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Drupal Association blog: Drupal GAAD Pledge 2024 Update

Tue, 2024-05-21 13:28

Posted on behalf of the Drupal accessibility maintainers and written by Mike Gifford.

Drupal has built a reputation around being standards compliant and accessible. Drupal made an early commitment to meeting the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines when building Drupal 7. In Drupal 8 this was expanded to support the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines. Both times the release was delayed to help make it more accessible. The Drupal community is always working to be more inclusive, and accessibility is a big part of this. 

The GAAD Foundation nominated Drupal for the 2022 GAAD Pledge. Accessibility is a cornerstone of quality open source projects. Other winners have included OpenFL, EmberJS, React Native, and most recently Joomla! 

The GAAD Pledge committed projects to formally update their guidelines to WCAG 2.1. Drupal is currently developing to WCAG 2.2 AA, which is the latest W3C WCAG Recommendation

We have published a draft Accessibility Coding Standards, and we are still working to enhance this guidance. The Accessibility Team has documented many of the best practices that we have built into Drupal. Our Accessibility Coding Standard document has been useful in educating our community about best practices.

We have been tracking accessibility issues in Drupal Core and Contrib (themes and modules) under the accessibility tag. This is already a long-standing practice, and we have a total of 1063 open issues in our issue queue. If we look just at Drupal 11 accessibility bugs, there are 510. For Drupal Core, this includes known accessibility issues, but also issues which could affect accessibility. Bringing it down to those which have been tagged against a WCAG SC, there are only 188 issues. Even these issues are mostly edge cases which do not affect most users. 

These are still too many errors, but it is about proving progress, over perfection. Drupal is still evolving, as our Starshot project demonstrates. Our community is constantly striving to improve the user, developer and author experience. 

Let’s reach for the stars and bring the Open Web to all.
    — Dries Buytaert, creator and project lead of Drupal

The WCAG Success Criteria (SC) which fail most often in Drupal are: 

This has also helped us create an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) using the US General Service Administration’s OpenACR. Our current process is outlined Drupal and ACRs

We always need more members of the Drupal community to become involved. The earlier we catch accessibility issues, the cheaper it will be to fix them, and the more robust our solutions will become.  We also hope that everyone takes time to engage in Global Accessibility Awareness Day, where we can share best practices and learn from each other. 

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Acquia SEO Content Insights powered by Conductor

Tue, 2024-05-21 09:43

Acquia’s partnership with Conductor marks another milestone in our journey to deliver the best-of-breed digital experiences for our customers. The collaboration between Conductor and Acquia will concentrate on incorporating the advanced SEO insights of Conductor's premier organic marketing platform into both Acquia's Open Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and its Drupal CMS. 

As part of this partnership, Acquia has developed a new Drupal module called Acquia SEO Content Insights powered by Conductor. Creating compelling content requires leveraging SEO insights and content intelligence, and the subsequent publishing and administration of this content are contingent upon a strong content management system (CMS). 

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Enhancing Drupal 11: Transitioning Deprecated Modules to Contributed Alternatives

Tue, 2024-05-21 08:48
Drupal 11 will remove several deprecated modules from its core, including Actions UI, Activity Tracker, Book, Forum, Statistics, and Tour. These functionalities remain accessible through contributed modules, ensuring a leaner, more efficient core while allowing community-driven enhancements. Site owners should review dependencies and install necessary modules for seamless migration to Drupal 11.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

DrupalEasy: Drupal needs new, young developers

Tue, 2024-05-21 08:08

Image used with permission from Michael Richardson from

I took a lot away from DrupalCon Portland 2024, and while one of my lasting memories from the main keynote (the Driesnote) will be the introduction of Starshot, something that has occupied a good amount of space in my brain is what happened just prior to Dries’ Starshot announcement.

At the start of his presentation (the 21:15 mark of this video,) Dries asks everyone with at least one year of Drupal experience to stand up. He then asked everyone with less than three years of experience with Drupal to sit down. The results were scary. As Dries reacted:

Oh wow. Almost nobody sat down.

This really shouldn't surprise anyone who has been developing Drupal sites for more than a few years. Drupal 8+ (modern Drupal) was considerably more difficult to get started with, and definitely geared toward more experienced developers.

Another data point

The 2024 Drupal Developer Survey results were recently announced (thanks to for the huge effort in making this happen) and while there's a ton of great data in there, I'd like to focus on the Age and Experience section, which shows that only 9.1% of the 648 respondents were under the age of 30, with no respondents under the age of 21 (insert standard disclaimer about survey size and sample and this not necessarily being a scientific survey.) This is troublesome.

Maybe we shouldn't be focusing on age, but rather experience. However; the How long have you been working with Drupal question results didn't make me feel any better. Only 9.6% of the respondents have been working with Drupal for less than 4 years. Yikes.

Is this as scary as it looks?

I really don't know the answer to this question. Both of the data points listed above are somewhat anecdotal. The first can be mitigated by the fact that you're probably much less likely to attend a DrupalCon if you're new to Drupal. The second can be accounted for by the assumption that only folks who are experienced enough with Drupal to be on the right mailing lists and/or follow the right social media accounts would know about the survey in the first place.

All that being said, I don't think the trend that the data is showing us is wrong: Clearly Drupal needs new developers.

What's the solution?

Obviously, there's not a single solution. I think there are a few things that we (yes you,) the Drupal community, can do to help entice new developers to Drupal.

  1. Keep Drupal's code modern - we do a pretty good job of this, but we can definitely do better by better integrating with front-end developer/designer tools like Storybook and whatever the cool Javascript front-end tools are this month (mostly kidding, of course.) These efforts are critical, but these types of solutions tend to be longer-term.
  2. Get more people using Drupal - the more people using Drupal, the more likely they'll become invested in the platform and likely to become full-time Drupal developers. We don't need to convert all Drupal users to developers, just a portion. Clearly, Drupal Starshot is a well-placed effort to do this, but again, I think it'll be a bit of time before this has a significant effect.
  3. Create programs that introduce Drupal to students - as a Drupal trainer who is active in the community, I've heard about a few attempts at this in local communities, but nothing at scale. This is definitely a long-term goal, and will take time, money and leadership from the Drupal Association, including a hopefully re-imagined and more ambitious Discover Drupal program. 
  4. Entice organizations that build Drupal sites to hire new developers - Money (in this case job opportunities) talks. If there are entry-level jobs in Drupal, then new developers will come. Of course, there are plenty of jobs in Drupal, but not the kind of entry level positions that are going to provide an on-ramp for aspiring Drupal developers. If jobs for those new to Drupal aren't there, then the effect of the first two items above will be muted. There is an exciting, thoughtful short-term solution to this called the Drupal IXP community initiative, which will (hopefully later this year) begin to incentivize organizations to hire new, inexperienced ("IXP") Drupal developers in exchange for Drupal community contribution credits. You can get involved with IXP today by completing this survey to help us figure out which skills a new Drupal developer should have (survey closes June 1, 2024). 
  5. Attract good Drupal developer candidates with a leg up  - Companies (like,)  who have become involved in scholarship programs, including (the currently dormant) Discover Drupal (which aimed to not just build the Drupal talent pool, but do it with an eye toward diversifying our ranks,) and providing their own training scholarships, initiating internship programs and providing mentors for newbies have had success in building their talent benches over time by training up the people that are a good fit their organizations. It takes a bit of investment and patience, but the returns are usually worth it.  
How can you help?

If this nagging issue of too few new Drupal developers is becoming a growing concern for you, like it is for me; then perhaps you’d like to get involved in one of the above efforts to help move things forward and, maybe even spread the word to help inspire others to get involved as well.   

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets My LocalGov Drupal contributions for week-ending May 24th, 2024

Tue, 2024-05-21 07:54

Here's what I've been working on for my LocalGov Drupal contributions this week. Thanks to Big Blue Door for sponsoring the time to work on these.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Specbee: Starstruck by the Drupal Starshot Initiative

Tue, 2024-05-21 02:29
DrupalCon Portland ‘24 seemed to fly by, but its impact was so profound and memorable that every Drupal community member will remember this for a long, long time. Last week, Specbee proudly sponsored and hosted a booth at DrupalCon Portland '24. Our VP of Sales and Marketing, Jim Barnthouse, and Head of Operations, Michael Weaver, attended. Before Michael left, he asked if I had any questions for Dries (if he got a chance to talk to him, which he did by the way). I had a question about the future of Drupal. I wanted to know how Drupal plans to compete with other competitors like WordPress, Adobe Experience Manager, and Sitecore. As it turned out, Dries already had everything figured out! And in his Driesnote, he dropped the announcement of the Drupal Starshot initiative. While watching Driesnote, I was fascinated by the fact that Drupal predates a lot of prominent applications like Safari, Instagram, & WordPress. This makes Drupal special since it has been around for a whopping 23 years. But the innovation has never stopped. From the adoption of Symfony components to build Drupal 8 to supporting OpenAI within months of its release. This constant strive for innovation makes Drupal a great CMS. All thanks to the contributions and efforts of thousands of dedicated people, making Drupal better every day. What is Drupal Starshot? Since its inception, Drupal has been pitched as a CMS that can build web applications using various core components and contributed modules. Often while building a Drupal website, we need various features like setting up patterns for clean URLs for the contents, adding meta information, spam protection, a form-building UI, etc. The Drupal Starshot initiative aims to be the new default Drupal installer (maybe called as “Drupal CMS”) that will include these various common features packaged in it incorporating the best-used contributed projects and best practices. Apart from this, Starshot is also built on top of recent new Drupal initiatives like Project Browser, Automatic Updates & Recipes for faster innovation and execution. Drupal Starshot will introduce a new version of Drupal with great out-of-the-box experience. This doesn’t mean that Starshot will replace Drupal Core. The traditional Drupal core will still exist as it is for people to use and build applications with it. However, the “Drupal CMS” will be the recommended downloadable option over the traditional Drupal core to get started. Do we need Drupal Starshot? Drupal core provides a solid foundation for building a high-performance and innovative website. However, there is a steep learning curve when it comes to building a website using only Drupal Core. It often becomes overwhelming for new developers to get started because of the lack of certain general and common features in the strong foundational Drupal core. This significantly reduces the adoption and appeal of Drupal among beginners. Though this factor improves as people progress in the game and become more proficient, they learn how to leverage the different contributed modules and best practices to build a website using it. But still, this remains a downside factor for Drupal for new people coming in; the adoption and ease of use. To keep up with the highly competitive market of growing CMSes Drupal has to grow to compete with them. This is where the Drupal Starshot initiative comes in that aims to ensure that a strong foundational Drupal core, combined with the refined common features with contributed projects, utilizing the best practices in the industry and new innovative initiatives, is easy to use out-of-the-box and make a lasting first impression on people who are trying it out for the first time. Drupal Starshot Highlights A recommended Drupal CMS The recommended option to get started with the “Drupal CMS” will come packaged with default and pre-configured modules and configuration for basic setup of functionalities. This can include: Drupal SEO functionalities like Pathauto for pretty URLs of contents, Metatag to add meta information for pages, and XML Sitemaps Content authoring features like the Linkit module that provides an autocomplete interface for internal and external linking in rich-text editors Content schedulers to schedule publishing and unpublished contents Improving the authoring experience by adding Simple Add More or Type Tray A further improved administrative theme like Gin Spam protection using Honeypot or ReCaptcha These modules can highly improve the out-of-the-box experience of a user to start building websites using Drupal. This significantly decreases the development time and cost to launch a Drupal website. Not another Drupal distribution Starshot is NOT another Drupal distribution or an installation profile. Although Drupal distributions are a great starting point for building a Drupal website for a purpose, there were certain challenges that came along with it. For example, they are difficult to keep updated, can’t be removed easily, and cannot be added after starting your project. To overcome this, the Drupal Recipes initiative was introduced to developers & site builders to incorporate Drupal functionality from predefined packages quickly and easily that can be added at any point of a project lifecycle. Starshot will be built using Recipes that provide more flexibility and robustness to the Drupal CMS including various functionalities using contributed projects. Using recipes doesn’t lock you in like a distribution does. So, users will have the liberty to choose and include the functionalities that are required for a project. Experience Builder The “Experience Builder” is the new initiative to further enhance the page-building capabilities of Drupal replacing the Layout Builder page builder. The out-of-the-box experience of the page builder that Drupal core provides that is the Layout Builder lacks heavily in the authoring experience. Though it can be improved, it requires several modules and tweaks to make it user-friendly. This poses a huge bottleneck for the adoption of Drupal. The new Experience Builder addresses this issue by stitching in the best of Layout Builder, Paragraphs, In-Browser theming & SDC (Single Directory Component) with a JavaScript framework like React to provide a seamless experience for authors and site builders to build landing pages. Future of Drupal With the announcement of Starshot, Drupal cements its place to compete with the big names in the marketplace, making it easy to adopt and build beautiful web applications. This is definitely a big initiative that will change the paradigm of how Drupal is being seen and utilized. Since Starshot is not tied to the Drupal core release cycle it opens up opportunities for faster innovation and new features incorporating contributed projects to release more often. New to Drupal? Check out this article to help you decode some of the Drupal jargon we have used in this article (like recipes, distributions, SDC). Final Thoughts Dries made a great point in his Driesnote: if we want to be a part of the web race, which is going to happen anyway with or without Drupal, we need our Moonshot moment. And that moment is now. Drupal needs your help in bringing this initiative to life. Specbee has pledged to contribute to the Starshot initiative as much as possible to reach its goal. You can do so too by taking the Starshot pledge here.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Acquia Engage London 2024: Insights from Featured Speakers

Tue, 2024-05-21 01:13
Experience the vibrancy of Acquia Engage London, where digital innovation converges with industry expertise. From May 21-22, this dynamic event heralds the European debut of the 2024 Digital Freedom Tour, sparking conversations on transforming customer experiences. In our article, delve into exclusive insights from industry leaders like Tom Bianchi and Deanna Ballew from Acquia. Explore the diverse agenda, featuring tailored sessions at the Partner Summit, hands-on workshops for Drupal developers and Acquia users, and a rich lineup of keynote speeches and breakout sessions led by esteemed experts and practitioners. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and empowered at Acquia Engage London!
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Capellic: Frontend performance optimization for Drupal websites: Part 4

Tue, 2024-05-21 00:00
This is part 4 of a series of articles that defines our approach to frontend performance optimization. In this part we squeeze more performance out through delivery optimization.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets How We Made Drupal Starter 2X Faster for Authenticated Users

Mon, 2024-05-20 20:00
Drupal is usually perceived as a slow system, at least compared with frameworks like Laravel or Symfony. It is not that Drupal is slow, but that it does many things, usually very important, than a regular PHP framework. This is why a good use of caching is crucial. Caching reduces the time it takes to generate and deliver web pages by storing frequently accessed data in a temporary storage area. This leads to faster page load times and a smoother user experience.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #451 - Just Say Drupal

Mon, 2024-05-20 14:00

Today we are talking about Drupal Marketing with version numbers, what competitors are doing, and Learning to Just Saying Drupal with guest Ivan Stegic. We’ll also cover Trash as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:

  • What is the premise of Just Say Drupal
  • Why do you think it is important to drop the version number
  • Where do you suggest we drop verison numbers
  • In sales, if you don't mention version, how do you talk to clients
  • Why could using version numbers be detrimental
  • What do you suggest we call Drupal 7
  • Have you spoken to the Drupal marketing team
  • At Drupalcon they unveiled a new Brand Guide
  • What do you think of Drupal Starshot
  • Where do we go from here
Resources Guests

Ivan Stegic - ivanstegic


Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Matthew Grasmick - grasmash

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted your Drupal site to have a trash bin for content entities, so they wouldn’t be immediately deleted from the database? There’s a module for that
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Feb 2008 by rötzi, though recent releases are by Andrei Mateescu (mah-teh-sku) (amateescu) of Tag1
    • Versions available: 3.0.3, compatible with Drupal 9, 10, and 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained, release less than two months old
    • Security coverage
    • Test coverage
    • Number of open issues: 7 open issues, 3 of which are bugs against the current branch
  • Usage stats:
    • 1899 sites
  • Module features and usage
    • Once the module is installed, you choose which entity types on your site should use the new trash storage
    • For all the configured entities, deleting a piece of content moves it into the new trash storage, along with a timestamp set for when it went into the trash
    • You can configure whether or not the trash should be automatically purged on a periodic basis, and if so how often that should happen
    • It seems that there are some entities for which the Trash module currently excludes its functionality, such as users, comments, taxonomy terms, and so on. The note in the code indicates that more testing is needed, so any of our listeners who wants to trash entities for any of these types could try out patching the TrashSettingsFormand on a local copy and provide feedback based on how things work
    • The ability to restore deleted content is a request I’ve heard a number of times, so this could be a really useful module for making Drupal work in ways that certain teams expect
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Drupal's Role in Nurturing Digital Expansion

Mon, 2024-05-20 10:10

Growth is a natural process of improvement and progress. It's about moving forward, evolving, and reaching new heights. In our digital age, growth manifests in various forms, from expanding online platforms to enhancing user experiences.

Enter Drupal, a powerful tool for nurturing growth in the digital realm. With its robust framework and modular architecture, Drupal empowers users to easily create and expand their online presence. From small blogs to complex websites, Drupal offers the flexibility and scalability needed to support continuous growth and evolution.

When Drupal and growth intersect, possibilities abound. With over 1.7 million websites powered by Drupal, its impact on digital expansion is undeniable. Drupal catalyzes growth, providing individuals and organizations with the tools and resources to thrive in an ever-changing digital landscape.

As we anticipate the future, Drupal continues to evolve in tandem with the demands of the digital age. Drupal remains committed to fostering growth and innovation with each update and enhancement. The upcoming releases, including Drupal 11, promise to further elevate Drupal's capabilities, offering new avenues for digital expansion and creativity.

Now as moving ahead, we are excited to share the latest updates from the Drupal community, as covered by The Drop Times.

In a recent conversation with Alka Elizabeth, our sub-editor, Kristiaan Van den Eynde, Senior Drupal Developer at Factorial, shed light on the upcoming release of the Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC) system in Drupal 10.3.  The project introduced a dynamic system for managing permissions based on predefined policies. This initiative promises enhanced flexibility and security. Kristiaan shares insights into his development process, the challenges faced, and the future of access control in Drupal.

DrupalCamp Poland recently concluded in Warsaw, bringing together Drupal enthusiasts and IT professionals. In our coverage, we share insights from the event's organizers and speakers, showcasing the significance of this conference in driving Drupal's growth and community engagement.

Attendees can now secure their tickets at a reduced Early Bird price for DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, scheduled to take place from September 24 to 27. This event promises to be an enriching experience in the vibrant city of Barcelona, bringing together Drupal enthusiasts and professionals from around the world.

The DrupalCon Europe Advisory Board is now accepting nominations for the Women in Drupal Award sponsored by Jakala. This award recognizes outstanding contributions by women in the Define, Build, and Scale categories. Winners will be announced at DrupalCon Europe 2024 in Barcelona.

EvolveDrupal invites passionate speakers to participate in its upcoming events in Montreal on June 14th and New York City on September 20th. Speakers are encouraged to deliver engaging sessions ranging from 20 to 45 minutes on topics such as coding, CMS, UX/UI design, digital strategy, and higher education.

The Drupal Bulgaria community has announced the program schedule for Drupal Developer Days Burgas 2024, which will take place from June 26 to June 28 at Burgas Free University in Burgas, Bulgaria. This annual event brings together Drupal enthusiasts and professionals to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and discuss the latest developments in the Drupal ecosystem.

Drupal community events unite Drupal enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds, creating a supportive network centered around Drupal. Explore meetups, webinars, and conferences designed for Drupal enthusiasts at all levels this week. Connect, learn, and grow within the Drupal community with events in Brisbane, Boston, London, Toronto, and Pune.

DICTU, the Dutch government's IT organization, has become a Gold sponsor for the upcoming DrupalJam 2024  Open Up event. Scheduled for June 12, 2024, at DeFabrique in Utrecht, this marks the 20th edition of Drupaljam

Following a successful presentation at DrupalCon Portland 2024, Suzanne Dergacheva, Co-founder and Drupal Practice Lead at Evolving Web, shares her enthusiasm. Alongside Shawn Perritt and Nikhil Deshpande, Suzanne unveiled the new Drupal brand on the main stage, outlining plans to promote it through open marketing tactics. Suzanne calls on marketers at Drupal agencies and end users to become ambassadors for Drupal, encouraging them to contribute to the initiative. She highlighted that both small and large contributions are valuable and provide avenues for involvement. Interested individuals can fill out a volunteer form or contact her directly to participate in the rollout of the new brand.

Boyan Borisov, formerly VP of Digital Solutions Europe at FFW and now Director of Digital Solutions at Jakala, announced a significant milestone on LinkedIn. He marked the integration of FFW into Jakala, following Jakala's acquisition of FFW. This strategic move aims to bolster Jakala's international presence and service offerings

In another exciting development, Ryan Loos, a senior developer at Chapter Three, has announced the release of his first Drupal module, Entity Tracer. Designed to address the complexities of navigating interconnected entity references on Drupal sites, the module provides a visual tool for tracing entity relationships both "up" and "down" through a site’s structure.

We acknowledge that there are more stories to share. However, due to selection constraints, we must pause further exploration for now.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Kazima Abbas
Sub-editor, The Drop Times.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

1xINTERNET blog: Benefits of mobile apps for your business

Mon, 2024-05-20 08:00

Why would you need a mobile app for your business? Here are the main advantages of mobile apps that can help you drive your business forward.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Drupal Launches IXP Fellowship Initiative Survey to Support Inexperienced Developers

Mon, 2024-05-20 07:22
The Drupal community has introduced a survey for the IXP Fellowship Initiative, aiming to support inexperienced developers by defining core competencies. This initiative encourages companies to mentor new talent, bridging the gap between training and real-world projects.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: Highlights from Drupal Camp Poland 2024

Mon, 2024-05-20 07:19
The 13th edition of Drupal Camp Poland 2024 in Warsaw was a success, featuring learning, networking, and community spirit.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets blog: Drupal Starshot : Un Nouveau Défi pour les Développeurs

Mon, 2024-05-20 05:09
Drupal Starshot: A New Challenge for Developers kanapatrick Mon, 05/20/2024 - 11:12

The world of web development is constantly evolving, and content platforms like Drupal are at the heart of this transformation. Drupal Starshot, a new initiative by Dries Buytaert, the creator of Drupal, aims to revolutionize the way developers create and manage their websites.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: DrupalCon Portland Day 4 Recap

Fri, 2024-05-17 12:07

We did it; we’ve reached the last day of DrupalCon Portland 2024. Today was a specialty content day with something for all conference attendees. Largely it was a day of industry summits and training. 

Industry Summits
DrupalCon industry summits provide an exclusive chance to engage and collaborate with Drupal community members who share your field and/or interests. These summits were comprehensive full-day sessions that allow for time to share case studies, strategies, lessons learned, and best practices. For those interested, the Industry Summit series was available as an add-on to the main ticket for an additional fee, offering a focused, enriching experience adjacent to the broader conference in the industries of government, non-profit, higher education, and healthcare, as well as a Drupal community summit option.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets Big Blue Door are going to sponsor me to work on LocalGov Drupal

Fri, 2024-05-17 11:46

No sooner had I written a blog post suggesting people could sponsor my work on LocalGov Drupal than Big Blue Door had answered the call.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: The four big Drupal themes of DrupalCon Portland 2024

Fri, 2024-05-17 11:16

Last week was Drupal DrupalCon Portland 2024 and our team was there in big numbers. Acquia had an amazing Dungeons and Dragons themed booth with a moving dragon, capes, a throne and D20 dice to throw to get a chance at winning some swag. It was super well received.

Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

The Drop Times: DrupalCamp Poland 2024 Kicks Off Tomorrow in Warsaw!

Fri, 2024-05-17 07:34
DrupalCamp Poland 2024 starts tomorrow, May 18th, in Warsaw, bringing together Drupal enthusiasts and IT professionals. The event features lectures, workshops, and discussions led by international experts, covering the latest trends and best practices in Drupal and PHP. This article includes insights from the event's organizers and speakers, highlighting the significance of the conference. The day wraps up with the highly anticipated DrupalParty, offering a perfect setting for networking and relaxation.
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets

Promet Source: 9 Ways Drupal Keeps Government Sites Ahead of the Curve

Thu, 2024-05-16 20:59
Note: This blog was first published on February 2, 2021, and has been updated to reflect new information and insights. Takeaway: Drupal is a powerful, open-source choice for government websites due to its advanced features and capabilities. It’s no secret that as an agency committed to bringing what’s new and next in the technology horizon to the public sector, we strongly advocate this choice. We’re in good company concerning this advocacy:
Categories: FLOSS Project Planets
