Using Open Source Software Components to Implement a Modular Web 2.0 Design for Map-Based Discussions

TitleUsing Open Source Software Components to Implement a Modular Web 2.0 Design for Map-Based Discussions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsLeahy, MG, Hall, BG
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Secondary TitleInternational Journal of Open Source Software and Processes
Pagination30 - 47
ISSN Number1942-3934

This paper discusses the research-based origins and modular architecture of an open source geospatial tool that facilitates synchronous individual and group discussions using the medium of a Web map service. The software draws on existing open source geospatial projects and associated libraries and techniques that have evolved as part of the new generation of Web applications. The purpose of the software is discussed, highlighting the fusion of existing open source projects to produce new tools. Two case studies are briefly discussed to illustrate the value an open source approach brings to communities who would remain otherwise outside the reach of proprietary software tools. The paper concludes with comments on the project’s future evolution as an open source participatory mapping platform.

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