Discussion on the Problems to be Solved toward the Migration to OSS Productivity Software in the Business Enterprises

TitleDiscussion on the Problems to be Solved toward the Migration to OSS Productivity Software in the Business Enterprises
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsIio, J, Ogawa, T
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Secondary TitleIFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012)
Date Published09/2012
PublisherIFIP AICT, Springer
Place PublishedEighth International Conference on Open Source Systems

In recent years, there is a tendency to migrate from proprietary productivity software to open-source productivity software, especially in government offices and municipal offices. ODPG (OpenOffice.org & OpenDocument Format Promotion Group, Japan) is an organization founded in order to promote the migration to the OSS productivity software in private enterprises as well. In the case evaluation work group of ODPG, business solutions about use of OpenOffice.org have been discussed many times, for the purpose of supporting the migration to OpenOffice.org, by collecting and feeding back the information of case studies useful for the member companies. This paper reports several subjects and solutions, such as promotion strategy for OpenOffice.org to be widely used, the problem in file exchange with the other stakeholders, preparation of use environment, and security issues, which were discussed in the work group.

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