Adoption of Open Source in the Software Industry

TitleAdoption of Open Source in the Software Industry
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsHauge, Ø, Sørensen, C-F, Conradi, R
Secondary TitleOSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13)
Pagination211 - 221
Date Published2008///
ISSN Number978-0-387-09683-4

Is Open Source Software (OSS) undergoing a transformation to a more commercially viable form? We have performed a survey to investigate the adoption of OSS in the Norwegian software industry. The survey was based on an extensive screening of software companies, with more than 700 responses. The survey results support the transformation predicted by Fitzgerald [4]. Close to 50% of the software industry integrate OSS components into vertical solutions serving all major business sectors. In addition, more than 30% of the 95 respondents in our survey have more than 40% of their income from OSS related services or software. The extensive adoption of OSS in the software industry may be a precursor of the OSS adoption in other business sectors.

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