
Awesome Python Applications: napar

Planet Python - Sat, 2024-06-29 05:15

napar: A fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for annotation and analysis of large images.


Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Awesome Python Applications: Plane

Planet Python - Sat, 2024-06-29 05:11

Plane: Modern, self-hostable issue and product roadmap tracker. An alternative to JIRA, Linear, and Asana.


Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Awesome Python Applications: Codex

Planet Python - Sat, 2024-06-29 04:59

Codex: Self-hostable comic archive browser and reader.


Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russ Allbery: Review: Bitter Angels

Planet Debian - Fri, 2024-06-28 22:42

Review: Bitter Angels, by C.L. Anderson

Publisher: Ballantine Books Copyright: 2009 ISBN: 0-553-59217-3 Format: Mass market Pages: 438

Bitter Angels is a stand-alone science fiction novel. It won the Philip K. Dick award for best SF original paperback in 2010. C.L. Anderson is a pen name for Sarah Zettel.

Terese was a Guardian, one of the agents of the Pax Solaris who find ways to keep the peace in troubled systems and high-stress situations with the help of an implanted Companion, an assistant AI. Forty years ago, on one of those missions, she was captured and her Companion was forcibly removed. She was rescued by her friend and mentor and retired afterwards, starting a new life and a new family, trying to leave the memories behind.

Now, the woman who rescued her is dead. She was murdered on duty in the Erasmus system, a corporate hellhole that appears to be on the verge of exploding into a political hot spot. Bianca's last instructions asked for Terese to replace her. Terese's family is furious at her for even considering returning to the Guardians, but she can't say no. Duty, and Bianca's dying request, call too strongly.

Amerand is Security on Dazzle, one of the Erasmus stations. He is one of the refugees from Oblivion, the station that the First Bloods who rule the system let die. He keeps his head above water and tries to protect his father and find his mother without doing anything that the ever-present Clerks might find concerning. Keeping an eye on newly-arriving Solaris saints is a typical assignment, since the First Bloods don't trust the meddling do-gooders. But something is not quite right, and a cryptic warning from his Clerk makes him even more suspicious.

This is the second book by Sarah Zettel that I've read, and both of them have been tense, claustrophobic thrillers set in a world with harsh social inequality and little space for the characters to maneuver. In this case, the structure of her future universe reminded me a bit of Iain M. Banks's Culture, but with less advanced technology and only humans. The Pax Solaris has eliminated war within its borders and greatly extended lifespans. That peace is maintained by Guardians, who play a role similar to Special Circumstances but a bit more idealist and less lethal. They show up where there are problems and meddle, manipulating and pushing to try to defuse the problems before they reach the Pax Solaris.

Like a Culture novel, nearly all of the action takes place outside the Pax Solaris in the Erasmus system. Erasmus is a corporate colony that has turned into a cross between a hereditary dictatorship and the Corporate Rim from Martha Wells's Murderbot series. Debt slavery is ubiquitous, economic inequality is inconceivably vast, and the Clerks are everywhere. Erasmus natives like Amerand have very little leeway and even fewer options. Survival is a matter of not drawing the attention of the wrong people. Terese and her fellow Guardians are appalled, but also keenly aware that destabilizing the local politics may make the situation even worse and get a lot of people killed.

Bitter Angels is structured like a mystery: who killed Bianca, and what was her plan when she was killed? Unlike a lot of books of this type, the villains are not idiots and their plan is both satisfyingly complex and still depressingly relevant. I don't think I'm giving anything away by saying that I have read recent news articles about people with very similar plans, albeit involving less science-fiction technology. Anderson starts with a tense situation and increases the pressure relentlessly, leaving the heroes one step behind the villains for almost the entire novel. It is not happy or optimistic reading — at times, the book is quite dark — but it certainly was engrossing.

The one world-building quibble that I had is that the Erasmus system is portrayed partly as a hydraulic empire, and while this is arguably feasible given that spaceship travel is strictly controlled, it seemed like a weird choice given the prevalence of water on the nearby moons. Water smuggling plays a significant role in the plot, and I wasn't entirely convinced of the politics and logistics behind it. If this sort of thing bugs you, there are some pieces that may require suspension of disbelief.

Bitter Angels is the sort of tense thriller where catastrophe is barely avoided and the cost of victory is too high, so you will want to be in the mood for that before you dive in. But if that's what you're looking for, I thought Anderson delivered a complex and satisfying story.

Content warning: major character suicide.

Rating: 7 out of 10

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Spinning Code: Knowing When to Ask for Help

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 21:53

One of the skills everyone needs to have is asking for help. Whether that’s in our work, our education, or our personal lives, we all need help from time to time. We are focused on work here, but this same basic rules apply in all aspects of our lives.

The right time to ask for help is, like so many things, a balancing act. Struggling through a complex issue can be a great way to learn something new. But often we can short cut that learning by simply asking the right questions at the right time.

On the flip side, if we ask too early not only do we risk missing a chance to build deep understanding, we also risk frustrating colleagues by asking them to do our job.

One short cut for when you need to ask for help is if another team member asks if you have already asked. Generally, I want to have called for support before my PM suggests it. By then they are frustrated that I haven’t already solved whatever the issue is solo.

Signs You Might Need Help

Given my current role and skill set, I’m often the person who gets called when a project goes sideways. That means I see a lot of places where someone didn’t call for help until they were in crisis. While that’s going to happen to us all from time to time, it’s better to call for help when the problem is small. If you want until the project starts burning down around you, it’s way too late.

You might need help if:

  • You have absolutely no idea what to do next.
  • You are about to re-design a large portion of your project to get around a challenge.
  • You have spent more than a day pounding on a problem without success.
  • You are avoiding working on a task, because you don’t know how to get started.
  • You are about to use a mode/tool/technique that everyone says is a bad idea.
    • In Salesforce that can mean things like:
      • loading data in serial mode
      • setting batch size to 1
      • using view all data in your tests.
    • In Drupal that can mean things like:
      • hacking a module
      • loading data in the theme layer
      • writing raw SQL queries
What to do Before Asking for Help

As I said before, asking for help is a balance: you can wait too long, or you can ask too soon. The real trick is hitting the sweet spot.

There are several things you should always do before taking another person’s time.

  • Google It! I kinda can’t believe I have to say that, but not everyone bothers.
  • Make sure you can explain the question clearly. If you don’t know where you got stuck, how can I help you get unstuck? And thinking it through might make the answer obvious.
  • Develop a theory. When asking for help, it can be useful to pose a theory about an approach. Even if you’re wrong it may help me understand your thinking.
  • Try a few things. Experimenting with what’s going wrong can help you formulate your question, and may help me short cut my research if you have eliminated obvious issues.
  • Explain the problem to your dog, cat, rabbit, stuff animal, etc. As someone who spends time being a human rubber duck, I can often tell when someone tried to explain it once already.
Where/Who to Ask for Help

For me, the hardest part is knowing who to ask.

As a consultant I try to avoid asking questions in places clients may see it. Our clients pay for us to be experts, they do not want to see us asking questions in public – particularly if the question has a simple answer.

As a Salesforce MVP, one of my favorite perks is the MVP Slack channel, where we ask each other questions that run the full range of complexity. While access to a community that hard to access, and that advanced, is a privilege there are other ways to find similar groups like your local user group.

I love having a good internal network of people to ask for help. Most of the places I have worked at as a consultant have had some kind of information place to ask questions and help each other out. If you work in a consultancy find or create such a back channel.

If concerns about being seen by clients isn’t relevant to you, check out this list of 7 Salesforce Communities to Join recommended by Salesforce Ben.

Help Build a Helpful Community

The final thing to know about asking for help, is that it’s important to offer help as well. A good question can be valuable to someone else who has the same issue in the future. A good answer is helpful to both the person who asked the question and the person who looks again in the future.

But offering answers, even if not perfect answers, is a great way to learn and encourage others to seek help. Any time I post a question on Stack Exchange, I try to hunt around for one or two to answer as well. That both allows me to pay it forward, it also helps encourage the tone that people can be experts in one thing while still needing help in another.

Smart people need help, and should be comfortable asking for it.

The post Knowing When to Ask for Help appeared first on Spinning Code.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

This week in KDE: everything, I think

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-06-28 20:18

We spent an enormous amount of time working on bug-fixing and polishing tasks for Plasma 6.1 this week. It was a big release, and there were some rough edges around the new edit mode. So we put quite a bit of time into making it integrate more seamlessly with the other existing modes, and generally polishing it up. Other areas of focus included panels and the system tray, especially when using non-default settings. We made a lot of big changes under the hood for Plasma 6.1 that had some negative consequences, so we’re working to fix things as quickly as we can.

As part of this initiative, we’ve driven the number of high priority Plasma bugs to a new record low: 29! This is the first time it’s ever dipped below 30, which I find very exciting! We’re really getting there.

After bug-fixing, we started working on user interface polish for Plasma 6.2. At this point new features are mostly still cooking, but a lot of subtle improvements have already started to land — complete with screenshots below!

New Features

Plasma now supports Enhanced Open (OWE) Wi-Fi security (Fabian Vogt, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

In KWin’s new (off-by-default) “Hide Cursor” effect, you can now turn off hiding it after inactivity, and only hide it while typing (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

UI Improvements

Okular now provides you more information about the validity of a document’s cryptographic signatures (Sune Vuorela, Okular 24.08.0. Link)

When shaking the cursor to expand it, it’s now nice and crisp when using one of the default Breeze cursor themes. Note that It’ll still be pixelated when using a 3rd-party cursor theme until we can implement general support for SVG cursor theming and encourage 3rd-party theme artists to use it (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.1.1. Link):

In KWin’s Overview effect, the labels showing windows’ titles are now more legible (Akseli Lahtinen, Plasma 6.1.2. Link):

The Ocean and Oxygen sound themes now include bell sounds, so our automatic “make the system bell not not make you want to commit homicide” transformer can get its sound from those themes, and not just the fallback FreeDesktop sound theme (me: Nate Graham and Guilherme Marçal Silva, Plasma 6.1.2. Link 1 and link 2)

We’ve given another go at the idea of using the same “Open With” UI everywhere — this time including the terminal and script options that were missing last time and caused us to revert it (Harald Sitter, Plasma 6.2.0. Link 1 and link 2):

Discover now shows you a clear error message when the PackageKit daemon is broken or crashy instead of an ambiguous-to-misleading message, and also gives you a handy button you can use to submit a bug report for your distro to gently nudge them to actually care about PackageKit support (Harald Sitter, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Plasma’s Lock/Logout widget now has a “Show logout screen” option, bringing back the capability to see a screen with all the options. And now it replaces the previous “shut down” action, restoring the default user experience it had in Plasma 6.0 and earlier: a lock button and a button to show all the session-ending options, with “Shut Down” pre-selected. You can still customize the widget to show whatever you want, of course (Thomas Carmichael, and me: Nate Graham, Plasma 6.2.0. Link 1 and link 2)

Clarified the UI option to confirm shutdown, reboot, and logout, and also changed the old ambiguous “Leave…” text to “Show Logout Screen”, which is clearer (me: Nate Graham, Plasma 6.2.0. Link 1 and link 2):

You can now set the key repeat rate to 200 characters per second, up from the old maximum value of 100 (Vladimir Brik, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

On System Settings’ Search page, indexing status is now shown in a footer, so it doesn’t cause UI elements to jump around while indexing (me: Nate Graham Plasma 6.2.0. Link):

On System Settings’ Touchpad page, the “Disable while typing” effect now warns you that it might break video games while in use (me: Nate Graham, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Plasma’s Power and Battery widget now tells you when power profiles aren’t available because power saving is being handled by the alternative TLP utility (Bohdan Onofriichuk, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

On System Settings’ Bluetooth page, blocked devices are now listed in their own section, and we also show a contextual help button to help you understand what “blocked” means in this context (Ivan Tkachenko, Plasma 6.2.0. Link 1 and link 2):

The crash reporter dialog now has a “Finish” button in the corner that activates once it’s all done, so it’s more obvious when and how you can get rid of it (Engin Karakurt, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

When using a custom accent color, Breeze folder icons no longer turn all white or all black when selected in various contexts; instead their background colors will just be tinted a little bit (Marco Martin and Carl Schwan, Frameworks 6.4. Link):

Bug Fixes

Fixed two regression in KCalc that would cause it to crash when hitting the backspace key and broke input chaining (Gabriel Barrantes, KCalc 24.05.2. Link 1 and link 2)

Fixed a regression that caused Plasma’s Icons-and-Text Task Manager widgets to not actually show text anymore on a thick vertical panel (Marco Martin, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed a regression that could cause Plasma’s System Tray to temporarily disappear when you quit an app playing media while the System Tray’s Media Player widget was active (Marco Martin, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed a visual regression in Plasma’s icons-and-text task manager’s multi-row mode (Ismael Asensio, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed a regression that caused Plasma panels’ Adaptive opacity mode to not work properly with certain types of window resizing actions, panel orientations, and visibility states (Fushan Wen, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed a KWin regression that broke multi-monitor support in the popular Polonium tiling script (Alik Aslanyan, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed a regression that caused newly-created blank System Monitor widgets to be broken until Plasma was restarted once (Arjen Hiemstra, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed an odd interaction in Plasma’s new edit mode that could cause it to undesirably exit when the widget explorer was closed (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the displayed brightness percentage to drift out of sync between the System tray widget and the OSD, and also make the slider kinda laggy (Jakob Petsovits, Plasma 6.1.1. Link 1 and link 2)

In case you’d noticed a tiny, barely detectable horizontal line in the top-left corner of Plasma widgets, it’s gone now (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed a case where KWin would crash when run on a system with very old (like, 15 years old) graphics hardware (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

Fixed a regression that broke the layout of Discover’s “Share” dialog (Aleix Pol Gonzalez, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

Fixed a regression that could cause individual widgets’ hover popups in edit mode to get covered up by the panel settings dialog under certain circumstances (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

Fixed a regression that could, under certain circumstances, cause Plasma’s “Show Alternatives” popup get stuck in the open state open and not close (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

Fixed a regression that caused the “Add Widgets…” button that appears on empty panels is to be aligned incorrectly and located in the wrong place (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

Fixed a regression that caused undoing the deletion of a panel outside of global edit mode to make it get stuck in its own panel edit mode (Marco Martin, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

Fixed an issue that could cause Plasma to freeze when a thick panel contained certain combinations of widgets with very specific popup sizes (Marco Martin, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

When System Settings is already showing a page that lives in a sub-category, using another app to open open a different page that doesn’t live in a sub-category now correctly hides the sub-category column (Matthias Tillman, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

On System Settings’ Accessibility page, the sidebar listing sub-pages now has correct hover and highlight effects (me: Nate Graham, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

When using Qt 6.8, Plasma no longer quits when you drag an app from Kickoff to the desktop (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Discover no longer crashes when you try to update a Flatpak app that has been declared end-of-life without any replacement provided. Instead you’ll be asked if you’d like to uninstall it (Harald Sitter, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Dragging a widget from one Plasma panel to another one or the desktop while in edit mode no longer causes it to get lost in a limbo state (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

If you set a global shortcut to activate a System Tray widget, it now always works, rather than only working after the first time the System Tray was opened (Marco Martin, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

The “Choose a device to send to:” text in share dialogs for KDE Connect is now always readable in every language (Ivan Tkachenko, Frameworks 6.4. Link)

Other bug information of note:

Performance & Technical

Fixed a case where KWin’s new triple buffering feature could actually make things worse with certain hardware (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

KWin now falls back to software rendering automatically when used on systems with very old (like, 15 years old) graphics hardware that supports only a limited number of OpenGL operations (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.1.1. Link)

Fixed a memory leak in Plasma caused by receiving notifications (Arjen Hiemstra, Plasma 6.1.2. Link)

Improved KWin’s robustness when using a very high refresh rate input device (like one of those blingy 127 billion hertz gamer mice), reducing the chance of apps freezing or quitting after the mouse is moved very very quickly (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

In Plasma’s clipboard, the “Keep the selection and clipboard the same” setting now works independently of the “Text selection: Always save in history” setting (Fushan Wen, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Using a stylus on Wayland now allows you to drag windows around from empty areas, when so configured (Nicolas Fella, Qt 6.7.3. Link)

Automation & Systematization

Added a test for adaptive panel opacity working properly (Fushan Wen, link)

…And Everything Else

This blog only covers the tip of the iceberg! If you’re hungry for more, check out https://planet.kde.org, where you can find more news from other KDE contributors.

How You Can Help

You probably noticed a lot of regressions got fixed! How did they sneak through? Frankly, because not enough people beta-tested Plasma 6.1. Plasma is enormous and can be used in wildly diverse ways, and there are only so many use cases that developers can notice. Automatic testing helps, and we’re getting better at this, but many features are difficult or impossible to test in an automatic fashion. Our faithful beta testers also find many regressions, but by far the majority go unnoticed until the final release. This is a problem!

If you use have multiple systems or an adventurous personality, you can really help us out by installing beta versions of Plasma using your distro’s available repos and reporting bugs. Arch, Fedora, and openSUSE Tumbleweed are examples of great distros for this purpose. So please please do try out Plasma beta versions. It really helps us! Heck, if you’re very adventurous, live on the nightly repos. I’ve been doing this full-time for 5 years with my sole computer and it’s surprisingly stable.

Does that sound too scary? Consider donating today instead! That helps too.

Otherwise, visit https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved to discover other ways to be part of a project that really matters. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE; you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to already be a programmer, either. I wasn’t when I got started. Try it, you’ll like it! We don’t bite!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Bounteous.com: Discover the Power of Drupal for Enhanced Operational Efficiency and Security for Healthcare Systems

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 18:39
Healthcare systems consistently rely on technology to provide accurate and timely care. Drupal, an integrated CMS, can help meet this goal.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Bounteous.com: A Guide to the Latest Security Updates for Drupal 7 Users

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 18:39
Discover important security updates and changes happening in Drupal 7 and how you could benefit from upgrading to Drupal 10!
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Bounteous.com: Best Practices With Composable Drupal

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 18:39
Discover how Drupal enables organizations to adapt to evolving business needs with agility and ease.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Bounteous.com: The Evolution of Drupal: Discover the Features D7 Users Are Missing Out On

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 18:39
Organizations still using Drupal 7 are missing out on the flexibility, customization options, scalability, and marketing capabilities available in the newer versions. Drupal 10 allows for the management of consistent and engaging digital experiences across various channels, enhances search engine optimization, and enables web teams to deliver content more efficiently.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

ImageX: Unlock the Incredible Diversity of Robust AI-Driven Workflows with the AI Interpolator Module in Drupal

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 18:27

Authored by Nadiia Nykolaichuk.

It seems like yesterday that people started cautiously embracing artificial intelligence with admiration, surprise, or even fear. Technology rushes forward, multiplying the number of potential ways to use AI on your website to streamline your workflows.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

About My Part in the Creation of the Plasma 6.1 Wallpaper "Reef"

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-06-28 14:33

(German version of this article: https://wordsmith.social/felixernst/mein-anteil-an-der-erstellung-des-hintergrundbildes-von-plasma-6-1-reef)

Plasma 5

A short recap: In Plasma 5 we predominantly had wallpapers with geometric features. They showed digital representations of nature or were completely abstract, which I never really liked. Perhaps that was trendy for a while, or maybe technical Linux users enjoy such wallpapers, which are quite obviously made using a computer. However, these days, we do not only offer the best package of security, privacy, usability, and power for tech enthusiasts, but for everyone. Therefore, it is in my opinion important that our wallpapers represent not just what we stand for but also what we want to enable. In the best case, we enthuse a broad public this way. We should move on from the purely technical towards what is human and incorporate the creative, inventive, or artistic, which will always be absent from machines. A down-to-earth example of this are wallpapers that look like they could be painted on a simple piece of paper.

Plasma 6.0

For the MegaRelease and Plasma 6.0 KDE arranged a competition for the next wallpaper. There was a jury, and even though I had no part in any of this, I was in full agreement with the jury about the winning image “Scarlet Tree”: As far as I know, the winning artist never made a public appearance and the only thing I know of them is their pseudonym “axo1otl”, under which the wallpaper was published. As far as I know, the communication with them was handled by Niccolò Venerandi.

Plasma 6.1

From then on, the release of Plasma 6.1 was inching closer. One could ask: Do we really need a new wallpaper for every new version?

Ask our Promo Team and they will say: Yes, of course!

The reason for this is that we want to show images of the new Plasma version, but not every new Plasma version includes changes to the default user interface. That would be quite annoying if we moved around buttons or changed the design two times a year!

But when we change the wallpaper, it becomes obvious: This is a new version. That wallpaper then moreso represents all the changes that happened below the surface.

Additionally. a new pretty image obviously also brings some colour and variety into the users' lives, if they haven't already switched their wallpaper themselves.

The plan was to keep the wallpaper for Plasma 6.1 in a similar style as the Plasma 6.0 one. The same artist “axo1otl” painted another picture for us. Unfortunately, we only got to see it somewhat late:

The Visual Design Group was not enthralled by it. The image is quite full, and therefore some of us thought that it was not suitable as a wallpaper. This reluctance was strong enough that people started discussing what we could use as a wallpaper instead, even though we did not have much time to make a decision.

I thought the image was good enough, but I was in a minority with that opinion. However, there was no quick way to find a popular replacement either. Some suggestions went back to our old geometric abstract style from Plasma 5 times.

Additionally, the picture was a bit too pretty to simply drop it. So there were attempts to edit the “Reef” wallpaper in a way that might fit our purpose.


Niccolò used blur: Oliver Beard from Wales moved some of the elements of the painting out of the frame, so the whole wallpaper would become more calm, like a backdrop: This was considered a step in the right direction.

Niccolò then combined both strategies: While watching these experiments, I noticed that the possibilities for adaptations were very restricted because nobody dared to personally add anything to the picture. That is why the reefs only grew in size in the images. Nobody made them smaller because it would mean creating empty space which would then need to be filled e.g. by adding new sand.

I already saw a future before us in which the time constraints would force us to publish such a hastily-constructed adaptation that hides or obscures many nice details of the original artwork. All that because we would not know how to help ourselves.

I did not want that to happen. I felt like I might and should perhaps be able to help here.

The thing is, I tend to work on the Dolphin file manager and regularly dive into the depths of its source code, so I know a thing or two about underwater landscapes. After all, I have been to two Dolphin meetings in the Mediterranean Sea in the last two years: At Barcelona and at Thessaloniki.

So I started editing the painting myself:

My plan was to make room so the image would seem more serene. Viewers should no longer feel like they are in the middle of a lively coral reef and more like they are wandering through the open sea. By moving the right reef to a new middleground and shrinking the castle, the depths and distances in the image grew. After some initial positive feedback, I added more and more of the missing elements.

Some contributors in the Visual Design Group did not like that the path at the bottom of the image did not lead to the castle anymore. To others, the path was generally an undesirable element which should be removed. I bent the visible end of it towards the castle:

The waves in the upper half of the images also needed to be completed. There were big holes where the two castle towers used to be.

The image above was the result of me working until 4 a.m. I only concluded once I considered the image good enough that I could honestly advocate for it to be a Plasma wallpaper. I hoped that my nightly work would ensure that we had a passable wallpaper ready in time for the Plasma 6.1 release.

When I awoke the next “morning,” I addressed feedback from the group. More people had voiced the opinion that they did not like the path. I had originally kept it because I tried my best to preserve as much of the original vision and technique of “axo1otl” as possible given my other changes.

Granted, the goal of this exercise was to make the wallpaper more calming. Removing elements goes hand in hand with that. It turned out that, for some, the path did not look like it was even leading to the castle. Others did not imagine themselves as wanderers on the path when they viewed the image.

So I removed it and also used that opportunity to improve the sand at the bottom edge of the screen so it would be closer in style to the sand I did not paint.

Finally, everyone was somewhat content with this. It might not be one of our best wallpapers of all time, but considering the time constraints it did not make a lot of sense to discuss this further.

However, we wanted to ensure that the original artist “axo1otl” was fine with the changes. The image would be published under their pseudonym after all.

The image was sent to them, and within one or two days they made a few final adjustments:

And what can I say? I like the changes. Better shadows and the drawing style of the water and sand I added were adjusted so one could no longer tell that they were painted by a different person. For this, some gradual colour transitions were replaced by discretely coloured steps.

So everything was fine and well, except the path reappeared. More generally, it seemed to me like the image was not based on my final version but on the one before that.

I might not know what happened there, but for me this was fine. Not everyone liked that the path reappeared, but considering that this is a rather minor detail, there was hardly any criticism.


And then we released Plasma 6.1. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the new wallpaper did not make it into the release! I will not elaborate on this topic, but I obviously was not happy to read that.

Furthermore, I noticed that the wallpaper that we nevertheless offered as a separate download was not the version “axo1otl” had sent us. It was my latest version. I hope “axo1otl” is not upset about that, but as far as I know, they will not create a new wallpaper for Plasma 6.2.

I have now created another version of the wallpaper based on “axo1otl”'s final version. The picture is identical to their version, aside from me removing the path. If you do not like the path, I would say that this is the best version for you. However, there are slight compression artefacts:

Plasma 6.2

For the next Plasma version our Promo Team wants a new wallpaper. There are already efforts to ensure that we will hopefully do a better job this time around.

I have suggested the creation of a new permanent category in KDE's forum in https://invent.kde.org/teams/vdg/issues/-/issues/52#note_972957 . I would want it to be a place for everyone to upload their self-made wallpapers. Maybe there are hobby artists out there who would enjoy doing that. I hope that some of the images would be great and well-suited as wallpapers for future Plasma versions to the benefit of us and everyone.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Steinar H. Gunderson: This is how people think about security

Planet Debian - Fri, 2024-06-28 13:30

I borrowed a 3D printer with Octoprint set up, and happened to access it from work, whereupon I was greeted with a big scary message and a link to this blog post. Even though it is from 2018, there seems to be no retraction, so I figured it's an interesting insight in how people seem to think about security:

  • There is a “public internet” that is disjoint from your private network, and the only way something on the latter can be exposed to the former is if you “forward ports on your router”. (Hint: IPv6 prevalence is 45% and rising.)
  • There are no dangerous actors on your private network (e.g., nobody sets up a printer on a company network with a couple thousand hosts). Software that is safe to use on your private network can cause “a catastrophe to happen” if exposed to the internet (note that OctoPrint has now, as far as I know, passwords on by default; the linked ISC advisory is about completely open public instances).
  • There is no mention about TLS, or strong passwords. There is a mention about password rate limiting, but not that the service should be able to do that itself.
  • HTTP forwarding is safe even if port forwarding is not. Cloud(TM) forwarding is even safer. In fact, exposing your printer to a Discord channel is also a much better idea.
  • It is dangerous and difficult to have your reverse proxy on the same physical instance as the service it is proxying; it is “asking for trouble”.

I'm not against defense in depth. But I wonder if this is really what goes for best practice still, in 2024.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Web Review, Week 2024-26

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-06-28 11:52

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-26.

Chat Control and the New Panopticon - by Masayuki Hatta

Tags: tech, surveillance, privacy, cryptography, law

Very neat piece, shows quite well the problems with Chat Control like laws. It’s been postponed this time, but expect it to comeback somehow.


Cleantech has an enshittification problem

Tags: tech, politics, law

This is becoming an important industry. Regulation is needed to avoid consumers to be in a mouse trap. This is necessary to reap the benefits of those technologies.



Tags: tech, cpu, security

A new type of attack targeting the CPU indirect branch predictor.


Polyfill supply chain attack hits 100K+ sites

Tags: tech, supply-chain, security, web

This is bad for two reasons: 1) people clearly put too much trust in random CDNs to distribute their dependencies and 2) people don’t track depencendies obsolescence properly.


The People’s AI – Doc Searls Weblog

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, foss, self-hosting

This is ignoring the energy consumption aspect. That said, it is spot on regarding the social and economics aspects of those transformer models. They have to be open and self hostable.


On the Paradox of Learning to Reason from Data

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, research

Further clues that transformer models can’t learn logic from data.


Scalable MatMul-free Language Modeling

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, research

Interesting paper showing a promising path to reduce the memory and workload of transformer models. This is much more interesting than the race to the gigantic size.


Inside the tiny chip that powers Montreal subway tickets

Tags: tech, nfc, hardware

Nice reverse engineering of a NFC chip used in a disposable transportation ticket.


Local, first, forever

Tags: tech, crdt, self-hosting, privacy

Interesting approach for using CRDT through a file sync application. Probably something to see somehow generalized on traditional desktop applications.



Tags: tech, databases, tools, tests

Interesting tool for diffing database tables. Should come in handy for tests.


Performance tip: avoid unnecessary copies – Daniel Lemire’s blog

Tags: tech, performance

Interesting case, when everything else gets faster, memory copies might start to become the bottleneck.


How much memory does a call to ‘malloc’ allocates? – Daniel Lemire’s blog

Tags: tech, system, memory

If you needed to be reminded that allocating small blocks of memory is a bad idea… here is a paper explaining it.


How the STL uses explicit

Tags: tech, c++

Definitely not the rules you want to apply on your projects. Still it’s interesting to know how the STL uses explicit.


Breaking out of nested loops with generators | mathspp

Tags: tech, python

This is a useful construct in Python which is often forgotten.


The plan-execute pattern

Tags: tech, algorithm, pattern, design, architecture

A nice pattern to separate decision from actions in complex algorithms.


Fighting Faults in Distributed Systems

Tags: tech, safety, distributed, failure

A nice zine introducing the topic of faults and failures in distributed systems.


From ZeroVer to SemVer: A Comprehensive List of Versioning Schemes in Open Source | Andrew Nesbitt

Tags: tech, project-management, version-control

A nice collection of versioning schemes. I definitely didn’t know them all.


Of Psion and Symbian - by Bradford Morgan White

Tags: tech, history

Another story of precursors in the tech space. They basically invented the palmtop and spawned Symbian which was very much dominant on mobile for a while. The end of the Nokia story is a bit oversimplified for my taste just glancing over Maemo, but it is forgivable since it wasn’t the focus of this piece.


Neko: History of a Software Pet

Tags: tech, history, funny

I remember playing with this a long time again… but it’s actually even older than I suspected.


Bye for now!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

mark.ie: My Drupal Core Contributions for week-ending June 28th, 2024

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 09:24

Here's what I've been working on for my Drupal contributions this week. Thanks to Code Enigma for sponsoring the time to work on these.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: The Real Python Podcast – Episode #210: Creating a Guitar Synthesizer & Generating WAV Files With Python

Planet Python - Fri, 2024-06-28 08:00

What techniques go into synthesizing a guitar sound in Python? What higher-level programming and Python concepts can you practice while building advanced projects? This week on the show, we talk with Real Python author and core team member Bartosz Zaczyński about his recent step-by-step project, Build a Guitar Synthesizer: Play Musical Tablature in Python.

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Promet Source: How Population Size Shapes CMS Choices in Government

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-06-28 06:34
Takeaway: Government CMS preferences evolve with population size, shifting from specialized proprietary solutions for smaller entities to enterprise-level, often open-source platforms for larger ones. This shift reflects the need for greater scalability, flexibility, and advanced features as government entities grow and face more complex digital demands. NEED A CMS THAT CAN GROW WITH YOU? TALK TO OUR TEAM  
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Robin Wilson: A load of links…

Planet Python - Fri, 2024-06-28 06:14

For months now I’ve been collecting a load of links saying that I’ll get round to blogging them "soon". Well, I’m currently babysitting for a friend’s daughter (who is sleeping peacefully upstairs), so I’ve finally found time to write them up.

So, here are a load of links – a lot of them are geospatial- or data-related, but I hope you might find something here you like even if those aren’t your specialisms:

  • QGIS Visual Changelog for v3.36 – QGIS is great GIS software that I use a lot in my work. The reason this link is here though is because of their ‘visual changelog’ that they write for every new version – it is a really good way of showing what has changed in a GUI application, and does a great job of advertising the new features.
  • List of unusual units of measurement – a fascinating list from Wikipedia. I think my favourite are the barn (and outhouse/shed) and the shake – you’ll have to read the article to see what these are!
  • List of humourous units of measurement – linked from the above is this list of humourous units of measurement, including the ‘beard-second’, and the Smoot.
  • lonboard – a relatively new package for very efficiently creating interactive webmaps of geospatial data from Python. It is so much faster than geopandas.explore(), and is developing at a rapid pace. I’m using it a lot these days.
  • A new metric for measuring learning – an interesting post from Greg Wilson about the time it takes learners to realise that something was worth learning. I wonder what the values are for some things that I do a lot of – remote sensing, GIS, Python, cloud computing, cloud-native geospatial etc.
  • The first global 30-m land-cover dynamic monitoring product with fine classification system from 1985 to 2022 – an interesting dataset that I haven’t had chance to investigate in detail yet, but purports to give 30m global land cover every 5 years from 1985 and every year from 2000.
  • CyberChef – from GCHQ (yes, the UK signals intelligence agency) comes this very useful web-based tool for converting data formats, extracting data, doing basic image processing, extracting files and more. You can even build multiple tools into a ‘recipe’ or pipeline.
  • envreport – a simple Python script to report lots of information about the Python environment in a diffable form – I can see this being very useful
  • Antarctic glaciers named after satellites – seven Antarctic glaciers have been named after satellites, reflecting (ha!) the importance of satellites in monitoring Antarctica
  • MoMAColors and MetBrewer – these are color palettes derived from artwork at the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. There are some beautiful sets of colours in here (see below) which I want to use in some future data visualisations.

  • geospatial-cli – a list of geospatial command-line tools. Lots of them I knew, but there were some gems I hadn’t come across before here too.
  • map-gl-tools – a nice Javascript package to add a load of syntactic sugar to the MapLibreJS library. I’ve recently started using this library and found things quite clunky (coming from a Leaflet background) so this really helped
  • CoolWalks – a nice research paper looking at creating walking routes on the shaded side of the street for various cities
  • Writing efficient code for GeoPandas and Shapely in 2023 – a very useful notebook showing how to do things efficiently in GeoPandas in 2023. There are a load of old ways of doing things which are no longer the most efficient!
  • Inside PostGIS: Calculating Distance – a post explaining how PostGIS’s distance calculation algorithms work
  • quackosm – a Python and CLI tool for reading OpenStreetMap data using DuckDB – either for future analysis in DuckDB or for export to GeoParquet
  • Comparing odc.stac.load and stackstac for raster composite workflow – fairly self-explanatory, but it’s interesting to see the differences between two widely-used tools in the STAC ecosystem
  • Towards Flexible Data Schemas – this article shows how the flexibility of data schemes in specifications like STAC really help their adoption and use for diverse purposes
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
