
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioExpertise identification and visualization from CVS msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioMining usage expertise from version archives msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioTalk and work: a preliminary report msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioSpotWeb: detecting framework hotspots via mining open source repositories on the web msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioWhat do large commits tell us?: a taxonomical study of large commits msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioAn extension of fault-prone filtering using precise training and a dynamic threshold msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioAMAP: automatically mining abbreviation expansions in programs to enhance software maintenance tools msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioSmall patches get in! msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioEvaluation of source code copy detection methods on freebsd msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioImproving change descriptions with change contexts msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioThe FOSSology project msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioUnderstanding bug fix patterns in verilog msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioOn the relation of refactorings and software defect prediction msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioExtracting structural information from bug reports msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioBranching and merging in the repository msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioDeterminism and evolution msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioLocal and Global Recency Weighting Approach to Bug Prediction msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioForecasting the Number of Changes in Eclipse Using Time Series Analysis msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioPredicting Defects and Changes with Import Relations msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioMining Eclipse Developer Contributions via Author-Topic Models msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioPredicting Eclipse Bug Lifetimes msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioImpact of the Creation of the Mozilla Foundation in the Activity of Developers msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioPrioritizing Warning Categories by Analyzing Software History msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioDetecting Patch Submission and Acceptance in OSS Projects msquire013 years 3 months ago
BiblioUsing Software Repositories to Investigate Socio-technical Congruence in Development Projects msquire013 years 3 months ago
