
Mike Driscoll: ANN: ObjectListView3 for wxPython

Planet Python - Tue, 2024-07-23 11:44

ObjectListView is a third-party wxPython widget that wraps the wx.ListCtrl. I have used it for over 10 years in quite a few different GUI applications because it works much nicer than wx.ListCtrl does. Unfortunately, ObjectListView was never integrated into wxPython core like some other amazing third-party packages were, and so it has become broken over the past couple of years such that you can’t use it with the latest version of Python / wxPython.

So, I decided to fork the project, as its defects were simple enough that I could resolve them quickly. The new version of ObjectListView is now called ObjectListView3.

You can get the new version of ObjectListview here:

Note that this version of ObjectListView works with Python 3.11+ and wxPython 4.2+. It may work with earlier versions as well.


If you’d like to install ObjectListView3, you can use Python’s pip to do so like this:

python -m pip install ObjectListView3

Now let’s see how an example of using ObjectListView!

Sample Usage

The following is an application that starts out by listing two books in an ObjectListView3 widget. When you press the “Update OLV” button, it will add three more books to the ObjectListView3 widget.

This demonstrates how to create the ObjectListview3 widget and update it after the application is running:

import wx from ObjectListView3 import ObjectListView, ColumnDefn class Book(object): """ Model of the Book object Contains the following attributes: 'ISBN', 'Author', 'Manufacturer', 'Title' """ def __init__(self, title, author, isbn, mfg): self.isbn = isbn self.author = author self.mfg = mfg self.title = title class MainPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY) self.products = [ Book("wxPython in Action", "Robin Dunn", "1932394621", "Manning"), Book("Hello World", "Warren and Carter Sande", "1933988495", "Manning"), ] self.dataOlv = ObjectListView( self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER ) self.setBooks() # Allow the cell values to be edited when double-clicked self.dataOlv.cellEditMode = ObjectListView.CELLEDIT_SINGLECLICK # create an update button updateBtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Update OLV") updateBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.updateControl) # Create some sizers mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(self.dataOlv, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) mainSizer.Add(updateBtn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.CENTER, 5) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) def updateControl(self, event): """ Update the ObjectListView """ product_dict = [ { "title": "Core Python Programming", "author": "Wesley Chun", "isbn": "0132269937", "mfg": "Prentice Hall", }, { "title": "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner", "author": "Michael Dawson", "isbn": "1598631128", "mfg": "Course Technology", }, { "title": "Learning Python", "author": "Mark Lutz", "isbn": "0596513984", "mfg": "O'Reilly", }, ] data = self.products + product_dict self.dataOlv.SetObjects(data) def setBooks(self, data=None): self.dataOlv.SetColumns( [ ColumnDefn("Title", "left", 220, "title"), ColumnDefn("Author", "left", 200, "author"), ColumnDefn("ISBN", "right", 100, "isbn"), ColumnDefn("Mfg", "left", 180, "mfg"), ] ) self.dataOlv.SetObjects(self.products) class MainFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__( self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="ObjectListView Demo", size=(800, 600), ) panel = MainPanel(self) class OLVDemoApp(wx.App): def __init__(self, redirect=False, filename=None): super().__init__(redirect, filename) def OnInit(self): # create frame here frame = MainFrame() frame.Show() return True def main(): """ Run the demo """ app = OLVDemoApp() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()

When you initially run this code, you will see the following application:

When you press the “Update OLV” button, the application will update to look like the following:

Wrapping Up

The ObjectListView3 widget makes working with tabular data easy in wxPython. You also get nice editing, sorting and more from this widget via different mixins or styles. Give ObjectListView3 a try when you create your next wxPython GUI application.

The post ANN: ObjectListView3 for wxPython appeared first on Mouse Vs Python.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Inside Look at DrupalCamp Colorado 2024: What to Expect from the Event

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-07-23 11:17
Get exclusive insights from the organizers about DrupalCamp Colorado 2024. Learn about keynote speakers, session highlights, venue details, networking opportunities, and the vital role of sponsors and volunteers.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Real Python: pandas GroupBy: Grouping Real World Data in Python

Planet Python - Tue, 2024-07-23 10:00

Whether you’ve just started working with pandas and want to master one of its core capabilities, or you’re looking to fill in some gaps in your understanding about .groupby(), this course will help you to break down and visualize a pandas GroupBy operation from start to finish.

This course is meant to complement the official pandas documentation and the pandas Cookbook, where there are self-contained, bite-sized examples. Here, however, you’ll focus on three more involved walkthroughs that use real-world datasets.

In this course, you’ll cover:

  • How to use pandas GroupBy operations on real-world data
  • How the split-apply-combine chain of operations works
  • How to decompose the split-apply-combine chain into steps
  • How to categorize methods of a pandas GroupBy object based on their intent and result

[ Improve Your Python With 🐍 Python Tricks 💌 – Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. >> Click here to learn more and see examples ]

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Sitback Solutions: Making the polyfill.io vulnerability a thing of the past for Drupal

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-07-23 06:35
Recently, there has been a flurry of activity as the Drupal community has scrambled to mitigate a vulnerability caused when the company that bought polyfill(.io) started injecting malware into the scripts returned by the service, referred to as a supply-chain attack. If you own or manage a Drupal site and you haven’t heard about this, ... Making the polyfill.io vulnerability a thing of the past for Drupal
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russell Coker: More About Kogan 5120*2160 Monitor

Planet Debian - Tue, 2024-07-23 05:34

On the 18th of May I blogged about my new 5120*2160 monitor [1]. One thing I noted was that one Netflix movie had run in an aspect ratio that used all space on the monitor. I still don’t know if the movie in question was cropped in a letterbox manner but other Netflix shows in “full screen” mode don’t extend to both edges. Also one movie I downloaded as in 3840*1608 resolution which is almost exactly the same aspect ratio as my monitor. I wonder if some company is using 5120*2160 screens for TVs, 4K and FullHD are rumoured to be cheaper than most other resolutions partly due to TV technology being used for monitors. There is the Anamorphic Format of between 2.35:1 and 2.40:1 [2] which is a close match for the 2.37:1 of my new monitor.

I tried out the HDMI audio on a Dell laptop and my Thinkpad Yoga Gen3 and found it to be of poor quality, it seemed limited to 2560*1440, at this time I’m not sure how much of the fault is due to the laptops and how much is due to the monitor. The monitor docs state that it needs HDMI version 2.1 which was released in 2017 and my Thinkpad Yoga Gen3 was released in 2018 so probably doesn’t have that. The HDMI cable in question did 4K resolution on my previous monitor so it should all work at a minimum of 4K resolution.

The switching between inputs is a problem. If I switch between DisplayPort for my PC and HDMI for a laptop the monitor will usually timeout before the laptop establishes a connection and then switch back to the DisplayPort input. So far I have had to physically disconnect the input source I don’t want to use. The DisplayPort switch that I’ve used doesn’t seem designed to work with resolutions higher than 4K.

I’ve bought a new USB-C dock which is described as doing 8K which means that as my Thinkpad is described as supporting 5120×2880@60Hz over USB-C I should be able to get 5120*2160 without any problems, however for unknown reasons I only get 4K. For work I’m using a Dell Latitude 7400 2in1 that’s apparently only capable of 4096*2304 @24 Hz which is less pixels than 5120*2160 and it will also only do 4K resolution. But for both those cases it’s still a significant improvement over 2560*1440. I tested with a Dell Latitude 7440 which gave the full 5120*2160 resolution, I was unable to find specs on what the maximum resolution of the 7440 is. I also have bought DisplayPort switch rated at 8K resolution. I got a switch that doesn’t also do USB because the ones that do 8K resolution and USB are about $70. The only KVM switch I saw for 8K resolution at a reasonable price was one designed for switching between two laptops and there doesn’t seem to be any adaptors to convert from regular DisplayPort to USB-C alternative mode so that wasn’t viable. Currently I have the old KVM switch used for USB only (for keyboard and mouse) and the new switch which only does DisplayPort. So I have two buttons to push when switching between input sources which isn’t too bad.

It seems that for PCs resolutions with more pixels than 4K are as difficult and inconvenient now as 4K was 6 years ago when I started doing it. If you want higher than 4K resolution to just work at this time then you need Apple hardware.

The monitor has a series of modes for different types of output, I’ve found “standard” to be good for text and “movie” to be good for watching movies/TV and for playing RTS games. I previously wrote about how to use ddcutil to use a monitor as a KVM switch [3], unfortunately I can’t do this with the new monitor as the time that the monitor waits for a good signal on a new input after changing is shorter than the time taken for Linux on the laptops I’m using to enable HDMI output. I’ve found the following commands to do the basics.

# get display mode ddcutil getvcp DC # set standard mode ddcutil setvcp DC 0 # set movie mode ddcutil setvcp DC 03

Now that I have that going the next thing I want to do is to have it switch between “standard” and “movie” modes when I switch keyboard focus.

Related posts:

  1. Kogan 5120*2160 40″ Monitor I’ve just got a new Kogan 5120*2160 40″ curved monitor....
  2. Dell 32″ 4K Monitor and DisplayPort Switch After determining that the Philips 43″ monitor was too large...
  3. DDC as a KVM Switch With the recent resurgence in Covid19 I’ve been working from...
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

DrupalEasy: Getting ready to run your first migration

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-07-23 05:29

Migrating content into Drupal is an extremely useful skill for most Drupal developers. Often, the most difficult step in learning to do migrations is the first one - that of getting everything set up and running your first migration to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Most Drupal migration-related blog posts and documentation that I've seen either completely ignore the setup process or gloss over it before diving into the details of writing migrations. I like to ensure, both here, and when working with participants in our Professional Module Development course, that we ensure a solid understanding of this process to build not only skills, but confidence.

This blog post will explain how to set up and run your first (very simple) Drupal migration. The process I will outline is actually the same steps I do when beginning to write a custom migration - just to make sure I have everything "hooked up" properly before I start getting into the more complex aspects of the project.

I generally write migrations on my local machine, using DDEV as the local development environment. 

Configuration migrations vs. Plugin migrations

When creating a custom migration, one of the initial decisions to be made is whether you'll write the migrations as plugins or configuration entities. I've always used configuration entities, but there are pros and cons to both approaches. Here, we will focus on configuration entity migrations.

There are some minor differences in the workflow presented below when using plugin migrations. For more information on the differences, I recommend Mauricio Dinarte's article

Core and contrib modules used

If you're planning on following along with this article, the following modules should be installed and enabled:

Drupal core: 

  • Migrate
  • Migrate Drupal


Source database

This blog post will demonstrate importing a small portion of user data from a Drupal 7 site into a Drupal 10 site. Normally, the first step is setting up the source data: in this case a Drupal 7 database. I normally create a new d7 database on the same MariaDB server as the Drupal 10 site (using DDEV, this is quite easy) and then import the Drupal 7 database into it.

Next, we have to tell the Drupal 10 site about the d7 source database. This can be done by adding the following database connection array to the bottom of your settings.local.php file (which I know you're using!):

$databases['migrate']['default'] = array(  'driver' => 'mysql',  'database' => 'd7',  'username' => 'db',  'password' => 'db',  'host' => 'db',  'port' => 3306,  'prefix' => '', );

Note the database key is migrate and the database name is d7. Everything else is identical to the regular Drupal 10 database credentials in DDEV. If you're using Lando or another local development environment, then your database connection array may be different. 

Custom migration module

Next, we need a custom module to house our migration. The easiest way to create one is via Drush's generate command:

$ drush generate module Welcome to module generator! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Module name: ➤ My d7 migration Module machine name [my_d7_migration]: ➤ Module description: ➤ Migrations from Drupal 7 site. Package [Custom]: ➤           Dependencies (comma separated): ➤ migrate, migrate_drupal, migrate_plus Would you like to create module file? [No]: ➤ Would you like to create install file? [No]: ➤ Would you like to create README.md file? [No]: ➤ The following directories and files have been created or updated: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • /var/www/html/web/modules/custom/my_d7_migration/my_d7_migration.info.yml

Once created, go ahead and enable the module as well:

$ drush en my_d7_migrationMigration group configuration

As this blog post will be writing migrations as configuration entities, create a new config/install directory in your new module. 

We'll define a migration group to which all of our migrations will belong - this is what connects each migration to the source d7 database. Create a new migrate_plus.migration_group.my_group.yml file in the new config/install directory with the following contents:

id: my_d7_migration label: My Drupal 7 migration. description: Content from Drupal 7 site. source_type: Source Drupal 7 site shared_configuration:  source:    key: migrate  migration_tags:    - Drupal 7    - my_d7_migration

The most important bit of this configuration is the source key of migrate; this links up this migration group with the d7 database, with the migrate key we previously configured. Then, any migration created that is in this group automatically has access to the source d7 database.

Simple sample migration configuration

Next, let's look at a super simple example migration for user entities. This will not be a complete user migration, but rather just enough to migrate something. Many migration blog posts, documentation pages and other sources provide guidance and examples for writing migration configuration files (remember, this blog post is focused on all of the configuration and mechanics that normally aren't covered in other places.) 

Here's the user migration configuration we'll use. Create a new /config/install/migrate_plus.migration.user.yml file in your custom module with the following contents:

id: user label: Migrate D7 users. migration_group: my_d7_migration source:  plugin: d7_user process:  name: name  pass: pass  mail: mail  created: created  access: access  login: login  status: status  timezone: timezone destination:  plugin: entity:user

Reputable Drupal migration articles and documentation will explain that migrations need a source (extraction,) some processing (transform,) and a destination (where to load the data.) Often these three concepts will be called ETL. Each of these concepts are easy to spot in our sample configuration file:

  • The data is coming from the d7_user plugin (provided by Drupal core with the data source being that of the my_d7_migration group which we configured in a previous step.) 
  • The processing of the data in this simple migration is just field mapping (tofrom.) Many migration configurations have transformations as part of this section, often provided by Drupal process plugins
  • The destination is Drupal user entities. 
Running the migration

Again, these instructions are specific to Drupal migration configurations when created as configuration entities. Instructions for migration configuration written as plugins are slightly different (and not covered in this article.) 

As we are dealing with configuration entities, they must be imported into the active configuration store - which, by default, is the Drupal database. This is easily accomplished with the drush cim --partial command. This must be run each and every time a migration configuration file is modified. This is one of the (few, in my opinion) downsides of writing migrations as configurations. 

Next, I often check the status of migration via the drush migrate:status command. When using the Migrate Drupal module, it is recommended to always use the --group option otherwise the output of migrate:status can get a bit messy (due to all the default migrations that will be displayed.) 

The drush migrate:import and migrate:rollback commands should be self-explanatory. Each can be used with either the --group option or with a migration name (as shown below.) I almost always use the --update option on migrate:import for updating previously imported data. 

Finally, keep the drush migrate:reset command in your back pocket when writing custom migrations. If the migration crashes, you'll need to use this to reset its status from processing to idle in order to run it again. 

Here's a full set of the command specific to the sample user migration, migration group, and custom module created in this article:

$ drush cim --partial --source=modules/custom/my_d7_migration/config/install $ drush migrate:status --group=whatever $ drush migrate:import user --update $ drush migrate:reset user $ drush migrate:rollback userWhat's next?

What I've presented in this article is 90% of what I regularly use when running migrations. Sure, there are a few edge cases where oddities occur, but I believe this is a solid base of knowledge to start with. 

Once all this makes sense, I encourage you to utilize other blog posts and documentation to extend the user migration we started, or write new ones based on other resources. Once you're comfortable writing additional migrations, learning how to create your own process plugins is the natural next step. As process plugins are written as PHP classes, some knowledge of module development is necessary. 

Interested in learning more about Drupal module development? Check out DrupalEasy's 15-week Professional Module Development course

Additional resources

Lead image generated by OpenAI.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Python Bytes: #393 Dare enter the Bash dungeon?

Planet Python - Tue, 2024-07-23 04:00
<strong>Topics covered in this episode:</strong><br> <ul> <li><a href="https://marimo.io"><strong>Marimo:</strong></a><a href="https://marimo.io"> </a><a href="https://marimo.io"><strong>“Future</strong></a><a href="https://marimo.io"> <strong>of Notebooks”</strong></a></li> <li><a href="https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/changelog.html#pytest-8-3-1-2024-07-20"><strong>pytest 8.3.0 &amp; 8.3.1 are out</strong></a></li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024.html"><strong>Python Language Summit 2024</strong></a></li> <li><a href="https://github.com/wolandark/bash-dungeon/"><strong>bash-dungeon</strong></a></li> <li><strong>Extras</strong></li> <li><strong>Joke</strong></li> </ul><a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwTJpSvrGls' style='font-weight: bold;'data-umami-event="Livestream-Past" data-umami-event-episode="393">Watch on YouTube</a><br> <p><strong>About the show</strong></p> <p>Sponsored by us! Support our work through:</p> <ul> <li>Our <a href="https://training.talkpython.fm/"><strong>courses at Talk Python Training</strong></a></li> <li><a href="https://courses.pythontest.com/p/the-complete-pytest-course"><strong>The Complete pytest Course</strong></a></li> <li><a href="https://www.patreon.com/pythonbytes"><strong>Patreon Supporters</strong></a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Connect with the hosts</strong></p> <ul> <li>Michael: <a href="https://fosstodon.org/@mkennedy"><strong>@mkennedy@fosstodon.org</strong></a></li> <li>Brian: <a href="https://fosstodon.org/@brianokken"><strong>@brianokken@fosstodon.org</strong></a></li> <li>Show: <a href="https://fosstodon.org/@pythonbytes"><strong>@pythonbytes@fosstodon.org</strong></a></li> </ul> <p>Join us on YouTube at <a href="https://pythonbytes.fm/stream/live"><strong>pythonbytes.fm/live</strong></a> to be part of the audience. Usually Tuesdays at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too.</p> <p>Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to <a href="https://pythonbytes.fm/friends-of-the-show">our friends of the show list</a>, we'll never share it.</p> <p><strong>Michael #1:</strong> <a href="https://marimo.io"><strong>Marimo:</strong></a><a href="https://marimo.io"> </a><a href="https://marimo.io"><strong>“Future</strong></a><a href="https://marimo.io"> <strong>of Notebooks”</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>via Matt Wilkie</li> <li>An <strong>open-source</strong> reactive notebook for Python</li> <li>Run one cell and marimo reacts by <strong>automatically running affected cells</strong>, eliminating the error-prone chore of managing notebook state.</li> <li>Marimo's reactive <strong>UI elements</strong>, like dataframe GUIs and plots, make working with data feel refreshingly fast, futuristic, and intuitive.</li> <li>Rapidly experiment with code and models</li> <li>Bind UI elements to Python values</li> <li>Pick-up-and-play design, with depth for power users</li> <li>See <a href="https://docs.marimo.io/faq.html">the FAQ</a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Brian #2:</strong> <a href="https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/changelog.html#pytest-8-3-1-2024-07-20"><strong>pytest 8.3.0 &amp; 8.3.1 are out</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>Real excited to get --xfail-tb flag added <ul> <li>This detaches xfail tracebacks from -rx/-ra (which was how it was pre-8.0)</li> </ul></li> <li>Keyword matching for marker expressions, that’s fun. <ul> <li>pytest -v -m "device(serial='123')"</li> </ul></li> <li>--no-fold-skipped allows for explit reporting of names of skipped tests</li> <li>Plus many more improvements, bug fixes, and doc improvements</li> </ul> <p><strong>Michael #3:</strong> <a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024.html"><strong>Python Language Summit 2024</strong></a></p> <ul> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-should-python-adopt-calver.html">Should Python adopt Calendar Versioning?</a>: talk by Hugo van Kemenade</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-python-security-model-after-xz.html">Python's security model after the xz-utils backdoor</a>: talk by Pablo Galindo Salgado</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-c-api.html">Native Interface and Limited C API</a>: talks by Petr Viktorin and Victor Stinner</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-free-threading-ecosystems.html">Free-threading ecosystems</a>: talk by Daniele Parmeggiani</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-python-on-mobile.html">Python on Mobile</a>: talk by Malcolm Smith</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-pyrepl-new-default-repl-for-python.html">PyREPL</a><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-pyrepl-new-default-repl-for-python.html"> </a><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-pyrepl-new-default-repl-for-python.html">--</a><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-pyrepl-new-default-repl-for-python.html"> New default REPL written in Python</a>: talk by Pablo Galindo Salgado, Łukasz Langa, and Lysandros Nikolaou</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-pyrepl-new-pdb.html">Should we make pdb better?</a>: talk by Tian Gao</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-limiting-yield-in-async-generators.html">Limiting yield in async generators</a>: talk by Zac Hatfield-Dodds</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-annotations-as-transforms.html">Annotations as Transforms</a>: talk by Jason R. Coombs</li> <li><a href="https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2024/06/python-language-summit-2024-lightning-talks.html">Lightning Talks</a>, featuring talks by Petr Viktorin, David Hewitt, Emily Morehouse, Łukasz Langa, Pablo Galindo Salgado, and Yury Selivanov</li> </ul> <p><strong>Brian #4:</strong> <a href="https://github.com/wolandark/bash-dungeon/"><strong>bash-dungeon</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>“<em>This game is intended to teach new users how to use their shell in a fun and interactive way.”</em></li> <li>Just clone the repo and start exploring with cd, ls, and cat.</li> <li>First moves <ul> <li>cd bash-dungeon</li> <li>ls</li> <li>cd Enter</li> <li>ls</li> <li>cat parchment</li> </ul></li> <li>A fun way to learn some commands you might need and/or might have forgotten about.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Extras</strong> </p> <p>Brian:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://discuss.python.org/t/python-3-13-0b4-now-available/58565">Python 3.12.0b4, final beta, is out</a></li> <li>If hanging out on discuss.python.org, please checkout <ul> <li><a href="https://discuss.python.org/guidelines/">Community Guidelines</a></li> </ul></li> <li>And if it’s still not clear why we need these, check out <ul> <li><a href="https://discuss.python.org/t/inclusive-communications-expectations-in-python-spaces/57950">Inclusive communications expectations in Python spaces</a></li> </ul></li> <li>Google Chrome news</li> </ul> <p>Michael:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@ddsmit/112793568816585948">PySimpleGUI goes commercial with obfuscated</a><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@ddsmit/112793568816585948"> </a><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@ddsmit/112793568816585948">“source</a><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@ddsmit/112793568816585948"> open”?</a></li> <li>Still have seats for <a href="https://talkpython.fm/castle">Code in a Castle event</a></li> <li><a href="https://training.talkpython.fm/courses/reactive-web-dashboards-with-shiny-for-data-science">Reactive Dashboards with Shiny for Python free course</a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Joke:</strong> </p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/investment-2?utm_source=pocket_saves">40 Million in in Series A Funding</a> - may be a lot of reading, but I found it funny <ul> <li>Thanks to VM Brasseur for sharing this one.</li> </ul></li> <li>Also a few from <a href="https://pypi.org/project/pyjokes/0.7.2/#history">pyjokes 0.7.2</a> (first new version since 2019) <ul> <li>If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.</li> <li>A product manager walks into a bar, asks for drink. Bartender says no, but will consider adding later.</li> <li>Triumphantly, Beth removed Python 2.7 from her server in 2030. 'Finally!' she said with glee, only to see the announcement for Python 4.4.1 <ul> <li>Although, if <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-2026/">CalVer, PEP 2026</a>, happens, that’ll just be Python 3.30.0.</li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul>
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Golems GABB: Best SEO Practices for Drupal Websites in 2024

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-07-23 03:10
Best SEO Practices for Drupal Websites in 2024 Editor Tue, 07/23/2024 - 10:10

If you are enthusiastic about Best SEO Practices for Drupal Websites in 2024 and want to grow your website traffic, you are just in the right place! Drupal is like a wise friend on the web who helps you complete tasks quickly without understanding many programming details. Also, it has some cool tricks that make your website both Google-friendly and user-friendly. And here we go, deeper into optimizing your SEO for Drupal!

Drupal SEO Checklist in 2024

All right, let's make a rough Drupal SEO checklist.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Specbee: Top 8 Drupal modules that can improve user engagement

Planet Drupal - Tue, 2024-07-23 02:33
An engaging website is like a great party host who makes everyone feel welcome and ensures they have such a fantastic time that they never want to leave. Who are these engaged users? They’re your future loyal customers, your content’s biggest fans, and the ones most likely to convert into paying customers. Keeping your content fresh and relevant is one of the best things you can do to maintain user engagement on your website, but a CMS like Drupal offers so much more than just that. From creating personalized experiences to integrating interactive elements, Drupal empowers you to build a dynamic, engaging website that keeps users coming back for more. In this blog, I’ll explore the benefits of creating an engaging website for your business and introduce 8 fantastic Drupal modules that can boost user engagement. Let’s get started! Why is user engagement important anyway Profitable B2B, B2C, or SaaS companies use effective user engagement as one of their KPIs to demonstrate the value they’re offering to their customers through their services. Engagement is crucial to achieving all marketing goals if you want to boost your website traffic, establish brand awareness, or launch social media campaigns. Driving higher user engagement draws substantial benefits for your business.  You get sustained audience attention Build stronger emotional bonds with customers Increase in repeated customers gradually Brand advocacy from loyal customers Shortened sales cycles You can track your user engagement using various user engagement metrics such as customer base growth, average customer value, and churn rate. Your users engage with your business via social media, your company website, and product or service purchases. Here are some common metrics that help measure user engagement: Page/scroll depth Page views Conversions Time spent on the page/site Pages per session Bounce rate And more… How can you improve user engagement With advanced technology and a rise in user expectations, it is only essential to refine websites for optimized user experiences. To begin with, here’s what you can do to improve user engagement: Identify and cater to your target audience: Understand your target audience and customize your content to meet their expectations and preferences. Implement a design that adapts to various devices: Build a responsive website that is adaptable to various devices whether laptop, desktop, mobile, or tablet. It helps deliver a seamless experience with a responsive design and optimum website functionality. Ensure easy-to-use navigation: Develop an intuitive web design, easy to navigate, providing users with what they look for with clear menus and search functionality. Utilize personalized content and experiences: Craft your content, recommendations, and CTAs based on user preferences, behavior, and demographics. Incorporate interactive features and social media integration: Analyze user behavior and gather feedback by implementing interactive elements like forms, surveys, quizzes, polls, etc. Integrate social media buttons on your website for social engagement and brand awareness. Optimize page load time: Reduce bounce rates with the help of leveraging caching, optimized images, compressing files, utilizing CDNs, etc., to optimize page load times for an enhanced user experience. Top 8 Drupal modules to boost user engagement There can be pretty small yet essential elements that can contribute to boosting user engagement, meeting user preferences, and generating valuable statistics. Drupal’s active community continuously develops innovative modules and themes to boost engagement. I have gathered a list of 8 Drupal modules that you can use to build user engagement through your website. 1. Webform Image source: Drupal .org The Webform module is one of the most important Drupal modules that bridges the gap between you and your audience. It helps engage your audience, gather insights about their preferences, maintain interaction with your regular customers, track marketing analytics, and offer assistance as and when required. This module allows you to collect data in any form that is submitted to the application or system. These forms are customizable based on any behavior or aspect. Whether you need a form with multiple pages or multiple columns with conditional logic or a simple, basic form that pushes data to Salesforce/CRM, the Webform module makes it all possible. Users can enter their data through these forms - contact forms, feedback forms, job applications, support requests, subscription forms, surveys, appointment forms, and other types of forms as required for your business and marketing goals. Webforms feature text fields, checkboxes, select menus, radio buttons, and more. Administrators can enhance their features using placeholders for required data formats, autocomplete options, and relevant text to improve user-friendliness. Drupal’s webforms adhere to specific web accessibility standards that ensure seamless functionality even for differently-abled individuals. This includes clear labels, easily associated form validation, and keyboard accessibility. Take a deeper dive into the Webform module in this article. 2. Flag You might dog-ear pages of a novel to mark where you left off or use bookmarks to keep track. The Flag module in Drupal offers similar functionality. It’s an adaptable flagging system, fully customizable by administrators. Admins can create numerous flags for nodes, comments, users, and additional entities. Any website featuring user-generated content may require monitoring for spam and adherence to submission guidelines. The Flag Drupal module allows users to mark (or bookmark) content for future reference. Users have the ability to “Add to wishlist,” “Mark as inappropriate,” “Add to bookmarks,” or “Flag as helpful,” as part of this module’s functionalities. Flags can be either per-user, letting individuals mark items independently, or global, meaning any user’s action affects everyone. This flexibility allows additional flags (similar to published or sticky) to be applied to nodes or other elements, managed according to admin preferences. Additionally, the module’s integration with Views allows you to build custom lists of popular content or monitor key items. 3. Poll Image source: Drupal .org Just like you can vote your opinion on Instagram stories and posts nowadays, the Poll module in Drupal enables users to vote among multiple choices. You can create and manage multiple polls. These polls can be customized among options such as anonymous voting, setting voting requirements, or toggling open/closed status. Administrators can create a block that highlights the most recent poll. Additionally, this module can also be integrated with Views, so admins can create their own blocks and pages. The best thing about these polls is that they are multilingual. Users in any part of the globe can choose their preferences in their respective languages. 4. Node Read Time Image source: Drupal .org Time is precious and you’d like your time to be respected. Many websites understand this sentiment and value their readers’ precious time. When you read a blog on such websites, you may have noticed at the top of the blog that it mentions the time required to read that particular blog. The Node Read Time module in Drupal is behind this feature of Drupal websites. The Node Read Time module allows admins to add an extra field of content types to showcase the time taken for users to read a node. This field considers all text fields in the content type and entity version revision fields like Paragraphs and Custom Blocks. Additionally, the configuration page of this module allows you to enable the reading time field for specific content types. You can also set the “words per minute” value for your users to calculate the reading time. Users usually get to view the time in minutes or minutes and seconds. 5. Like/Dislike Image source: Drupal .org If you want to understand how your readers perceive your blogs, this module can help. The Like/Dislike Drupal module allows you to implement a customizable like and dislike widget anywhere on your site. With the help of the Voting API, the module securely stores, retrieves, and tallies user votes. You can easily configure its settings through a dedicated page to specify which content types or entities the widget should apply to. Users can simply hit the like or dislike button on the page to express their approval or disapproval of your site content. However, be mindful of the fact that only authenticated users can engage with the like or dislike option. Anonymous users are required to log in or register to cast their vote. 6. Commerce Wishlist When we shop online, we mostly tend to “Add to Wishlist” to save our preferences for a later buying decision. The Commerce Wishlist module in Drupal offers such Wishlist functionality. This module is specifically developed for e-commerce websites. With the help of this module, admins can create a dedicated wishlist page, along with a customizable block. Its integration with the Views module makes it easier for straightforward customization. With the help of this module, admins can add an “Add to Wishlist” button on every product display node. You can also generate a customizable list using Views to showcase all Wishlist products. Users can effortlessly remove or transfer Wishlist items to their Shopping Cart with a simple click. 7. Quiz Image source: Drupal .org Have you ever participated in a quiz tournament? While this quiz isn’t related to that one, they do share a common trait. But if you look at it this way, the tournament brings into the limelight the winner who knew the highest number of answers to the questions. It highlights their knowledge of different subjects/topics. The Quiz module in Drupal gathers insights from users with the help of graded assessments that consist of a series of questions. These responses are then stored in the database. The scores and results of these quizzes are displayed during or after completion. Admins can use its intuitive drag-and-drop interface to order the questions (and answers) and pages. Admins can also customize the number of questions on every page. Additionally, the module allows dummy Quiz generation, along with Question and Result data with Devel. The questions can also be randomized where multiple attempts are allowed per user. Admins have the option to provide feedback manually or automatically. Here are the versatile application options of the Quiz module: Integration into larger Learning Management Systems (LMS) or as a supplementary classroom activity Standalone functionality supporting multimedia-rich content in questions and answers Adaptive mode for self-paced learning with multiple attempts Training programs allowing iterative improvement attempts 8. Advanced Content Feedback (Admin Feedback) Image source: Drupal .org Last on my list is a crucial Drupal module that is most helpful in gathering insights about your site’s content. To understand if you’re providing relevant content for your users, you need to be mindful of their preferences. Feedback is a traditional yet proven and useful approach to gathering insights into your users’ preferences. The Admin Feedback module in Drupal allows users to submit feedback on content (nodes) via AJAX requests and ensures a seamless user experience without redirects. The insights from this feedback are then monitored, analyzed, and inspected by administrators from the dashboard. This module facilitates direct improvements based on client feedback gathered via FAQ or help pages seeking user input to enhance content quality. It includes a permission system to control feedback submission and analysis by specific roles. Admins work via two significant features of the Admin Feedback module for its optimum purpose: Feedback Block - This feature offers a customizable form on various content types for users to provide positive or negative feedback backed with optional messages. Content Feedback Dashboard - Accessible at /admin/content/feedback, this dashboard displays all user feedback with permissions to manage access. It offers two views: Summary View and Detail View. Other Drupal Modules that promote user engagement Apart from the previously mentioned modules, here are a few additional Drupal modules that help improve engagement of your Drupal site: Simple Feedback Survey: This module is an alternative to survey forms to collect data from users visiting your site. Website Feedback: This module allows users (with permission) to submit feedback comments along with a screenshot of the page. Reviews: This module allows authenticated users to submit their reviews about the site content.  Social Media Share: As the name suggests, this module allows users to share the current site page to various social media platforms like Twitter (X), Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Pinterest, and email. Social Auth Google: This module allows users to register and log in to a Drupal website via their Google account. Final Thoughts Your website is the face of your brand, and users are drawn to businesses that offer a seamless experience, engaging them with interactive features and personalized content. Drupal is an excellent tool for achieving just that. If you’re looking for a reliable Drupal development company to help improve your user engagement with your Drupal website, let’s make it happen together! Contact us today to get started!
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Building and Running QML Android Applications

Planet KDE - Mon, 2024-07-22 20:00
Building QML Android Applications

Qt Creator uses Gradle for project building. Once your project code is ready, select the Android kit for building in Qt Creator. Click build, and Qt Creator will generate Gradle configuration files for you. However, you may encounter errors such as:

Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'. A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.res.LinkApplicationAndroidResourcesTask$TaskAction Android resource linking failed aapt2 E 07-23 15:59:44 51907 51907 LoadedArsc.cpp:94] RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entry offsets overlap actual entry data. aapt2 E 07-23 15:59:44 51907 51907 ApkAssets.cpp:149] Failed to load resources table in APK '/home/zhy/Android/Sdk/platforms/android-35/android.jar'.

This is because the current Gradle plugin version does not support android-35. SeeHow to fix "Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. > Android resource linking failed"[Android/Flutter] - Stack Overflow

To resolve this issue, you need to modify the Gradle configuration.

Navigate to the /build/Qt_6_7_2_Clang_arm64_v8a-Debug/android-build folder in your project.

Open the build.gradle file and locate the dependencies block:

dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.4.1' }

com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.4.1 refers to the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP). This default version is from 2022 and is quite outdated.

You can find the latest version here: Maven Repository: com.android.tools.build » gradle

Update the plugin version to a newer one, for example:

dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.4.1' }

Additionally, when upgrading the plugin version, ensure compatibility with the Gradle version.

Check the relationship between the Gradle and AGP versions here: Android Gradle plugin 8.5 release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers

Reference: Could not find com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.3.3. error found in build.gradle file - Stack Overflow

Therefore, you should use at least Gradle version 8.6 to support this plugin.

Navigate to the ./gradle/wrapper folder and open the gradle-wrapper.properties file. This file defines the Gradle version used by the project.

Find the line: distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-8.3-bin.zip

Change it to:


This update specifies that the project will use Gradle version 8.6.

After making these changes, click on build. It will automatically download the specified version of Gradle and then download the necessary Gradle plugins.

If successful, you can find the built APK at ./build/outputs/apk/debug.

Running and Installing APK

In a Linux environment, you can use the adb command to install the APK on your Android device. Alternatively, you can use Qt Creator for one-click deployment.

After connecting your Android device via USB, use the adb command to install the APK:

adb install android-build-debug.apk

Make sure that your Android device has Developer Mode enabled. You can find specific instructions on how to enable Developer Mode based on your device model through an online search.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Christoph Schiessl: How to Serve a Directory of Static Files with FastAPI

Planet Python - Mon, 2024-07-22 20:00
Learn how to serve a static site using FastAPI. Perfect for locally testing statically generated websites, for instance, with `httpie`.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Quansight Labs Blog: Introducing the 2024 Labs Internship Program Cohort

Planet Python - Mon, 2024-07-22 20:00
Meet the interns joining us for our third-annual summer internship.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Russell Coker: Blog Comments

Planet Debian - Mon, 2024-07-22 18:05

The Akismet WordPress anti-spam plugin has changed it’s policy to not run on sites that have adverts which includes mine. Without it I get an average of about 1 spam comment per hour and the interface for removing spam takes more mouse actions than desired. For email spam it’s about the same volume half of which is messages with SpamAssassin scores high enough to go into the MaybeSpam folder (that I go through every few weeks) and half of which goes straight to my inbox. But fortunately moving spam to a folder where I can later use it to train Bayesian classification is a much faster option on PC and is also something I can do from my phone MUA.

As an experiment I have configured my blog to only take comments from registered users. It will be interesting to see how many spammers make it through that and to also see feedback from genuine people. People who can’t comment can tell me about it via the contact methods listed here [1].

I previously wrote about other ways of dealing with hostile comments [2]. Blogging seems to be less popular nowadays so a Planet specific forum doesn’t seem a viable option. It’s a pity, I think that YouTube and Facebook have taken over from blogs and that’s not a good thing.

Related posts:

  1. Blog Comments John Scalzi wrote an insightful post about the utility of...
  2. comment spam The war on comment-spam has now begun. It appears that...
  3. wp-spamshield Yesterday I installed the wp-spamshield plugin for WordPress [1]. It...
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Martin-&#201;ric Racine: dhcpcd replacing dhclient for Trixie... or perhaps networkd?

Planet Debian - Mon, 2024-07-22 14:38

My work on overhauling dhcpcd as the prime replacement for ISC's discontinued DHCP client is done. The package has achieved stability, both upstream and at Debian. The only remaining points are bug #1038882 to swap the Priorities of isc-dhcp-client and dhcpcd-base in the repository's override, and swaping ifupdown's search order to put dhcpcd first.

Meanwhile, ifupdown's de-facto maintainer prompted me to sollicit opinions on which of the 4 ifupdown implementations should ship with a minimal installation for Trixie. This, in turn, re-opened the debate of what should be Debian's default network configuation framework (see the thread starting with this post).


Given how most Debian ports (except for Hurd) ship with systemd, which includes a disabled networkd by standard, many people in the thread feel that this should become the default network configuration tool for minimal installations. As it happens, most of my hosts fit that scenario, so I figured that I would give another go at testing networkd on one host.

I used the following minimalistic /etc/systemd/network/dhcp.network:

[Match] Name=en* wl* [Network] DHCP=yes

This correctly configured IPv4 via DHCP, with the small caveat that it doesn't update /etc/resolv.conf without installing resolvconf or systemd-resolved.

However, networkd's default IPv6 settings really are not suitable for public consumption. The key issues (see Bug #1076432):

  1. Temporary addresses are not enabled by default. Worse, the setting is ignored if it was enabled by sysctl during bootup. This is a major privacy issue. Adding IPv6PrivacyExtensions=yes to the above exposed another issue: instead of using the fe80 address generated by the kernel, networkd adds a new one.
  2. Networkd uses EUI64 addresses by default. This is another major privacy issue, since EUI64 addresses are forensically traceable to the interface's MAC address. Worse, the setting is ignored if stable-privacy was enabled by sysctl during bootup. To top it all, networkd does stable-privacy using systemd's time-proven brain-dead approach of reinventing the wheel: instead of merely setting the kernel's address generation mode to 3 and letting it configure the secret address, it expects the secret address to be spelled out in the systemd unit.

Conclusion: networkd works well enough for someone configuring an IPv4-only network from 20 years ago, but is utterly inadequate for IPv6 or dual-stack installations, doubly so on a software distribution that claims to care about privacy and network security.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #460 - Preconfigured CMS Solutions

Planet Drupal - Mon, 2024-07-22 14:00

Today we are talking about Preconfigured CMS Solutions, How they can help your business, and The best way to build them in Drupal with guests Baddy Sonja Breidert and Dr. Christoph Breidert.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/460

  • Spain
  • What is a Preconfigured CMS / Drupal Solution
  • Who is the audience
  • What business objectives can preconfigured solutions solve
  • What are the ingredients
  • How do you manage theming
  • How do you manage customized design
  • What do you do if your client has a need that your preconfigured solution does not solve
  • What about Starshot
  • Did the two of you meet over Drupal
  • How do you manage work life balance
Resources Guests

Christoph Breidert - 1xINTERNET breidert


Nic Laflin - nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan John Picozzi - epam.com johnpicozzi Baddý Sonja Breidert - 1xINTERNET baddysonja

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu.com mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to customize the way Google Maps appear on your Drupal site? There's a module for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Mar 2014 by iampuma, but recent releases are by Artem Dmitriiev (a.dmitriiev) of 1xINTERNET
    • Versions available: 7.x-2.0, 8.x-1.7, and 8.x-2.6 versions available, the last of which works with Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained, latest release a week ago
    • Security coverage
    • Has a Documentation page and lots of information on the project page
    • Number of open issues: 8 open issues, 1 of which is a bug against the current branch, though it was actually fixed in the latest release
  • Usage stats:
    • 1,764 sites
  • Module features and usage
    • The module provides allows your Drupal to use custom styles, which you can copy and paste from SnazzyMaps.com, or create from scratch using a configuration widget on Github that is linked from the project page
    • You will be able to use custom markers by using the System Stream Wrapper module
    • You can also specify popups for the markers, using a field or a view mode
    • If you use the companion styled_google_views module, you can also show multiple locations, and define clustering options
    • Styled Google Map also has integration with Google's Directions service, so visitors can easily get turn-by-turn directions for how to reached their chosen location
    • The module also includes a demo submodule you can use to quickly set up a working example to illustrate all the different options available using Styled Google Map
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Modernizing Your Web Presence with Drupal

Planet Drupal - Mon, 2024-07-22 12:05

Hello Tech Enthusiasts,

In this edition, we’re exploring why Drupal is a smart choice for your website development needs.

Drupal’s modular design makes it highly scalable and flexible, allowing it to support everything from small blogs to large enterprise sites. This adaptability ensures your website can grow and evolve alongside your business without needing extensive overhauls.

Managing content on Drupal is straightforward, thanks to its intuitive interface. Even non-technical users can easily handle updates and changes. Additionally, with numerous themes and modules, customization is virtually limitless, enabling businesses to tailor their sites to specific requirements.

Security is another area where Drupal excels. Regular updates and a robust security framework protect your site from vulnerabilities. Plus, being open-source, Drupal benefits from a vibrant community that continually contributes to its development, ensuring continuous improvements and access to a wealth of resources.

Businesses across various industries have successfully used Drupal to create dynamic, secure, and scalable websites. For example, the University of Oxford leverages Drupal to manage extensive content libraries and facilitate complex workflows efficiently. You can read more about their experience here.

Drupal offers a powerful and versatile CMS solution for modern website development. Its scalability, ease of use, extensive customization options, and strong security make it an ideal choice for businesses aiming to enhance their web presence. Supported by an active community, Drupal continues to meet the diverse needs of its users.

With that, now explore some of the highlighted stories we covered last week:

Join The DropTimes (TDT) for its milestone 100th interview with Dries Buytaert, the innovative founder of Drupal. Interviewed by Anoop John, Founder and Lead of The DropTimes, this conversation explores Drupal’s rich history and transformative journey.

Learn how to migrate new content efficiently using Drupal's Migrate API. Jaymie Strecker's second part of this tutorial, "Using Drupal Migrations to Modify Content Within a Site," provides detailed examples of creating paragraphs, nodes, URL aliases, and redirects.

The 2024 Drupal Association board election is now open. Community members can nominate themselves until 30 July 2024. Voting begins on 15 August.

The Drupal Association's annual survey is now open! Digital service providers worldwide are invited to share their insights on market trends, growth opportunities, and more. Participate by September 4 to contribute to the comprehensive report and see the results presented at the CEO Dinner during DrupalCon Barcelona.

Varbase 10.0.0 has arrived, bringing a host of enhancements and new features to this comprehensive Drupal distribution. Built on Drupal 10, it offers improved performance, PHP 8.1 compatibility, and a modern CKEditor 5 integration.

Drupal Starshot is recruiting track leads to drive crucial project tracks, focusing on areas like Drupal Recipes, installer enhancements, and product marketing. Apply by July 31st to contribute to this innovative initiative and help shape the future of Drupal.

Mark Conroy introduces the LocalGov KeyNav module, enabling keyboard shortcuts for navigating LocalGov Drupal websites. This module, sponsored by Big Blue Door, enhances site usability with customizable key sequences for quick access to various pages.

DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 invites registered attendees to submit proposals for Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions. BoFs provide an inclusive, informal environment to discuss Drupal, technology topics, or personal interests. Submit your BoF proposal by September 25, 2024, to join the conversation.

Gábor Hojtsy and Lauri Timmanee have released the open-source slide deck and video recording from their keynote on Drupal Starshot at Drupal Developer Days 2024. Access these resources for your events and presentations.

Sponsorship opportunities are now available for DrupalCamp Pune 2024, which will take place on October 19-20. This is a great opportunity to engage with the global Drupal community and showcase your brand.

Submit your session proposals for Twin Cities Drupal Camp 2024 by August 15. The camp, scheduled for September 12-13, 2024, welcomes diverse topics related to Drupal and web development.

We acknowledge that there are more stories to share. However, due to selection constraints, we must pause further exploration for now.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Kazima Abbas
Sub-editor, The DropTimes.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Peter Bengtsson: Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit round-up

Planet Python - Mon, 2024-07-22 10:29

In the last couple of days, I've created variations of a simple algorithm to demonstrate how Celcius and Fahrenheit seem to relate to each other if you "mirror the number".
It wasn't supposed to be about the programming language. Still, I used Python in the first one and I noticed that since the code is simple, it could be fun to write variants of it in other languages.

  1. Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Python
  2. Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with TypeScript
  3. Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Go
  4. Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Ruby
  5. Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Crystal
  6. Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Rust

It was a fun exercise.

And speaking of fun, I couldn't help but to throw in a benchmark using hyperfine that measures, essentially, how fast these CLIs can start up. The results look like this:

Summary ./conversion-rs ran 1.31 ± 1.30 times faster than ./conversion-go 1.88 ± 1.33 times faster than ./conversion-cr 7.15 ± 4.64 times faster than bun run conversion.ts 14.27 ± 9.48 times faster than python3.12 conversion.py 18.10 ± 12.35 times faster than node conversion.js 67.75 ± 43.80 times faster than ruby conversion.rb

It doesn't prove much, that you didn't expect. But it's fun to see how fast Python 3.12 has become at starting up.

Head on over to https://github.com/peterbe/temperature-conversion to play along. Perhaps you can see some easy optimizations (speed and style).

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

libc @ Savannah: The GNU C Library version 2.40 is now available

GNU Planet! - Mon, 2024-07-22 10:29

The GNU C Library

The GNU C Library version 2.40 is now available.

The GNU C Library is used as the C library in the GNU system and
in GNU/Linux systems, as well as many other systems that use Linux
as the kernel.

The GNU C Library is primarily designed to be a portable
and high performance C library.  It follows all relevant
standards including ISO C11 and POSIX.1-2017.  It is also
internationalized and has one of the most complete
internationalization interfaces known.

The GNU C Library webpage is at http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/

Packages for the 2.40 release may be downloaded from:

The mirror list is at http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html

Distributions are encouraged to track the release/* branches
corresponding to the releases they are using.  The release
branches will be updated with conservative bug fixes and new
features while retaining backwards compatibility.

NEWS for version 2.40

Major new features:

  • The <stdbit.h> header type-generic macros have been changed when using

  GCC 14.1 or later to use __builtin_stdc_bit_ceil etc. built-in functions
  in order to support unsigned __int128 and/or unsigned _BitInt(N) operands
  with arbitrary precisions when supported by the target.

  • The GNU C Library now supports a feature test macro _ISOC23_SOURCE to

  enable features from the ISO C23 standard.  Only some features from
  this standard are supported by the GNU C Library.  The older name
  _ISOC2X_SOURCE is still supported.  Features from C23 are also enabled
  by _GNU_SOURCE, or by compiling with the GCC options -std=c23,
  -std=gnu23, -std=c2x or -std=gnu2x.

  • The following ISO C23 function families (introduced in TS

  18661-4:2015) are now supported in <math.h>.  Each family includes
  functions for float, double, long double, _FloatN and _FloatNx, and a
  type-generic macro in <tgmath.h>.

  - Exponential functions: exp2m1, exp10m1.

  - Logarithmic functions: log2p1, log10p1, logp1.

  • A new tunable, glibc.rtld.enable_secure, can be used to run a program

  as if it were a setuid process. This is currently a testing tool to allow
  more extensive verification tests for AT_SECURE programs and not meant to
  be a security feature.

  • On Linux, the epoll header was updated to include epoll ioctl definitions

  and the related structure added in Linux kernel 6.9.

  • The fortify functionality has been significantly enhanced for building

  programs with clang against the GNU C Library.

  • Many functions have been added to the vector library for aarch64:

    acosh, asinh, atanh, cbrt, cosh, erf, erfc, hypot, pow, sinh, tanh

  • On x86, memset can now use non-temporal stores to improve the performance

  of large writes. This behaviour is controlled by a new tunable

Deprecated and removed features, and other changes affecting compatibility:

  • Architectures which use a 32-bit seconds-since-epoch field in struct

  lastlog, struct utmp, struct utmpx (such as i386, powerpc64le, rv32,
  rv64, x86-64) switched from a signed to an unsigned type for that
  field.  This allows these fields to store timestamps beyond the year
  2038, until the year 2106.  Please note that applications are still
  expected to migrate off the interfaces declared in <utmp.h> and
  <utmpx.h> (except for login_tty) due to locking and session management

  • __rseq_size now denotes the size of the active rseq area (20 bytes

  initially), not the size of struct rseq (32 bytes initially).

Security related changes:

The following CVEs were fixed in this release, details of which can be
found in the advisories directory of the release tarball:

    ISO-2022-CN-EXT: fix out-of-bound writes when writing escape
    sequence (CVE-2024-2961)

    nscd: Stack-based buffer overflow in netgroup cache (CVE-2024-33599)

    nscd: Null pointer crash after notfound response (CVE-2024-33600)

    nscd: netgroup cache may terminate daemon on memory allocation
    failure (CVE-2024-33601)

    nscd: netgroup cache assumes NSS callback uses in-buffer strings

The following bugs were resolved with this release:

  [19622] network: Support aliasing with struct sockaddr
  [21271] localedata: cv_RU: update translations
  [23774] localedata: lv_LV collates Y/y incorrectly
  [23865] string: wcsstr is quadratic-time
  [25119] localedata: Change Czech weekday names to lowercase
  [27777] stdio: fclose does a linear search, takes ages when many FILE*
    are opened
  [29770] libc: prctl does not match manual page ABI on powerpc64le-
  [29845] localedata: Update hr_HR locale currency to €
  [30701] time: getutxent misbehaves on 32-bit x86 when _TIME_BITS=64
  [31316] build: Fails test misc/tst-dirname "Didn't expect signal from
    child: got `Illegal instruction'" on non SSE CPUs
  [31317] dynamic-link: [RISCV] static PIE crashes during self
  [31325] libc: mips: clone3 is wrong for o32
  [31335] math: Compile glibc with -march=x86-64-v3 should disable FMA4
    multi-arch version
  [31339] libc: arm32 loader crash after cleanup in 2.36
  [31340] manual: A bad sentence in section 22.3.5 (resource.texi)
  [31357] dynamic-link: $(objpfx)tst-rtld-list-diagnostics.out rule
    doesn't work with test wrapper
  [31370] localedata: wcwidth() does not treat
  [31371] dynamic-link: x86-64: APX and Tile registers aren't preserved
    in ld.so trampoline
  [31372] dynamic-link: _dl_tlsdesc_dynamic doesn't preserve all caller-
    saved registers
  [31383] libc: _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 and __fortified_attr_access vs size of
    0 and zero size types
  [31385] build: sort-makefile-lines.py doesn't check variable with _
    nor with "^# variable"
  [31402] libc: clone (NULL, NULL, ...) clobbers %r7 register on
  [31405] libc: Improve dl_iterate_phdr using _dl_find_object
  [31411] localedata: Add Latgalian locale
  [31412] build: GCC 6 failed to build i386 glibc on Fedora 39
  [31429] build: Glibc failed to build with -march=x86-64-v3
  [31468] libc: sigisemptyset returns true when the set contains signals
    larger than 34
  [31476] network: Automatic activation of single-request options break
    resolv.conf reloading
  [31479] libc: Missing #include <sys/rseq.h> in sched_getcpu.c may
    result in a loss of rseq acceleration
  [31501] dynamic-link: _dl_tlsdesc_dynamic_xsavec may clobber %rbx
  [31518] manual: documentation: FLT_MAX_10_EXP questionable text, evtl.
  [31530] localedata: Locale file for Moksha - mdf_RU
  [31553] malloc: elf/tst-decorate-maps fails on ppc64el
  [31596] libc: On the llvm-arm32 platform, dlopen("not_exist.so", -1)
    triggers segmentation fault
  [31600] math: math: x86 ceill traps when FE_INEXACT is enabled
  [31601] math: math: x86 floor traps when FE_INEXACT is enabled
  [31603] math: math: x86 trunc traps when FE_INEXACT is enabled
  [31612] libc: arc4random fails to fallback to /dev/urandom if
    getrandom is not present
  [31629] build: powerpc64: Configuring with "--with-cpu=power10" and
    'CFLAGS=-O2 -mcpu=power9' fails to build glibc
  [31640] dynamic-link: POWER10 ld.so crashes in
    elf_machine_load_address with GCC 14
  [31661] libc: NPROCESSORS_CONF and NPROCESSORS_ONLN not available in
  [31676] dynamic-link: Configuring with CC="gcc -march=x86-64-v3"
    --with-rtld-early-cflags=-march=x86-64 results in linker failure
  [31677] nscd: nscd: netgroup cache: invalid memcpy under low
    memory/storage conditions
  [31678] nscd: nscd: Null pointer dereferences after failed netgroup
    cache insertion
  [31679] nscd: nscd: netgroup cache may terminate daemon on memory
    allocation failure
  [31680] nscd: nscd: netgroup cache assumes NSS callback uses in-buffer
  [31682] math: [PowerPC] Floating point exception error for math test
    test-ceil-except-2 test-floor-except-2 test-trunc-except-2
  [31686] dynamic-link: Stack-based buffer overflow in
  [31695] libc: pidfd_spawn/pidfd_spawnp leak an fd if clone3 succeeds
    but execve fails
  [31719] dynamic-link: --enable-hardcoded-path-in-tests doesn't work
    with -Wl,--enable-new-dtags
  [31730] libc: backtrace_symbols_fd prints different strings than
    backtrace_symbols returns
  [31753] build: FAIL: link-static-libc with GCC 6/7/8
  [31755] libc: procutils_read_file doesn't start with a leading
  [31756] libc: write_profiling is only in libc.a
  [31757] build: Should XXXf128_do_not_use functions be excluded?
  [31759] math: Extra nearbyint symbols in libm.a
  [31760] math: Missing math functions
  [31764] build: _res_opcodes should be a compat symbol only
  [31765] dynamic-link: _dl_mcount_wrapper is exported without prototype
  [31766] stdio: IO_stderr _IO_stdin_ _IO_stdout should be compat
  [31768] string: Extra stpncpy symbol in libc.a
  [31770] libc: clone3 is in libc.a
  [31774] libc: Missing __isnanf128 in libc.a
  [31775] math: Missing exp10 exp10f32x exp10f64 fmod fmodf fmodf32
    fmodf32x fmodf64 in libm.a
  [31777] string: Extra memchr strlen symbols in libc.a
  [31781] math: Missing math functions in libm.a
  [31782] build: Test build failure with recent GCC trunk (x86/tst-cpu-
    features-supports.c:69:3: error: parameter to builtin not valid:
  [31785] string: loongarch: Extra strnlen symbols in libc.a
  [31786] string: powerpc: Extra strchrnul and strncasecmp_l symbols in
  [31787] math: powerpc: Extra llrintf, llrintf, llrintf32, and
    llrintf32 symbols in libc.a
  [31788] libc: microblaze: Extra cacheflush symbol in libc.a
  [31789] libc: powerpc: Extra versionsort symbol in libc.a
  [31790] libc: s390: Extra getutent32, getutent32_r, getutid32,
    getutid32_r, getutline32, getutline32_r, getutmp32, getutmpx32,
    getutxent32, getutxid32, getutxline32, pututline32, pututxline32,
    updwtmp32, updwtmpx32 in libc.a
  [31797] build: g++ -static requirement should be able to opt-out
  [31798] libc: pidfd_getpid.c is miscompiled by GCC 6.4
  [31802] time: difftime is pure not const
  [31808] time: The supported time_t range is not documented.
  [31840] stdio: Memory leak in _IO_new_fdopen (fdopen) on seek failure
  [31867] build: "CPU ISA level is lower than required" on SSE2-free
  [31876] time: "Date and time" documentation fixes for POSIX.1-2024 etc
  [31883] build: ISA level support configure check relies on bashism /
    is otherwise broken for arithmetic
  [31892] build: Always install mtrace.
  [31917] libc: clang mq_open fortify wrapper does not handle 4 argument
  [31927] libc: clang open fortify wrapper does not handle argument
  [31931] time: tzset may fault on very short TZ string
  [31934] string: wcsncmp crash on s390x on vlbb instruction
  [31963] stdio: Crash in _IO_link_in within __gcov_exit
  [31965] dynamic-link: rseq extension mechanism does not work as
  [31980] build: elf/tst-tunables-enable_secure-env fails on ppc

Release Notes



This release was made possible by the contributions of many people.
The maintainers are grateful to everyone who has contributed
changes or bug reports.  These include:

Adam Sampson
Adhemerval Zanella
Alejandro Colomar
Alexandre Ferrieux
Amrita H S
Andreas K. Hüttel
Andreas Schwab
Andrew Pinski
Askar Safin
Aurelien Jarno
Avinal Kumar
Carlos Llamas
Carlos O'Donell
Charles Fol
Christoph Müllner
DJ Delorie
Daniel Cederman
Darius Rad
David Paleino
Dragan Stanojević (Nevidljivi)
Evan Green
Fangrui Song
Flavio Cruz
Florian Weimer
Gabi Falk
H.J. Lu
Jakub Jelinek
Jan Kurik
Joe Damato
Joe Ramsay
Joe Simmons-Talbott
Joe Talbott
John David Anglin
Joseph Myers
Jules Bertholet
Julian Zhu
Junxian Zhu
Konstantin Kharlamov
Luca Boccassi
Maciej W. Rozycki
Manjunath Matti
Mark Wielaard
Meng Qinggang
Michael Jeanson
Michel Lind
Mohamed Akram
Noah Goldstein
Palmer Dabbelt
Paul Eggert
Philip Kaludercic
Samuel Dobron
Samuel Thibault
Sayan Paul
Sergey Bugaev
Sergey Kolosov
Siddhesh Poyarekar
Simon Chopin
Stafford Horne
Stefan Liebler
Sunil K Pandey
Szabolcs Nagy
Wilco Dijkstra
Xi Ruoyao
Xin Wang
Yinyu Cai
YunQiang Su

We would like to call out the following and thank them for their
tireless patch review:

Adhemerval Zanella
Alejandro Colomar
Andreas K. Hüttel
Arjun Shankar
Aurelien Jarno
Bruno Haible
Carlos O'Donell
DJ Delorie
Dmitry V. Levin
Evan Green
Fangrui Song
Florian Weimer
H.J. Lu
Jonathan Wakely
Joseph Myers
Mathieu Desnoyers
Maxim Kuvyrkov
Michael Jeanson
Noah Goldstein
Palmer Dabbelt
Paul Eggert
Paul E. Murphy
Peter Bergner
Philippe Mathieu-Daudé
Sam James
Siddhesh Poyarekar
Simon Chopin
Stefan Liebler
Sunil K Pandey
Szabolcs Nagy
Xi Ruoyao
Zack Weinberg

Andreas K. Hüttel
Gentoo Linux developer
(council, toolchain, base-system, perl, releng)

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Week 8 recap

Planet KDE - Mon, 2024-07-22 10:06
Since our main problem up to this point is to deal with the constant micro-pixel calls, we decided to discard all these < 1 pixel movements by filtering out distances of less than 1 pixel before they go down the pipeline in KisToolFreehandHelper::pai...
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
