Digesting Virtual “Geek” Culture: The Summarization of Technical Internet Relay Chats

TitleDigesting Virtual “Geek” Culture: The Summarization of Technical Internet Relay Chats
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsZhou, L, Hovy, E
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Secondary TitleProceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the ACL
Date Published06/2005
Place PublishedAnn Arbor, MI, USA
Keywordscomputational linguistics, irc, linux, summarizing

This paper describes a summarization system for technical chats and emails on the Linux kernel. To reflect the complexity and sophistication of the discussions, they are clustered according to subtopic structure on the sub-message level, and immediate responding pairs are identified through machine learning methods. A resulting summary consists of one or more mini-summaries, each on a subtopic from the discussion.

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