Maintainability of the kernels of open-source operating systems: A comparison of Linux with FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD

TitleMaintainability of the kernels of open-source operating systems: A comparison of Linux with FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsYu, L, Schach, SR, Chen, K, Heller, GZ, Offutt, J
Secondary TitleJ. Syst. Softw.
Date PublishedJune
PublisherElsevier Science Inc.
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
ISSN Number0164-1212
Keywordsabiword, Common coupling, coupling, Definition-use analysis, freebsd, kernel, lines of code, linux, linux kernel, loc, Maintainability, modules, netbsd, Open-source software, openbsd, source code

We compared and contrasted the maintainability of four open-source operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. We used our categorization of common coupling in kernel-based software to highlight future maintenance problems. An unsafe definition is a definition of a global variable that can affect a kernel module if that definition is changed. For each operating system we determined a number of measures, including the number of global variables, the number of instances of global variables in the kernel and overall, as well as the number of unsafe definitions in the kernel and overall. We also computed the value of each our measures per kernel KLOC and per KLOC overall. For every measure and every ratio, Linux compared unfavorably with FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. Accordingly, we are concerned about the future maintainability of Linux.


"Data regarding the number and total number of lines of code of kernel and nonkernel modules in the four operating systems are provided in Table 1"
loc, kloc, number of kernel modules, number of nonkernel modules
c files
.h files

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