Mining CVS Repositories to Understand Open-Source Project Developer Roles

TitleMining CVS Repositories to Understand Open-Source Project Developer Roles
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsYu, L, Ramaswamy, S
Secondary TitleFourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007)
Pagination8 - 8
Place PublishedMinneapolis, MN, USA
ISBN Number0-7695-2950-X
Keywordscvs, developer interaction, developers, mediawiki, orac-dr, roles, scm, source code

This paper presents a model to represent the interactions of distributed open-source software developers and utilizes data mining techniques to derive developer roles. The model is then applied on case studies of two open-source projects, ORAC-DR and Mediawiki with encouraging results.

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