Expertise identification and visualization from CVS

TitleExpertise identification and visualization from CVS
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsAlonso, O, Devanbu, PT, Gertz, M
Secondary TitleProceedings of the 2008 international working conference on Mining software repositories
Date Published05/2008
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-60558-024-1
Keywordsapache, classification, committers, components, contributors, expertise, expertise identification, repository, scm, source code

As software evolves over time, the identification of expertise becomes an important problem. Component ownership and team awareness of such ownership are signals of solid project. Ownership and ownership awareness are also issues in open-source software (OSS) projects. Indeed, the membership in OSS projects is dynamic with team members arriving and leaving. In large open source projects, specialists who know the system very well are considered experts. How can one identify the experts in a project by mining a particular repository like the source code? Have they gotten help from other people?

We provide an approach using classification of the source code tree as a path to derive the expertise of the committers. Because committers may get help from other people, we also retrieve their contributors. We also provide a visualization that helps to further explore the repository via committers and categories. We present a prototype implementation that describes our research using the Apache HTTP Web server project as a case study.

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