == "I love you" True Copied!

Here, both literals represent string objects that share a common value: the text I love you. Even though the first literal comes with a prefix, it has no effect on the outcome, so both strings compare as equal.

To observe the real difference between raw and standard string literals in Python, consider a different example depicting a date formatted as a string:

Python >>> r"10\25\1991" == "10\25\1991" False Copied!

This time, the comparison turns out to be false even though the two string literals look visually similar. Unlike before, the resulting string objects no longer contain the same sequence of characters. The raw string’s prefix (r) changes the meaning of special character sequences that begin with a backslash (\) inside the literal.

Note: To understand how Python interprets the above string, head over to the final section of this tutorial, where you’ll cover the most common types of escape sequences in Python.

Read the full article at »

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Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Ned Batchelder: You (probably) don’t need to learn C

Wed, 2024-01-24 06:38

On Mastodon I wrote that I was tired of people saying, “you should learn C so you can understand how a computer really works.” I got a lot of replies which did not change my mind, but helped me understand more how abstractions are inescapable in computers.

People made a number of claims. C was important because syscalls are defined in terms of C semantics (they are not). They said it was good for exploring limited-resource computers like Arduinos, but most people don’t program for those. They said it was important because C is more performant, but Python programs often offload the compute-intensive work to libraries other people have written, and these days that work is often on a GPU. Someone said you need it to debug with strace, then someone said they use strace all the time and don’t know C. Someone even said C was good because it explains why NUL isn’t allowed in filenames, but who tries to do that, and why learn a language just for that trivia?

I’m all for learning C if it will be useful for the job at hand, but you can write lots of great software without knowing C.

A few people repeated the idea that C teaches you how code “really” executes. But C is an abstract model of a computer, and modern CPUs do all kinds of things that C doesn’t show you or explain. Pipelining, cache misses, branch prediction, speculative execution, multiple cores, even virtual memory are all completely invisible to C programs.

C is an abstraction of how a computer works, and chip makers work hard to implement that abstraction, but they do it on top of much more complicated machinery.

C is far removed from modern computer architectures: there have been 50 years of innovation since it was created in the 1970’s. The gap between C’s model and modern hardware is the root cause of famous vulnerabilities like Meltdown and Spectre, as explained in C is Not a Low-level Language.

C can teach you useful things, like how memory is a huge array of bytes, but you can also learn that without writing C programs. People say, C teaches you about memory allocation. Yes it does, but you can learn what that means as a concept without learning a programming language. And besides, what will Python or Ruby developers do with that knowledge other than appreciate that their languages do that work for them and they no longer have to think about it?

Pointers came up a lot in the Mastodon replies. Pointers underpin concepts in higher-level languages, but you can explain those concepts as references instead, and skip pointer arithmetic, aliasing, and null pointers completely.

A question I asked a number of people: what mistakes are JavaScript/Ruby/Python developers making if they don’t know these things (C, syscalls, pointers)?”. I didn’t get strong answers.

We work in an enormous tower of abstractions. I write programs in Python, which provides me abstractions that C (its underlying implementation language) does not. C provides an abstract model of memory and CPU execution which the computer implements on top of other mechanisms (microcode and virtual memory). When I made a wire-wrapped computer, I could pretend the signal travelled through wires instantaneously. For other hardware designers, that abstraction breaks down and they need to consider the speed electricity travels. Sometimes you need to go one level deeper in the abstraction stack to understand what’s going on. Everyone has to find the right layer to work at.

Andy Gocke said it well:

When you no longer have problems at that layer, that’s when you can stop caring about that layer. I don’t think there’s a universal level of knowledge that people need or is sufficient.

“like jam or bootlaces” made another excellent point:

There’s a big difference between “everyone should know this” and “someone should know this” that seems to get glossed over in these kinds of discussions.

C can teach you many useful and interesting things. It will make you a better programmer, just as learning any new-to-you language will because it broadens your perspective. Some kinds of programming need C, though other languages like Rust are ably filling that role now too. C doesn’t teach you how a computer really works. It teaches you a common abstraction of how computers work.

Find a level of abstraction that works for what you need to do. When you have trouble there, look beneath that abstraction. You won’t be seeing how things really work, you’ll be seeing a lower-level abstraction that could be helpful. Sometimes what you need will be an abstraction one level up. Is your Python loop too slow? Perhaps you need a C loop. Or perhaps you need numpy array operations.

You (probably) don’t need to learn C.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

IslandT: How to search multiple lines with Python?

Wed, 2024-01-24 04:34

Often you will want to search for words or phrase in the entire paragraph and here is the python regular expression code which will do that.

pattern = re.compile(r'^\w+ (\w+) (\w+)', re.M)

We use the re.M flag which will search the entire paragraph for the match words.

Now let us try out the program above…

gad = pattern.findall("hello mr Islandt\nhello mr gadgets") print(gad)

…which will then display the following outcome

[('mr', 'Islandt'), ('mr', 'gadgets')]

Explanation :

The program above will look for two words in the first line and keeps them under a tuple and when the program meets the new line character it continues the search in the second line and return another tuple, both of the tuple will include inside a list. Using re.M flag the search will go on for multiple lines as long as there are more matches out there!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

PyBites: Exploring the Role of Static Methods in Python: A Functional Perspective

Wed, 2024-01-24 04:21

Python’s versatility in supporting different programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming, opens up a rich landscape for software design and development.

Among these paradigms, the use of static methods in Python, particularly in an object-oriented context, has been a topic of debate.

This article delves into the role and implications of static methods in Python, weighing them against a more functional approach that leverages modules and functional programming principles.

The Nature of Static Methods in Python Definition and Usage:

Static methods in Python are defined within a class using the @staticmethod decorator.

Unlike regular methods, they do not require an instance (self) or class (cls) reference.

They are typically used for utility functions that logically belong to a class but are independent of class instances.

Example in Practice:

Consider this code example from Django:

# django/db/backends/oracle/ class DatabaseOperations(BaseDatabaseOperations): ... other methods and attributes ... @staticmethod def convert_empty_string(value, expression, connection): return "" if value is None else value @staticmethod def convert_empty_bytes(value, expression, connection): return b"" if value is None else value

Here, convert_empty_string and convert_empty_bytes are static due to their utility nature and specific association with the DatabaseOperations class.

The Case for Modules and Functional Programming Embracing Python’s Module System:

Python’s module system allows for effective namespace management and code organization.

Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Functions, including those that could be static methods, can be organized in modules, making them reusable and easily accessible.

Functional Programming Advantages:
  1. Quick Development: Functional programming emphasizes simplicity and stateless operations, leading to concise and readable code.
  2. Code Resilience: Pure functions (functions that do not alter external state) enhance predictability and testability. Related: 10 Tips to Write Better Functions in Python
  3. Separation of Concerns: Using functions and modules promotes a clean separation of data representation (classes) and behavior (functions).
Combining Object-Oriented and Functional Approaches Hybrid Strategy:
  1. Abstraction with Classes: Use classes for data representation, encapsulating state and behavior that are closely related. See also our When to Use Classes article.
  2. Functional Constructs: Utilize functional concepts like higher-order functions, immutability, and pure functions for business logic and data manipulation.
  3. Factories and Observers: Implement design patterns like factory and observer for creating objects and managing state changes, respectively (shout-out to Brandon Rhodes’ awesome great design patterns guide!)
Conclusion: Striking the Right Balance

The decision to use static methods, standalone functions, or a functional programming approach in Python depends on several factors:

  • Relevance: Is the function logically part of a class’s responsibilities?
  • Reusability: Would the function be more versatile as a standalone module function?
  • Simplicity: Can the use of regular functions simplify the class structure and align with the Single Responsibility Principle? Related article: Tips for clean code in Python.

Ultimately, the choice lies in finding the right balance that aligns with the application’s architecture, maintainability, and the development team’s expertise.

Python, with its multi-paradigm capabilities , offers the flexibility to adopt a style that best suits the project’s needs.

Fun Fact: Static Methods Were an Accident

Guido added static methods as an accident! He originally meant to add class methods instead.

I think the reason is that a module at best acts as a class where every method is a *static* method, but implicitly so. Ad we all know how limited static methods are. (They’re basically an accident — back in the Python 2.2 days when I was inventing new-style classes and descriptors, I meant to implement class methods but at first I didn’t understand them and accidentally implemented static methods first. Then it was too late to remove them and only provide class methods.)

Guido van Rossum, see the discussion thread here, and thanks Will for pointing me to this. Call to Action

What’s your approach to using static methods in Python?

Do you favor a more functional style, or do you find static methods indispensable in certain scenarios?

Share your thoughts and experiences in our community

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets eGenix Antispam Bot for Telegram 0.6.0 GA

Wed, 2024-01-24 03:00

eGenix has long been running a local user group meeting in Düsseldorf called Python Meeting Düsseldorf and we are using a Telegram group for most of our communication.

In the early days, the group worked well and we only had few spammers joining it, which we could well handle manually.

More recently, this has changed dramatically. We are seeing between 2-5 spam signups per day, often at night. Furthermore, the signups accounts are not always easy to spot as spammers, since they often come with profile images, descriptions, etc.

With the bot, we now have a more flexible way of dealing with the problem.

Please see our project page for details and download links.

  • Low impact mode of operation: the bot tries to keep noise in the group to a minimum
  • Several challenge mechanisms to choose from, more can be added as needed
  • Flexible and easy to use configuration
  • Only needs a few MB of RAM, so can easily be put into a container or run on a Raspberry Pi
  • Can handle quite a bit of load due to the async implementation
  • Works with Python 3.9+
  • MIT open source licensed

The 0.6.0 release fixes a few bugs and adds more features:

  • Upgraded to pyrogram 2.0.106, which fixes a weird error we have been getting recently with the old version 1.4.16 (see pyrogram/pyrogram#1347)
  • Catch weird error from Telegram when deleting conversations; this seems to sometimes fail, probably due to a glitch on their side
  • Made the math and char entry challenges a little harder
  • Added new DictItemChallenge

    It has been battle-tested in production for several years already and is proving to be a really useful tool to help with Telegram group administration.

    More Information

    For more information on the Python products, licensing and download instructions, please write to

    Enjoy !

    Marc-Andre Lemburg,

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Wing Tips: AI Assisted Development in Wing Pro

    Tue, 2024-01-23 20:00

    This Wing Tip introduces Wing Pro's AI assisted software development capabilities. Starting with Wing Pro version 10, you can use generative AI to write new code at the current editor insertion point, or you can use the AI tool to refactor, redesign, or extend existing code.

    Generative AI is astonishingly capable as a programmer's assistant. As long as you provide it with sufficient context and clear instructions, it can cleanly and correctly execute a wide variety of programming tasks.

    AI Code Suggestion

    Here is an example where Wing Pro's AI code suggestion capability is used to write a missing method for an existing class. The AI knows what to add because it can see what precedes and follows the insertion point in the editor. It infers from that context what code you would like it to produce:

    Shown above: Typing 'def get_full_name' followed by Ctrl-? to initiate AI suggestion mode. The suggested code is accepted by pressing Enter.

    AI Refactoring

    AI refactoring is even more powerful. You can request changes to existing code according to written instructions. For example, you might ask it to "convert this threaded implementation to run asynchronously instead":

    Shown above: Running the highlighted request in the AI tool to convert multithreaded code to run asynchronously instead.

    Description-Driven Development

    Wing Pro's AI refactoring tool can also be used to write new code at the current insertion point, according to written instructions. For example, you might ask it to "add client and server classes that expose all the public methods of FileManager to a client process using sockets and JSON":

    Shown above: Using the AI tool to request implementation of client/server classes for remote access to an existing class.

    Simpler and perhaps more common requests like "write documentation strings for these methods" and "create unit tests for class Person" of course also work. In general, Wing Pro's AI assistant can do any reasonably sized chunk of work for which you can clearly state instructions.

    Used correctly, this capability will have a significant impact on your productivity as a programmer. Instead of typing out code manually, your role changes to one of directing an intelligent assistant capable of completing a wide range of programming tasks very quickly. You will still need to review and accept or reject the AI's work. Generative AI can't replace you, but it allows you to concentrate much more on higher-level design and much less on implementation details.

    Getting Started

    Wing Pro uses OpenAI as its AI provider, and you will need to create and pay for your own OpenAI account before you can use this feature. You may need to pay up to US $50 up front to be given computational rate limits that are high enough to use AI for your software development. However, individual requests often cost less than a US$ 0.01. More complex tasks may cost up to 30 cents, if you provide a lot of context with them. This is still far less than the paid programmer time the AI is replacing.

    To use AI assisted development effectively, and you will need to learn how to create well-designed requests that provide the AI both with the necessary relevant context and clear and specific instructions. Please read all of the AI Assisted Development documentation for details on setup, framing requests, and monitoring costs. It takes a bit of time to get started, but it is well worth the effort incorporate generative AI into your tool chain.

    That's it for now! We'll be back soon with more Wing Tips for Wing Python IDE.

    As always, please don't hesitate to email if you run into problems or have any questions.

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Seth Michael Larson: Releases on the Python Package Index are never “done”

    Tue, 2024-01-23 19:00
    Releases on the Python Package Index are never “done” AboutBlogNewsletterLinks Releases on the Python Package Index are never “done”

    Published 2024-01-24 by Seth Larson
    Reading time: minutes

    This critical role would not be possible without funding from the OpenSSF Alpha-Omega project. Massive thank-you to Alpha-Omega for investing in the security of the Python ecosystem! PEP 740 and open-ended PyPI releases

    PEP 740 is a proposal to add support for digital attestations to PyPI artifacts, for example publish provenance attestations, which can be verified and used by tooling.

    William Woodruff has been working on PEP 740 which is in draft on GitHub, William addressed my feedback this week. During this work the open-endedness of PyPI releases came up during our discussion, specifically how it is a common gotcha for folks designing tools and policy for multiple software ecosystems difficult.

    What does it mean for PyPI releases to be open-ended? It means that you can always upload new files to an existing release on PyPI even if the release has been created for years. This is because a PyPI “release” is only a thin layer aggregating a bunch of files on PyPI that happen to share the same version.

    This discussion between us was opened up as a wider discussion on about this property. Summarizing this discussion:

    • New Python releases mean new wheels need to be built for non-ABI3 compatible projects. IMO this is the most compelling reason to keep this property.
    • Draft releases seem semi-related, being able to put artifacts into a "queue" before making them public.
    • Ordering of which wheel gets evaluated as an installation candidate isn't defined well. Up to installers, tends to be more specific -> less specific.
    • PyPI doesn't allow single files to be yanked even though PEP 592 allows for yanking at the file level instead of only the release level.
    • The "attack" vector is fairly small, this property would mostly only provide additional secrecy for attackers by blending into existing releases.
    CPython Software Bill-of-Materials update

    CPython 3.13.0a3 was released, this is the very first CPython release that contains any SBOM metadata at all, and thus we can create an initial draft SBOM document.

    Much of the work on CPython's SBOMs was done to fix issues related to pip's vendored dependencies and issues found by downstream distributors of CPython builds like Red Hat. The issues were as follows:

    All of these issues are mostly related and touch the same place in the codebase, so resulted in a medium-sized pull request to fix all the issues together.

    On the release side, I've addressed feedback from the first round of reviews for generating SBOMs for source code artifacts and uploading them during the release. Once those SBOMs start being generated they'll automatically begin being added to

    Other items

    That's all for this week! 👋 If you're interested in more you can read last week's report.

    Thanks for reading! ♡ Did you find this article helpful and want more content like it? Get notified of new posts by subscribing to the RSS feed or the email newsletter.

    This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Kay Hayen: Nuitka Package Configuration Part 3

    Tue, 2024-01-23 18:00

    This is the third part of a post series under the tag package_config that explains the Nuitka package configuration in more detail. To recap, Nuitka package configuration is the way Nuitka learns about hidden dependencies, needed DLLs, data files, and just generally avoids bloat in the compilation. The details are here on a dedicate page on the web site in Nuitka Package Configuration but reading on will be just fine.

    Problem Package

    Each post will feature one package that caused a particular problem. In this case, we are talking about the package toga.

    Problems like with this package are typically encountered in standalone mode only, but they also affect accelerated mode, since it doesn’t compile all the things desired in that case. Some packages, and in this instance look at what OS they are running on, environment variables, etc. and then in a relatively static fashion, but one that Nuitka cannot see through, loads a what it calls “backend” module.

    We are going to look at that in some detail, and will see a workaround applied with the anti-bloat engine doing code modification on the fly that make the choice determined at compile time, and visible to Nuitka is this way.

    Initial Symptom

    The initial symptom reported was that toga did suffer from broken version lookups and therefor did not work, and we encountered even two things, that prevented it, one was about the version number. It was trying to do int after resolving the version of toga by itself to None.

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\py\dist\", line 1, in <module> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\toga\", line 1, in <module toga> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\toga\", line 20, in <module> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\toga\widgets\", line 7, in <module toga.widgets.base> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\travertino\", line 4, in <module travertino> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\setuptools_scm\", line 7, in <module setuptools_scm> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\setuptools_scm\", line 15, in <module setuptools_scm._config> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\setuptools_scm\_integration\", line 8, in <module setuptools_scm._integration.pyproject_reading> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked File "C:\py\dist\setuptools_scm\_integration\", line 62, in <module setuptools_scm._integration.setuptools> File "C:\py\dist\setuptools_scm\_integration\", line 29, in _warn_on_old_setuptools ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'unknown'

    So, this is clearly something that we consider bloat in the first place, to runtime lookup your own version number. The use of setuptools_scm is implying the use of setuptools, for which the version cannot be determined, and that’s crashing.

    Step 1 - Analysis of initial crashing

    So first thing, we did was to repair setuptools, to know its version. It is doing it a bit different, because it cannot use itself. Our compile time optimization failed there, but also would be overkill. We never came across this, since we avoid setuptools very hard normally, but it’s not good to be incompatible.

    - module-name: 'setuptools.version' anti-bloat: - description: 'workaround for metadata version of setuptools' replacements: "pkg_resources.get_distribution('setuptools').version": "repr(__import__('setuptools.version').version.__version__)"

    We do not have to include all metadata for setuptools here, just to get that one item, so we chose to make a simple string replacement here, that just looks the value up at compile time and puts it into the source code automatically. That removes the pkg_resources.get_distribution() call entirely.

    With that, setuptools_scm was not crashing anymore. That’s good. But we don’t really want it to be included, since it’s good for dynamically detecting the version from git, and what not, but including the framework for building C extensions, not a good idea in the general case. Nuitka therefore said this:

    Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: anti-bloat: Undesirable import of 'setuptools_scm' (intending to Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: avoid 'setuptools') in 'toga' (at Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: 'c:\3\Lib\site-packages\toga\') encountered. It may Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: slow down compilation. Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: Complex topic! More information can be found at Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING:

    So that’s informing the user to take action. And in the case of optional imports, i.e. ones where using code will handle the ImportError just fine and work without it, we can use do this.

    - module-name: 'toga' anti-bloat: - description: 'remove setuptools usage' no-auto-follow: 'setuptools_scm': '' when: 'not use_setuptools'

    He we say, no not automatically follow setuptools_scm reports, unless there is other code that still does it. In that way, the import still happens if some other part of the code imports the module, but only then. We no longer enforce the non-usage of a module here, we just make that decision based on other uses being present.

    With this the bloat warning, and the inclusion of setuptools_scm into the compilation is removed, and you always want to make as small as possible and remove those packages that do not contribute anything but overhead, aka bloat.

    The next thing discovered was that toga needs the toga-core distribution to version check. For that, we use the common solution, and tell that we want to include the metadata of it, for when toga is part of a compilation.

    - module-name: 'toga' data-files: include-metadata: - 'toga-core'

    So that moved the entire issue of version looks to resolved.

    Step 2 - Dynamic Backend dependency

    Now on to the backend issue. What remained was a need for including the platform specific backend. One that can even be overridden by an environment variable. For full compatibility, we invented something new. Typically what we would have done is to create a toga plugin for the following snippet.

    - module-name: 'toga.platform' variables: setup_code: 'import toga.platform' declarations: 'toga_backend_module_name': 'toga.platform.get_platform_factory().__name__' anti-bloat: - change_function: 'get_platform_factory': "'importlib.import_module(%r)' % get_variable('toga_backend_module_name')"

    There is a whole new thing here, a new feature that was added specifically for this to be easy to do. And with the backend selection being complex and partially dynamic code, we didn’t want to hard code that. So we added support for variables and their use in Nuitka Package Configuration.

    The first block variables defines a mapping of expressions in declarations that will be evaluated at compile time given the setup code under setup_code.

    This then allows us to have a variable with the name of the backend that toga decides to use. We then change the very complex function get_platform_factory that we used used, for compilation, to be replacement that Nuitka will be able to statically optimize and see the backend as a dependency and use it directly at run time, which is what we want.

    Final remarks

    I am hoping you will find this very helpful information and will join the effort to make packaging for Python work out of the box. Adding support for toga was a bit more complex, but with the new tool, once identified to be that kind of backend issue, it might have become a lot more easy.

    Lessons learned. We should cover packages that we routinely remove from compilation, like setuptools, but e.g. also IPython. This will have to added, such that setuptools_scm cannot cloud the vision to actual issues.

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Quansight Labs Blog: Captioning: A Newcomer’s Guide

    Tue, 2024-01-23 16:41
    What are those words on the bottom of your video screen and where do they come from? Captioning’s normalization in the past several decades may seem like it would render those questions moot, but understanding more about captions means making more informed decisions about when, how, and why we make sure information is accessible.
    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #613 (Jan. 23, 2024)

    Tue, 2024-01-23 14:30

    #613 – JANUARY 23, 2024
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    Python Packaging, One Year Later: A Look Back at 2023

    This is a follow-on post to Chris’s article from last year called Fourteen tools at least twelve too many. “Are there still fourteen tools, or are there even more? Has Python packaging improved in a year?”

    Running Python on Air-Gapped Systems

    This post describes running Python code on a “soft” air-gapped system, one without direct internet access. Installing packages in a clean environment and moving them to the air-gapped machine has challenges. Read Ibrahim’s take on how he solved the problem.

    Elevate Your Web Development with MongoDB’s Full Stack FastAPI App Generator

    Get ready to elevate your web development process with the newly released Full Stack FastAPI App Generator by MongoDB, offering a simplified setup process for building modern full-stack web applications with FastAPI and MongoDB →
    MONGODB sponsor

    Add Logging and Notification Messages to Flask Web Projects

    After you implement the main functionality of a web project, it’s good to understand how your users interact with your app and where they may run into errors. In this tutorial, you’ll enhance your Flask project by creating error pages and logging messages.

    Python 3.13.0 Alpha 3 Is Now Available


    PSF Announces More Developer in Residence Roles


    PSF Announces Foundation Fellow Members for Q3 2023


    Discussions PEP 736: Shorthand Syntax for Keyword Arguments


    Python Jobs Python Tutorial Editor (Anywhere)

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    Articles & Tutorials Bias, Toxicity, and Truthfulness in LLMs With Python

    How can you measure the quality of a large language model? What tools can measure bias, toxicity, and truthfulness levels in a model using Python? This week on the show, Jodie Burchell, developer advocate for data science at JetBrains, returns to discuss techniques and tools for evaluating LLMs With Python.
    REAL PYTHON podcast

    Postgres vs. DynamoDB: Which Database to Choose

    This article presents various aspects you need to consider when choosing a database for your project - querying, performance, ORMs, migrations, etc. It shows how things are approached differently for Postgres vs. DynamoDB and includes examples in Python.
    JAN GIACOMELLI • Shared by Jan Giacomelli

    Building with Temporal Cloud Webinar Series

    Hear from our technical team on how we’ve built Temporal Cloud to deliver world-class latency, performance, and availability for the smallest and largest workloads. Whether you’re using Temporal Cloud or self-host, this series will be full of insights into how to optimize your Temporal Service →
    TEMPORAL sponsor

    Python App Development: In-Depth Guide for Product Owners

    “As with every technology stack, Python has its advantages and limitations. The key to success is to use Python at the right time and in the right place.” This guide talks about what a product owner needs to know to take on a Python project.
    PAVLO PYLYPENKO • Shared by Alina

    HTTP Requests With Python’s urllib.request

    In this video course, you’ll explore how to make HTTP requests using Python’s handy built-in module, urllib.request. You’ll try out examples and go over common errors, all while learning more about HTTP requests and Python in general.
    REAL PYTHON course

    Beware of Misleading GPU vs CPU Benchmarks

    Nvidia has created GPU-based replacements for NumPy and other tools and promises significant speed-ups, but the comparison may not be accurate. Read on to learn if GPU replacements for CPU-based libraries are really that much faster.

    Django Migration Files: Automatic Clean-Up

    Your Django migrations are piling up in your repo? You want to clean them up without a hassle? Check out this new package django-migration-zero that helps make migration management a piece of cake!
    RONNY VEDRILLA • Shared by Sarah Boyce

    Understanding NumPy’s ndarray

    To understand NumPy, you need to understand the ndarray type. This article starts with Python’s native lists and shows you when you need to move to NumPy’s ndarray data type.
    STEPHEN GRUPPETTA • Shared by Stephen Gruppetta

    Type Information for Faster Python C Extensions

    PyPy is an alternative implementation of Python, and its C API compatibility layer has some performance issues. This article describes on-going work to improve its performance.

    Fastest Way to Read Excel in Python

    It’s not uncommon to find yourself reading Excel in Python. This article compares several ways to read Excel from Python and how they perform.

    How Are Requests Processed in Flask?

    This article provides an in-depth walkthrough of how requests are processed in a Flask application.
    TESTDRIVEN.IO • Shared by Michael Herman

    Projects & Code harlequin: The SQL IDE for Your Terminal


    AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation and Editing


    Websocket CLI Testing Interface

    GITHUB.COM/LEWOUDAR • Shared by Kevin Tewouda

    Autometrics-py: Metrics to Debug in Production

    GITHUB.COM/AUTOMETRICS-DEV • Shared by Adelaide Telezhnikova

    django-cte: Common Table Expressions (CTE) for Django


    Events Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)

    January 24, 2024

    SPb Python Drinkup

    January 25, 2024

    PyLadies Amsterdam: An Introduction to Conformal Prediction

    January 25, 2024

    PyDelhi User Group Meetup

    January 27, 2024

    PythOnRio Meetup

    January 27, 2024

    Happy Pythoning!
    This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #613.
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    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    TechBeamers Python: Python Map vs List Comprehension – The Difference Between the Two

    Tue, 2024-01-23 13:04

    In this tutorial, we’ll explain the difference between Python map vs list comprehension. Both map and list comprehensions are powerful tools in Python for applying functions to each element of a sequence. However, they have different strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different situations. Here’s a breakdown: What is the Difference Between the Python […]

    The post Python Map vs List Comprehension – The Difference Between the Two appeared first on TechBeamers.

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Real Python: Python Basics: Lists and Tuples

    Tue, 2024-01-23 09:00

    Python lists are similar to real-life lists. You can use them to store and organize a collection of objects, which can be of any data type. Instead of just storing one item, a list can hold multiple items while allowing manipulation and retrieval of those items. Because lists are mutable, you can think of them as being written in pencil. In other words, you can make changes.

    Tuples, on the other hand, are written in ink. They’re similar to lists in that they can hold multiple items, but unlike lists, tuples are immutable, meaning you can’t modify them after you’ve created them.

    In this video course, you’ll learn:

    • What lists and tuples are and how they’re structured
    • How lists and tuples differ from other data structures
    • How to define and manipulate lists and tuples in your Python code

    By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of Python lists and tuples, and you’ll be able to use them effectively in your own programming projects.

    This video course is part of the Python Basics series, which accompanies Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3. You can also check out the other Python Basics courses.

    Note that you’ll be using IDLE to interact with Python throughout this course.

    [ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Python Bytes: #368 That episode where we just ship open source

    Tue, 2024-01-23 03:00
    <strong>Topics covered in this episode:</strong><br> <ul> <li><a href=""><strong>Syntax Error #11: Debugging Python</strong></a></li> <li><a href="">umami</a> and <a href="">umami-analytics</a></li> <li><a href=""><strong>pytest-suite-timeout</strong></a></li> <li><a href="">Listmonk</a> and <a href="">(py) listmonk</a></li> <li><strong>Extras</strong></li> <li><strong>Joke</strong></li> </ul><a href='' style='font-weight: bold;'data-umami-event="Livestream-Past" data-umami-event-episode="368">Watch on YouTube</a><br> <p><strong>About the show</strong></p> <p>Sponsored by us! Support our work through:</p> <ul> <li>Our <a href=""><strong>courses at Talk Python Training</strong></a></li> <li><a href=""><strong>The Complete pytest Course</strong></a></li> <li><a href=""><strong>Patreon Supporters</strong></a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Connect with the hosts</strong></p> <ul> <li>Michael: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> <li>Brian: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> <li>Show: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> </ul> <p>Join us on YouTube at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> to be part of the audience. Usually Tuesdays at 11am PT. Older video versions available there too.</p> <p><strong>Brian #1:</strong> <a href=""><strong>Syntax Error #11: Debugging Python</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>Juhis</li> <li>Issue 11 of a fun debugging newsletter from Juhis</li> <li>Debugging advice <ul> <li>mindeset <ul> <li>take a break</li> <li>adopt a process</li> <li>talk to a duck</li> </ul></li> <li>tools &amp; techniques <ul> <li>print</li> <li>snoop</li> <li>debuggers</li> <li>Django debug toolbar &amp; Kolo for VS Code</li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul> <p><strong>Michael #2:</strong> <a href="">umami</a> and <a href="">umami-analytics</a></p> <ul> <li>Umami makes it easy to collect, analyze, and understand your web data — while maintaining <strong>visitor privacy</strong> and <strong>data ownership</strong>.</li> <li><a href="">umami-analytics</a> is a client for privacy-preserving, open source <a href="">Umami analytics platform</a> based on <code>httpx</code> and <code>pydantic</code>.</li> <li>Core features</li> <li>➕ <strong>Add a custom event</strong> to your Umami analytics dashboard.</li> <li>🌐 List all websites with details that you have registered at Umami.</li> <li>🔀 Both <strong>sync</strong> and <strong>async</strong> programming models.</li> <li>⚒️ <strong>Structured data with Pydantic</strong> models for API responses.</li> <li>👩‍💻 <strong>Login / authenticate</strong> for either a self-hosted or SaaS hosted instance of Umami.</li> <li>🥇Set a <strong>default website</strong> for a <strong>simplified API</strong> going forward.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Brian #3:</strong> <a href=""><strong>pytest-suite-timeout</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>While recording <a href="">Python Test 213 : Repeating Tests</a> <ul> <li>I noted that pytest-repeat doesn’t have a timeout, but pytest-flakefinder does.</li> <li>And perhaps I should add a timeout to pytest-repeat</li> </ul></li> <li>But also, maybe there’s other places I’d like a timeout, not just with repeat, but often with other parametrizations and even parametrize matrices. </li> <li>So, <a href=""><strong>pytest-suite-timeout</strong></a> is born</li> <li>But <a href="">Why not pytest-timeout? asks Mike Felder</a> <ul> <li>timeout is only timeouts per test, and it isn’t always graceful</li> <li>suite-timeout is for the full suite, and only times out between tests.</li> <li>so, you could use both</li> </ul></li> </ul> <p><strong>Michael #4:</strong> <a href="">Listmonk</a> and <a href="">(py) listmonk</a></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Listmonk</a> <ul> <li>Self-hosted newsletter and mailing list manager (think mailchimp)</li> <li>Built on Go and Vue</li> <li>Backed by a company charing for this service as SaaS</li> <li>Still requires a mail infrastructure backend (I’m using <a href="">Sendgrid</a>)</li> </ul></li> <li><a href="">listmonk</a> (on PyPI) <ul> <li>API Client for Python</li> <li>Created by Yours Truly</li> <li>I tried 4 other options first, they were all bad in their own way.</li> <li>Features:</li> <li>➕<strong>Add a subscriber</strong> to your subscribed users.</li> <li>🙎 Get <strong>subscriber details</strong> by email, ID, UUID, and more.</li> <li>📝 <strong>Modify subscriber details</strong> (including custom attribute collection).</li> <li>🔍 <strong>Search</strong> your users based on app and custom attributes.</li> <li>🏥 Check the <strong>health and connectivity</strong> of your instance.</li> <li>👥 Retrieve your <strong>segmentation lists</strong>, list details, and subscribers.</li> <li>🙅 Unsubscribe and block users who don't want to be contacted further.</li> <li>💥 Completely delete a subscriber from your instance.</li> <li>📧 Send transactional email with template data (e.g. password reset emails).</li> </ul></li> <li>These pair well in my new <a href="">docker</a> cluster infrastructure <ul> <li>Calls to the API from a client app (e.g. <a href="">Talk Python Training</a>) are basically loopback on the local docker bridge network.</li> </ul></li> </ul> <p><strong>Extras</strong> </p> <p>Michael:</p> <ul> <li>Every github repo that has “releases” has a releases RSS feed, e.g. <a href="">Umami</a></li> <li><a href="">Kolo Django + VS Code</a></li> <li><a href="">Warp Terminal</a> on linux</li> <li><a href="">bpytop and btop</a> - live server monitoring</li> </ul> <p><strong>Joke:</strong> <a href="">The cloud, visualized</a></p>
    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Glyph Lefkowitz: Your Text Editor (Probably) Isn’t Malware Any More

    Mon, 2024-01-22 21:05

    In 2015, I wrote one of my more popular blog posts, “Your Text Editor Is Malware”, about the sorry state of security in text editors in general, but particularly in Emacs and Vim.

    It’s nearly been a decade now, so I thought I’d take a moment to survey the world of editor plugins and see where we are today. Mostly, this is to allay fears, since (in today’s landscape) that post is unreasonably alarmist and inaccurate, but people are still reading it.

    Problem Is It Fixed? is not available via https Yep! redirects to now. Emacs's HTTP client doesn't verify certificates by default Mostly! The documentation is incorrect and there are some UI problems1, but it doesn’t blindly connect insecurely. ELPA and MELPA supply plaintext-HTTP package sources Kinda. MELPA correctly responds to HTTP only with redirects to HTTPS, and ELPA at least offers HTTPS and uses HTTPS URLs exclusively in the default configuration. You have to ship your own trust roots for Emacs. Fixed! The default installation of Emacs on every platform I tried (including Windows) seems to be providing trust roots. MELPA offers to install code off of a wiki. Yes. Wiki packages were disabled entirely in 2018.

    The big takeaway here is that the main issue of there being no security whatsoever on Emacs and Vim package installation and update has been fully corrected.

    Where To Go Next?

    Since I believe that post was fairly influential, in particular in getting MELPA to tighten up its security, let me take another big swing at a call to action here.

    More modern editors have made greater strides towards security. VSCode, for example, has enabled the Chromium sandbox and added some level of process separation. Emacs has not done much here yet, but over the years it has consistently surprised me with its ability to catch up to its more modern competitors, so I hope it will surprise me here as well.

    Even for VSCode, though, this sandbox still seems pretty permissive — plugins still seem to execute with the full trust of the editor itself — but it's a big step in the right direction. This is a much bigger task than just turning on HTTPS, but I really hope that editors start taking the threat of rogue editor packages seriously before attackers do, and finding ways to sandbox and limit the potential damage from third-party plugins, maybe taking a cue from other tools.


    Thank you to my patrons who are supporting my writing on this blog. If you like what you’ve read here and you’d like to read more of it, or you’d like to support my various open-source endeavors, you can support me on Patreon as well!

    1. the documention still says “gnutls-verify-error” defaults to nil and that means no certificate verification, and maybe it does do that if you are using raw TLS connections, but in practice, url-retrieve-synchronously does appear to present an interactive warning before proceeding if the certificate is invalid or expired. It still has yet to catch up with web browsers from 2016, in that it just asks you “do you want to do this horribly dangerous thing? y/n” but that is a million times better than proceeding without user interaction. 

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Seth Michael Larson: Removing maintainers from open source projects

    Mon, 2024-01-22 19:00
    Removing maintainers from open source projects AboutBlogNewsletterLinks Removing maintainers from open source projects

    Published 2024-01-23 by Seth Larson
    Reading time: minutes

    Here's a tough but common situation for open source maintainers:

    • You want a project you co-maintain to be more secure by reducing the attack surface.
    • There are one or more folks in privileged roles who previously were active contributors, but now aren't active.
    • You don't want to take away from or upset the folks who have contributed to the project before you.

    These three points feel like they're in contention. This article is here to help resolve this contention and potentially spur some thinking about succession for open source projects.

    Why do people do open source?

    Most rewards that come from contributing to open source are either intrinsic (helping others, learning new skills, interest in a topic, improve the world) or for recognition (better access to jobs, proof of a skill-set, “fame” from a popular project). Most folks don't get paid to work on open source for their first project, so it's unlikely to be their initial motivation.

    Recognition is typically what feels “at stake” when removing a previous maintainer from operational roles on an open source project.

    Let's split recognition into another two categories: operational and celebratory. Operational recognition is the category of recognition that has security implications like access to sensitive information or publishing rights. Celebratory has no security implications, it's there because we want to thank contributors for the work they've done for the project. Here's some examples of the two categories:


    • Additional access on source control like GitHub (“commit bit”)
    • Additional access on package repository like PyPI
    • Listing email addresses for security contacts


    • Author and maintainer annotation in package metadata
    • Elevating contributors into a triager role
    • Maintainer names listed in the README
    • Thanking contributors in release notes
    • Guest blog posts about the project

    You'll notice that the celebratory recognition might be a good candidate for offsetting the removal of incidental operational recognition (like your account being listed on PyPI).

    Suggestions for removing maintainers' with empathy

    Ensure the removal of operational recognition is supplanted by deliberate celebratory recognition. Consider thanking the removed individual publicly in a blog post, release notes, or social media for their contributions and accomplishments. If there isn't already a permanent place to celebrate past maintainers consider adding a section to the documentation or README.

    Don't take action until you've reached out to the individual. Having your access removed without any acknowledgement feels bad and there's no way around that fact. Even if you don't receive a reply, sending a message and waiting some time should be a bare minimum.

    Practice regular deliberate celebratory recognition. Thank folks for their contributions, call them out by name in release notes, list active and historical maintainers in the documentation. This fulfills folks that are motivated by recognition and might inspire them to contribute again.

    Think more actively about succession. In one of the many potential positive outcomes for an open source project, you will be succeeded by other maintainers and someone else may one day be in the position that you are in today.

    How can you prepare that individual to have a better experience than you are right now? I highly recommend Sumana Harihareswara's writing on this topic. There are tips like:

    • Actively recruit maintainers by growing and promoting contributors.
    • Talk about succession openly while you are still active on the project.
    • Give privileges or responsibility to folks that repeatedly contribute positively, starting from triaging or reviewing code.
    • Recognize when you are drifting away from a project and make it known to others, even if you intend to contribute in the future.

    Thanks for reading! ♡ Did you find this article helpful and want more content like it? Get notified of new posts by subscribing to the RSS feed or the email newsletter.

    This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Python Morsels: None in Python

    Mon, 2024-01-22 18:00

    Python's None value is used to represent emptiness. None is the default function return value.

    Table of contents

    1. Python's None value
    2. None is falsey
    3. None represents emptiness
    4. The default function return value is None
    5. None is like NULL in other programming languages

    Python's None value

    Python has a special object that's typically used for representing emptiness. It's called None.

    If we look at None from the Python REPL, we'll see nothing at all:

    >>> name = None >>>

    Though if we print it, we'll see None:

    >>> name = None >>> name >>> print(name) None

    When checking for None values, you'll usually see Python's is operator used (for identity) instead of the equality operator (==):

    >>> name is None True >>> name == None True

    Why is that?

    Well, None has its own special type, the NoneType, and it's the only object of that type:

    >>> type(None) <class 'NoneType'>

    In fact, if we got a reference to that NoneType class, and then we called that class to make a new instance of it, we'll actually get back the same exact instance, always, every time we call it:

    >>> NoneType = type(None) >>> NoneType() is None True

    The NoneType class is a singleton class. So comparing to None with is works because there's only one None value. No object should compare as equal to None unless it is None.

    None is falsey

    We often rely on the …

    Read the full article:
    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    TechBeamers Python: Is Python Map Faster than Loop?

    Mon, 2024-01-22 12:42

    In this short tutorial, we’ll quickly compare Python map vs loop. We’ll try to assess whether the Python map is faster than the loop or vice-versa. The comparison between using map and a loop (such as a for loop) in Python depends on the specific use case and the nature of the operation you are […]

    The post Is Python Map Faster than Loop? appeared first on TechBeamers.

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

    Glyph Lefkowitz: Okay, I’m A Centrist I Guess

    Mon, 2024-01-22 12:41

    Today I saw a short YouTube video about “cozy games” and started writing a comment, then realized that this was somehow prompting me to write the most succinct summary of my own personal views on politics and economics that I have ever managed. So, here goes.

    Apparently all I needed to trim down 50,000 words on my annoyance at how the term “capitalism” is frustratingly both a nexus for useful critque and also reductive thought-terminating clichés was to realize that Animal Crossing: New Horizons is closer to my views on political economy than anything Adam Smith or Karl Marx ever wrote.

    Cozy games illustrate that the core mechanics of capitalism are fun and motivating, in a laboratory environment. It’s fun to gather resources, to improve one’s skills, to engage in mutually beneficial exchanges, to collect things, to decorate. It’s tremendously motivating. Even merely pretending to do those things can captivate huge amounts of our time and attention.

    In real life, people need to be motivated to do stuff. Not because of some moral deficiency, but because in a large complex civilization it’s hard to tell what needs doing. By the time it’s widely visible to a population-level democratic consensus of non-experts that there is an unmet need — for example, trash piling up on the street everywhere indicating a need for garbage collection — that doesn’t mean “time to pick up some trash”, it means “the sanitation system has collapsed, you’re probably going to get cholera”. We need a system that can identify utility signals more granularly and quickly, towards the edges of the social graph. To allow person A to earn “value credits” of some kind for doing work that others find valuable, then trade those in to person B for labor which they find valuable, even if it is not clearly obvious to anyone else why person A wants that thing. Hence: money.

    So, a market can provide an incentive structure that productively steers people towards needs, by aggregating small price signals in a distributed way, via the communication technology of “money”. Authoritarian communist states are famously bad at this, overproducing “necessary” goods in ways that can hold their own with the worst excesses of capitalists, while under-producing “luxury” goods that are politically seen as frivolous.

    This is the kernel of truth around which the hardcore capitalist bootstrap grindset ideologues build their fabulist cinematic universe of cruelty. Markets are motivating, they reason, therefore we must worship the market as a god and obey its every whim. Markets can optimize some targets, therefore we must allow markets to optimize every target. Markets efficiently allocate resources, and people need resources to live, therefore anyone unable to secure resources in a market is undeserving of life. Thus we begin at “market economies provide some beneficial efficiencies” and after just a bit of hand-waving over some inconvenient details, we get to “thus, we must make the poor into a blood-sacrifice to Moloch, otherwise nobody will ever work, and we will all die, drowning in our own laziness”. “The cruelty is the point” is a convenient phrase, but among those with this worldview, the prosperity is the point; they just think the cruelty is the only engine that can possibly drive it.

    Cozy games are therefore a centrist1 critique of capitalism. They present a world with the prosperity, but without the cruelty. More importantly though, by virtue of the fact that people actually play them in large numbers, they demonstrate that the cruelty is actually unnecessary.

    You don’t need to play a cozy game. Tom Nook is not going to evict you from your real-life house if you don’t give him enough bells when it’s time to make rent. In fact, quite the opposite: you have to take time away from your real-life responsibilities and work, in order to make time for such a game. That is how motivating it is to engage with a market system in the abstract, with almost exclusively positive reinforcement.

    What cozy games are showing us is that a world with tons of “free stuff” — universal basic income, universal health care, free education, free housing — will not result in a breakdown of our society because “no one wants to work”. People love to work.

    If we can turn the market into a cozy game, with low stakes and a generous safety net, more people will engage with it, not fewer. People are not lazy; laziness does not exist. The motivation that people need from a market economy is not a constant looming threat of homelessness, starvation and death for themselves and their children, but a fun opportunity to get a five-star island rating.


    Thank you to my patrons who are supporting my writing on this blog. If you like what you’ve read here and you’d like to read more of it, or you’d like to support my various open-source endeavors, you can support me on Patreon as well!

    1. Okay, I guess “far left” on the current US political compass, but in a just world socdems would be centrists. 

    Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
