Modular Design and the Development of Complex Artifacts: Lessons from Free/Open Source Software

TitleModular Design and the Development of Complex Artifacts: Lessons from Free/Open Source Software
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsNarduzzo, A, Rossi, A
Secondary TitleOSS2005: Open Source Systems

Organizational and managerial theories of modularity applied to the design and production of complex artifacts are used to interpret the rise and success of development methodologies and practices in Free/Open Source software projects. Strengths and risks of the adoption of a modular approach in software project management are introduced and are related to the achievements of various Free/Open Source Software projects (among them: the GNU operating system, the Linux kernel, the HURD kernel). It is suggested that mindful implementation of the principles of modularity may improve the rate of success of many Free/Open Source software projects. Specific case studies here depicted, as well as indirect observation of common programming practices employed by Free/Open Source developers and users, suggest a possible revision towards an improved theory of modularity that may be extended also to settings different from software production.

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