
OSS 2009 Trip Report

6/4/09 - Day 1

Session 1 - Governance of OSS Projects (panel)

Francesco Bolici

Governance is usually understood as management. It's about accountability and eliminating problems with principal-agent from economics. In OSS, this can help with resource allocation, coordination.

OSS 2009 Doctoral Consortium Notes

OSS 2009 DC 5/3/2009

Proceedings at

Morning session: Firm involvement in OSS, innovation and economic issues


1. Juho Lindman - OSS Changes and Software Production Models

RQ: How openness changes software production models? IV - openness; DV - software production models (SPM)

SPMs - "mythical" OSS, inner source, shared source, collaboration w/ OSS communities

SITIS Marrakech 2009

IFIP TC 2 WG 2.13 Call for Papers

The focus of this track is on new software engineering method for Open Source Software development in distributed and large scaled environments, strategies for promoting, adopting, using Open Source Solutions and case studies or success stories in specific domains.

Important Dates

* Paper Submission - 6/30
* Acceptance/Reject notification - 8/15
* Camera ready - 9/1
* Author registration due date - 9/1

Preparing for OSS2009

I'm preparing for the trip to Sweden for the 5th International Conference on Open Source Systems in a couple of days by making some tweaks to the FLOSShub website. The newest improvements include updated profiles and viewing permissions, and the addition of a blog entry node type for registered users. I plan to use the blogging functionality on the FLOSShub site for my OSS2009 trip report contents; hopefully others will follow suit.

CFP: HICSS-43 Minitrack on Open Movements: FLOSS, Open Contents and Open Communities

Track: Internet and the Digital Economy
Minitrack: Open Movements: FLOSS, Open Contents and Open Communities

We seek papers for a mini-track on Open Movement phenomena, such as:
* Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
* Open Contents (OC)
* Open Access Publishing (OA)
* Open Communities (OComm)