FLOSS-like education transfer report

TitleFLOSS-like education transfer report
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsMeiszner, A
Date PublishedSept

Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) communities are not only an exemplar for successful software development, but also for well working learning environments. Yet little is known about how learning occurs in the FLOSS communities and what the underlying success factors are. FLOSS communities might be seen as an example of 'Best Practice' in how ICT can help to improve education in terms of learning processes, up to date content and open inclusive education where no learner is excluded from participation.The FLOSSCOM project was undertaken in order to evaluate how learning in FLOSS is organised and if, to which degree, and how FLOSS learning principles can be transferred to and used for the improvement of ICT supported formal education. Precisely, the FLOSSPOLS project intended to- identify the factors that contribute to successful knowledge construction in informal learning communities, such as the FLOSS communities- analyze the effectiveness of a FLOSS-like learning community in a formal educational setting- provide case studies, scenarios and guidelines for teachers and decision-makers on how to successfully embed such learning communities within formal educational environments to enhance student progression, retention and achievement- evaluate the project and disseminate the results to the wider community.This report is the third and final report of the FLOSSCOM project. It aims to provide scenarios and guidelines for teachers and decision-makers as practical documentation on how principles of FLOSS-like informal learning communities might be transferred to formal educational environments.

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