Modification and developer metrics at the function level: Metrics for the study of the evolution of a software project

TitleModification and developer metrics at the function level: Metrics for the study of the evolution of a software project
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsRobles, G, Herraiz, I, German, DM, Izquierdo-Cortazar, D
Secondary Title2012 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM)
Pagination49 - 55
Place PublishedZurich, Switzerland
ISBN Number978-1-4673-1763-4

Software evolution, and particularly its growth, has been mainly studied at the file (also sometimes referred as module) level. In this paper we propose to move from the physical towards a level that includes semantic information by using functions or methods for measuring the evolution of a software system. We point out that use of functions-based metrics has many advantages over the use of files or lines of code. We demonstrate our approach with an empirical study of two Free/Open Source projects: a community-driven project, Apache, and a company-led project, Novell Evolution. We discovered that most functions never change; when they do their number of modifications is correlated with their size, and that very few authors who modify each; finally we show that the departure of a developer from a software project slows the evolution of the functions that she authored.

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