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Robin Wilson: Explore UK place names on a map – my new web app

Sat, 2024-03-30 09:46

As an Easter present for you all, I’ve got a new web app you can play with.

It lets you search for UK place names – things like ‘ends with burgh’ or ‘starts with great’ or ‘contains sea’ – and then plot them on an interactive map. Once you’ve done that, you can even share links to your settings so other people can see your findings.

Have a look at the web app now, and please tweet/toot/email me with any interesting things you find.

A few examples:

The data comes from the Ordnance Survey Open Names dataset, and it was processed on my local machine using Python to create some filtered data that could be used in the webapp, which all runs client-side.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Glyph Lefkowitz: The Hat

Fri, 2024-03-29 19:56

This year I will be going to two conferences: PyCon 2024, and North Bay Python 2024.

At PyCon, I will be promoting my open source work and my writing on this blog. As I’m not giving a talk this year, I am looking forward to organizing and participating in some open spaces about topics like software architecture, open source sustainability, framework interoperability, and event-driven programming.

At North Bay Python, though, I will either be:

  1. doing a lot more of that, or
  2. looking for new full-time employment, pausing the patreon, and winding down this experiment.

If you’d like to see me doing the former, now would be a great time to sign up to my Patreon to support the continuation of my independent open source work and writing.

The Bad News

It has been nearly a year since I first mentioned that I have a Patreon on this blog. That year has been a busy one, with consulting work and personal stuff consuming more than enough time that I have never been full time on independent coding & blogging. As such, I’ve focused more on small infrastructure projects and less on user-facing apps than I’d like, but I have spent the plurality of my time on it.

For that to continue, let alone increase, this work needs to—at the very least—pay for health insurance. At my current consulting rate, a conservative estimate based on some time tracking is that I am currently doing this work at something like a 98.5% discount. I do love doing it! I would be happy to continue doing it at a significant discount! But “significant” and “catastrophic” are different thresholds.

As I have said previously, this is an appeal to support my independent work; not to support me. I will be fine; what you will be voting for with your wallet is not my well-being but a choice about where I spend my time.

Hiding The Hat

When people ask me what I do these days, I sometimes struggle to explain. It is confusing. I might say I have a Patreon, I do a combination of independent work and consulting, or if I’m feeling particularly sarcastic I might say I’m an ✨influencer✨. But recently I saw the very inspiring Matt Ricardo describing the way he thinks about his own Patreon, and I realized what I am actually trying to do, which is software development busking.

Previously, when I’ve been thinking about making this “okay, it’s been a year of Patreon, let’s get serious now” post, I’ve been thinking about adding more reward products to my Patreon, trying to give people better value for their money before asking for anything more, trying to finish more projects to make a better sales pitch, maybe making merch available for sale, and so on. So aside from irregular weekly posts on Friday and acknowledgments sections at the bottom of blog posts, I’ve avoided mentioning this while I think about adding more private rewards.

But busking is a public performance, and if you want to support my work then it is that public aspect that you presumably want to support. And thus, an important part of the busking process is to actually pass the hat at the end. The people who don’t chip in still get to see the performance, but everyone else need to know that they can contribute if they liked it.1

I’m going to try to stop hiding the metaphorical hat. I still don’t want to overdo it, but I will trust that you’ll tell me if these reminders get annoying. For my part today, in addition to this post, I’m opening up a new $10 tier on Patreon for people who want to provide a higher level of support, and officially acknowledging the rewards that I already provide.

What’s The Deal?

So, what would you be supporting?

What You Give (The Public Part)
  1. I have tended to focus on my software, and there has been a lot of it! You’d be supporting me writing libraries and applications and build infrastructure to help others do the same with Python, as well as maintaining existing libraries (like the Twisted ecosystem libraries) sometimes. If I can get enough support together to more than bare support for myself, I’d really like to be able to do things like pay people to others to help with aspects of applications that I would struggle to complete myself, like accessibility or security audits.
  2. I also do quite a bit of writing though, about software and about other things. To make it easier to see what sort of writing I’m talking about, I’ve collected just the stuff that I’ve written during the period where I have had some patrons, under the supported tag.
  3. Per my earlier sarcastic comment about being an “influencer”, I also do quite a bit of posting on Mastodon about software and the tech industry.
What You Get (Just For Patrons)

As I said above, I will be keeping member benefits somewhat minimal.

  1. I will add you to SponCom so that your name will be embedded in commit messages like this one on a cadence appropriate to your support level.
  2. You will get access to my private Patreon posts where I discuss what I’ve been working on. As one of my existing patrons put it:

    I figure I’m getting pretty good return on it, getting not only targeted project tracking, but also a peek inside your head when it comes to Sores Business Development. Maybe some of that stuff will rub off on me :)

  3. This is a somewhat vague and noncommittal benefit, but it might be the best one: if you are interested in the various different projects that I am doing, you can help me prioritize! I have a lot of things going on. What would you prefer that I focus on? You can make suggestions in the comments of Patreon posts, which I pay a lot more attention to than other feedback channels.
  4. In the near future2 I am also planning to start doing some “office hours” type live-streaming, where I will take audience questions and discuss software design topics, or maybe do some live development to showcase my process and the tools I use. When I figure out the mechanics of this, I plan to add some rewards to the existing tiers to select topics or problems for me to work on there.

If that sounds like a good deal to you, please sign up now. If you’re already supporting me, sharing this and giving a brief testimonial of something good I’ve done would be really helpful. Github is not an algorithmic platform like YouTube, despite my occasional jokey “remember to like and subscribe”, nobody is getting recommended DBXS, or Fritter, or Twisted, or Automat, or this blog unless someone goes out and shares it.

  1. A year into this, after what feels like endlessly repeating this sales pitch to the point of obnoxiousness, I still routinely interact with people who do not realize that I have a Patreon at all. 

  2. Not quite comfortable putting this on the official patreon itemized inventory of rewards yet, but I do plan to add it once I’ve managed to stream for a couple of weeks in a row. 

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Glyph Lefkowitz: DBXS 0.1.0

Fri, 2024-03-29 18:19
New Release

Yesterday I published a new release of DBXS for you all. It’s still ZeroVer, but it has graduated from double-ZeroVer as this is the first nonzero minor version.

More to the point though, the meaning of that version increment this version introduces some critical features that I think most people would need to give it a spin on a hobby project.

What’s New
  • It has support for MySQL and PostgreSQL using native asyncio drivers, which means you don’t need to take a Twisted dependency in production.

  • While Twisted is still used for some of the testing internals, Deferred is no longer exposed anywhere in the public API, either; your tests can happily pretend that they’re doing asyncio, as long as they can run against SQLite.

  • There is a new repository convenience function that automatically wires together multiple accessors and transaction discipline. Have a look at the docstring for a sense of how to use it.

  • Several papercuts, like confusing error messages when messing up query result handling, and lack of proper handling of default arguments in access protocols, are now addressed.

It’s A Good Time To Contribute!

If you’ve been looking for an open source project to try your hand at contributing to, DBXS might be a great opportunity, for a few reasons:

  1. The team is quite small (just me, right now!), so it’s easy to get involved.

  2. It’s quite generally useful, so there’s a potential for an audience, but right now it doesn’t really have any production users; there’s still time to change things without a lot of ceremony.

  3. Unlike many other small starter projects, it’s got a test suite with 100% coverage, so you can contribute with confidence that you’re not breaking anything.

  4. There’s not that much code (a bit over 2 thousand SLOC), so it’s not hard to get your head around.

  5. There are a few obvious next steps for improvement, which I’ve filed as issues if you want to pick one up.

Share and enjoy, and please let me know if you do something fun with it.


Thank you to my patrons who are supporting my writing on this blog. If you like what you’ve read here and you’d like to read more of it, or you’d like to support my various open-source endeavors, you can support my work as a sponsor! I am also available for consulting work if you think your organization could benefit from expertise on topics such as “How do I shot SQL?”.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: The Real Python Podcast – Episode #198: Build a Video Game With Python Turtle & Visualize Data in Seaborn

Fri, 2024-03-29 08:00

Can you build a Space Invaders clone using Python's built-in turtle module? What advantages does the Seaborn data visualization library provide compared to Matplotlib? Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, along with special guest Real Python core team member Bartosz Zaczyński. We're sharing another batch of PyCoder's Weekly articles and projects.

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Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Python Software Foundation: DjangoCon Africa Grant Process Retrospective

Fri, 2024-03-29 06:06

The PSF received an open letter asking us, amongst other things, to look into some of our recent grant decisions and make recommendations to the PSF Board for improving the Grants Program. We contracted Carol Willing, of Willing Consulting, to do this work in the form of a retrospective. Carol’s scope included reading through mailing lists, examining Board and Grants Working group norms, creating a comprehensive timeline, conducting interviews, documenting findings, and offering recommendations for the future.

In the retrospective Willing contextualizes the PSF Grants Program as part of the work of a non-profit with a charitable mission, incorporating research on best practices and effective governance. The full text of the DjangoCon Africa Grant Process Retrospective is now available.  We are eager to explore the suggestions made in the retrospective and respond to community feedback.


This retrospective is just one step in our process to ensure the PSF Grants Program is responsive, transparent, and more approachable. We also recently started hosting PSF Grants Program Office Hours. The office hours are a text-only chat-based session hosted on the Python Software Foundation Discord at 1-2PM UTC (9AM Eastern) on the third Tuesday of the month. (Check what time that is for you.)  We look forward to sharing more of our progress as we continue to enhance and improve the PSF Grants Program. 


Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Seth Michael Larson: Security Developer-in-Residence Weekly Report #32

Thu, 2024-03-28 20:00
Security Developer-in-Residence Weekly Report #32 AboutBlogNewsletterLinks Security Developer-in-Residence Weekly Report #32

Published 2024-03-29 by Seth Larson
Reading time: minutes

This critical role would not be possible without funding from the Alpha-Omega project. Massive thank-you to Alpha-Omega for investing in the security of the Python ecosystem!

Returned from my vacation this week and have gotten things back in order heading into April. This report covers what's happened since the first week of March.

CISA Open Source Summit

I attended the Open Source Security summit hosted by CISA in early March. The event was attended by many other open source ecosystems. The summit focused on strengthening the security of open source infrastructure like package repositories.

The Principles for Package Repository Security document was a top point of discussion. This document provides a roadmap for other package repositories to prioritize security work into discrete projects and all examples have prior art that can be learned from other package repositories (such as Trusted Publishers for PyPI).

The summit also discussed the available resources and challenges between the public sector and open source software and a tabletop exercise between package repositories, the public sector, and open source maintainers and users.

Google Summer of Code 2024

Google Summer of Code is open now and there are many available ideas for Python including one that I submitted with Dustin Ingram on adopting the OpenSSF Hardened Compiler Options for C/C++ for CPython. The task description is:

  • There's already a list of compiler option candidates to adopt, use that as the initial list.
  • Do some performance evaluation for how each compiler option affects performance (using CPython's existing performance suite). Report back on the performance impact of enabling each option.
  • Implement a small custom tool (proposed in the existing issue) that allows ignoring existing violations of compiler options while preventing future violations.
  • At this point we've achieved a lot of value, all future CPython contributions will have these compiler options applied.
  • After the tooling is integrated, fill the rest of the project time by remediating known issues.

Applications are due by April 2nd, 2024 so if you're interested in working on this idea act quickly to prepare your application. I've already received some interest and have been providing some guidance to potential applicants.

Speaking and Tabletop Exercise participant at SOSS Community Day NA

I'm speaking at the OpenSSF SOSS Community Day in Seattle on April 15th. I'm also a participant in the Tabletop Exercise that caps off SOSS Community Day.

Other items

That's all for this week! 👋 If you're interested in more you can read last week's report.

Thanks for reading! ♡ Did you find this article helpful and want more content like it? Get notified of new posts by subscribing to the RSS feed or the email newsletter.

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Matt Layman: Start Polishing - Building SaaS with Python and Django #187

Wed, 2024-03-27 20:00
In this episode, we attacked the issue list. JourneyInbox is live and serving user and now it’s time to start polishing and building the full set of features. There are so many easy targets to fix that we focused on a few clear improvements to user experience and the user interface.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: Reading and Writing WAV Files in Python

Wed, 2024-03-27 10:00

There’s an abundance of third-party tools and libraries for manipulating and analyzing audio WAV files in Python. At the same time, the language ships with the little-known wave module in its standard library, offering a quick and straightforward way to read and write such files. Knowing Python’s wave module can help you dip your toes into digital audio processing.

If topics like audio analysis, sound editing, or music synthesis get you excited, then you’re in for a treat, as you’re about to get a taste of them!

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Read and write WAV files using pure Python
  • Handle the 24-bit PCM encoding of audio samples
  • Interpret and plot the underlying amplitude levels
  • Record online audio streams like Internet radio stations
  • Animate visualizations in the time and frequency domains
  • Synthesize sounds and apply special effects

Although not required, you’ll get the most out of this tutorial if you’re familiar with NumPy and Matplotlib, which greatly simplify working with audio data. Additionally, knowing about numeric arrays in Python will help you better understand the underlying data representation in computer memory.

Click the link below to access the bonus materials, where you’ll find sample audio files for practice, as well as the complete source code of all the examples demonstrated in this tutorial:

Get Your Code: Click here to download the free sample code that shows you how to read and write WAV files in Python.

You can also take the quiz to test your knowledge and see how much you’ve learned:

Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge with our interactive “Reading and Writing WAV Files in Python” quiz. Upon completion you will receive a score so you can track your learning progress over time:

Take the Quiz »

Understand the WAV File Format

In the early nineties, Microsoft and IBM jointly developed the Waveform Audio File Format, often abbreviated as WAVE or WAV, which stems from the file’s extension (.wav). Despite its older age in computer terms, the format remains relevant today. There are several good reasons for its wide adoption, including:

  • Simplicity: The WAV file format has a straightforward structure, making it relatively uncomplicated to decode in software and understand by humans.
  • Portability: Many software systems and hardware platforms support the WAV file format as standard, making it suitable for data exchange.
  • High Fidelity: Because most WAV files contain raw, uncompressed audio data, they’re perfect for applications that require the highest possible sound quality, such as with music production or audio editing. On the flipside, WAV files take up significant storage space compared to lossy compression formats like MP3.

It’s worth noting that WAV files are specialized kinds of the Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF), which is a container format for audio and video streams. Other popular file formats based on RIFF include AVI and MIDI. RIFF itself is an extension of an even older IFF format originally developed by Electronic Arts to store video game resources.

Before diving in, you’ll deconstruct the WAV file format itself to better understand its structure and how it represents sounds. Feel free to jump ahead if you just want to see how to use the wave module in Python.

The Waveform Part of WAV

What you perceive as sound is a disturbance of pressure traveling through a physical medium, such as air or water. At the most fundamental level, every sound is a wave that you can describe using three attributes:

  1. Amplitude is the measure of the sound wave’s strength, which you perceive as loudness.
  2. Frequency is the reciprocal of the wavelength or the number of oscillations per second, which corresponds to the pitch.
  3. Phase is the point in the wave cycle at which the wave starts, not registered by the human ear directly.

The word waveform, which appears in the WAV file format’s name, refers to the graphical depiction of the audio signal’s shape. If you’ve ever opened a sound file using audio editing software, such as Audacity, then you’ve likely seen a visualization of the file’s content that looked something like this:

Waveform in Audacity

That’s your audio waveform, illustrating how the amplitude changes over time.

The vertical axis represents the amplitude at any given point in time. The midpoint of the graph, which is a horizontal line passing through the center, represents the baseline amplitude or the point of silence. Any deviation from this equilibrium corresponds to a higher positive or negative amplitude, which you experience as a louder sound.

As you move from left to right along the graph’s horizontal scale, which is the timeline, you’re essentially moving forward in time through your audio track.

Having such a view can help you visually inspect the characteristics of your audio file. The series of the amplitude’s peaks and valleys reflect the volume changes. Therefore, you can leverage the waveform to identify parts where certain sounds occur or find quiet sections that may need editing.

Coming up next, you’ll learn how WAV files store these amplitude levels in digital form.

The Structure of a WAV File Read the full article at »

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Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
