A Risk Driven Framework for Open Source Information Systems Development

TitleA Risk Driven Framework for Open Source Information Systems Development
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsConlon, P, Carew, P
Secondary TitleOSS2005: Open Source Systems

This paper attempts to justify the need for a framework to address concerns with the use of open source software for information systems development (ISD). The premise of this argument is that the open source paradigm primarily addresses technical concerns while IS failures tend to be multifaceted in nature. OSS may improve but will not ultimately solve the problems of ISD due to its inherent sociotechnical complexities. Issues of concern for open source ISD are identified in this paper and a theoretical framework is outlined allowing organisations to take a more balanced approach to open source ISD. The framework is predicated upon risk management and a lifecycle that addresses social and organisational concerns throughout the ISD process. The objective of this framework is to aid in avoidance of the social and organisational pitfalls of ISD while leveraging the ability of the OSS paradigm to address software crisis issues. Finally, the implications of this framework a...

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