Abstract | Topic models are generative probabilistic models which have been applied to information
retrieval to automatically organize and provide structure to a text corpus. Topic models
discover topics in the corpus, which represent real world concepts by frequently cooccurring
words. Recently, researchers found topics to be effective tools for structuring
various software artifacts, such as source code, requirements documents, and bug reports.
This research also hypothesized that using topics to describe the evolution of software
repositories could be useful for maintenance and understanding tasks. However, research
has yet to determine whether these automatically discovered topic evolutions describe the
evolution of source code in a way that is relevant or meaningful to project stakeholders, and
thus it is not clear whether topic models are a suitable tool for this task.
In this paper, we take a first step towards evaluating topic models in the analysis of
software evolution by performing a detailed manual analysis on the source code histories
of two well-known and well-documented systems, JHotDraw and jEdit. We define and
compute various metrics on the discovered topic evolutions and manually investigate how
and why the metrics evolve over time. We find that the large majority (87%–89%) of topic
evolutions correspond well with actual code change activities by developers. We are thus
encouraged to use topic models as tools for studying the evolution of a software system.