An International Master Programme in Free Software in the European Higher Education Space

TitleAn International Master Programme in Free Software in the European Higher Education Space
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsMegías, D, Serra, J, Macau, R
Secondary TitleOSS2005: Open Source Systems
Keywordseducation, free software, FS community, GNU/Linux, learning, master programme, software development, university

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) offers an International Master programme in Free Software. The first edition of this master programme began on November 2003 and there are about 240 students currently enrolled at the different specialities offered by the program. In this paper, the design, the methodology and the first few conclusions drawn from this higher education experience are discussed and summarized. After this master programme was changed to accomplish with European Higher Education Space (EHES).

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