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The Last 2 Weeks in my GSoC

Tue, 2024-06-11 11:30

We’re already on Week 3 of the coding period of Google Summer of Code! As a reminder, I’m adding Python support to a few KDE Frameworks. During the first two weeks I added support for KWidgetsAddons, and it’s now almost finished except for two widgets whose bindings aren’t generated properly and don’t compile.

I also wrote (with the help of my mentor Carl) the necessary CMake code to build the library. That part is probably going to end (hopefully) in extra-cmake-modules so it can be used by anyone easily. The plan is to eventually submit each of the bindings to their repository so it’s easier to keep the C++ libraries in sync with their Python bindings.

This week I will be adding some examples for KWidgetAddons now that it’s on a usable status. If you want to see how it’s going, you can take a look at the code.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Qt on macOS 15 Sequoia

Tue, 2024-06-11 09:19

As is customary Apple announced their latest operating system versions at WWDC yesterday, including macOS 15 Sequoia, named after the national park in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Plasma Browser Integration 1.9.1

Tue, 2024-06-11 06:35

I’m pleased to announce the immediate availability of Plasma Browser Integration version 1.9.1 on the Firefox Web Store. This is the Firefox release of version 1.9 that was released way back in November 2023. We’re not sure how it got stuck in Add-on review and that we didn’t realize this but whatever the reason, it’s out now! This is a maintenance release shipping a couple of important changes as well as the usual translation updates. The extension is of course fully supported under Plasma 6!

Konqi surfing the world wide web

Plasma Browser Integration bridges the gap between your browser and the Plasma desktop. It lets you share links, find browser tabs and visited websites in KRunner, monitor download progress in the notification center, and control music and video playback anytime from within Plasma, or even from your phone using KDE Connect!

The next release will likely be version 2.0 ported to Manifest v3 since Chrome has continued their roll-out of enforcing the new manifest version soon. We’re still trying to find a way to keep a unified code base supporting both Firefox and Chrome. Chrome for example requires service workers for the extension now while Firefox continues to support only background pages. Recent Firefox and Chrome releases seem to support each other’s manifest properties, though, therefore we’re confident to make this work without introducing browser-specific git branches.

What’s new?

If you’re a Firefox user, check out the previous version announcement for more details on what’s new:

  • Reworked page injection code (e.g. fixes Spotify)
  • Port away from deprecated InstallTrigger
  • “Share…” menu now also on tab context menu
  • Tabs runner queries only “normal” windows (no apps)
  • History runner skips “blob” URLs
  • Check native messaging host before sending to it (fixes annoying console warnings on unsupported platforms, e.g. Windows)
  • Prettier console debug output
  • Performance and resource usage improvements

(also see the Changelog Page on our Community Wiki)

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Konsole Layout Automation (part 1)

Mon, 2024-06-10 20:00

Do you find yourself opening up the same tabs in your terminal and running the same commands every day? Have you wanted to make this easier, say, by clicking a desktop icon or running a short command?

Recently, I saw a question along these lines in the KDE support room on Matrix. Someone wanted to have Konsole automatically open some tabs and run specific commands when it's started. Since I've done this kind of thing, for personal and professional environments, I thought I'd share. You too can avoid doing the same manual terminal setup day after day, and just get to what you're working on.

Here in Part 1, I'll outline how to open tabs with different profiles and run commands in them. Next week, in Part 2, I'll share how to set up layouts (a.k.a. split panes) and run commands in those. You can combine these techniques to make your setup truly flexible. Using aliases, functions and scripts, you can bring up a complex layout with one command or button click.


I have a motto: If I have to do the exact same thing more than twice (on a computer), I should probably script / automate it. It's an up front time investment that saves me a lot of manual tedium later.

My inspiration for scripting terminal layouts came from iTerm2's customization abilities. After a few years of using it on a work-provided MacBook Pro, I was spoiled. It's truly nice how easy it is to create profiles and save splits in the GUI. You can then tweak their configurations using any text editor. When I searched for how to do this with Linux terminals, I found quite a few people were also looking for an "iTerm2 equivalent for Linux".

Goal: Launch a Konsole window with tabs which run commands

💡 Note For more detailed instructions on using Konsole, please see the output of konsole --help and take a look at the Konsole Handbook

We'll start with that request from Matrix: having Konsole create tabs and run commands in them when it starts. Here are the steps I used to accomplish this. Feel free to use this as inspiration and adapt for your own needs.

Use case: Quickly set up a working environment that I use daily to save time every day. There will be a couple of tabs connected to different remote hosts, one that changes to a notes directory, and one running a system monitor.

Here's an overview of the steps:

  • Create a Konsole profile which will run a command and optionally use another color theme
  • Create a tab layout file to launch Konsole with which will open a tab with that profile
  • Create a profile with a different command for an additional tab, and then identify commands for a couple of the other tabs
  • Update the tab layout file to launch Konsole with all the desired tabs

Now let's get into the details.

Create the first Konsole profile

Making custom profiles for different hosts are where my adventures in customizing Konsole began.

Use case: I would like to automatically connect to my hosted VPS in a tab with a specific color theme.

Reasoning: Running commands using a theme is quicker and easier than typing by hand (especially as they get more complex). With a custom color scheme, I can see at a glance which tab has my server session vs. any other system. This helps me avoid typing commands for my server into another system and vice-versa.

💡 Note Profiles are stored as plain text files in /.local/share/konsole/. Profile names are cAsE senSiTive. Since profile files are plain text, you can create, edit, and delete them with scripts. That is beyond the scope of this post.

The first step is to set up a custom profile with a custom color theme, a custom tab title format, and a command.

I'm using "eternal terminal" (et) for its ability to reconnect, rather than ssh to connect to the VPS. I also have an entry for the host in .ssh/config

In Settings -> Manage Profiles - New I created a profile named VPS. The following are the options I changed. Others were left as-is ("hostname" is a stand-in for the actual VPS hostname):

Name: VPS Command: et VPS Tab title format: %n hostname Tab Color: I chose a color Appearance - Color scheme & font: I chose a different color scheme

Now that I have a custom profile, I can use it with a new tab in Konsole. When I go to File -> New Tab and click "VPS", the tab will open with the new profile, and the command will run to connect to the server.

You can use Konsole's command line options in the following way to have it launch with a tab using a profile.

konsole --new-tab --profile VPS

This command can be used with an alias, function, script, Windows batch file, desktop shortcut or whatever you prefer.

There's another way to launch Konsole which is better for opening multiple tabs. It uses a "tabs configuration file".

Create a tabs configuration file

💡 Note I have found this to be unreliable if any tab uses ssh or et There's an open bug report for this. Until this is resolved, you may have better luck with a shell script that opens multiple tabs, I'll add information below.

Now I'll create a tabs configuration file with the VPS profile in it.

Each line in this file describes a tab for Konsole to open. The format is detailed in the command line options documentation. I keep these in ~/konsole_layouts/, keep yours in whatever directory works for you. I'll save this file as "vps-tabs".

Each line must have at least a profile or a command field. It can have both, and there are other options as well.
Do not specify a command on a line for a tab if you also use a profile which itself has a command. This may lead to unexpected behavior.

If you only need to run a command in a tab, you can just use the command field. You combine a command with a profile (that has no command) if you want to customize the tab further.

This is what will go in the file for now for my first tab:

title: VPS ;; profile: VPS

The command below will start Konsole using this file. (Change file path to point to the file on your system). Opening Konsole in this way can also be done with an alias, script etc.

konsole --hold --tabs-from-file ~/konsole_layouts/vps-tabs

Notice that I'm using --hold which tells Konsole to keep tabs open even after their command has exited. This will help debugging any problems that might arise (unless the window crashes entirely or fails to load). Once things are set up and running smoothly, you don't need to use --hold, if you prefer.

Create additional profiles

Use case: At the start of the day, I want to automatically open tabs which connect to both servers I need to work with. I want an additional tab open to my notes directory and another one running a system monitor.

Time to add an additional profile to Konsole:

  • Server2 - this will use ssh to connect to a second server and use a profile for a different color theme

I won't create profiles for the system monitor tab or the Notes tab. I'll run those commands directly from the tab configuration file.

Update the tabs file with additional tab definitions

At this point, I'll add lines to the tabs configuration file I created.

  • A tab for the Server2 profile.
  • A tab which changes to a notes directory, and uses the Sand profile with colors I prefer for them.
  • A tab for the system monitor which runs the btm command and uses another profile with yet another color scheme.

The file now looks like this:

title: VPS ;; profile: VPS title: SysAdminNotes ;; workdir: ~/Nextcloud/Notes/SysAdmin ;; profile: Sand title: Server2 ;; profile: Server2 title: NavyBlue ;; command: btm ;; profile: NavyBlue

And now, when I run konsole --hold --tabs-from-file ~/konsole_layouts/vps-tabs, Konsole launches with all the tabs I need.

Bonus: Run commands after connecting to a remote host

It's possible with both ssh and et to run commands on a remote host after connection. For instance, I could update the command in my VPS profile like so:

Name: VPS Command: et VPS -c 'sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable; exec /bin/zsh' Tab title format: %n hostname Tab Color: I chose a color Appearance - Color scheme & font: I chose a different color scheme

The command not only connects to my VPS, it also displays a list of any available updates, and stays connected to the host. Note the exec /bin/zsh at the end. This will keep an interactive terminal open after other commands are run.

With ssh, to run a command on a remote host while staying connected, the command is slightly different:

ssh -t VPS 'sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable; zsh' But what if I need to connect to a jumphost before the remote host and I still want to run a command after I connect?

This can be done with either SSH or Eternal Terminal. For SSH, the process is relatively easy, and plenty of sites online provide instructions. Eternal Terminal, on the other hand, is a bit more tricky.

It took some research and experimentation to get this working with Eternal Terminal, so here it is ("jumphost" is a placeholder for the actual hostname of the jumphost).

Command=et jumphost -c "ssh -t remotehost 'cd /some/directory && . ../some_script && cd ../another-directory; exec /bin/zsh'" Alternative to using a tabs file: a shell script or function

If you have difficulties with using a tabs configuration file, you can use a shell script (or function) that takes advantage of the command line options Konsole has. For instance, using the -e flag we can have tabs run commands:

#!/usr/bin/env bash konsole --new-tab -e echo This is tab 1 & konsole --new-tab -e echo This is tab 2 & konsole --new-tab -e echo This is tab 3 & konsole --new-tab -e echo This is tab 4 &

You can combine commands with profiles as well:

#!/usr/bin/env bash konsole --new-tab --profile VPS & konsole --new-tab --profile Sand --workdir: ~/Nextcloud/Notes/SysAdmin & konsole --new-tab --profile Server2 & konsole --new-tab --profile NavyBlue -e btm &

Explore the Konsole docs and experiment!

Known issues
  • Launching Konsole with --tabs-from-file will open an extra tab in addition to the ones from the configuration file. This has an open bug report.
  • Sometimes, with --tabs-from-file, the new Konsole window immediately disappears. This may be related to ssh/et being in a command. I filed a bug report for that.
  • If using a tabs configuration file, or a script: only use Eternal Terminal with one tab. Trying to use it with more than one tab will result in et core dumping in one of them.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Switching to GNU/Linux: Mentally

Mon, 2024-06-10 20:00

Stallman was right; in the wake of Microsoft’s announcement of its much-maligned Recall feature and widespread public backlash to the terms and conditions for Adobe Creative Cloud products, it’s clear that trust in big tech and the software it produces is rapidly eroding. Under the circumstances, it’s no surprise that Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) is seeing an uptick in interest from the public at large. So as ever more average users consider “switching to Linux,” it strikes me that while there exist tomes on the technical aspects, there seems to be much less written on the shift in thinking that is part and parcel of every experienced and well-adjusted FLOSS user. So if you’re making the switch or know someone who is, here’s some advice to make the most of the transition.

He was right. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Welcome #

First of all: welcome to GNU/Linux! You’ve chosen the operating system that powers bullet trains, the world’s fastest supercomputers, U.S.A. air traffic control, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, and Google, Amazon, and Microsoft’s cloud services, used by NASA, the People’s Liberation Army, the Turkish government,, the U.S.A. Department of Defense, France’s national police force, ministry of agriculture, and parliament, Iceland’s public schools, the Dutch Police Internet Research and Investigation Network, Burlington Coat Factory, Peugeot, DreamWorks Animation, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, and Stephen Fry.

As you’ve no doubt inferred by now, GNU/Linux users span from your everyday cat-video viewer to large institutions and organizations where operating system reliability and performance means the difference between life and death. No matter where you are on this spectrum, with a little humility, open-mindedness, and perseverance, I promise that you can find your self every bit as happily at-home with GNU/Linux as you were with whatever OS you’ve been using up to this point. This may mean giving up a long-trusted piece of software for something new and different, but for many new users the most hard-won battle is a change in mentality.

You’re not a power-user anymore #

I’ve heard it said that the most “computer literate” people often find it especially arduous to adjust to GNU/Linux. I’ve been there; it’s a frightening thing to go from the person family, friends, and neighbors call to help with problems with any device that has so much as an LED on it to feeling like that clueless relative with a dozen toolbars installed on their outdated version of Internet Explorer. The reality is that while you’ve gotten very good at navigating the operating system that you’ve been using for the past twenty years, very little of that knowledge is useful in GNU/Linux. This is something you’re going to have to accept early on: no matter what distro you choose, it’s going to be different to Windows or MacOS in very fundamental ways.

This means that, no matter your mastery of Windows keyboard shortcuts, or how convoluted your AutoHotkey config may be, it’s going to take you some time to grasp the basics. Beyond that, the bar to become a GNU/Linux power-user is much, much higher than it is on proprietary operating systems. In case you’re feeling intimidated, know that this comes with some serious advantages. GNU/Linux systems come with a practically limitless potential for mastery, efficiency, and customization. In time, you’ll be able to customize your GUI to your exact specifications, automate system maintenance, and knock out common tasks with a speed you wouldn’t have thought possible on your old OS.

Embrace the new #

Switching to GNU/Linux is, in some ways, much more convenient than switching from, say, MacOS to Windows. Chiefly, most distros can be configured to run a wide range of software built for MacOS, Windows, or Android with minimal fuss. That said, I strongly encourage new users to explore FLOSS alternatives built on and for GNU/Linux. FLOSS projects often get a bad rap among users of proprietary operating systems because while a piece of software may run on these systems, the experience is rarely as good as it is on the system is was designed for: usually, GNU/Linux. FLOSS mainstays such as LibreOffice, Krita, Inkscape, Scribus, Kdenlive, and Ardour are at their best on GNU/Linux in terms of appearance, performance, and features. There are professionals of every stripe who do their work with an exclusively FLOSS toolset, from graphic design to video editing, audio production, data analytics, and more. If they can do it, so can you! Don’t let the one piece of proprietary software that just won’t work put you off of your new operating system when there’s a whole new ecosystem of incredible software to explore.

The latest development version of Scribus running on EndeavourOS. I guarantee you it doesn’t look this good on Windows.

New users of FLOSS projects often complain that the user interface or workflow of the tool they’re trying is “unintuitive.” Occasionally, these complaints hit on an area that genuinely could use some improvement, but more often, new users are simply expressing frustration that the workflow of a FLOSS project is different from what they are used to. These applications are not mere clones of their proprietary counterparts; they are projects in their own right, with unique goals, ideals, features, and workflows. Getting through a work project a little more slowly at first is not necessarily a flaw in the tool, it likely just means that you need a bit more practice. In time, you’ll come to learn and appreciate killer features that go above and beyond the capabilities of software produced by even the largest tech companies.

As a GNU/Linux user, you’re part of a community #

When you switch to GNU/Linux, you’re not a customer any more. FLOSS projects are largely build by communities of volunteers who work on what they find interesting or important for their own reasons. There’s no support line to call, no one to complain to if something breaks, and no one is losing anything by you choosing not to use their software. If you need help, or if you want to help make a FLOSS project better, you’re going to have to engage with the wider community. Every project has a forum, a Matrix or IRC channel, or some other means of connecting users and developers. If you have a problem you can’t solve on your own, these are the places to go to get help. Sign up and make a good faith effort to learn the rules and etiquette of the community, and chances are someone will be more than willing to help you find a solution out of sheer civic-mindedness.

There is likewise a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction to be gained by returning that kindness: by being an active participator in the communities you join, you’ll help others overcome the stumbling blocks you once faced and foster connections with others who share your interests. Beyond the community alone, there is something wonderful about using software that you’ve helped shape; contributing well written bug reports, monetary donations, writing documentation, or testing new releases makes a direct positive impact on the tools you rely on each day. It’s one thing to use FLOSS projects for reasons of ethics, privacy, or mere utility, but seeing a page of documentation you’ve written go live for anyone in the world to learn from, seeing a bug you reported vanish after an update, a theme you created get added to a game, or experiencing your feature request given form in a release really draws you in. You’re no longer at the mercy of some large tech company who only cares about profit; you’re part of a community that cares about people, ideas, and making its software better, more efficient, more usable, and more useful for everyone.

The FLOSS mindset #

To distill what I’ve said above: Things are going to be different, and you may feel disempowered and frustrated for a while until you catch up again. The solution to this, beyond simple patience, is to embrace the fact that by using FLOSS projects, you become a part of the process of making them. Join the community with respect and humility, allow yourself to receive help and kindness from others, and you’ll begin to once again remember how it feels to earn your skills. In time, you’ll be the one offering help, you’ll dance circles around any Windows power-user, and you’ll be using tools that you’ve helped make better. Again I say: welcome. With these small shifts in your thinking, you’re going to be in for a good time.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Help wanted! Port KDE Frameworks oss-fuzz builds to Qt6/KF6

Mon, 2024-06-10 19:01

If you're looking for an isolated and straightforward way to start contributing to KDE, you're in the right place. At KDE, we use fuzzing via oss-fuzz to try to ensure our libraries are robust against broken inputs. Here's how you can help us in this essential task.

What is Fuzzing?

Fuzzing involves feeding "random" [1] data into our code to check its robustness against invalid or unexpected inputs. This is crucial for ensuring the security and stability of applications that process data without direct user control.

Why is Fuzzing Important?

Imagine receiving an image via email, saving it to your disk, and opening it in Dolphin. This will make Dolphin create a thumbnail of the image. If the image is corrupted and our image plugin code isn't robust, the best-case scenario is that Dolphin crashes. In the worst case, it could lead to a security breach. Hence, fuzzing helps prevent such vulnerabilities.

How You Can Help:

We need to update the build of KDE libraries in oss-fuzz to use Qt6. This task could be challenging because it involves static compilation and ensuring the correct flags are passed for all compilation units.

Steps to Contribute:

  1. Start with karchive Project

    • Download oss-fuzz and go into the karchive subfolder.
    • Update the Dockerfile to download Qt from the dev branch and KDE Frameworks from the master branch.
  2. Update Script:

    • Modify the script to compile Qt6 (this will be harder since it involves moving from qmake to cmake) and KDE Frameworks 6.
  3. Check

    • This file might need updates, but they should be relatively easy.
    • At the top of, you'll find a comment with the three commands that oss-fuzz runs. Use these to test the image building, fuzzer building, and running processes.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact me at or ping me on Matrix at


[1] Smart fuzzing engines don't generate purely random data. They use semi-random and semi-smart techniques to efficiently find issues in the code.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Week 2 recap - Aseprite's pixel perfect

Sun, 2024-06-09 23:59
Hi, it's week 2 and my last scheduled week for research. I spent this week looking over more of Krita's code base and pixel-perfect algorithm. There was a large focus on looking at examples of how pixel-perfect is achieved (specifically in Aseprite)....
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

New Human Interface Guidelines

Sun, 2024-06-09 18:38

Today I’d like to share a new set of Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for KDE’s software that I’ve written, replacing the old one. This work was done over the past several months in consultation with many KDE designers and developers; the merge request says 42 people were CCd, and almost 500 comments were posted during the 2+ month review process.

You can read the document at

Wait, why does anyone need this at all?

Strictly speaking, we don’t need a HIG. Developers with an excellent eye for design can usually produce good results even without one. But for most of us, it’s useful to have guidelines to follow so you don’t have to think about the design side too much. Even for design-oriented developers, it’s useful to be able to have a quick reference for common patterns and rules.

And having a HIG is a good idea for any organization that wants for its software to share a similar look-and-feel and mode of operation, or any small individual developer who wants their software to match fit in well with a specific target platform (ours, in this case). When software fits into the visual and functional conventions of the platform with which it wants to integrate most closely, people already familiar with that platform learn to use it faster and like using it more. It feels at home to them. Comfortable, familiar, appealing.

Having and following a HIG makes all of this possible. And besides, we already had one anyway! But it needed major work.

Ok, so what was wrong with the old one?

To be honest, it wasn’t very good. I say this as a contributor to the old one! But it suffered from multiple problems that demanded a total rewrite:

  • It was hard to find anything because the basic structure was confused, with excessive segmentation.
  • Content was severely outdated and reflected design paradigms that KDE developers haven’t used in years, and that the industry in general has moved away from. It was also missing a lot of information relevant to how we write apps today.
  • Far too wordy; hard to find the actionable recommendations amid all the filler text!
  • Full of old mockups and screenshots that weren’t even needed to illustrate the point, and which would become out of date again quickly if we took the time to update them.
  • Many basic style errors: misspellings, incorrect English grammar, awkwardly phrased sentences, etc.

For these reasons, very few KDE developers or designers still paid any attention to the old HIG, besides of a small number of pages that did still have a reasonably high threshold of information density. And for the same reason, the HIG got very few contributions. I think when something is in a sufficiently poor state, it can even discourage people from contributing, because any small improvement seems like a raindrop in the ocean of urgent need. It’s demoralizing.

How is this new one any better?

The new one was informed by research into how KDE apps look and work today. Some inspiration for structure and organization was taken from the ElementaryOS, GNOME, Apple, and Google HIGs — but not content! The content is all KDE.

The new HIG had the following design goals:

  • Make 100% of the content actionable. No filler text, no rambling philosophy, no redundancy — just actionable recommendations for how to design your app. Short and sweet, and to the point!
  • Reflect how KDE designs software today. For example we’ve seen a huge growth in new Kirigami-based apps using QtQuick as their UI technology (including some older KDE apps getting their UIs ported to Kirigami), and Kirigami is the UI platform that’s improving most quickly in KDE. So I made the decision to focus the recommendations on Kirigami as a platform. There’s still some content about QtWidgets, but it’s a Kirigami-focused document.
  • Have flat navigation, so it’s easy to find everything. No deeply nested sub-pages and awkward categorization that makes you wonder why a page is in this category and not that one.
  • Get the new content into good enough shape that people feel comfortable contributing. Hopefully people will start to submit tweaks, improvements, bug-fixes, and maintenance!
Is it 100% finished?

No, absolutely not! The HIG is intended to be a living document that evolves over time to better describe KDE’s design goals and software development paradigms.

Like any rewrite, there are bound to be rough edges and omissions compared to the old version. Maybe I missed a piece of useful information in the old HIG that had been buried somewhere but retained some value. Maybe there’s low-hanging fruit for improvement. Help out by contributing! It’s just some text with markdown styling; contributing to the HIG is waaaaaaay easier then contributing code.

In particular, there are some known omissions and limitations that you can help with:

  • It needs more images. Multiple pages have embedded TODO comments where it would be nice to add a relevant image to illustrate a point.
  • There’s nothing at all about visual style in general, simply delegating those decisions to the system’s active theme. To a certain extent this is intentional because we support visual theming, but it would also be good to add content about KDE’s default Breeze theme. I deliberately omitted this for now because a bunch of KDE’s designers are working on a fancy new style, and developers are working on a whole new theming engine to apply it. So the world around the HIG is in a state of flux. But if anyone wanted to add more about the current Breeze style anyway, that would be nice. Just know that it may be replaced once the new style is released.
  • …With one exception: the entire section on Breeze icon design. This was kept from the old HIG content because it remains useful. Still, the presentation could use an overhaul to improve information density and collapse needless sub-pages into one parent page.
  • The recommendation to use Kirigami is awkward for powerful apps that use features not currently available in Kirigami-based apps, such as dockable sidebars/panes, customizable toolbars, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more. If you’re a developer, help add these features!
Ok cool, how do I contribute?

That’s great, it’s super duper appreciated! See these two links to learn how to contribute changes:

If that’s too scary, we can help you get set up! Contact folks and we’ll see what we can do.

Still too scary? Then you can donate to KDE. Our budget is tiny, so your money genuinely does have an impact!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Release of KDE Stopmotion 0.8.7

Sun, 2024-06-09 17:35

Today marks the release of  KDE Stopmotion 0.8.7!

About Stopmotion

Stopmotion is a Free Open Source application to create stop-motion animations. It helps you capture and edit the frames of your animation and export them as a single file.

Direct capture from webcams, MiniDV cameras, and DSLR cameras. It offers onion-skinning, import images from disk, and time lapse photography. Stopmotion supports multiple scenes, frame editing, basic sound track, animation playback at different frame rates, and GIMP integration for image. Movies can be exported to a file and to Cinelerra frame lists.

Technically, it is a C++ / Qt application with optional dependencies to camera capture libraries.

Changes in release 0.8.7

This release comes with no new features, but improvements to the project itself.


  • The project is now officially called to KDE Stopmotion. The former name Linux Stopmotion is no longer used.
  • Support for qmake has been removed. Use CMake instead.


  • Port serialization to libarchive. libtar is abandoned. (thanks to Bastian Germann)


  • The .sto files miss the tar trailer. (#16, thanks to Bastian Germann for providing a fix)


  • Use pkg-config to find dependencies vorbisfile and xml2 (thanks to Barak Pearlmutter)
  • Remove code that relies on deprecations in Qt 5; this is a preparation to move to Qt 6.
Future plans
  • Transition from Qt 5 to version 6. I am stuck with my port as QAudioDeviceInfo that was dropped in Qt 6. I need some help to port Stopmotion to the new way to handle audio with Qt 6 / Qt Mulimedia.
  • We should integrate better to KDE's tech stack: Internationalization, using KDE libraries, update and reformat documentation.
Get involved!

If you are interested, give Stopmotion a try. Reach out to our mailing list or have a look into our project. Share your ideas or get involved!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Firefox profiles and Plasma launchers (X11)

Sun, 2024-06-09 13:00

I’m a heavy user of Firefox profiles. Apart from using different profiles for different activities, I also have a few extra profiles that all run in the Default activity.

This means that I need to have different icons shown in Plasma’s panel in order to be able to easily differentiate which profile a window belongs to.

Sure, I use the tasks applet which shows the window title instead of the icon-only one (I prefer usability to minimalism), but still, it isn’t enough as sometimes the active tab in a Firefox window might not have the most informative title.

Plasma seems to rely on the application name and the window class when choosing the icon it will show in the panel. Which means that, by default, all Firefox instances end up having the same icon.

Librewolf with a custom profile icon

Fortunately, Firefox allows you to specify the window class it should use through command line arguments.

firefox -P ProfileName --class WindowClassName

And, to connect a launcher to a specific window class, you just need to add the following line to the .desktop file:


So, in order to have a nicely supported Firefox profile, you can create a launcher with a desktop file similar to the following:

[Desktop entry] Exec=firefox -P SocialSites --class FirefoxSocialSites Icon=user-available-symbolic StartupWMClass=FirefoxSocialSites

It also works with Firefox derivatives such as Librewolf (which can be seen in the screenshot above) and others.

You can support my work on Patreon, or you can get my book Functional Programming in C++ at Manning if you're into that sort of thing. -->
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

A Selenium Primer - Part 1: An Introduction to Selenium

Sat, 2024-06-08 15:31

In this video I introduce Selenium AT-SPI for testing KDE applications. I present the KDE goals of sustainable software, accessibility, and automation in system testing, and how Selenium helps achieve all of them.

Selenium AT-SPI is an amazing piece of software written by KDE developer Harald Sitter. It is a tool used in KDE to automate tests of GUI applications. This enables developers to design applications that are accessible for all and increase their energy efficiency. As part of Season of KDE 2024 I decided to make a video tutorial for KDE developers.

If you find this video helpful, you can reach out to me on Gitter. I would love to hear back from you 😃

This video was made by Pradyot Ranjan (

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

A Selenium Primer - Part 4: Writing Selenium Tests

Sat, 2024-06-08 15:20

In this video I deep dive into writing tests with Selenium. I create a simple test for the KCalc calculator application and run it with Selenium AT-SPI. Similar steps can be followed to write GUI tests for any KDE application.

Selenium AT-SPI is an amazing piece of software written by KDE developer Harald Sitter. It is a tool used in KDE to automate tests of GUI applications. This enables developers to design applications that are accessible for all and increase their energy efficiency. As part of Season of KDE 2024 I decided to make a video tutorial for KDE developers.

If you find this video helpful, you can reach out to me on Gitter. I would love to hear back from you 😃

This video was made by Pradyot Ranjan (

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

A Selenium Primer - Part 3: Identifying Accessibility Issues

Sat, 2024-06-08 15:19

In this video I explain how the accerciser utility works. Accerciser is a tool used to identify and test GUI accessibility elements. I also run accerciser on KCalc, the KDE calculator application.

Selenium AT-SPI is an amazing piece of software written by KDE developer Harald Sitter. It is a tool used in KDE to automate tests of GUI applications. This enables developers to design applications that are accessible for all and increase their energy efficiency. As part of Season of KDE 2024 I decided to make a video tutorial for KDE developers.

If you find this video helpful, you can reach out to me on Gitter. I would love to hear back from you 😃

This video was made by Pradyot Ranjan (

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

A Selenium Primer - Part 2: Setting up Selenium

Sat, 2024-06-08 15:19

In this video I set up Selenium AT-SPI locally on KDE Neon. This video follows the Selenium setup guide found here:

Selenium AT-SPI is an amazing piece of software written by KDE developer Harald Sitter. It is a tool used in KDE to automate tests of GUI applications. This enables developers to design applications that are accessible for all and increase their energy efficiency. As part of Season of KDE 2024 I decided to make a video tutorial for KDE developers.

If you find this video helpful, you can reach out to me on Gitter. I would love to hear back from you 😃

This video was made by Pradyot Ranjan (

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Kate Fun Logo

Sat, 2024-06-08 15:11

G2 posted some fun logos for Kate on reddit.

I think they are nice and flashy and well suited if you want to show your appreciation for Kate and like that art style and a good addition to our awesome icon and mascot.

Static Version Animated Version Licensing

G2 licensed these files under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to share the stuff with this license and credit for G2.


A matching thread for this can be found here on r/KDE.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets


Sat, 2024-06-08 03:30

A week ago I attended the 22. Gulaschprogrammiernacht (GPN22) in Karlsruhe, Germany. That’s a bit of a smaller version of the Chaos Communication Congress, although with 1000+ attendees “small” doesn’t really do it justice. Below are some of my notes from conversations I had there.

ⓒ Entropia e.V. KDE Itinerary Debugging other people’s trips

Occasionally Itinerary produces weird results in its timeline for complex trips, and this can be hard to debug remotely without asking for a full export of all the personal data in there. Meeting users and contributors at events is a good opportunity to look at such issues on their devices and analyze the problems together.

Some things could be fixed on the spot, and verified shortly afterwards on the affected installations:

  • Improved trip grouping for incomplete trips and closely adjacent trips.
  • Improved recovery from wrong timezone information in manually added entries.
  • Fixed timeline ordering with location change elements without arrival time.
Data syncing via Matrix

Syncing multiple Itinerary instances is an often requested feature. One of the most promising approaches is doing this via Matrix. An in-depth discussion on that at least gave me a much more refined idea on how that could look like, and what we’d need in order to get there.


  • Use a special room type for this, so it’s not cluttering the room list in “normal” chat clients.
  • Use one room per trip rather than one room for the entire data set. This avoids scalability problems with state events, and would allow sharing individual trips with other people for joint planning and traveling together.
  • Use one state event per timeline element, so that there is always a known latest state without having to load/replay the entire room history.
iOS port

I also met someone looking into an iOS port of Itinerary. Obviously that’s in a very early exploratory state, but should that turn out viable it would probably also benefit many other KDE applications.

Project management

We also talks about how to clean up and revive task tracking for Itinerary. For various historic reasons relevant tasks are currently spread over two Phabricator boards, a Gitlab board, tasks in Itinerary’s Gitlab project and Bugzilla, neither of which is perfectly maintained, current nor complete.

Not sure yet how to best structure this, but it clearly needs to change, and I need to more actively use this rather than having things in my local notes.

KDE Platform & Frameworks Password and credential management

How could credential/secrets storage/management look like for our platform in a world beyond KWallet? KWallet’s design, UX and security model goes back more than 20 years by now, and it shows. And since this is a sensitive and complex topic to touch, it’s probably worth working out first how we would want this to look like eventually.

Things to consider include:

  • Standardized access APIs for applications like XDG portals or the secret service API.
  • Data exchange formats with other password management systems.
  • Integration with cloud-based password managers for synchronization between different devices.
  • Supporting external hardware tokens and TPMs.
  • Supporting Passkeys and WebAuthn.
  • Unlocking UI nicely integrated into the shell, and also supporting e.g. biometric unlocking.
  • Hiding the complexity of all that from the user during setup to the extend possible.
  • Browser integration and integration with SSH and GPG key stores.
  • Should 2FA tools like Keysmith use this or remain separate?
  • Minimizing the need for configuration, while keeping much of the above opt-in.

Given the complexity we probably should find a place to collect all the ideas and requirements, and then get a few interested people together for a few days to turn this into a plan.

Application debug and support infrastructure

We do have functionality in Frameworks to help us diagnosing issues happening on a user’s device, most prominently KCrash. Some of our applications have additional custom-built diagnostic functions as well though, such as:

  • NeoChat has some debug output capturing system.
  • Itinerary has a “debug mode” that shows some additional diagnostics and test functions.

Would it make sense to generalize/standardize some of this and upstream it to Frameworks?

Emergency and weather alerts

One of my main agenda points was meeting with FOSS Warn again, for our joint work on an emergency and weather alert aggregation server.

Topcis included:

  • Quality metrics and monitoring of the input feeds. While we have feeds from 100+ countries, the activity on those ranges between 10+k alerts in the last 30 days to none. The latter could be valid for a small island nation with stable weather recently, but for a larger country this raises questions on how well that feed is maintained.
  • The data format and data model for feed metadata and API to query that, something my prototype didn’t do at all. This is useful to show in clients what kinds of alerts (or any at all) could be expected for an area of interest.
  • How to deal with split-up multilingual feeds. The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) has support for multilingual entries, but in at least two cases (Russia and Saudi Arabia) those seem to be provided in separate single-language feeds instead.

Improvements for Transitous also came out of this.

Chatting with a bunch of people the acquisition of Greyhound by FlixBus was mentioned, leading to somebody raising the question whether that would mean Transitous includes the Greyhound network (given FlixBus in Europe is covered). That turned out to not be the case, so the next person started to do a quick web search finding data for North America as well. Yet another person who had recently travelled that way was able to confirm that to be valid and current. A pull request for Transitous followed soon after, and within less than an hour this was available on the production instance.

Barely four months after this all started at FOSDEM this was just awesome to watch.

And that’s probably the biggest value of such events, a random hallway conversation can result in a significant improvement to public transport routing connectivity on another continent :)

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

These past two weeks in KDE: massive stability work for Plasma 6.1

Sat, 2024-06-08 01:33

Sorry for the interruption last week; I was on vacation. While I was vacating, my colleagues were in full-on fix-everything mode in preparation for the upcoming Plasma 6.1 release in a little over a week. And what a release it promises to be! I think this is going to be a good one, folks. Lots of great features, improved performance and smoothness, and oodles of fixes for all kinds of strange bugs with your wild and wacky hardware devices!

New Features

Plasma’s Networks widget now supports WebAuth for SAML-based authentication. I don’t know what this means, but if you do, that probably means you’re happy about it! (Joel Holdsworth, Plasma 6.2.0 Link)

The network QR code that you can show in Plasma’s Networks widget is now draggable, so you can get an image file out of it wherever you want! (Fushan Wen, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

System Monitor’s data backend now supports getting CPU/memory/IO/etc. pressure data from /proc/pressure/ (when supported by the Linux kernel) and displaying it in sensors. Hopefully this data will start to show up in user-facing features soon! (Adrian Edwards, Plasma 6.2.0 Link)

UI Improvements

Dolphin once again recommends installing Filelight if you try to get information about free space but it’s not installed (Felix Ernst, Dolphin 24.08.0. Link)

Passwords copied from KWalletManager no longer appear visible in the Clipboard widget (Weng Xuetian, KWalletManager 24.08.0. Link)

Plasma’s Panel Settings dialog no longer obscures the hover pop-ups for individual widgets while it’s open (David Edmundson, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

In Plasma’s Sticky Notes widget, the colors of the inline buttons already change with the system color scheme. Now they also change appropriately based on the color scheme you select for the sticky note itself! (Evgeniy Harchenko, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Removed the “Hide utility windows for inactive applications” option, because it was broken and apparently nobody had noticed or reported this, and also it’s kind of a weird thing to exist in the first place. This also fixes a Plasma panel auto-hide bug caused by using it (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.1.0. Link 1 and link 2)

Searching in System Settings no longer sometimes returns nonsensical matches based on keywords that got implicitly joined together in ways that didn’t make sense (Harald Sitter, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

A better cursor icon is now used when dragging windows (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

On X11 with an NVIDIA GPU, a floating panel, and adaptive panel transparency, an unfortunate bug in the NVIDIA driver causes windows to lag when moved and resized. For now we’ve added a warning in the panel settings dialog about this (Ivan Tkachenko, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Improved the accessibility of the common Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage UI component (Aleix Pol Gonzalez, Frameworks 6.4. Link)

The custom accent color feature (including “accent color from wallpaper”) now does a better job of picking colors for links that will be readable, no matter what colors your base color scheme uses (Akseli Lahtinen, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Bug Fixes

Fixed an unusual issue in Elisa that could cause it to not launch when certain DBus setups on certain distros (Jack Hill, Elisa 24.05.1. Link)

Fixed Elisa not launching at all on Windows after a Windows integration library we were using was removed (Jack Hill, Elisa 24.05.1. Link)

Elisa no longer crashes when you try to enqueue the contents of filesystem folders that don’t actually have any music in them (Jack Hill, Elisa 24.05.1. Link)

Spectacle’s highlight annotation once again actually highlights (Noah Davis, Spectacle 24.05.1. Link)

Fixed a way that KWin could crash after the system wakes from sleep with weird screens that turn on strangely (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

KWin should no longer crash when apps do weird things and for some reason two drag operations end up happening at once (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Fixed a way that KWin could crash on X11 when you change Global Themes (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Fixed a weird crash in KWin that could happen when you’re pressing keys on the keyboard during the exact moment that XWayland disconnects (David Edmundson, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Fixed a cause of Plasma using too much memory and/or freezing due to system notifications containing certain sizes of images (Akseli Lahtinen, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Changing a System Monitor widget located on a thick panel to the “Application Table” or “Process Table” display style no longer causes Plasma to freeze (Akseli Lahtinen, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Fixed the most common crash in System Settings’ Firewall page which could be experienced by changing settings and then switching pages (Nicolas Fella, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Fixed an extremely esoteric Plasma crash that was caused by repeatedly wiggling the pointer over certain menu items of the context menu of the sub-folder popup of a folder located on the desktop (Akseli Lahtinen, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

When you try to add a sensor to System Monitor or one of its so-named widgets that you’ve already added, you’re now warned and prevented from doing so, instead of being allowed to continue, which would silently break the display of all sensors (Arjen Hiemstra, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Connected devices that are nice enough to report battery information to Plasma no longer sometimes randomly get disconnected for no good reason (Ivan Tkachenko, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Some monitors that do unusual and exotic things under the hood no longer get their resolutions set to 640×480 after resuming from sleep (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

The “Allow restore on future sessions” checkbox on the screen sharing dialog once again works (Nicolas Fella, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Titlebar context menus of non-maximized Aurorae-decorated windows are no longer misplaced on Wayland (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Kicker’s panel button is no longer too large with a thin panel, which was a regression caused by me trying to keep it from getting too large with thick panels! (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Connecting a new screen that’s larger than any of the current screens no longer causes it to get a small constrained version of the default wallpaper; now it gets the correct size (Marco Martin, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

When you’ve got a floating Plasma panel on a screen edge that’s shared with another screen, it no longer pushes an odd blurry rectangle onto that adjacent screen when it de-floats (Niccolò Venerandi, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Using the “Application” or “Window” layout switching mode no longer causes Plasma’s System Tray popup to close immediately when you try to open it while the widget is located on a panel on the bottom or right screen edge (Marco Martin, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Shutting down, restarting, etc. from within KWin’s Overview effect no longer causes it to freeze for 45 seconds before completing the operation (David Edmundson, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Fixed a bug that caused items on the Plasma desktop to disappear until Plasma was restarted after their icons changed, either because you changed them manually, or they got automatically changed by something else automatically—for example by putting items into the trash (Akseli Lahtinen, Frameworks 6.4. Link)

Worked around a Qt regression that prevented toolbar buttons in QtQuick apps from showing that they have keyboard focus (Aleix Pol Gonzales, Frameworks 6.4. Link)

Other bug information of note:

Performance & Technical

Improved the performance of basically everything for cases where the ~/.cache folder is located on a slow disk, such as a hard drive (David Edmundson, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Plasma and KWin no longer rocket up in CPU usage for no good reason when using the using “Keep the selection and clipboard the same” and “Text selection: Always save in history” Clipboard widget settings (David Edmundson, Plasma 6.1.0. Link)

Re-enabled hardware-accelerated cursor support for Intel GPUs, since the bugs that were causing us to disable it have since been resolved. This should make cursors more responsive and not increase CPU usage when moving it (Vlad Zahorodnii, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

Implemented Breeze styling for movable splitters in QML software, so we can now start porting things to use it. This will eventually result in, for example, resizable sidebars in places where you’d expect for sidebars to be resizable—imagine that! (Ivan Tkachenko, Frameworks 6.4. Link)

Automation & Systematization

Turned a manual test for the Plasma System Tray into an automatic one, so now it actually gets run regularly (Fushan Wen, link)

Added a few autotests for the Plasma Clipboard widget to verify recent fixes (Fushan Wen, link)

…And Everything Else

This blog only covers the tip of the iceberg! If you’re hungry for more, check out, where you can find more news from other KDE contributors.

How You Can Help

The KDE organization has become important in the world, and your time and labor have helped to bring it there! But as we grow, it’s going to be equally important that this stream of labor be made sustainable, which primarily means paying for it. Right now the vast majority of KDE runs on labor not paid for by KDE e.V. (the nonprofit foundation behind KDE, of which I am a board member), and that’s a problem. We’ve taken steps to change this with paid technical contractors — but those steps are small due to growing but still limited financial resources. If you’d like to help change that, consider donating today!

Otherwise, visit to discover other ways to be part of a project that really matters. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE; you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to already be a programmer, either. I wasn’t when I got started. Try it, you’ll like it! We don’t bite!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Web Review, Week 2024-23

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:56

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-23.

Alice in Wonderland: Simple Tasks Showing Complete Reasoning Breakdown in State-Of-the-Art Large Language Models

Tags: tech, ai, gpt, machine-learning, safety, research

Another cruel reminder that basic reasoning is not to be expected from LLMs. Here is a quote from the conclusion of the paper which makes it clear:

“We think that observations made in our study should serve as strong reminder that current SOTA LLMs are not capable of sound, consistent reasoning, as shown here by their breakdown on even such a simple task as the presented AIW problem, and enabling such reasoning is still subject of basic research. This should be also a strong warning against overblown claims for such models beyond being basic research artifacts to serve as problem solvers in various real world settings, which are often made by different commercial entities in attempt to position their models as a strong mature product for end-users. […] Observed breakdown of basic reasoning capabilities, coupled with such public claims (which are also based on standardized benchmarks), present an inherent safety problem. Models with insufficient basic reasoning are inherently unsafe, as they will produce wrong decisions in various important scenarios that do require intact reasoning.”

A critique of the ‘No AI’ Instagram and Artstation copycat child. - David Revoy

Tags: tech, social-media, art, criticism

Interesting critique of this new platform… it’s the beginning of the hype cycle but will probably exhibit the same decay phenomenon than other platforms.

Why are vulnerabilities out of control in 2024? – Open Source Security

Tags: tech, foss, security, data, data-science

The more releases out there the more vulnerabilities are (and could be) discovered. Some actions are necessary to get things under control properly.

Engineering for Slow Internet

Tags: tech, networking, reliability

A good reminder of everything which might go wrong when connectivity is bad. Most tools let you down in such a case.

Why do CPUs have multiple cache levels? | The ryg blog

Tags: tech, hardware, cpu

Very nice explanation and metaphors on how CPUs cache levels work.

BenchExec: A Framework for Reliable Benchmarking and Resource Measurement

Tags: tech, benchmarking, tools

Looks like an interesting benchmarking tool. To keep an eye on.

TIL #099 – order values of dictionary by iterable of keys with operator.itemgetter | mathspp

Tags: tech, programming, python

Definitely a nice Python trick. Fairly elegant, I’ll try to remember it.

Message authentication codes for safer distributed transactions

Tags: tech, filesystem, distributed, safety, cryptography

Interesting use of cryptography without a security concern. It’s more about safety and ensuring something wasn’t missed by mistake.

The state of Vulkan apps in 2024

Tags: tech, 3d, vulkan, portability

The difficult path for Vulkan. The data obviously is biased since it includes games and most of them are still targeting Windows and so DirectX. I’d be curious to see something similar excluding games (and so focusing on medical, industrial etc.).

How I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it

Tags: tech, 3d, game, vulkan

Interesting dive into the experience of writing a small Vulkan engine (almost) from scratch.

How to Build Engineering Strategy

Tags: tech, management, strategy, vision

Packed with useful information. Clearly some things I’m eager to test in there.

xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline

Tags: science, history, data-visualization

So yes, the climate changed before… now slowly scroll until the end to appreciate how brutal it is this time.

Bye for now!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Qt Creator 13.0.2 released

Fri, 2024-06-07 02:54

We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 13.0.2!

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

KDE Ships Frameworks 6.3.0

Thu, 2024-06-06 20:00

Friday, 7 June 2024

KDE today announces the release of KDE Frameworks 6.3.0.

KDE Frameworks are 72 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the KDE Frameworks release announcement.

This release is part of a series of planned monthly releases making improvements available to developers in a quick and predictable manner.

New in this version Baloo
  • Qml: don't do blocking DBus calls in Baloo.Monitor. Commit. Fixes bug #487064
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
Bluez Qt
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
Breeze Icons
  • Use normal resource adding, big resource variant has issue with LTO. Commit.
  • Kmahjongg app icon: drop broken entries href'ing to non-existing id. Commit.
  • Fix remaining missing semicolons. Commit.
  • Fix missing semicolon. Commit.
  • Fix path styling. Commit.
  • Treat hicolor as "no fallback theme set" too. Commit.
  • Ensure we fallback to breeze, if no user fallback is set. Commit.
  • Fix dark icon generation. Commit.
  • Revert "ensure we fallback to breeze, if no user fallback is set". Commit.
  • Ensure we fallback to breeze, if no user fallback is set. Commit.
  • Avoid to generate dead links. Commit.
  • Remove duplicate of window.svg. Commit.
  • Better duplicate checking. Commit.
  • Stricter external link check. Commit.
  • Integrate better test for whitespace of any kind. Commit.
  • Fix escape sequences. Commit.
  • Do full link checking for git win links, too. Commit.
  • Do full symlink checking during resource creation. Commit.
  • Better name for windows link resolving. Commit.
  • Remove recently-added process-working-symbolic icons. Commit.
  • Replace dialog-* icons with data-* icons. Commit.
  • Add symbolic icons as symlink to existing monochrome icons. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove copy/pasted 16px go/lua/scala icons from mimetypes/22. Commit.
  • Fix actions/22/fingerprint viewBox. Commit.
  • Include duplication check. Commit.
  • Let Qt do the simple XML linting. Commit.
  • Add my copyright, too. Commit.
  • Add more comments and use better function name. Commit.
  • Reenable x24 icons on Windows. Commit.
  • Try to ensure we really run late enough. Commit.
  • Run resource file generator on dark, too, for checks. Commit.
  • Generate icon 24 gen dir always. Commit.
  • Move more helpers to same dir. Commit.
  • Split files to avoid dep cycles. Commit.
  • Pack in generated icons. Commit.
  • Add symlinks for new ISO MIME type names. Commit.
  • Use rcc like we do it in other frameworks. Commit.
  • Move helper, simplify deps searching. Commit.
  • Avoid the copying. Commit.
  • Add back BINARY_ICONS_RESOURCE for breeze only. Commit.
  • Fix qrc generation for system with symlinks and always build the library. Commit.
Extra CMake Modules
  • Skip app template packaging when cross-compiling. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • ECMQueryQt: Provide better error message when Qt6 qpaths is not found. Commit.
Framework Integration
  • Remove wrong note from metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Don't show maintainers for frameworks. Commit.
  • Don't show framework type in frameworks list. Commit.
  • Require unit tests to pass on Windows. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • Add missing includes. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Tests: Remove workaround not needed anymore after 80f7731c591dfe656d8c6769fa2efba9256a60f4. Commit.
  • CI: Require passing tests on Linux and Windows. Commit.
  • Adapt date/time output for tests to Qt 6.7 formatting behavior changes. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • AbstractKCM,SimpleKCM: Stop overlapping the 1px of content with a header Separator. Commit.
  • SimpleKCM: Port header's wrapper from QQC2.Control to Kirigami.Padding. Commit.
  • SimpleKCM: Drop unnecessary id qualifier from the bindings at the top-level component. Commit.
  • AbstractKCM,SimpleKCM: Unify header/footer content swapping. Commit.
  • AbstractKCM,SimpleKCM: Unify OverlaySheet detection, port to cool iterators. Commit.
  • Allow to bundle color schemes with applications inside resources. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Ensure test works with Qt 6.7 on Windows. Commit.
  • Use QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP instead of QT_TR_NOOP for KStandardActions. Commit.
  • Add helper method to fully move a group to another. Commit.
  • Deprecate ctor that takes a backend. Commit.
  • Move parts of KStandardAction to KConfigGui. Commit.
  • Remove KConfigBackend abstraction. Commit.
  • Add a mutex to protect globalData. Commit.
  • Kconfigxt: Remove docs for SourceExtension parameter which was removed in KF6. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Add api to have a style chooser. Commit.
  • KStandardAction: reduce allocation by using view type. Commit.
  • Add KStyleManager::initStyle to enforce proper application style. Commit.
  • KConfigDialogManager: port to non-deprecated QCheckBox signal. Commit.
  • KCommandBar: Better UI. Commit.
  • Add SPDX license/copyright information for new CMakeLists.txt as well. Commit.
  • Properly expose address format API to QML. Commit.
  • Add qml module. Commit.
  • Update feature documentation. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Not all distros have /bin/true, e.g. NixOS lacks it. Commit.
  • Bundle license texts inside resource. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Kfilesystem: recognize nfs4 as KFileSystemType::Nfs. Commit.
  • Replace KAboutDialog with KAboutApplicationDialog. Commit.
  • Handle kwin's wayland qpa as wayland platform. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • KeySequenceItem: Fix height management. Commit.
  • Remove useless note from metainfo. Commit.
  • Fix tier in metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
KGlobalAccel KGuiAddons
  • Deprecated KColorCollection. Commit.
  • Remove custom definitions of pi. Commit.
  • Proofreading. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Latvia holiday grammar corrections. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Add missing include. Commit.
  • KIconDialog: Prevent briefly visible mini-window from showing up. Commit. Fixes bug #487762
  • Update file kicontheme.cpp. Commit.
  • Include only if needed, avoid extra define. Commit.
  • Set QML module base version to 1.0. Commit.
  • Windows tests work now. Commit.
  • Use Qt to fill in the generic mime-type icon information. Commit.
  • Use Qt to fill in the generic mime-type icon information. Commit.
  • Ensure tests pass locally with KDE platform theme, too. Commit.
  • Ensure we not clash with breeze from resource. Commit.
  • Adapt test to fact we now have Breeze with hicolor inherits. Commit.
  • Remove not used files. Commit.
  • Remove my old rcc test, no longer done. Commit.
  • Always require the icon library. Commit.
  • Add KIconTheme::initTheme() to configure proper icon set as opt-in. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Ensure dependencies are provided on Android. Commit.
  • KAbstractFileItemActionPlugin: Remove wrong sentence in documentation. Commit. See bug #425997
  • Don't install header for pure dbus class if no dbus. Commit.
  • Disable dbus not only for android but windows & mac, too. Commit.
  • Drop errorpage handling from worker. Commit.
  • [http] Implement resuming at offset again. Commit. Fixes bug #480506
  • CI: Require passing tests on Linux and FreeBSD. Commit.
  • Deprecate KFileWidget::readConfig. Commit.
  • SSL Info UI file: use notr="true" instead of old comment="KDE::DoNotExtract". Commit.
  • Kfileitem: cache group names. Commit. Fixes bug #486956
  • Move HAVE_STATX cmake test to core. Commit. Fixes bug #487015
  • Remove unused includes. Commit.
  • Properties dialogue URL tab: Fix vertical alignment. Commit.
  • Systemdprocessrunner: change the order launchmodes are returned. Commit.
  • Systemdprocessrunner: change env var names. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Kprocessrunner: add third parameter to a connect. Commit.
  • Revert "icon: Remove the node with lowest opacity when animation end". Commit. Fixes bug #487577
  • ImageColors: Rework the example app. Commit.
  • ImageColors: Remove unused QTimer member. Commit.
  • ImageColors: Remove an unused variable. Commit.
  • ImageColors: Disconnect the old QFutureWatcher. Commit.
  • ImageColors: Mark internal function as static. Commit.
  • ImageColors: Do not grab an item without a window or with an invisible window. Commit.
  • ImageColors: Port QVariantList to a typed and named gadget. Commit.
  • ImageColors: Fix multi-threading crash. Commit.
  • Use consistent import alias for QtQuick.Controls. Commit.
  • Drop all QML import versions. Commit.
  • Doc: Improve FormData.label example. Commit.
  • Fix typo in docs. Commit.
  • Introduce the layouts submodule. Commit.
  • SearchDialog: Expose search field placeholder text. Commit.
  • Per default DBus only enabled on systems that use it. Commit.
  • SearchDialog: Add page up/page down key navigation. Commit.
  • Move dialog stuff in a new dialogs submodule. Commit.
  • Card: emit toggled() when the user clicks on the header checkbox. Commit. Fixes bug #481461
  • SearchDialog: Improve up/down item navigation. Commit.
  • PromptDialog: adjust label spacing to conform to new HIG. Commit.
  • Icon: Remove the node with lowest opacity when animation end. Commit.
  • Remove custom backgrounds. Commit.
  • Add SearchDialog. Commit.
  • Always color icons. Commit. Fixes bug #485801
  • PromptDialog: Fix regression where content is not scrollable. Commit.
  • Add for delegates and primitives modules. Commit.
  • Delegates: Use relative imports for types from the same module. Commit.
  • Delegates: Use Platform/Primitives directly instead of main Kirigami module. Commit.
  • Add Platform and Primitives modules as dependencies for Delegates module. Commit.
  • Introduce a "primitives" submodule that contains primitive types. Commit.
  • Move ColorUtils to Platform. Commit.
  • CMake: Change variable name for install() command. Commit.
  • FormLayout: Compare types against base TextEdit instead of styled QQC2 component. Commit.
  • Improve metainfo.yaml. Commit.
  • TitleSubtitle Title Accessiblity. Commit.
  • Don't include CPack. Commit.
  • Don't include quiet package in feature_summary. Commit.
  • Revert "PageRow: Rework page component caching". Commit.
  • Revert "Dialog: Always use an overlay as visual parent". Commit.
  • GlobalDrawer: Fix up code example in docs. Commit.
  • OverlaySheet: Fix typo in docs. Commit.
  • [inlineviewheader] Qualify property lookup. Commit.
  • Add frame contrast. Commit.
  • [dialog] Qualify property access. Commit.
  • [dialog] Fix signal handler. Commit.
  • FormLayout: Fix QML imports in doc example. Commit.
  • FormLayout: Annotate function parameters. Commit.
  • FormLayout: Qualify property access. Commit.
  • PageRow: Rework page component caching. Commit.
  • KirigamiPrivatePlugin: Reformat CMake into multi-line statements. Commit.
  • Fix Dialog parenting. Commit.
  • Dialog: Expand past preferred size to implicit size, as documented. Commit.
  • Fix all occurrence of UnusedImports. Commit.
  • Add config file for qmllint. Commit.
  • PromptDialog: Don't use qualified property access in top-level expressions. Commit.
  • Add support for global smooth scroll setting. Commit.
  • Fix scrollable dialogs. Commit.
  • Revert change to OverlaySheet. Commit.
  • Update design of dialogs. Commit.
  • GlobalDrawer: Clip content in more cases to fix overflowing header. Commit.
  • Revert "KSelectionProxyModelTest: Skip tests broken by upstream changes". Commit.
  • KWidgetItemDelegatePoolPrivate: remove unused allocatedWidgets member. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
KJobWidgets KNewStuff
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Action: Fix type of transientParent property. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • ItemsModel: Fix up docs after refactoring. Commit.
  • Fix the "Use" label on certain delegates. Commit.
  • QuestionAsker: Remove broken sizing bindings. Commit.
  • Explicitly set QQC2.Overlay.overlay as a parent for popups. Commit.
  • DownloadItemsSheet: Port from OverlaySheet to Kirigami.Dialog for file selection dialog. Commit.
  • DownloadItemsSheet: Wrap the file names of entries instead of eliding. Commit.
  • ProvidersModel: Redo the engine property in a way which doesn't break ABI. Commit.
  • Register properties as properly typed. Commit.
  • Qtquick: Clean up unused #includes. Commit.
  • UploadPage: Fix engine property binding. Commit.
  • UploadsPage: Fix punctuation in a user-visible string. Commit.
  • Comments: Manage ListView's delegate width & position correctly. Commit.
  • ConditionalLoader: Drop meaningless checks and unused root id. Commit.
  • Don't manage visibility of a BusyIndicator. Commit.
  • QML: Don't abuse implicit casting of binding values to bool property. Commit.
  • QML: Port Qt.rgba to the new Qt.alpha. Commit.
  • QML: Port to strict === JavaScript equality operator. Commit.
  • QML: Drop import alias for QtQuick.Layouts module. Commit.
  • QML: Normalize QtQuick.Templates import aliases as T. Commit.
  • QML: Normalize QtQuick.Controls import aliases as QQC2. Commit.
  • QML: Add missing Kirigami import alias. Commit.
  • QML: Normalize QtQuick.Controls import aliases as QQC2. Commit.
  • QML: Remove unused imports. Commit.
  • QML: Drop all import versions. Commit.
  • QML: Drop major version from Kirigami imports. Commit.
  • QML: Throw QtQuick.Window out of the window. Commit.
  • QML: Clean up whitespace-related code style issues. Commit.
  • QML: Remove superfluous trailing semicolons from bindings. Commit.
  • QML: Explicitly specify arguments in signal handlers. Commit.
  • Don't include quiet package in feature_summary. Commit.
  • Notifybysnore: correct action buttons. Commit. Fixes bug #486911
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Only use KDirNotify if existing. Commit.
  • Docs: KMimeTypeTrader no longer exists. Commit.
  • Use QUrl::PreferLocalFile for URL emitted with Part::setWindowCaption. Commit.
  • Fix tier information. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Port to ecm_add_qml_module and declarative type registration. Commit.
  • Set a better default size for the example application. Commit.
  • Don't crash if we try to access an item from an empty ArraySource. Commit.
  • Enable highlighting for most pages in the charts example. Commit.
  • Port example pages to use ChartPage. Commit.
  • Add a common base type for pages in the chart example. Commit.
  • Remove API selection from charts example. Commit.
  • Convert chart example to use an executable QML module. Commit.
  • Expose highlight property on PieChartControl. Commit.
  • Support highlighting in LineChartControl. Commit.
  • Controls: Add support for highlighting hovered items in Legend. Commit.
  • Fix normalized line size calculation in LineChartNode. Commit.
  • Support highlight in BarChart. Commit.
  • Support highlight in PieChart. Commit.
  • Support highlight property in LineChart. Commit.
  • Add a protected method to Chart to deemphasise non-highlighted items. Commit.
  • Add a highlight property to Chart. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Controls: Ceil all components of preferredWidth in LegendDelegate contents. Commit. Fixes bug #486411
  • Fix X-KDE-ConfigModule not working for DBus runners. Commit.
  • Fix same query not yielding results in new match session. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Templates/runner6python: Only depend on shebang line for executing. Commit.
  • Rename entrypoint file to always be Commit.
  • Document krunner-plugininstallerrc file. Commit.
  • Document how AbstractRunner::config is resolved. Commit.
  • Runnercontext: Fix saving the launch counts. Commit.
  • Support for fractional scaling. Commit.
  • Color also absolute path images. Commit. Fixes bug #485801
  • Reapply "Port to declarative type registration". Commit.
  • Ensure the color name text is visible. Commit. Fixes bug #487068
  • Ensure we not reset the dynamic word wrap state. Commit. Fixes bug #487216
  • Port to KStandardActions. Commit.
  • Never remove trailing spaces on diff file type. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Screenshot dialog: support drag of image. Commit.
  • Make tests independent of the user's environment. Commit.
  • Modernize use designated init. Commit.
  • Do not display diff result in script tests when -silent is used. Commit.
  • Fix raw string indentation with cstyle + C++. Commit.
  • Screenshot dialog: omit ellipsis from window title. Commit.
  • Screenshot dialog: use default QFileDialog::getSaveFileName window title. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • CI: Require tests to pass on Linux and FreeBSD. Commit.
  • Add homepage url, CI was complaining. Commit.
  • Fix target names in metainfo. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Fix secrets portal wallet access. Commit. Fixes bug #487348
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Fix KMessageWidget background color. Commit.
  • KMessageWidget: Avoid calling polish() inside of palette update. Commit. Fixes bug #487247
  • Revert "KMessageWidget: Set the palette to work with non-KStyle styles". Commit.
  • KMessageWidget: Set the palette to work with non-KStyle styles. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Skip tests that need GUI on Windows CI. Commit.
  • KViewStateSerializer: fix docu: setTreeView -> setView. Commit.
  • KBusyIndicatorWidget: fix warning when hiding on startup. Commit.
  • Update to plasma window management v17. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • [kactioncollection] Add addAction for KStandardActions without name. Commit.
  • Add KStandardActions::StandardActions overload. Commit.
  • Remove icon fallback setting. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Work with a local copy of container when removing elements. Commit.
  • Skip tests that need GUI on Windows CI. Commit.
  • Restore compatibility with older ZXing versions. Commit.
  • It compiles fine without qt6.7 deprecated methods. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Enable exceptions where needed by ZXing. Commit.
  • Add image barcode scanning API. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
QQC2 Desktop Style
  • Fix rendering the focus of our items. Commit. Fixes bug #486041
  • Update background of Dialog. Commit.
  • TreeViewDelegate: Replace top/bottom padding with vertical. Commit.
  • TreeViewDelegate: Add return type annotations to methods. Commit.
  • TreeViewDelegate: Make it actually vertically centered. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • TextArea, TextField: Fix position of a "selection end" cursor. Commit.
  • TextField: Fix mobile cursor positioning for fields with custom padding. Commit.
  • Context Menus: Port to pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound. Commit.
  • Context Menus: Use controls directly instead of via QQC2. Commit.
  • MobileTextActionsToolBar: Slightly refactor expressions. Commit.
  • MobileTextActionsToolBar: Set text and display mode for action buttons. Commit.
  • MobileTextActionsToolBar: Use symbolic versions of icons. Commit.
  • ComboBox: Clip the ListView when its relevant. Commit.
  • ComboBox: Use strict === equality operator. Commit.
  • ComboBox: Replace magic numbers with standard named units. Commit.
  • [TextArea] Access controlRoot directly. Commit.
  • [TextArea] Enabled ComponentBehavior: Bound. Commit.
  • [Combobox] Use Popup directly instead of via QQC2. Commit.
  • DialogButtonBox: Use largeSpacing as padding. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
Syntax Highlighting
  • Updates to Catppuccin themes. Commit.
  • Nix: Version 2 -> 3. Commit.
  • Nix: Correctly highlight first key in set when it is quoted. Commit.
  • Nix: Correctly highlight bare ${}. Commit.
  • Nix: More correctly model inherit syntax. Commit.
  • Build with QT_NO_CONTEXTLESS_CONNECT. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit.
  • Xml: add fictionbook format. Commit.
  • Remove explicit maintainer from metainfo. Commit.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
