
KWin Effects: The Next Generation - Akademy 2024

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-09-27 13:37

By David Edmundson

Plasma 6 saw the return of the desktop cube, but the underlying story is so much bigger. KWin gained support for an entire new infrastructure to tightly couple QtQuick with Kwin's own rendering and with Kwin's content available.

In this talk we go through the problems with the current approach, what we created, and look at what this enables creative people (like you!) to do next.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

KDE to Make Wines — Using KDE Software on Enterprise Desktops a Return on Experience - Akademy 2024

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-09-27 13:34

By Kevin Ottens

If we told you there is a company with hundreds of desktops running KDE Plasma? If we also told you they've been using it for more than 10 years? Finally, what if we told you they're in Australia and making wines? Wouldn't you be curious to know more about them and what they think of our software?

Well, good for us they do exist: they are De Bortoli Wines, an Australian winemaking company.

It turns out they became an enioka Haute Couture customer and we developed an interesting relationship. The work they pushed our way has been interesting and challenging. As such this gave us an interesting insight on how KDE software can be used and the constraint such entreprise desktops can encounter.

We ended up looking at application code like Okular, to frameworks like KIO, or even dug deeper exploring issues close to the kernel. This might give ideas of features to prioritize or tests to carry to cater to such users.

If you're interested in the enterprise desktop use case, or if you like to hear about funny bugs and wine labels, this talk will be for you.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

KDE Apps Initiative - Akademy 2024

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-09-27 13:09

By Carl Schwan

This talk is about the my new KDE Apps initiative, to try to get people to write more KDE applications. I will describe the current state of the KDE app ecosystem and explain why it is important to get more KDE apps and what we can do to improve the situation.

This will be continuation of this blog post and includes the progress made since then.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

KDE's CI and CD infrastructure - Akademy 2024

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-09-27 12:57

By Ben Cooksley, Hannah von Reth, Julius Künzel, and Volker Krause

From compiling, automated testing, linting and license verification over producing application packages for various platforms to shipping signed production releases to app stores, KDE's CI/CD system offers many ways to support you in developing software and getting it to your users.

With the migration from Jenkins to Gitlab which was concluded earlier this year, the CI/CD infrastructure not only gained new capabilities but also became more accessible for contributors to set up and customize things. In this talk, we will give an overview of the available features and how to best employ those for your application.

We will cover continuous integration (CI), that is compiling, testing and linting changes as they appear in Git or in merge requests, on all supported platforms as well as continuous delivery (CD), that is producing ready-made runnable/installable application packages in various formats, for testing individual changes or for production releases to app stores.

Finally we'll also look at current developments and future plans.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: The la_eu Site Project Takes a Step Further at Barcelona

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-09-27 10:20
Esmeralda Braad-Tijhoff, writing for The DropTimes, reports from DrupalCon Barcelona where local Drupal associations met at the BoF session led by Bjorn Brala to discuss the La_eu project. This shared codebase, used by multiple countries for their association websites, will see new features, automated updates, and monthly check-ins, streamlining collaboration and further development.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: DrupalCon Barcelona Wrap-Up: The Third and Final Day

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-09-27 09:10
Reporting from Barcelona, Giannis Kyriazopoulos of E-Sepia covers the final day of DrupalCon 2024 for The DropTimes. From exploring non-headless Drupal + React integration to crucial discussions on local community growth, the event ended with the thrilling announcement of DrupalCon 2025's host city: Vienna!
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: The Real Python Podcast – Episode #222: Using Virtual Environments in Docker & Comparing Python Dev Tools

Planet Python - Fri, 2024-09-27 08:00

Should you use a Python virtual environment in a Docker container? What are the advantages of using the same development practices locally and inside a container? Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, bringing another batch of PyCoder's Weekly articles and projects.

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Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Web Review, Week 2024-39

Planet KDE - Fri, 2024-09-27 05:41

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-39.

We have lift-off! Element X, Call and Server Suite are ready!

Tags: tech, matrix, ux

Definitely a big announcement for Matrix. Could it be the beginning of going mainstream? I suspect it’ll be now or never. I’m slightly concerned about the desktop support being apparently ignored, the UX there is far from great still.


Firefox tracks you with “privacy preserving” feature

Tags: tech, mozilla, privacy, surveillance, gdpr

It was to be expected that complaints against Mozilla could happen in Europe. They’ve been asking for it lately…


No Data Lasts Forever

Tags: tech, data, culture, history, ecology

Excellent piece, we’re a civilisation whose culture is built on shifting sands and… toy plastics. Guess what will survive us?


They stole my voice with AI | Jeff Geerling

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, criticism, law

This is clearly less high profile than the Scarlett Johanssen vs OpenAI one. Still this shows it has the potential to become a widespread (even though shady) practice. This might need some regulation fairly soon.


Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, science

This is indeed important to be able to run such models locally. Will still require more optimization but it’s slowly getting there. The reproducibility it brings is especially necessary for science.


OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Model Applications

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, security, safety

People are putting LLM related feature out there too hastily for my taste. At least they should keep in mind the security and safety implications.


Millions of Vehicles Could Be Hacked and Tracked Thanks to a Simple Website Bug

Tags: tech, automotive, security

Could we just stop connecting cars with web access for features we don’t really need? Please?


Peering Forward: C++’s next decade

Tags: tech, c++, security, safety

Lots of good stuff definitely coming. This should definitely help make it more approachable to lots of people.


Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source

Tags: tech, c++, rust, security, safety

Excellent proof of why you don’t want to “rewrite it all in Rust”. It’s important to respect the old code and focus on applying safety practices on the new code. This is also why the upcoming changes to C++ are worth it, it might improve the interoperability factor almost for free.


Committing to Rust in the kernel

Tags: tech, linux, kernel, rust

Despite the drama, Rust is slowly making its way into the kernel.


Waiting for many things at once with io_uring

Tags: tech, linux, system

Wondering what io_uring is for? This is a good explanation.


Overview of cross-architecture portability problems – Michał Górny

Tags: tech, cpu, portability

Nice list of common portability issues one can encounter at the machine architecture level. But don’t be fooled, this doesn’t have implications only for C and C++, those problems leak in higher level languages as well.


The Python Package Index Should Get Rid Of Its Training Wheels

Tags: tech, python

Interesting problem I didn’t realize PyPI had. Indeed I hope they start looking into reproducibility issue to reduce the bandwidth and space they use.


Refactoring Python with Tree-sitter & Jedi

Tags: tech, python, refactoring

Interesting trick to help with project wide renames for Python codebases.


I Like Makefiles

Tags: tech, tools

What can I say? I love Makefiles as well.


git-absorb: git commit –fixup, but automatic

Tags: tech, tools, version-control, git

Ooh! This looks like a really neat improvement. I wonder how reliable this is, I’ll definitely test it.


similar, but different

Tags: tech, software, design

Nice short post about cohesion in software design. Also gives clue about what proxy we can use to gauge this cohesion.


Resilient Microservice Applications, by Design, and without the Chaos

Tags: tech, architecture, microservices, reliability, research

I’m obviously not in love with the complexity this type of architecture brings. That being said, this thesis brings an interesting approach to better detect failure scenarios in such systems.


Conway’s law

Tags: tech, architecture, organization, conway

This law is unfortunately too little known. Here is a nice and short primer. Be careful though, it’s short but packed with information, might require more reading around the concepts highlighted in this article.


DORA Metrics At Work. How we doubled our team’s delivery…

Tags: tech, project-management, quality, metrics

When I read the content of this article I wonder how useful the metrics really were. I mean clearly they helped the team realize which changes to bring… but the practice changes were all somewhat conventional in a way. You go a long way when you focus on quality and create the space for it.


Bye for now!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Drupal Association blog: DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 brings the open source Drupal community together 

Planet Drupal - Fri, 2024-09-27 05:14

DrupalCon, the main event about the digital experience platform Drupal, was held this year in Barcelona, Spain, from 24-27 September. DrupalCon unites thousands of people from around the globe who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform. Over 1,300 digital experts and Drupal professionals gathered to exchange ideas, work on the Drupal project, and propel Drupal innovation. 

On 24 September, Founder and Project Lead Dries Buytaert gave an inspiring keynote about developing an exciting new product - Drupal CMS. Dries shared a progress update on the timeline of Drupal CMS, showing a demo of the current state, the event-building and SEO capabilities, and the acceleration of site building through AI tools. This will allow Drupal experts and potential end users to drastically change how they build websites, using prompts to create in minutes what used to take days. 

A three-day program of over 100 sessions

DrupalCon Barcelona hosted over 100 workshops, presentations, and several exciting keynotes in a packed three-day program. After the Opening Ceremony, the Women in Drupal Awards were held, recognizing the incredible impact Drupal has on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Winners Pamela Barone, All Petrovska, and Esmeralda Tijhoff took home the awards, acknowledging their accomplishments in the Drupal community. 

For almost ten years, the results of the Drupal Business Survey have been presented at DrupalCon. The Drupal Business Survey, organized by the Drupal Business Network, has been collecting data from Drupal service providers and agencies from all over the world. On 26 September, insights from the 2024 survey were shared in an informative session. While the digital industry is not unaware of worldly events that impact economy and sales, many agencies are excited about Drupal CMS. Over 70 digital agencies working with Drupal came to gather to review and work on their strategy for 2025 and beyond. 

In the Expo Hall, DrupalCon Barcelona attendees learned more about the Ripple Makers membership and Drupal Certified Partners at the Drupal Association booth. Ripple Makers is the revamped Drupal Association Membership, supporting driving innovation and adoption of Drupal as a high-impact digital public good. The Drupal Certified Partner program recognizes and awards agencies that demonstrate significant innovation, philanthropic leadership, and contribution to the Drupal project. To learn more about the Drupal Certified Partner program, visit the Certified Partner Program page on Drupal.org.

Driving Drupal innovation through collaboration

The Drupal Association Board got together the weekend prior to DrupalCon for their bi-annual in-person board meeting. Topics of discussion included Drupal CMS, its roadmap, and the overall strategy and ambitions for Drupal. They held their public board meeting on Wednesday at DrupalCon to announce the newest Board Members: Alejandro Moreno, Sachiko Muto, and Stella Power. During the public meeting, CEO Tim Doyle also announced the launch of a new program, Adopt-a-Document. 

On the last day of the conference, Drupal experts stayed for Contribution Day, where they worked on Drupal’s next exciting innovations. Drupal’s community has over 100,000 passionately committed users driving innovation of one of the world’s largest open source projects. Many social events occur in the evenings at DrupalCon, including Drupal’s pub quiz called Trivia Night on Thursday. 

At the closing ceremony, the city for DrupalCon Europe 2025 was announced: Vienna. 

About the Drupal Association

The Drupal Association is a nonprofit organization focused on accelerating Drupal, fostering the growth of the Drupal community, and supporting the project’s vision to create a safe, secure, and open web for everyone. The Drupal Association also administers Drupal.org on behalf of the Drupal community. You can also support the continued success of the Drupal project by getting involved. Learn more.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Python GUIs: Introduction to the QGraphics framework — Creating vector interfaces using the QGraphics View framework

Planet Python - Fri, 2024-09-27 03:00

The Qt Graphics View Framework allows you to develop fast and efficient 2D vector graphic scenes. Scenes can contain millions of items, each with their own features and behaviors. By using the Graphics View via PySide6 you get access to this highly performant graphics layer in Python. Whether you're integrating vector graphics views into an existing PySide6 application, or simply want a powerful vector graphics interface for Python, Qt's Graphics View is what you're looking for.

Some common uses of the Graphics View include data visualization, mapping applications, 2D design tools, modern data dashboards and even 2D games.

In this tutorial we'll take our first steps looking at the Qt Graphics View framework, building a scene with some simple vector items. This will allow us to familiarize ourselves with the API and coordinate system, which we'll use later to build more complex examples.

Table of Contents The Graphics View Framework

The Graphics View framework consists of 3 main parts QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, and QGraphicsItem, each with different responsibilities.

The framework can be interpreted using the Model-View paradigm, with the QGraphicsScene as the Model and the QGraphicsView as the View. Each scene can have multiple views. The QGraphicsItems within the scene can be considered as items within the model, holding the visual data that the scene combines to define the complete image.

QGraphicsScene is the central component that glues everything together. It acts as a whiteboard on which all items are drawn (circles, rectangles, lines, pixmaps, etc). The QGraphicsView has the responsibility of rendering a given scene -- or part of it, with some transformation (scaling, rotating, shearing) -- to display it to the user. The view is a standard Qt widget and can be placed inside any Qt layout.

QGraphicsScene provides some important functionalities out of the box, so we can use them to develop advanced applications without struggling with low-level details. For example --

  • Collision Detection, detect a graphics item is collided with another item.
  • Item Selection, gives us the ability to deal with multiple items at the same time, for example, the user can select multiple items, and when pressing delete, a function asks the scene to give the list for all selected items, and then delete them.
  • Items discovery, the scene can tell us what items are present (or part of them) at a specific point or inside some defined region, for example, if the user adds an item that intersects with a forbidden area, the program will detect them and give them another (mostly red) color.
  • Events Propagation, the scene receives the events and then propagates them to items.

To define a QGraphicsScene you define it's boundaries or sceneRect which defines the x & y origins and dimensions of the scene. If you don't provide a sceneRect it will default to the minimum bounding rectangle for all child items -- updating as items are added, moved or removed. This is flexible but less efficient.

Items in the scene are represented by QGraphicsItem objects. These are the basic building block of any 2D scene, representing a shape, pixmap or SVG image to be displayed in the scene. Each item has a relative position inside the sceneRect and can have different transformation effects (scale, translate, rotate, shear).

Finally, the QGraphicsView is the renderer of the scene, taking the scene and displaying it -- either wholly or in part -- to the user. The view itself can have transformations (scale, translate, rotate and shear) applied to modify the display without affecting the underlying scene. By default the view will forward mouse and keyboard events to the scene allowing for user interaction. This can be disabled by calling view.setInteractive(False).

A simple scene

Let's start by creating a simple scene. The following code creates QGraphicsScene, defining a 400 x 200 scene, and then displays it in a QGraphicsView.

python import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Defining a scene rect of 400x200, with it's origin at 0,0. # If we don't set this on creation, we can set it later with .setSceneRect scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 200) view = QGraphicsView(scene) view.show() app.exec()

If you run this example you'll see an empty window.

The empty graphics scene, shown in a QGraphicsView window.

Not very exciting yet -- but this is our QGraphicsView displaying our empty scene.

As mentioned earlier, QGraphicsView is a widget. In Qt any widgets without a parent display as windows. This is why our QGraphicsView appears as a window on the desktop.

Adding items

Let's start adding some items to the scene. There are a number of built-in graphics items which you can customize and add to your scene. In the example below we use QGraphicsRectItem which draws a rectangle. We create the item passing in it's dimensions, and then set it's position pen and brush before adding it to the scene.

python import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsRectItem, QApplication from PySide6.QtGui import QBrush, QPen from PySide6.QtCore import Qt app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Defining a scene rect of 400x200, with it's origin at 0,0. # If we don't set this on creation, we can set it later with .setSceneRect scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 200) # Draw a rectangle item, setting the dimensions. rect = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 200, 50) # Set the origin (position) of the rectangle in the scene. rect.setPos(50, 20) # Define the brush (fill). brush = QBrush(Qt.red) rect.setBrush(brush) # Define the pen (line) pen = QPen(Qt.cyan) pen.setWidth(10) rect.setPen(pen) scene.addItem(rect) view = QGraphicsView(scene) view.show() app.exec()

Running the above you'll see a single, rather ugly colored, rectangle in the scene.

A single rectangle in the scene

Adding more items is simply a case of creating the objects, customizing them and then adding them to the scene. In the example below we add an circle, using QGraphicsEllipseItem -- a circle is just an ellipse with equal height and width.

python import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsRectItem, QGraphicsEllipseItem, QApplication from PySide6.QtGui import QBrush, QPen from PySide6.QtCore import Qt app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Defining a scene rect of 400x200, with it's origin at 0,0. # If we don't set this on creation, we can set it later with .setSceneRect scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 200) # Draw a rectangle item, setting the dimensions. rect = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 200, 50) # Set the origin (position) of the rectangle in the scene. rect.setPos(50, 20) # Define the brush (fill). brush = QBrush(Qt.red) rect.setBrush(brush) # Define the pen (line) pen = QPen(Qt.cyan) pen.setWidth(10) rect.setPen(pen) ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, 100, 100) ellipse.setPos(75, 30) brush = QBrush(Qt.blue) ellipse.setBrush(brush) pen = QPen(Qt.green) pen.setWidth(5) ellipse.setPen(pen) # Add the items to the scene. Items are stacked in the order they are added. scene.addItem(ellipse) scene.addItem(rect) view = QGraphicsView(scene) view.show() app.exec()

The above code will give the following result.

A scene with two items

The order you add items affects the stacking order in the scene -- items added later will always appear on top of items added first. However, if you need more control you can set the stacking order using .setZValue.

python ellipse.setZValue(500) rect.setZValue(200)

Now the circle (ellipse) appears above the rectangle.

Using Zvalue to order items in the scene

Try experimenting with setting the Z value of the two items -- you can set it before or after the items are in the scene, and can change it at any time.

Z in this context refers to the Z coordinate. The X & Y coordinates are the horizontal and vertical position in the scene respectively. The Z coordinate determines the relative position of items toward the front and back of the scene -- coming "out" of the screen towards the viewer.

There are also the convenience methods .stackBefore() and .stackAfter() which allow you to stack your QGraphicsItem behind, or in front of another item in the scene.

python ellipse.stackAfter(rect) Making items moveable

Our two QGraphicsItem objects are currently fixed in position where we place them, but they don't have to be! As already mentioned Qt's Graphics View framework allows items to respond to user input, for example allowing them to be dragged and dropped around the scene at will. Simple functionality like is actually already built in, you just need to enable it on each QGraphicsItem. To do that we need to set the flag QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlags.ItemIsMoveable on the item.

The full list of graphics item flags is available here.

python import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsRectItem, QGraphicsEllipseItem, QApplication from PySide6.QtGui import QBrush, QPen from PySide6.QtCore import Qt app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Defining a scene rect of 400x200, with it's origin at 0,0. # If we don't set this on creation, we can set it later with .setSceneRect scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 200) # Draw a rectangle item, setting the dimensions. rect = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 200, 50) # Set the origin (position) of the rectangle in the scene. rect.setPos(50, 20) # Define the brush (fill). brush = QBrush(Qt.red) rect.setBrush(brush) # Define the pen (line) pen = QPen(Qt.cyan) pen.setWidth(10) rect.setPen(pen) ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, 100, 100) ellipse.setPos(75, 30) brush = QBrush(Qt.blue) ellipse.setBrush(brush) pen = QPen(Qt.green) pen.setWidth(5) ellipse.setPen(pen) # Add the items to the scene. Items are stacked in the order they are added. scene.addItem(ellipse) scene.addItem(rect) ellipse.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable) view = QGraphicsView(scene) view.show() app.exec()

In the above example we've set ItemIsMovable on the ellipse only. You can drag the ellipse around the scene -- including behind the rectangle -- but the rectangle itself will remain locked in place. Experiment with adding more items and configuring the moveable status.

If you want an item to be selectable you can enable this by setting the ItemIsSelectable flag, for example here using .setFlags() to set multiple flags at the same time.

python ellipse.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable)

If you click on the ellipse you'll now see it surrounded by a dashed line to indicate that it is selected. We'll look at how to use item selection in more detail in a later tutorial.

A selected item in the scene, highlighted with dashed lines

Another way to create objects.

So far we've been creating items by creating the objects and then adding them to the scene. But you can also create an object in the scene directly by calling one of the helper methods on the scene itself, e.g. scene.addEllipse(). This creates the object and returns it so you can modify it as before.

python import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsRectItem, QApplication from PySide6.QtGui import QBrush, QPen from PySide6.QtCore import Qt app = QApplication(sys.argv) scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 200) rect = scene.addRect(0, 0, 200, 50) rect.setPos(50, 20) # Define the brush (fill). brush = QBrush(Qt.red) rect.setBrush(brush) # Define the pen (line) pen = QPen(Qt.cyan) pen.setWidth(10) rect.setPen(pen) view = QGraphicsView(scene) view.show() app.exec()

Feel free to use whichever form you find most comfortable in your code.

You can only use this approach for the built-in QGraphicsItem object types.

Building a more complex scene

So far we've built a simple scene using the basic QGraphicsRectItem and QGraphicsEllipseItem shapes. Now let's use some other QGraphicsItem objects to build a more complex scene, including lines, text and QPixmap (images).

python from PySide6.QtCore import QPointF, Qt from PySide6.QtWidgets import QGraphicsRectItem, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QApplication from PySide6.QtGui import QBrush, QPainter, QPen, QPixmap, QPolygonF import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 200) rectitem = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 360, 20) rectitem.setPos(20, 20) rectitem.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.red)) rectitem.setPen(QPen(Qt.cyan)) scene.addItem(rectitem) textitem = scene.addText("QGraphics is fun!") textitem.setPos(100, 100) scene.addPolygon( QPolygonF( [ QPointF(30, 60), QPointF(270, 40), QPointF(400, 200), QPointF(20, 150), ]), QPen(Qt.darkGreen), ) pixmap = QPixmap("cat.jpg") pixmapitem = scene.addPixmap(pixmap) pixmapitem.setPos(250, 70) view = QGraphicsView(scene) view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) view.show() app.exec()

If you run the example above you'll see the following scene.

Scene with multiple items including a rectangle, polygon, text and a pixmap.

Let's step through the code looking at the interesting bits.

Polygons are defined using a series of QPointF objects which give the coordinates relative to the items position. So, for example if you create a polygon object with a point at 30, 20 and then move this polygon object X & Y coordinates 50, 40 then the point will be displayed at 80, 60 in the scene.

Points inside an item are always relative to the item itself, and item coordinates are always relative to the scene -- or the item's parent, if it has one. We'll take a closer look at the Graphics View coordinate system in the next tutorial.

To add an image to the scene we can open it from a file using QPixmap(). This creates a QPixmap object, which can then in turn add to the scene using scene.addPixmap(pixmap). This returns a QGraphicsPixmapItem which is the QGraphicsItem type for the pixmap -- a wrapper than handles displaying the pixmap in the scene. You can use this object to perform any changes to item in the scene.

The multiple layers of objects can get confusing, so it's important to choose sensible variable names which make clear the distinction between, e.g. the pixmap itself and the pixmap item that contains it.

Finally, we set the flag RenderHint,Antialiasing on the view to smooth the edges of diagonal lines. You almost always want to enable this on your views as otherwise any rotated objects will look very ugly indeed. Below is our scene without antialiasing enabled, you can see the jagged lines on the polygon.

Scene with antialiasing disabled.

Antialiasing has a (small) performance impact however, so if you are building scenes with millions of rotated items it may in some cases make sense to turn it off.

Adding graphics views to Qt layouts

The QGraphicsView is subclassed from QWidget, meaning it can be placed in layouts just like any other widget. In the following example we add the view to a simple interface, with buttons which perform a basic effect on the view -- raising and lowering selected item's ZValue. This has the effect of allowing us to move items in front and behind other objects.

The full code is given below.

python import sys from PySide6.QtCore import Qt from PySide6.QtGui import QBrush, QPainter, QPen from PySide6.QtWidgets import ( QApplication, QGraphicsEllipseItem, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsRectItem, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QHBoxLayout, QPushButton, QSlider, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, ) class Window(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Defining a scene rect of 400x200, with it's origin at 0,0. # If we don't set this on creation, we can set it later with .setSceneRect self.scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 200) # Draw a rectangle item, setting the dimensions. rect = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 200, 50) rect.setPos(50, 20) brush = QBrush(Qt.red) rect.setBrush(brush) # Define the pen (line) pen = QPen(Qt.cyan) pen.setWidth(10) rect.setPen(pen) ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, 100, 100) ellipse.setPos(75, 30) brush = QBrush(Qt.blue) ellipse.setBrush(brush) pen = QPen(Qt.green) pen.setWidth(5) ellipse.setPen(pen) # Add the items to the scene. Items are stacked in the order they are added. self.scene.addItem(ellipse) self.scene.addItem(rect) # Set all items as moveable and selectable. for item in self.scene.items(): item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) # Define our layout. vbox = QVBoxLayout() up = QPushButton("Up") up.clicked.connect(self.up) vbox.addWidget(up) down = QPushButton("Down") down.clicked.connect(self.down) vbox.addWidget(down) rotate = QSlider() rotate.setRange(0, 360) rotate.valueChanged.connect(self.rotate) vbox.addWidget(rotate) view = QGraphicsView(self.scene) view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) hbox = QHBoxLayout(self) hbox.addLayout(vbox) hbox.addWidget(view) self.setLayout(hbox) def up(self): """ Iterate all selected items in the view, moving them forward. """ items = self.scene.selectedItems() for item in items: z = item.zValue() item.setZValue(z + 1) def down(self): """ Iterate all selected items in the view, moving them backward. """ items = self.scene.selectedItems() for item in items: z = item.zValue() item.setZValue(z - 1) def rotate(self, value): """ Rotate the object by the received number of degrees """ items = self.scene.selectedItems() for item in items: item.setRotation(value) app = QApplication(sys.argv) w = Window() w.show() app.exec()

If you run this, you will get a window like that shown below. By selecting an item in the graphics view and then clicking either the "Up" or "Down" button you can move items up and down within the scene -- behind and in front of one another. The items are all moveable, so you can drag them around too. Clicking on the slider will rotate the currently selected items by the set number of degrees.

A graphics scene with some custom controls

The raising and lowering is handled by our custom methods up and down, which work by iterating over the currently selected items in the scene -- retrieved using scene.selectedItems() and then getting the items z value and increasing or decreasing it respectively.

python def up(self): """ Iterate all selected items in the view, moving them forward. """ items = self.scene.selectedItems() for item in items: z = item.zValue() item.setZValue(z + 1)

While rotation is handled using the item.setRotation method. This receives the current angle from the QSlider and again, applies it to any currently selected items in the scene.

python def rotate(self, value): """ Rotate the object by the received number of degrees. """ items = self.scene.selectedItems() for item in items: item.setRotation(value)

Take a look at the QGraphicsItem documentation for some other properties you can control with widgets and try extending the interface to allow you to change them dynamically.

Hopefully this quick introduction to the Qt Graphics View framework has given you some ideas of what you can do with it. In the next tutorials we'll look at how events and user interaction can be handled on items and how to create custom & compound items for your own scenes.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Matt Layman: Postgres to SQLite - Building SaaS #204

Planet Python - Thu, 2024-09-26 20:00
In this episode, we worked on the cloud migration’s data strategy. I focused on how to convert a Postgres database into a SQLite database and planned out the process that I will follow to do the actual migration.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope): diffoscope 278 released

Planet Debian - Thu, 2024-09-26 20:00

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 278. This version includes the following changes:

[ Chris Lamb ] * Temporarily remove procyon-decompiler from Build-Depends as it was removed from testing (#1057532). (Closes: #1082636) * Add a helpful contextual message to the output if comparing Debian .orig tarballs within .dsc files without the ability to "fuzzy-match" away the leading directory. (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#386) * Correctly invert "X% similar" value and do not emit "100% similar". (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#391) * Update copyright years.

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

PreviousNext: Next level theming with Pinto

Planet Drupal - Thu, 2024-09-26 18:40

Discover how to take your Drupal theming to the next level with the brand-new Pinto module.

by adam.bramley / 27 September 2024

Pinto is a new module written by Daniel Phin (dpi). At PreviousNext, all new projects use it to dramatically improve the developer experience and velocity for theming Drupal sites. 

Pinto allows all theming logic to be encapsulated in reusable Theme Objects, removing the need for many traditional Drupal theming architectures such as theme hooks, preprocessing, field formatters, and even Display settings. It can easily integrate with tools such as Storybook to reuse templates—eliminating duplicated markup and making your frontenders happy!

This blog post assumes the use of a design system tool such as Storybook, which will help us paint a picture of how Pinto can level up your Drupal theming.

Issues with traditional Drupal theming

Traditional Drupal theming might look something like this:

  1. A Frontender builds components in Storybook, containing CSS, JS, and twig templates
  2. A Backender implements one or more of the following:
    1. Theme hooks in a module, profile, or theme
    2. Templates are copied from Storybook and massaged into Drupal’s theme system
    3. A field formatter injects field data into the theme function
    4. Preprocess hooks massage or stitch together other data
    5. Twig templates contain logic to further massage variables for output in twig
    6. Entity view displays wire up the formatter

This approach can lead to several maintenance issues in the long term. 

Have you ever looked at a page and wondered how something got there? Twig debugging can help track down specific templates, but it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly how a particular piece of data made its way onto the page.

Pinto eliminates all of this guesswork by allowing you to break components down into theme objects (i.e. PHP classes) and encapsulate all logic in a single place to be reused anywhere that component is needed.

Pinto basics

In this section, we’ll discuss how to set Pinto up and explain some of the architecture of how the module works.

First off, we need to install Pinto:

composer require drupal/pinto

Pinto automatically discovers new theme objects inside designated namespaces. You can define any number of these, but we’ll use a single namespace called "MyProjectDs" (Ds stands for Design system) for our purposes. For Pinto to discover the objects in this namespace, you need to define the pinto.namespaces parameter in your services.yml file:

parameters:  pinto.namespaces: - 'MyProjectDs'

Pinto Theme objects are registered via a PHP Enum inside the namespace defined above. This Enum must implement \Pinto\List\ObjectListInterface. The Enum should also use the Pinto library’s ObjectListTrait which contains logic for asset discovery and automatically registering theme definitions from your Theme objects.

The enum will look something like this. We recommend placing it inside a module dedicated to your design system. For this demo, we’ll call it my_project_ds.

namespace Drupal\my_project_ds\MyProjectDs; use Pinto\List\ObjectListInterface; use Pinto\List\ObjectListTrait; enum MyProjectList: string implements ObjectListInterface { use ObjectListTrait; }

You’ll need to implement at least three methods on this Enum:

  • templateDirectory - This tells Pinto where to look for the twig template for the specific theme object it is registering.
  • cssDirectory - This tells Pinto where to find css files. For this demonstration, we’ll assume your design system outputs all CSS and JS files into a libraries directory inside the project's web root.
  • jsDirectory - As above, but for JS files!

For the latter two methods, it’s as simple as defining the root directory where your compiled CSS and JS files are output. We usually just define these as:

/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cssDirectory(): string {  return '/libraries/my_project'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function jsDirectory(): string { return '/libraries/my_project'; }

The templateDirectory method must return the directory in which a specific component’s template lives, which can be complicated since, in a Storybook setup, each component will most likely live in its own directory. For this logic, we can use Attributes on the Enum case to tell Pinto where the template is for each Theme object.

Before we talk about Attributes, let’s look at an example of how to define a Theme Object in the Enum itself.

Each Theme object must be defined in the Enum as a case.

NOTE: Clear the cache after adding new cases for Pinto to discover newly added theme objects.

In this example, we will define a Card Theme object:

namespace Drupal\my_project_ds\MyProjectDs; use Drupal\my_project_ds\ThemeObject\Card; use Pinto\List\ObjectListTrait; enum MyProjectList: string implements ObjectListInterface { use ObjectListTrait; #[Definition(Card::class)] case Card = 'card';

This definition uses the Pinto library’s Definition attribute to tie the "Card" case to our Card theme object. By default (via the ObjectListTrait), the backed-value of the case (i.e. the string value assigned to it) is used as the template name, library name, and theme definition name.

Now, back to our templateDirectory. We can define our own Attributes to make it easy to specify which directory a component’s template is in.

In a perfect world, we want to reuse our frontender’s twig templates in the component’s Storybook directory. Storybook generally lives outside of your web root, but with a few helpers we can easily target these templates. Let’s assume your Storybook directory structure looks something like this, where components is at the root of your repository:

We can utilise the Components module to give us a handy twig namespace to use. Let’s define this in our my_project_ds.info.yml file:

name: My Project Design System description: 'Provides Pinto theme objects for my project.' core_version_requirement: '>=10' type: module components: namespaces:   my_project_components:     - ../../../../components/src

This means Drupal’s theme engine will be able to use @my_project_components to target the root of your Storybook components directory. 

NOTE: This assumes the module is inside app/modules/custom/my_project_ds, hence the four parent directories.

Next, we need to define an attribute that takes a component path and will be used to wire up our Theme object with the directory it lives in.

The Attribute class:

namespace Drupal\my_project_ds\MyProjectDs; #[\Attribute(flags: \Attribute::TARGET_CLASS_CONSTANT)] class MyProjectComponent { public function __construct(   public readonly string $componentPath, ) { } }

Now on the Enum case, we can add the attribute:

#[Definition(Card::class)] #[MyProjectComponent('Components/Card')] case Card = 'card';

Then we just need a sprinkle of reflection in the templateDirectory function, and we’re done!

/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function templateDirectory(): string { $reflection = new \ReflectionEnumUnitCase($this::class, $this->name); $definition = ($reflection->getAttributes(MyProjectComponent::class)[0] ?? NULL)?->newInstance() ?? throw new \LogicException('All component cases must have a `' . MyProjectComponent::class . '.'); return \sprintf('@my_project_components/%s', $definition->componentPath); }

While this may look scary, it’s not! We’re simply getting the MyProjectComponent attribute from the case and appending the componentPath (i.e. the string "Components/Card" parameter above) to our custom twig namespace.

After this setup, it becomes extremely easy to add new theme objects, vastly speeding up your theming development. Let’s look at how to do that now!

An example Pinto component

Following on from the previous example, let’s set up a Card component. A Card is a fairly universal component in almost every project. In this example, a Card has:

  1. A title
  2. An image
  3. An optional description

The twig template in Storybook might look something like this (reminder that this would be inside the components/src/Components/Card/card.html.twig file):

<div class="card"> <div class="image">   {{ image }} </div> <div class="card__content">   <div class="card__title">{{ title }}</div>   {% if description %}     <div class="card__description">       {{ description }}     </div>   {% endif %} </div> </div>

At its most basic level (don’t worry, we’ll get more advanced in the next blog post!), all we need for this theme object is something like this:

namespace Drupal\my_project_ds\ThemeObject; use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface; use Drupal\my_project_ds\MyProjectDs\MyProjectObjectTrait; use Pinto\Attribute\ThemeDefinition; #[ThemeDefinition([ 'variables' => [   'title' => '',   'description' => '',   'image' => '', ], ])] final class Card implements CacheableDependencyInterface { use MyProjectObjectTrait; private function __construct(   private readonly string $title,   private readonly array $image,   private readonly ?string $description, ) {} protected function build(mixed $build): mixed {   return $build + [     '#title' => $this->title,     '#description' => $this->description,     '#image' => $this->image,   ]; } }

Let’s go through each part to understand what’s going on.

ThemeDefinition attribute

This is essentially Pinto's version of hook_theme. It takes whatever is inside the theme definition and uses it when registering the Theme object as a Drupal theme hook. In this example, we simply define the variables we need to pass through. Pinto will even throw exceptions when any of these variables are missing from the resulting render array!


This is another helper trait that will be used across all components. It provides convenience functions and wraps other traits to make adding new Theme objects a breeze.

namespace Drupal\my_project_ds\MyProjectDs; use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface; use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata; use Drupal\Core\Cache\RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait; use Drupal\pinto\Object\DrupalObjectTrait; trait MyProjectObjectTrait { use DrupalObjectTrait; use RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait; public function __invoke(): mixed {   return $this->pintoBuild(function (mixed $build): mixed {     if (!$this instanceof CacheableDependencyInterface) {       throw new \LogicException(static::class . ' must implement CacheableDependencyInterface');     }     (new CacheableMetadata())->addCacheableDependency($this)->applyTo($build);     return $this->build($build);   }); } abstract protected function build(mixed $build): mixed; }

First up is the __invoke function. This is a PHP magic method that is becoming more and more common in PHP codebases (including Drupal!). It’s run when calling an object as a function. The pattern lets us “invoke” Pinto Theme objects like this (note the brackets at the end):

$card = new Card('Title', 'Description', $image); $build = $card();

We then have an abstract build function, which you can see in the Card example above. We simply take the properties passed to the card and output them into the theme variables.

Our object trait also extends Pinto traits and core's trait for adding cacheable metadata to a Theme object—more on this in the next blog post!


The constructor on the Theme object lets us define strictly typed properties for what we need for each theme variable. Generally speaking, we use a mix of constructors and factory methods to create Theme objects and then invoke them, as we’ve seen above.

What about CSS and JS?

Pinto has built-in attributes that automatically include CSS and JS when a theme object is invoked. This is done by adding the attributes to the Theme object class.

use Pinto\Attribute\Asset\Css; #[Css('card.css', preprocess: TRUE)] final class Card implements CacheableDependencyInterface {

Based on the cssDirectory method on our MyProjectListenum, this will include the /libraries/my_project/card.css file automatically whenever a Card Theme object is rendered. There is also an equivalent Js Attribute.

How to render Pinto Theme objects

It may seem like a lot of set up upfront, but hopefully, you can see that once the initial enums and traits are established, it’s very easy to add new Theme objects.

Now that we’re all set up, we can invoke this Theme object anywhere on our Drupal site! We can even chain/nest these Theme Objects together! 

You may have noticed that the $image parameter for the Card was an array. Invoked Theme objects output a render array, so we could do something like this:

$image = new Image('path/to/image.png'); $card = new Card('My Card Title', 'My Description', $image()); return $card();

Where Image is another Theme object. Or, you can simply use Drupal’s existing render arrays to theme an image!

Next up

In this blog post, we focused on the basic principles of Pinto. We also looked at how to hit the ground running with some nice helper functions and integration with a design system such as Storybook. 

In the next blog, we’ll look at integrating this with bundle classes to streamline theming and really make Pinto sing! Following that, we'll also be doing a comparison with Single Directory Components (SDC) and discuss why we prefer to use Pinto instead.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Drupalize.Me: Drupal AI: How to Set It Up and Try It Out

Planet Drupal - Thu, 2024-09-26 15:47
Drupal AI: How to Set It Up and Try It Out

After watching the Driesnote earlier this week, I wanted to try and play around with the AI tools that were demonstrated. Here's my notes so far. And instructions on how you can set it all up to experiment with the new AI tools in Drupal.

joe Thu, 09/26/2024 - 14:47
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Horizontal Digital Blog: Add an icon for your custom field type in Drupal's Field UI

Planet Drupal - Thu, 2024-09-26 15:22
Drupal 10.2 introduced a revamped Field UI that most people would see as a very nice enhancement for site builders. Look at those icons for the different field types.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Project View: Realizing the Power of Drupal's Constraint Validation

Planet Drupal - Thu, 2024-09-26 15:13

I have been working with Drupal for quite some time (from the days of Drupal-7 🙂). I was always up to-date with the new changes in Drupal APIs (at least in theory 😅 ). Whenever a new change was introduced in APIs, I checked them and tried them out.

I did the same thing for the new ValidationAPI. I checked the documentation, tried one basic Hello World type of scenario with some example code and thought it was all good.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Is “Open Source” ever hyphenated?

Open Source Initiative - Thu, 2024-09-26 14:25

No! Open Source is never hyphenated when referring to software. If you’re familiar with English grammar you may have more than an eyebrow raised: read on, we have an explanation. Actually, we have two. 

We asked Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss, a linguist and KDE’s project manager, to provide us with an explanation. If that’s not enough, we have one more argument at the end of this post. 

Why Open Source is not hyphenated

In summary:

  • “open source” (no hyphen) is a lexicalized compound noun which is no longer transparent with respect to its meaning (i.e., open source is not just about being source-viewable, but also about defining user freedoms) which can then be further compounded (with for example “open source license”);
  • by contrast, “open-source” (with a hyphen) is a compound modifier modifying the head noun (e.g. “intelligence”) with open having a standard dictionary meaning (i.e., “transparent” or “open to or in view of all”).
Open Source as a lexicalized compound noun

“Open source” is a lexicalized compound noun.  Although it originates with the phrase “open source software”, today “open source” is itself a unique lexeme. An example, in Red Hat’s article:

Open source has become a movement and a way of working that reaches beyond software production.

The word open in “open source” does not have the meaning “open” as one would find in the dictionary. Instead, “open source” also entails user freedoms, inasmuch as users of the software for any purpose do not have to negotiate with the rights owners to enjoy (use/improve/share/monetise) the software. That is, it is not only about transparency.

A natural example of this usage, in which the phrase open source license is clearly about more than just licensing transparency:

Because Linux is released under an open source license, which prevents restrictions on the use of the software, anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license.” (from Red Hat website https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/open-source/what-is-open-source)

Note that “open source license” is itself a compound noun phrase made up of the lexicalized compound noun “open source” + the noun “license”; same for “open source movement”, etc.

What is lexicalization?

According to the Lexicon of linguistics (Utrecht University), ‘lexicalization’ is a “phenomenon by which a morphologically complex word starts to behave like an underived word in some respect, which means that at least one feature (semantic, syntactic, or phonological) becomes unpredictable”.

Underived word here means the phrase has a specific, unique meaning not (necessarily) transparent from its component parts. For instance, a “black market” is not a market which is black but rather a specific kind of market: an illegal one. A “blackboard” can be green. In other words, the entire complex phrase can be treated as a single unit of meaning stored in the mental lexicon. The meaning of the phrase is not derived using grammatical rules.

Today, the meaning of open source is unpredictable or semantically intransparent given its usage (at least by a subset of speakers) and meaning, i.e., open source is about user freedoms, not just transparency.

Other examples of lexicalized compound nouns include “yellow journalism”, “purple prose”, “dirty bomb”, “fat chance”, “green card”, “blackbird”, “greenhouse”, “high school”, etc. I tried to think of examples which are composed of adjectives + nouns but with a specific meaning not derivable by the combination of the two. I am sure you can come up with many more!

In some cases, lexicalization results in writing the compound noun phrase together as a single word (‘blackboard’), in other cases not (‘green card’). One can also build larger phrases by combining the lexicalized compound noun with another noun (e.g., black market dealer, green card holder).

Hyphenated open-source is a compound modifier

By contrast, open in “open-source intelligence” is the dictionary meaning of “open”, i.e., “open to or in view of all” or “transparent”. In this case, open-source is a compound modifier/compound adjective with a meaning comparable to “source-viewable”, “source-available”, “source-transparent”.

For compound modifiers, the hyphenation, though not obligatory, is common and can be used to disambiguate.  The presence of a head noun like “intelligence” or “journalism” is obligatory for the compound-modifier use of open-source, unlike in lexicalized compounds.

Examples of other compound modifiers + a head noun: “long-term contract”, “single-word modifier”, “high-volume printer”, etc.


There are some examples of  the compound-modifier use on Wikipedia where I think the difference between meanings lexicalized compound noun and compound modifier becomes clear:

“Open-source journalism, a close cousin to citizen journalism or participatory journalism, is a term coined in the title of a 1999 article by Andrew Leonard of Salon.com.” (from Wikipedia)

“Open-source intelligence” is intelligence “produced from publicly available information that is collected, exploited, and disseminated in a timely manner to an appropriate audience for the purpose of addressing a specific intelligence requirement” (from Wikipedia)

In these examples open-source is clearly referring to transparent, viewable-to-all sources and not to something like ‘guaranteeing user freedoms’. Moreover, my intuition for these latter examples is that removing the hyphen would change the meaning, however subtle it may be, and the change could make the original sentences incoherent (without implicit internal modification while reading):

  •  “open source journalism” would refer to journalism about open source software (in sense I above), not transparent, participatory journalism;
  • “open source intelligence” would refer to intelligence about open source software (in sense I above, whatever that would mean!), not intelligence from publicly available information.
The Open Source Initiative says: No hyphen!

If that explanation still doesn’t convince you, we invoke the rules of branding and “pull a Twitter”, who vandalized English with their Who To Follow : we say no hyphen!

Luckily others have already adopted the “no hyphen” camp, like the CNCF style guide. Debate closed.

If you like debates, let’s talk about capitalization: OSI in its guidelines chose to always capitalize Open Source because it is a proper noun with a specific definition. Which camp are you on?

Categories: FLOSS Research

health @ Savannah: Time to take back the Internet

GNU Planet! - Thu, 2024-09-26 14:08

It’s no news. They’re stealing the Internet from us and we must do something about it. What it used to be a fun, collaborative hacking space is now ruled by corporations and narcissistic billionaires. Proprietary centralized social networks have become a space for hate, discrimination and propaganda. The messages that you see are those that they want you to see. Your data is no longer yours. They have become a massive thought control machine. You read what they want you to read and, in the end, you will end up writing and doing what they want you to write and to do. It’s a matter of time and money, and they have both.

These corporate-driven social networks are deceiving. They make us fall into false assumptions in a distorted reality. This delusion hits both individuals and organizations. For instance, in GNU Solidario and GNU Health, we fight for Social Medicine and for the rights of human and non-human animals. When we want to share an event, to make a fundraising campaign or to denounce human or animal rights violations we want the message to reach out as many people as possible. We could think, why not share it with our followers on Twitter / X? Experience has it, corporate social networks have not really made a difference in the outcomes. They will promote or “shadow ban” the message depending on who wrote it. You can guess the results for those who fight against neoliberal capitalism.

Social pressure exists, and is not trivial to overcome. Many fear that leaving proprietary centralized social networks that have been using for years will result in losing the status and contacts they’ve built throughout the years. Again, it’s not really a big deal. And we have great news, there are decentralized, community-driven alternatives! Some of those alternatives are Mastodon, Friendica or Diaspora. Not only social networks, today there is an free software alternative to pretty much any proprietary solution (search engines, scientific programs, multimedia, office suites, databases, games…)

There is a correlation between Free Software, freedom and privacy. The more Free Software, the more freedom and privacy you enjoy. The contrary also applies: Proprietary software is inversely proportional to our freedom, both at individual and collective level. There is no transparency, no privacy, no control, no rights in proprietary applications, networks or clouds.

In the last decades, the tech giants have been busy in a campaign to dismantle the Free Software philosophy and community. The “open source” euphemism is one of them. Richard Stallman (creator of the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation) has been warning us about the dangers of “Open Source”. Free societies are built with free software, not with open source. I know some members in the free software community use both terms interchangeably, but I am convinced using the “Free Software” terms not only delivers software, but also freedom to our society.

Internet is no longer fun or empathetic. It has become a hostile and toxic environment, the medium for corporations and elites that increase concentration of power, social gradient and create very unjust societies. They use our data to control individuals and governments. We certainly don’t want to be part of that.

It is our moral duty to bring back spirit of solidarity that RMS delivered in the late 80’s, and that made possible the GNU movement, the best operating systems, programming languages, web servers and database engines for everyone. The GNU project was the inspiration for projects like GNU Health, helping millions around the globe, delivering freedom and equity in healthcare.

In the end, it is up to us to embrace federated, community driven social networks and free software applications. Millions of individuals, activists, free software projects, NGOs and even the European Union have already joined the Fediverse and Mastodon. It only takes an initial push to break the social pressure to set ourselves and our societies free.

Citing our friends from GNUnet: “You broke the Internet… we’ll build a GNU one”.

Happy hacking!

Follow us in Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@gnuhealth

Original post: https://my.gnusolidario.org/2024/09/26/time-to-take-back-the-internet/

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Drupalize.Me: Adopt a Document: Sponsor Drupal CMS Documentation

Planet Drupal - Thu, 2024-09-26 13:13
Adopt a Document: Sponsor Drupal CMS Documentation

Amber Matz Thu, 09/26/2024 - 12:13
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
