CALIBRE aims to coordinate te study of the characteristics of open source software projects, products and processes, distributed development, and agile methods.

Integrating and coordinating these research activities to adress key objectives for open platforms, such as transferring lessons derived from open source software development to conventional development and agile methods, and vice versa.

The key goals of CALIBRE are :

* to integrate and coordinate open source software research and practice to ensure that the open source phenomenon flourishes and delivers to its true potential, especially for the European 'secondary' software sector (automotive, telco, etc.) where Europe are particular strengths;
* to foster the effective transfer of the many useful lessons from open source software to facilitate the next generation of software engineering methods and tools;
* to establish a European industry open source software research policy forum

CALIBRE also examines hybrid models and best practices to enable innovative reorganisation of both SMEs and large institutions, and aims to construct a comprehensive research roadmap to guide future open source software research.

To secure long-term impact, an important goal of CALIBRE is to establish a European Open Source Software Industry Policy Forum, CALIBRATION, to coordinate policy making into the future.
