
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioAn in-depth study of the promises and perils of mining GitHub msquire08 years 8 months ago
BiblioAn Empirical Study of Developer Quality msquire08 years 8 months ago
BiblioOn the role of FOSS business models and participation architectures in supporting open innovation msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioVolunteer Management in Open Source Communities msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioToward understanding new feature request systems as participation architectures for supporting open innovation msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioOpen Innovation for Innovation Tools: the Case of Co-Design Platforms msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioMeasuring the Crowd – A Preliminary Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Metrics msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioThe FLOSS History in Japan: An Ethnographic Approach msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioSoftware Patents: A Replication Study msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioOn the openness of digital platforms/ecosystems msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioUtilization and Development Contribution of Open Source Software in Japanese IT Companies: An Exploratory Study of the Effect on Business Growth (2nd report based on 2014 survey) msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioAn Investigation of Migrating from Proprietary RTOS to Embedded Linux msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioA multiple case study of small free software businesses as social entrepreneurships msquire08 years 10 months ago
EventOSS 2016: The 12th International Conference on Open Source Systems msquire08 years 10 months ago
BiblioThe diffusion of pastebin tools to enhance communication in FLOSS mailing lists msquire08 years 11 months ago
BiblioFLOSS as a source for profanity and insults: Collecting the data msquire08 years 11 months ago
BiblioOpen Source Technology Development msquire08 years 11 months ago
BiblioLessons Learned from Applying Social Network Analysis on an Industrial Free/Libre/Open Source Software Ecosystem msquire08 years 11 months ago
BiblioThe Sociability of Free Software: A GNU Look at Free Software Identified Businesses as Social Entrepreneurships msquire09 years 1 day ago
BiblioEffort Estimation by Characterizing Developer Activity msquire09 years 1 week ago
BiblioAn empirical approach to Software Archaeology msquire09 years 1 week ago
BiblioA Method to Detect License Inconsistencies in Large-Scale Open Source Projects msquire09 years 1 week ago
BiblioWhat is the Gist? Understanding the Use of Public Gists on GitHub msquire09 years 1 week ago
BiblioCharacterization and prediction of issue-related risks in software projects msquire09 years 1 week ago
BiblioDo Bugs Foreshadow Vulnerabilities? A Study of the Chromium Project msquire09 years 1 week ago
