Adoption of OSS Development Practices by the Software Industry: A Survey

TitleAdoption of OSS Development Practices by the Software Industry: A Survey
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsPetrinja, E, Sillitti, A, Succi, G
Secondary TitleOpen Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011)
Date Published10/2011
Keywordsqualipso, Survey

The paper presents a survey of aspects related to the adoption of Open Source Software by the software industry. The aim of this study was to collect data related to practices and elements in the development process of companies that influence the trust in the quality of the product by potential adopters. The work is part of the research done inside the QualiPSo project and was carried out using a qualitative study based on a structured questionnaire focused on perceptions of experts and development practices used by companies involved in the Open Source Software industry. The results of the survey confirm intuitive concerns related to the adoption of Open Source Software as: the selection of the license, the quality issues addressed, and the development process tasks inside Open Source Software projects. The study uncovered specific aspects related to trust and trustworthiness of the Open Source Software development process that we did not find in previous studies as: the standards implemented by the OSS project, the project's roadmap is respected, and the communication channels that are available.

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