A Network of Rails: A Graph Dataset of Ruby on Rails and Associated Projects

TitleA Network of Rails: A Graph Dataset of Ruby on Rails and Associated Projects
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsWagstrom, P, Jergensen, C, Sarma, A
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Secondary Title10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
Date Published05/2013

Software projects, whether open source, proprietary, or a combination thereof, rarely exist in isolation. Rather, most projects build on a network of people and ideas from dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of other projects. Using the GitHub APIs it is possible to extract these relationships for millions of users and projects. In this paper we present a dataset of a large network of open source projects centered around Ruby on Rails. This dataset provides insight into the relationships between Ruby on Rails and an ecosystem involving 1116 projects. To facilitate understanding of this data in the context of relationships between projects, users, and their activities, it is provided as a graph database suitable for assessing network properties of the community and individuals within those communities and can be found at https://github.com/pridkett/gitminer-data-rails.

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