
The Drop Times: TDT Named Official Media Partner of DrupalCon Barcelona

Planet Drupal - Wed, 2024-04-03 14:44
Exciting news! TDT has been announced as an official media partner for DrupalCon Barcelona. Get ready for comprehensive coverage, exclusive interviews, and event highlights brought to you by TDT. Stay tuned for all the latest updates from DrupalCon Barcelona.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: TDT an Official Media Partner for Drupal Iberia 2024

Planet Drupal - Wed, 2024-04-03 14:44
The Drop Times partners with Drupal Iberia 2024 Évora, a landmark event fostering collaboration within the Drupal community.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Drupal Atlanta Medium Publication: How to Configure the SMTP Module in Drupal 10 with Gmail, Since Google Removed Less Secure Apps

Planet Drupal - Wed, 2024-04-03 11:57
Starting on September 30, 2024, Google no longer allows you to enable the less secure apps. Learn how to add app-specific passwords for your Google Account.Sending Drupal 10 website Emails through Googles SMTP

To ensure your Drupal 10 website can send emails, like password reset links, you must configure the SMTP Module, especially after Google’s policy change on September 30, 2024, which prohibits the use of less secure apps. This guide will show you how to set up the SMTP Module in Drupal 10 for sending password reset emails and other form submissions via Gmail.

Before you begin, ensure you have the necessary tools. You will need Composer and Drush installed on your computer. Additionally, you must have access to a Gmail account and its password, which will be used to send the emails. Follow these steps to configure SMTP in Drupal 10, ensuring your site’s email functionality is uninterrupted by Google’s security updates.

Note: The instructions below are for a standard Gmail and have not been tested on a Google Workspace email address.

Download and Enable the Module
  • First, you must download and enable the module.
    - We are going to use composer to download and then a drush command to enable it. Or you could just enable the module in the
composer require 'drupal/smtp'

drush en smtp -yConfigure the SMTP Module in Drupal
  • Navigate to the configuration page admin/config/system/smtp
  • Under Turn this module on or off select On.
  • Under SMTP server enter the following smtp.gmail.com. Leave SMTP backup server blank
  • Under SMTP port enter 587
  • Under Use encrypted protocol select Use TLS
  • Under E-MAIL OPTIONS use the same Gmail address as you did above and enter an E-mail from name
Update Gmail Account SettingsCreate App-Specific Password for GMAIL

How to Configure the SMTP Module in Drupal 10 with Gmail, Since Google Removed Less Secure Apps was originally published in Drupal Atlanta on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

ComputerMinds.co.uk: Format Drush output for easy wins!

Planet Drupal - Wed, 2024-04-03 11:30

Drush, the brilliant command-line tool for Drupal, is capable of giving you its output in several ways. Its global --format parameter can be set to a type that you can use in useful ways. Most recently, I found this incredibly useful when I had made some configuration changes through Drupal's admin pages, and needed to then script those changes to automatically apply to hundreds of sites on a platform we manage.

I simply asked Drush for the value of the configuration I had set, formatted as the PHP code to set those values. Then I could drop that into our PHP automatic update script. Here are two examples - one getting just a single property of a block placement, and another for the whole settings object for a module.

# Get the visibility conditions of my block. drush config:get block.block.myblock visibility --format=var_export # Get the whole settings singleton for my module. drush config:get mymodule.settings --format=var_export

The var_export format provides the output using PHP's traditional array syntax, instead of the default YAML (which matches the format of config export files). Here's an example of the output for another type of configuration, an action:

array ( 'uuid' => 'faaaea7f-d377-4b9c-bbfb-bd1b9c562050', 'langcode' => 'en', 'status' => true, 'dependencies' => array ( 'module' => array ( 0 => 'mymodule', ), ), '_core' => array ( 'default_config_hash' => 'vvt7bzrXEwxrTfY--axzCfSRPzggH0o4hahUY9Kh0z0', ), 'id' => 'mymodule_foo_action', 'label' => 'An example action', 'type' => 'webform', 'plugin' => 'mymodule_foo_action', 'configuration' => array ( ), )

Then I could just copy the output and paste it into a post-update hook. My IDE makes it easier to prettify the code to match Drupal's coding standards and switch to PHP's newer short array syntax. I also removed all the bits that I could leave to be dynamic; like the uuid, _core, and empty configuration properties in the action example above. I can then either use the entity storage for my type of entity to save the configuration, or just use the Configuration Factory service more directly:

$data = // (Paste & adapt the output from drush for this variable.) // Example of using the config factory. $config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('block.block.myblock'); // Using `setData()` will replace the entire config array. We could instead // use `set()` for individual properties. $config->setData($data)->save(); // Alternatively use the entity type storage and specific methods, when // available. Create new entities with `$storage->create($settings)->save()`. $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('block'); $storage->load('myblock')->set('settings', $data['settings'])->save();

We tend to automate Drupal core's configuration management on most of our projects - but not always. Even where we don't, there is usually some config that we exclude from the automated management - usually to allow clients to make changes in the admin UI without needing to access the codebase. So this is a handy trick to have available when you just need to script some changes outside of config management.

Under the hood, the consolidation/output-formatters library is what provides output formatters. If you run drush help version you can get a list of other standard formatters, which includes:


The key-value format usually used for configuration exports.


Comma-separated values; ideal for simple lists


The format that PHP's internal serialize() method produces.


Probably my new favourite; as produces coloured syntax highlighting in the terminal output! It is powered by Symfony's VarDumper component. I have found this particularly useful recently when debugging the output from a remote API endpoint, to help me visually parse clumps of output.

As a bonus, this can be useful for quickly loading up an entity to inspect its field values:

getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load(11)->toArray());" --format=var_dump`" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="9930f0b8-e138-4ae8-8432-1e42a2e7086b" src="https://www.computerminds.co.uk/sites/default/files/inline-images/drush-var-dumping.png" width="692" height="834" loading="lazy" /> My output from drush php-eval "return array_filter(\\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('subscriber')->load(127)->toArray());" --format=var_dump

...which feels rather like a good case for a custom drush command, just taking an entity type and ID as arguments ;-)

What other handy uses of specifying an output format can you come up with? Let me know!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

FSF Blogs: There are plenty of ways to socialize at LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community

GNU Planet! - Wed, 2024-04-03 11:10
In this blog, we're sharing with you all the ways you can socialize and participate in LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community outside of the official program.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

There are plenty of ways to socialize at LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community

FSF Blogs - Wed, 2024-04-03 11:10
In this blog, we're sharing with you all the ways you can socialize and participate in LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community outside of the official program.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: Install and Execute Python Applications Using pipx

Planet Python - Wed, 2024-04-03 10:00

A straightforward way to distribute desktop and command-line applications written in Python is to publish them on the Python Package Index (PyPI), which hosts hundreds of thousands of third-party packages. Many of these packages include runnable scripts, but using them requires decent familiarity with the Python ecosystem. With pipx, you can safely install and execute such applications without affecting your global Python interpreter.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Turn the Python Package Index (PyPI) into an app marketplace
  • Run installed applications without explicitly calling Python
  • Avoid dependency conflicts between different applications
  • Try throw-away applications in temporary locations
  • Manage the installed applications and their environments

To fully benefit from this tutorial, you should feel comfortable around the terminal. In particular, knowing how to manage Python versions, create virtual environments, and install third-party modules in your projects will go a long way.

Note: If you’re a Windows user, then it’s highly recommended you follow our Python coding setup guide before plunging into this tutorial. The gist of it is that you should avoid installing Python from the Microsoft Store, as it could prevent pipx from working correctly.

To help you get to grips with pipx, you can download the supplemental materials, which include a handy command cheat sheet. Additionally, you can test your understanding by taking a short quiz.

Get Your Cheatsheet: Click here to download the free cheatsheet of pipx commands you can use to install and execute Python applications.

Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge with our interactive “Install and Execute Python Applications Using pipx” quiz. Upon completion you will receive a score so you can track your learning progress over time:

Take the Quiz »

Get Started With pipx

On the surface, pipx resembles pip because it also lets you install Python packages from PyPI or another package index. However, unlike pip, it doesn’t install packages into your system-wide Python interpreter or even an activated virtual environment. Instead, it automatically creates and manages virtual environments for you to isolate the dependencies of every package that you install.

Additionally, pipx adds symbolic links to your PATH variable for every command-line script exposed by the installed packages. As a result, you can invoke those scripts directly from the command line without explicitly running them through the Python interpreter.

Think of pipx as Python’s equivalent of npx in the JavaScript ecosystem. Both tools let you install and execute third-party modules in the command line just as if they were standalone applications. However, not all modules are created equal.

Broadly speaking, you can classify the code distributed through PyPI into three categories:

  1. Importable: It’s either pure-Python source code or Python bindings of compiled shared objects that you want to import in your Python projects. Typically, they’re libraries like Requests or Polars, providing reusable pieces of code to help you solve a common problem. Alternatively, they might be frameworks like FastAPI or PyGame that you build your applications around.
  2. Runnable: These are usually command-line utility tools like black, isort, or flake8 that assist you during the development phase. They could also be full-fledged applications like bpython or the JupyterLab environment, which is primarily implemented in a foreign TypeScript programming language.
  3. Hybrid: They combine both worlds by providing importable code and runnable scripts at the same time. Flask and Django are good examples, as they offer utility scripts while remaining web frameworks for the most part.

Making a distribution package runnable or hybrid involves defining one or more entry points in the corresponding configuration file. Historically, these would be setup.py or setup.cfg, but modern build systems in Python should generally rely on the pyproject.toml file and define their entry points in the [project.scripts] TOML table.

Note: If you use Poetry to manage your project’s dependencies, then you can add the appropriate script declarations in the tool-specific [tool.poetry.scripts] table.

Each entry point represents an independent script that you can run by typing its name at the command prompt. For example, if you’ve ever used the django-admin command, then you’ve called out an entry point to the Django framework.

Note: Don’t confuse entry points, which link to individual functions or callables in your code, with runnable Python packages that rely on the __main__ module to provide a command-line interface.

For example, Rich is a library of building blocks for creating text-based user interfaces in Python. At the same time, you can run this package with python -m rich to display a demo application that illustrates various visual components at your fingertips. Despite this, pipx won’t recognize it as runnable because the library doesn’t define any entry points.

To sum up, the pipx tool will only let you install Python packages with at least one entry point. It’ll refuse to install runnable packages like Rich and bare-bones libraries that ship Python code meant just for importing.

Once you identify a Python package with entry points that you’d like to use, you should first create and activate a dedicated virtual environment as a best practice. By keeping the package isolated from the rest of your system, you’ll eliminate the risk of dependency conflicts across various projects that might require the same Python library in different versions. Furthermore, you won’t need the superuser permissions to install the package.

Deciding where and how to create a virtual environment and then remembering to activate it every time before running the corresponding script can become a burden. Fortunately, pipx automates these steps and provides even more features that you’ll explore in this tutorial. But first, you need to get pipx running itself.

Test Drive pipx Without Installation

If you’re unsure whether pipx will address your needs and would prefer not to commit to it until you’ve properly tested the tool, then there’s good news! Thanks to a self-contained executable available for download, you can give pipx a spin without having to install it.

To get that executable, visit the project’s release page on the official GitHub repository in your web browser and grab the latest version of a file named pipx.pyz. Files with the .pyz extension represent runnable Python ZIP applications, which are essentially ZIP archives containing Python source code and some metadata, akin to JAR files in Java. They can optionally vendor third-party dependencies that you’d otherwise have to install by hand.

Note: Internally, the pipx project uses shiv to build its Python ZIP application. When you first run a Python ZIP application that was built with shiv, it’ll unpack itself into a hidden folder named .shiv/ located in your user’s home directory. As a result, subsequent runs of the same application will reuse the already extracted files, speeding up the startup time.

Afterward, you can run pipx.pyz by passing the path to your downloaded copy of the file to your Python interpreter—just as you would with a regular Python script:

Read the full article at https://realpython.com/python-pipx/ »

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Django Weblog: Django bugfix release issued: 5.0.4

Planet Python - Wed, 2024-04-03 09:52

Today we've issued the 5.0.4 bugfix release.

The release package and checksums are available from our downloads page, as well as from the Python Package Index. The PGP key ID used for this release is Natalia Bidart: 2EE82A8D9470983E.

Django 3.2 has reached the end of extended support

Note that with this release, Django 3.2 has reached the end of extended support. All Django 3.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to Django 4.2 or later to continue receiving fixes for security issues.

See the downloads page for a table of supported versions and the future release schedule.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Robin Wilson: Simple self-hosted OpenStreetMap routing using Valhalla and Docker

Planet Python - Wed, 2024-04-03 06:39

I came up with an interesting plan for an artistic map recently (more on that when I’ve finished working on it), and to create it I needed to be able to calculate a large number of driving routes around Southampton, my home city.

Specifically, I needed to be able to get lines showing the driving route from A to B for around 5,000 combinations of A and B. I didn’t want to overload a free hosted routing server, or have to deal with rate limiting – so I decided to look into running some sort of routing service myself, and it was actually significantly easier than I thought it would be.

It so happened that I’d come across a talk recently on a free routing engine called Valhalla. I hadn’t actually watched the talk yet (it is on my ever-expanding list of talks to watch), but it had put the name into my head – so I started investigating Valhalla. It seemed to do what I wanted, so I started working out how to run it locally. Using Docker, it was nice and easy – and to make it even easier for you, here’s a set of instructions.

  1. Download an OpenStreetMap extract for your area of interest. All of your routes will need to be within the area of this extract. I was focusing on Southampton, UK, so I downloaded the Hampshire extract from the England page on GeoFabrik. If you start from the home page you should be able to navigate to any region in the world.

  2. Put the downloaded file (in this case, hampshire-latest.osm.pbf) in a folder called custom_files. You can download multiple files and put them all in this folder and they will all be processed.

  3. Run the following Docker command:

    docker run -p 8002:8002 -v $PWD/custom_files:/custom_files ghcr.io/gis-ops/docker-valhalla/valhalla:latest

    This will run the valhalla Docker image, exposing port 8002 and mapping the custom_files subdirectory to /custom_files inside the container. Full docs for the Docker image are available here.

  4. You’ll see various bits of output as Valhalla processes the OSM extract, and eventually the output will stop appearing and the API server will start.

  5. Visit http://localhost:8002 and you should see an error – this is totally expected, it is just telling you that you haven’t used one of the valid API endpoints. This shows that the server is running properly.

  6. Start using the API. See the documentation for instructions on what to pass the API.

Once you’ve got the server running, it’s quite easy to call the API from Python and get the resulting route geometries as Shapely LineString objects. These can easily be put into a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame. For example:

import urllib import requests from pypolyline.cutil import decode_polyline # Set up the API request parameters - in this case, from one point # to another, via car data = {"locations":[ {"lat":from_lat,"lon":from_lon},{"lat":to_lat,"lon":to_lon}], "costing":"auto"} # Convert to JSON and make the URL path = f"http://localhost:8002/route?json={urllib.parse.quote(json.dumps(data))}" # Get the URL resp = requests.get(path) # Extract the geometry of the route (ie. the line from start to end point) # This is in the polyline format that needs decoding polyline = bytes(resp.json()['trip']['legs'][0]['shape'], 'utf8') # Decode the polyline decoded_coords = decode_polyline(polyline, 6) # Convert to a shapely LineString geom = shapely.LineString(decoded_coords)

To run this, you’ll need to install pypolyline and requests.

Note that you need to pass a second parameter of 6 into decode_polyline or you’ll get nonsense out (this parameter tells it that it is in polyline6 format, which seems to not be documented particularly well in the Valhalla documentation). Also, I’m sure there is a better way of passing JSON in a URL parameter using requests, but I couldn’t find it – whatever I did I got a JSON parsing error back from the API. The urllib.parse.quote(json.dumps(data)) code was the simplest thing I found that worked.

This code could easily be extended to work with multi-leg routes, to extract other data like the length or duration of the route, and more. The Docker image can also do more, like load public transport information, download OSM files itself and even more – see the docs for more on this.

Check back soon to see how I used this for some cool map-based art.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Guido Günther: Free Software Activities March 2024

Planet Debian - Wed, 2024-04-03 06:12

A short status update of what happened on my side last month. I spent quiet a bit of time reviewing new, code (thanks!) as well as maintenance to keep things going but we also have some improvements:

Phosh Phoc phosh-mobile-settings phosh-osk-stub gmobile Livi squeekboard GNOME calls Libsoup

If you want to support my work see donations.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Tag1 Consulting: Drupal Core Test Suite Improved Runtime By 10% With Gander

Planet Drupal - Wed, 2024-04-03 05:00

The Drupal community has continuously sought ways to enhance the performance and efficiency of Drupal sites. The performance testing framework Gander has been part of Drupal core since version 10.2. The result of joint efforts between the Google Chrome team and Tag1 Consulting, this powerful tool is specifically designed to optimize Drupal performance. Optimized performance ensures that sites are not only fast but also efficient and sustainable. Today, we will take a closer look at how Gander played a crucial role in improving the Drupal core test suite runtime by 10%. ## Identifying A Core Performance Issue Gander's impact on Drupal development was recently highlighted by its identification of a performance issue within Drupal core. The issue (#3410312) reported a particular code section being called redundantly during automated test runs and on live websites, resulting in delays. ### The Bottleneck Identified Drupal is designed to use the flood system for user logins. It first checks if a flood protection table exists in the database. If it does not exist, Drupal postpones the creation of the table until it needs to write to it instead of creating the missing table immediately. What can happen is...

Read more janez Wed, 04/03/2024 - 02:00
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Joey Hess: reflections on distrusting xz

Planet Debian - Wed, 2024-04-03 04:48

Was the ssh backdoor the only goal that "Jia Tan" was pursuing with their multi-year operation against xz?

I doubt it, and if not, then every fix so far has been incomplete, because everything is still running code written by that entity.

If we assume that they had a multilayered plan, that their every action was calculated and malicious, then we have to think about the full threat surface of using xz. This quickly gets into nightmare scenarios of the "trusting trust" variety.

What if xz contains a hidden buffer overflow or other vulnerability, that can be exploited by the xz file it's decompressing? This would let the attacker target other packages, as needed.

Let's say they want to target gcc. Well, gcc contains a lot of documentation, which includes png images. So they spend a while getting accepted as a documentation contributor on that project, and get added to it a png file that is specially constructed, it has additional binary data appended that exploits the buffer overflow. And instructs xz to modify the source code that comes later when decompressing gcc.tar.xz.

More likely, they wouldn't bother with an actual trusting trust attack on gcc, which would be a lot of work to get right. One problem with the ssh backdoor is that well, not all servers on the internet run ssh. (Or systemd.) So webservers seem a likely target of this kind of second stage attack. Apache's docs include png files, nginx does not, but there's always scope to add improved documentation to a project.

When would such a vulnerability have been introduced? In February, "Jia Tan" wrote a new decoder for xz. This added 1000+ lines of new C code across several commits. So much code and in just the right place to insert something like this. And why take on such a significant project just two months before inserting the ssh backdoor? "Jia Tan" was already fully accepted as maintainer, and doing lots of other work, it doesn't seem to me that they needed to start this rewrite as part of their cover.

They were working closely with xz's author Lasse Collin in this, by indications exchanging patches offlist as they developed it. So Lasse Collin's commits in this time period are also worth scrutiny, because they could have been influenced by "Jia Tan". One that caught my eye comes immediately afterwards: "prepares the code for alternative C versions and inline assembly" Multiple versions and assembly mean even more places to hide such a security hole.

I stress that I have not found such a security hole, I'm only considering what the worst case possibilities are. I think we need to fully consider them in order to decide how to fully wrap up this mess.

Whether such stealthy security holes have been introduced into xz by "Jia Tan" or not, there are definitely indications that the ssh backdoor was not the end of what they had planned.

For one thing, the "test file" based system they introduced was extensible. They could have been planning to add more test files later, that backdoored xz in further ways.

And then there's the matter of the disabling of the Landlock sandbox. This was not necessary for the ssh backdoor, because the sandbox is only used by the xz command, not by liblzma. So why did they potentially tip their hand by adding that rogue "." that disables the sandbox?

A sandbox would not prevent the kind of attack I discuss above, where xz is just modifying code that it decompresses. Disabling the sandbox suggests that they were going to make xz run arbitrary code, that perhaps wrote to files it shouldn't be touching, to install a backdoor in the system.

Both deb and rpm use xz compression, and with the sandbox disabled, whether they link with liblzma or run the xz command, a backdoored xz can write to any file on the system while dpkg or rpm is running and noone is likely to notice, because that's the kind of thing a package manager does.

My impression is that all of this was well planned and they were in it for the long haul. They had no reason to stop with backdooring ssh, except for the risk of additional exposure. But they decided to take that risk, with the sandbox disabling. So they planned to do more, and every commit by "Jia Tan", and really every commit that they could have influenced needs to be distrusted.

This is why I've suggested to Debian that they revert to an earlier version of xz. That would be my advice to anyone distributing xz.

I do have a xz-unscathed fork which I've carefully constructed to avoid all "Jia Tan" involved commits. It feels good to not need to worry about dpkg and tar. I only plan to maintain this fork minimally, eg security fixes. Hopefully Lasse Collin will consider these possibilities and address them in his response to the attack.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Talking Drupal: Skills Upgrade #5

Planet Drupal - Wed, 2024-04-03 04:00

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 5.

  • Review Chad's goals for the previous week

    • .gitignore
    • Field Example module
    • Plugin API
    • Drupaal 10 Masterclass book
  • Review Chad's questions

    • Field Example follow up
  • Tasks for the upcoming week

    • Examples module: js_example module
      • js_example.libraries.yml
      • hook_theme() implementation in js_example.module
      • JsExampleController
      • template files

.gitignore Drupal 10 Masterclass Modernizing Drupal 10 Theme Development Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes

The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification-catalog/


AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick


Chad Hester - chadkhester.com @chadkhest Mike Anello - DrupalEasy.com @ultimike

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Kubuntu Brand Graphic Design Contest Deadline Extended!

Planet KDE - Wed, 2024-04-03 01:28

We’re thrilled to announce that due to the incredible engagement and enthusiasm from our community, the Kubuntu Council has decided to extend the submission deadline for the Kubuntu Brand Graphic Design Contest! Originally set to close at 23:59 on March 31, 2024, we’re giving you more time to unleash your creativity and submit your designs. The new deadline is now set for 23:59 on Saturday, 6th April 2024.

The decision comes in response to multiple requests from community members who are keen on participating but needed a bit more time to polish their submissions. We’ve been overwhelmed by the vibrant community response so far and are eager to see more of your innovative designs that embody the spirit of Kubuntu.

New Timeline:
  • Extended Submission Deadline: 23:59, Saturday, 6th April 2024
  • Review by Kubuntu Council: Sunday, 7th April 2024
  • Announcement of Results: Monday, 8th April 2024, at 20:00 UTC

The results will be announced via an update on the Kubuntu website, so stay tuned!

This extension is our way of saying thank you for the incredible effort and participation from the Kubuntu community. We want to ensure that everyone who wishes to contribute has the opportunity to do so. Whether you’re putting the finishing touches on your design or just getting started, now is your chance to be part of shaping the visual future of Kubuntu.

We look forward to seeing your creative concepts and designs. Let’s make this contest a showcase of the talent and passion that defines our community. Good luck to all participants, and thank you for making Kubuntu not just a powerful Linux distribution, but a vibrant community as well.

For contest details, submission guidelines, and to submit your work, visit the official Kubuntu Brand Graphic Design Contest page on our website. Let’s create something amazing together!

The Kubuntu Council

Additional Information may be found in the original Kubuntu Graphic Design Contest Post

Apply now: Contest Page

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Local environment for Acquia Site Factory

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-04-02 23:19

The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how to set up a best practice local environment for Drupal multisite, including on Acquia Site Factory:

  1. Configure Lando to support wildcard DNS.
  2. In settings.php, set an "App ID" to use in code for a specific multisite in any environment.
  3. In settings.php, set database, public files, memcache prefix, Solr core, and other settings per "App ID".
  4. Configure Drush aliases per multisite and per environment.
  5. Write bash scripts to push and pull sites using these aliases.
  1. Configure Lando with wildcard DNS

    Lando is a docker orchestration framework for development environments.


Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Salsa Digital: Splash Awards 2024

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-04-02 20:14
The categories The Splash Awards categories for 2024 were: Corporate Government (Federal) Government (State/local) Open source An overall winner Congratulations to all the winners, runner-ups and nominees! Salsa is proud to have three nominees ( GovCMS , Bendigo Courts and Drupal360 ) and one runner-up, wa.gov.au .
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Matt Layman: NATS: Connecting Apps Over a Network Easily

Planet Python - Tue, 2024-04-02 20:00
NATS is an awesome open source technology to help connect code together over a network. Whether you’re build a distributed microservice architecture or connecting IoT devices, NATS provides the tools you need to do that easily. In this talk, you’ll learn about NATS via a presentation with plenty of live coding examples.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Arnaud Rebillout: Firefox: Moving from the Debian package to the Flatpak app (long-term?)

Planet Debian - Tue, 2024-04-02 20:00

First, thanks to Samuel Henrique for giving notice of recent Firefox CVEs in Debian testing/unstable.

At the time I didn't want to upgrade my system (Debian Sid) due to the ongoing t64 transition transition, so I decided I could install the Firefox Flatpak app instead, and why not stick to it long-term?

This blog post details all the steps, if ever others want to go the same road.

Flatpak Installation

Disclaimer: this section is hardly anything more than a copy/paste of the official documentation, and with time it will get outdated, so you'd better follow the official doc.

First thing first, let's install Flatpak:

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install flatpak

Then the next step is to add the Flathub remote repository, from where we'll get our Flatpak applications:

$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

And that's all there is to it! Now come the optional steps.

For GNOME and KDE users, you might want to install a plugin for the software manager specific to your desktop, so that it can support and manage Flatpak apps:

$ which -s gnome-software && sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak $ which -s plasma-discover && sudo apt install plasma-discover-backend-flatpak

And here's an additional check you can do, as it's something that did bite me in the past: missing xdg-portal-* packages, that are required for Flatpak applications to communicate with the desktop environment. Just to be sure, you can check the output of apt search '^xdg-desktop-portal' to see what's available, and compare with the output of dpkg -l | grep xdg-desktop-portal.

As you can see, if you're a GNOME or KDE user, there's a portal backend for you, and it should be installed. For reference, this is what I have on my GNOME desktop at the moment:

$ dpkg -l | grep xdg-desktop-portal | awk '{print $2}' xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gnome xdg-desktop-portal-gtk Install the Firefox Flatpak app

This is trivial, but still, there's a question I've always asked myself: should I install applications system-wide (aka. flatpak --system, the default) or per-user (aka. flatpak --user)? Turns out, this questions is answered in the Flatpak documentation:

Flatpak commands are run system-wide by default. If you are installing applications for day-to-day usage, it is recommended to stick with this default behavior.

Armed with this new knowledge, let's install the Firefox app:

$ flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox

And that's about it! We can give it a go already:

$ flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox Data migration

At this point, running Firefox via Flatpak gives me an "empty" Firefox. That's not what I want, instead I want my usual Firefox, with a gazillion of tabs already opened, a few extensions, bookmarks and so on.

As it turns out, Mozilla provides a brief doc for data migration, and it's as simple as moving Firefox data directory around!

To clarify, we'll be copying data:

  • from ~/.mozilla/ -- where the Firefox Debian package stores its data
  • into ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/ -- where the Firefox Flatpak app stores its data

Make sure that all Firefox instances are closed, then proceed:

# BEWARE! Below I'm erasing data! $ rm -fr ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/firefox/ $ cp -a ~/.mozilla/firefox/ ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/

To avoid confusing myself, it's also a good idea to rename the local data directory:

$ mv ~/.mozilla/firefox ~/.mozilla/firefox.old.$(date --iso-8601=date)

At this point, flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox takes me to my "usual" everyday Firefox, with all its tabs opened, pinned, bookmarked, etc.

More integration?

After following all the steps above, I must say that I'm 99% happy. So far, everything works as before, I didn't hit any issue, and I don't even notice that Firefox is running via Flatpak, it's completely transparent.

So where's the 1% of unhappiness? The « Run a Command » dialog from GNOME, the one that shows up via the keyboard shortcut <Alt+F2>. This is how I start my GUI applications, and I usually run two Firefox instances in parallel (one for work, one for personal), using the firefox -p <profile> command.

Given that I ran apt purge firefox before (to avoid confusing myself with two installations of Firefox), now the right (and only) way to start Firefox from a command-line is to type flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox -p <profile>. Typing that every time is way too cumbersome, so I need something quicker.

Seems like the most straightforward is to create a wrapper script:

$ cat /usr/local/bin/firefox #!/bin/sh exec flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox "$@"

And now I can just hit <Alt+F2> and type firefox -p <profile> to start Firefox with the profile I want, just as before. Neat!

Looking forward: system updates

I usually update my system manually every now and then, via the well-known pair of commands:

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt full-upgrade

The downside of introducing Flatpak, ie. introducing another package manager, is that I'll need to learn new commands to update the software that comes via this channel.

Fortunately, there's really not much to learn. From flatpak-update(1):

flatpak update [OPTION...] [REF...]

Updates applications and runtimes. [...] If no REF is given, everything is updated, as well as appstream info for all remotes.

Could it be that simple? Apparently yes, the Flatpak equivalent of the two apt commands above is just:

$ flatpak update

Going forward, my options are:

  1. Teach myself to run flatpak update additionally to apt update, manually, everytime I update my system.
  2. Go crazy: let something automatically update my Flatpak apps, in my back and without my consent.

I'm actually tempted to go for option 2 here, and I wonder if GNOME Software will do that for me, provided that I installed gnome-software-plugin-flatpak, and that I checked « Software Updates -> Automatic » in the Settings (which I did).

However, I didn't find any documentation regarding what this setting really does, so I can't say if it will only download updates, or if it will also install it. I'd be happy if it automatically installs new version of Flatpak apps, but at the same time I'd be very unhappy if it automatically upgrades my Debian system...

So we'll see. Enough for today, hope this blog post was useful!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Dirk Eddelbuettel: ulid 0.3.1 on CRAN: New Maintainer, Some Polish

Planet Debian - Tue, 2024-04-02 19:14

Happy to share that ulid is now (back) on CRAN. It provides universally unique identifiers that are lexicographically sortable, which improves over the more well-known uuid generators.

ulid is a neat little package put together by Bob Rudis a few years ago. It had recently drifted off CRAN so I offered to brush it up and re-submit it. And as tooted earlier today, it took just over an hour to finish that (after the lead up work I had done, including prior email with CRAN in the loop, the repo transfer from Bob’s to my ulid repo plus of course a wee bit of actual maintenance; see below for more).

The NEWS entry follows.

Changes in version 0.3.1 (2024-04-02)
  • New Maintainer

  • Deleted several repository files no longer used or needed

  • Added .editorconfig, ChangeLog and cleanup

  • Converted NEWS.md to NEWS.Rd

  • Simplified R/ directory to one source file

  • Simplified src/ removing redundant Makevars

  • Added ulid() alias

  • Updated / edited roxygen and README.md documention

  • Removed vignette which was identical to README.md

  • Switched continuous integration to GitHub Actions

  • Placed upstream (header-only) library into src/ulid/

  • Renamed single interface file to src/wrapper

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: For Drupal to Remain Well and Alive: An Exclusive Conversation with Tim Doyle

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-04-02 17:09
Discover the future of Drupal and the open-source community in our exclusive interview with Tim Doyle, CEO of the Drupal Association. Learn about the innovative Open Web Alliance, Drupal's journey as a Digital Public Good, and the strategic plans shaping the platform's future. Dive into Tim's vision for a collaborative, inclusive, and technologically advanced Drupal ecosystem that champions the open web. Don't miss these insightful revelations and strategies set to redefine the landscape of open-source content management systems.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
