Extracting Generally Applicable Patterns from Object-Oriented Programs for the Purpose of Test Case Creation

TitleExtracting Generally Applicable Patterns from Object-Oriented Programs for the Purpose of Test Case Creation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsTorkar, R, Feldt, R, Gorschek, T
Secondary TitleOSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13)
Pagination281 - 287
Date Published2008///
ISSN Number978-0-387-09683-4

This paper presents an experiment performed on three large open source applications. The applications were instrumented automatically with a total of 10,494 instrumentation points. The purpose of the instrumentation was to collect and store data during the execution of each application that later could be analyzed off-line. Data analysis, on the collected data, allowed for the creation of test cases (test data, test fixtures and test evaluators) in addition to finding object message patterns for object-oriented software.

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