Providing Commercial Open Source Software: Lessons Learned

TitleProviding Commercial Open Source Software: Lessons Learned
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsHauge, Ø, Ziemer, S
Secondary TitleOSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13)
Pagination70 - 82
Date Published2009///
ISSN Number978-3-642-02031-5

Even though companies like Sun, IBM, MySQL and others have released several commercial Open Source Software (OSS) products, little evidence exist of how to successfully launch such products and establish a living community around them. This paper presents a case study from a small software company succeeding at establishing a business model and a vivid community around their own OSS products. Based on this case study, the paper presents lessons learned which could help other OSS providers.

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