
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioQuantitative Analysis of Open Source Projects on SourceForge superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioA Successful Business Model for Free Software superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioOpen-source software in an occupational health application: the case of Heales Medical Ltd. superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioAn Analysis of COSPA - A Consortium for Open Source in the Public Administration superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioOpen Source Software in Public Administration. A real example OSS for egovernment Observatories superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioDefining the Total Cost of Ownership for the Transition to Open Source Systems superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioMeasuring Success of Open Source Projects Using Web Search Engines superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioCommunication, coordination and control in distributed development: an OSS case study superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioAssessing the Role of Open Source Software in the European Secondary Software Sector: A Voice from Industry superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioVirtual Square superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioStimulating Collaborative Development in Operations Research with libOR superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioMulti-Modal Modeling of Open Source Software Requirements Processes superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioA structurational perspective on leadership in Free/Libre Open Source Software teams superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioEvaluating the Quality and Quantity of Data on Open Source Software Projects superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioTowards an Open Source Development Process - Evaluating the Migration to an Open Source Project by Means of the Capability Maturity Model superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioA Cluster Analysis of Open Source Licenses superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioOSSmole: A collaborative repository for FLOSS research data and analyses superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioUsing Open Source Tools to Support Collaboration Within CALIBRE superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioEDOS: Environment for the Development and Distribution of Open Source Software superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioSoftware Problem Management as Information Management in a F/OSS Development Community superadmin014 years 9 months ago
PageAbout superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioConceptual Modelling as a New Entry in the Bazaar: The Open Model Approach superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioBeyond Low-Hanging Fruit: Seeking the Next Generation in FLOSS Data Mining superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioTowards an Ontology for Open Source Software Development superadmin014 years 9 months ago
BiblioThe role of mental models in FLOSS development work practices superadmin014 years 9 months ago
